Gates funding scheme to decimate 70 million acres of western forest

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
to fight climate change. Rather than using the timber for building/heating/products...they are going to bury them in underwater 'vaults to prevent CARBON seeping into the air/atmosphere over the next decade. What a great idea? WHAT? could possibly go wrong? Guess you'll be living in containers after all and liking it.

what was all this brouhaha over the rain forests then??
How does he get to do this. IF I wanted to do it i'd have to get permits, permissions, fees, explanations, paperwork, inspections, community input, state regs, fed regs...and he just gets to do this for WHAT REASON???
These people come up with stupid ideas that put us all at risk for disease, disablement, death. Look at all the 'good' intentions by 'scientists' and 'philanthropists' like this demon gates and fauci and having to explain themselves, offer apologies, prison time, executions, NOTHING. All they gotta say is 'we meant it for good'...for their own good/for the good of their goals.....and they just skate off into the land of off shore accounts.
Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere—and increased speed and severity of global warming.

is 70 million acres of UNITED STATES Western Forests any less important than the Jungle??
Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere—and increased speed and severity of global warming.
Or not. What it does mean in less lumber for housing.
to fight climate change. Rather than using the timber for building/heating/products...they are going to bury them in underwater 'vaults to prevent CARBON seeping into the air/atmosphere over the next decade. What a great idea? WHAT? could possibly go wrong? Guess you'll be living in containers after all and liking it.

what was all this brouhaha over the rain forests then??

It would be better to use those trees to make lumber and market to consumers, reducing the recent increases in costs to the users of lumber.
But there is another agenda in play here.
to fight climate change. Rather than using the timber for building/heating/products...they are going to bury them in underwater 'vaults to prevent CARBON seeping into the air/atmosphere over the next decade. What a great idea? WHAT? could possibly go wrong? Guess you'll be living in containers after all and liking it.

what was all this brouhaha over the rain forests then??

Part of a grander scheme, by the elites of government, wealth, and NGO's
The Cascadia Innovation Corridor
last year's;

Annual Cascadia Innovation Corridor Conference

coming up;

Cascadia 2023 - Annual Symposium on Environmental ...

A California startup is pursuing a novel, if simple, plan for ensuring that dead trees keep carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere for thousands of years: burying their remains underground.

Kodama Systems, a forest management company based in the Sierra Nevada foothills town of Sonora, has been operating in stealth mode since it was founded last summer. But MIT Technology Review can now report the company has raised around $6.6 million from Bill Gates’s climate fund Breakthrough Energy Ventures, as well as Congruent Ventures and other investors.
Trees are naturally efficient at sucking down vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the air, but they release the carbon again when they die and rot on the ground. Sequestering trees underground could prevent this. If biomass burial works as well as hoped, it may provide a relatively cheap and easy way to pull down some share of the billions of tons of greenhouse gas that studies find may need to be removed to keep global temperatures in check in the coming decades.

But until it’s been done on large scales and studied closely, it remains to be seen how much it will cost, how much carbon it could store, and how long and reliably it may keep greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Forest experts have long warned that decades of overly aggressive fire suppression policies in the US have produced dense, overgrown forests that significantly increase the risk of major conflagrations when wildfires inevitably occur. Climate change has exacerbated those dangers by creating hotter and drier conditions.

Following a series of devastating fire years across the West, a number of states are increasingly funding efforts to clear out forests to reduce those dangers. That includes removing undergrowth, cutting down trees, or using controlled burns to break up the landscape and prevent fires from reaching forest crowns.
But today, the harvested plants and trees are generally piled up in cleared areas and then left to rot or deliberately burned. That allows the carbon stored in them to simply return to the atmosphere, driving further warming.

Kodama hopes to address both the wildfire dangers and the emissions challenge. The company says it’s developing automated ways of thinning out overcrowded forests that will make the process cheaper and faster (though it’s not yet discussing this part of the business in detail). After stripping off the limbs from trees too small to be sold for timber, they’ll load them into trucks and ship them to a prepared pit.

The key will be to ensure that what the company refers to as a “wood vault” keeps out oxygen and water that would otherwise accelerate decomposition and prevents greenhouse gases from leaking out.
They plan to cover the biomass with a geotextile liner and then bury that under soil and a layer of native vegetation selected to absorb moisture. Given the region’s dry conditions [Nevada], this will create a contained system that prevents “agents of decomposition from acting on the buried wood mass,” ensuring that the carbon stays in place for thousands of years, says Jimmy Voorhis, head of biomass utilization and policy at Kodama.

The question is, how much benefit relative to the cost. I got no problem with Bill Gates and others from funding this, but not the taxpayers. Maybe it's just my suspicious nature, but this has the feel of a high-cost venture that the gov't will eventually invest our money in that won't make a difference in terms of GW/CC. I ain't saying it won't work, but is it cost-effective?
A California startup is pursuing a novel, if simple, plan for ensuring that dead trees keep carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere for thousands of years: burying their remains underground.

Kodama Systems, a forest management company based in the Sierra Nevada foothills town of Sonora, has been operating in stealth mode since it was founded last summer. But MIT Technology Review can now report the company has raised around $6.6 million from Bill Gates’s climate fund Breakthrough Energy Ventures, as well as Congruent Ventures and other investors.
Trees are naturally efficient at sucking down vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the air, but they release the carbon again when they die and rot on the ground. Sequestering trees underground could prevent this. If biomass burial works as well as hoped, it may provide a relatively cheap and easy way to pull down some share of the billions of tons of greenhouse gas that studies find may need to be removed to keep global temperatures in check in the coming decades.

