Gaving Newsome's $20 minimum wage has already lead to over 10,000 job losses.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
So these entry level jobs that were paying over 10,000 people $15 per hour are now paying them ZERO. With more to come.

Who woulda thought a no skill, entry level burger flipping job wouldn't support a pay of $20 per hour? Um, any thinking person. That leaves out any Democrat, especially the one running California.

People are already leaving CA in droves. Mostly the same liberals that fucked CA up. Arizona is already contaminated with them. That's what they do, mess up their own yards then move to another place they can mess in.
how many are in a drove leo?....
how many are in a drove leo?....
The number is large but the number is undefined.. The word was used to define a large herd of cattle but also pertains to large crowds. Look it up and become more literate. “People willvote for Trump in droves”
So these entry level jobs that were paying over 10,000 people $15 per hour are now paying them ZERO. With more to come.

Who woulda thought a no skill, entry level burger flipping job wouldn't support a pay of $20 per hour? Um, any thinking person. That leaves out any Democrat, especially the one running California.

Way to go Dems you blithering idiots. Way to help the poor by getting them fired. lol If Dems move towards you offering to help RUN away!
Burger flipping jobs need not be done. Do keep them at a low wage and if a person wants to be mistreated by an employer let them apply.
Dems love PUNISHMENT taxes and stealing other people's money. Trouble is the wealthy can just pack up and leave. Dems get bitter and sourpuss faces when that happens.
The wealthy know they can get away with offering lower wages and they know there are people dumb and ignorant enough to apply. So it's on the people applying to work for the plutocratic wealthy that are to blame.
The wealthy know they can get away with offering lower wages and they know there are people dumb and ignorant enough to apply. So it's on the people applying to work for the plutocratic wealthy that are to blame.
If you are a dipshit loser nobody is going to pay you much, that's the real world.
So these entry level jobs that were paying over 10,000 people $15 per hour are now paying them ZERO. With more to come.

Who woulda thought a no skill, entry level burger flipping job wouldn't support a pay of $20 per hour? Um, any thinking person. That leaves out any Democrat, especially the one running California.

I've said countless times that people would loose their jobs over this.

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