But until it’s been done on large scales and studied closely, it remains to be seen how much it will cost, how much carbon it could store, and how long and reliably it may keep greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Forest experts have long warned that decades of overly aggressive fire suppression policies in the US have produced dense, overgrown forests that significantly increase the risk of major conflagrations when wildfires inevitably occur. Climate change has exacerbated those dangers by creating hotter and drier conditions.

Following a series of devastating fire years across the West, a number of states are increasingly funding efforts to clear out forests to reduce those dangers. That includes removing undergrowth, cutting down trees, or using controlled burns to break up the landscape and prevent fires from reaching forest crowns.
But today, the harvested plants and trees are generally piled up in cleared areas and then left to rot or deliberately burned. That allows the carbon stored in them to simply return to the atmosphere, driving further warming.

Kodama hopes to address both the wildfire dangers and the emissions challenge. The company says it’s developing automated ways of thinning out overcrowded forests that will make the process cheaper and faster (though it’s not yet discussing this part of the business in detail). After stripping off the limbs from trees too small to be sold for timber, they’ll load them into trucks and ship them to a prepared pit.

The key will be to ensure that what the company refers to as a “wood vault” keeps out oxygen and water that would otherwise accelerate decomposition and prevents greenhouse gases from leaking out.
They plan to cover the biomass with a geotextile liner and then bury that under soil and a layer of native vegetation selected to absorb moisture. Given the region’s dry conditions [Nevada], this will create a contained system that prevents “agents of decomposition from acting on the buried wood mass,” ensuring that the carbon stays in place for thousands of years, says Jimmy Voorhis, head of biomass utilization and policy at Kodama.

The question is, how much benefit relative to the cost. I got no problem with Bill Gates and others from funding this, but not the taxpayers. Maybe it's just my suspicious nature, but this has the feel of a high-cost venture that the gov't will eventually invest our money in that won't make a difference in terms of GW/CC. I ain't saying it won't work, but is it cost-effective?
It won't work and it isn't cost effective.
It is a great scam using the hysteria of "climate crisis" to bilk more money into the pockets of the wealthy promoters, at the expense of the taxpayers.

Carbon/Carbon Dioxide~CO2 is not the culprit / cause / issue.
No one has yet invented the science (other than nuclear fission) where one molecule of CO2 can transfer an equal and measurable amount of energy to the other 2,499 molecules in the atmosphere.

Quick easy math here;
400 ppm(parts per million) of CO2 in the atmosphere can be expressed as 400/1,000,000
That reduces down to 1/2,500
For every molecule of CO2 there are 2,499 molecules of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and other gases. This is in "dry" air. Factoring in water(H2O)vapor would up the volume about ten percent more. But let's leave water vapor out, since most of the "science" for ACC/AGW does that.
The claim of the "climate change/global warming" hucksters is that the one part of CO2 can transfer energy equal to what it has retained to the other 2,499 parts of the air.
As if by magic, that one molecule of CO2 that got one degree C warmer can now make the other 2,499 molecules of the air equally warmer by one degree C.
When one molecule can make 2,499 others equally as warm as it is, we have discovered a new area of science that makes nuclear energy pale in comparison.
(Insert sarcasm emoji here if you haven't caught on yet)
to fight climate change. Rather than using the timber for building/heating/products...they are going to bury them in underwater 'vaults to prevent CARBON seeping into the air/atmosphere over the next decade. What a great idea? WHAT? could possibly go wrong? Guess you'll be living in containers after all and liking it.

what was all this brouhaha over the rain forests then??

to fight climate change. Rather than using the timber for building/heating/products...they are going to bury them in underwater 'vaults to prevent CARBON seeping into the air/atmosphere over the next decade. What a great idea? WHAT? could possibly go wrong? Guess you'll be living in containers after all and liking it.

what was all this brouhaha over the rain forests then??

he wants to chop down trees and bury them

Wait .....wot
Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere—and increased speed and severity of global warming.

is 70 million acres of UNITED STATES Western Forests any less important than the Jungle??

Probably not a good source of information in the full. Did you try googling to see what is in the actual news about it?

I agree it makes no sense. Trees do absorb the carbon components? So, what the heck?
Remember when the Robber Barons of the industrial age put their fortunes into public works for the betterment of citizens?

That man is a fuckin' nut-job.

Abigail Spanberger loves him. Good thing her "election" was not audited because YOU LOVE HER because SHE supports ISRAEL...

Probably not a good source of information in the full. Did you try googling to see what is in the actual news about it?

I agree it makes no sense. Trees do absorb the carbon components? So, what the heck?
Infowars, which has several links to major sources that you apparently didn't see or outright ignored.
Here is one of them.

Regardless, doesn't sound like they are going to bury live trees, but bury the dead waste of trees and undergrowth also helping to prevent future major forest fires.

Sounds like the forest raking the left mocked.
All this should have ended years ago. The Co2 FRAUD is a disgusting reminder of just how corrupt and sick some are, like Bill Gates.

Co2 does nothing. Bill Gates knows that.

Putting small cardboard containers of gasoline and hitting those with high powered lasers in the middle of dried out ready to burn vegetation on Maui and blaming that on Co2, that's what

the media
Chris Wray
Bill Gates
the entire Democrat Party
about half of the GOP

want us to ascribe to global "warming" .... even though Hawaii's temperature data shows NO WARMING historically and it was not having a warm summer either...

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