Gay columnist: let’s face it, we want to indoctrinate children


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
How many threads have been written and sustained for HUNDREDS of pages wherein the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality (ANSA) have demanded in post after thousands of posts that Homosexuality is NOT a threat to children.

Well, as we saw with the assault on innocent people, wherein lives were ruined, businesses shut down and a battle raging right up to the Church doors, with ANSA demanding that people not just accept homosexuals as free human beings, but that we must also accept that Sexual ABnormality to be NORMAL and further that we must participate in the celebration of their deviant behavior; they have no dropped all pretenses with regard to their targeting of children.

"While gay activists usually deny that they want to indoctrinate children, said Villarreal, “let’s face it—that’s a lie.” “We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it,” he wrote.

Villarreal pointed to the tactics of a gay activist group FCKH8, which fought a recent Tennessee bill prohibiting classroom discussion of homosexuality in grade school by “hir[ing]some little girls to drop F-bombs” in their controversial online ad campaign, and handing out gay paraphernalia to schoolchildren. “Recruiting children? You bet we are,” he said.

“Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?”

In fact, Villarreal said that his dream of increasing not only the acceptance, but the future practice of homosexuality among youngsters was common among those in the gay lobby.

“I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT,” he wrote."

There's absolutely nothing honest, honorable, decent, or good about advising children that abnormal, deviancy... is normal, or that it is anything BUT a 180 degree deviation from the human physiological norm...

Because doing so is a LIE... and advancing deceit as truth is NEVER anything but injurious to those who are influenced to believe that deceit is reality; because deceit held as reality is DELUSION. And delusion is nothing short of madness; an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

And THAT friends is the reality of this evil, thus THAT: is the truth.

Gay columnist let s face it we want to indoctrinate children News LifeSite
Yeah. Those bastards also indoctrinated children to accept negroes as people, too!

They screwed those kids up for life by not teaching them to hate negroes and fags.


Same bullshit, different decade.
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:2up: come on little kiddies let me ruin your soul like mine.
Yup, teaching children that the civil rights portions of the Constitution are all American is certainly plots from hell.
ScreamingEagle, you are a far right homer from the satanistas.

SCOTUS is going to rule for marriage equality, and you will be where?
It all turns on the meaning of the word, "normal."

Left-handers make up about 14% of the American population. 86% are right handed. Is left-handedness "normal"?

I have a trait in my heart that causes one of the waves of an electrocardiogram to "flip." For most people that wave points down, but for me it points up. I am perfectly healthy and the trait is called, "Yamaguchi Syndrome." I have been told that it is "normal" for me, although only about 1 person in a thousand has the trait (to an unfamiliar doctor, it appears that I have had a recent heart attack, which could be a cause for concern if I were ever taken into an emergency room, unconscious).

Most reliable estimates indicate that about one and one-half percent of the American adult male population identifies as "homosexual." Amazing, isn't it? That such a small percentage of the population can cause so much consternation and trouble.

But homosexuality appears to have existed in all societies except where it is/was punished underground and into invisibility. This is true despite the fact that homosexuals generally do not reproduce.

So in one sense it is clear that homosexuality is "normal." It is normal to have at least some homosexuals in every known human society. That is the definition of "normal."

But here's the rub: The activities that homosexuals are inclined to do (mainly buggery and fellatio) constitute a perversion of the normal functions of the organs that are used. They (the activities) are definitely not "normal." The anus was not designed to upload cylindrical objects. Fellatio is nothing more than creative 2-party masturbation.

And when one person does something perverted to give sexual gratification to another person it is decidedly not, "having sex." Indeed, our former president was telling the truth when he told America that he "...did not have sexual relations with that woman..." Being the recipient of fellatio is not having sex.

Virtually every world religion that subscribes to the theory of "natural law" condemns same-sex sodomy. This is not to say that it does not happen (everyone sins in one way or another), but it is condemned as immoral.

So it is perfectly logical to teach children that there is nothing wrong with BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is not a volitional condition, while at the same time teaching them that same-sex sodomy, both oral and anal, is sinful/immoral. For illustration, a celibate homosexual could be a "saint."

But the homosexual community is perfectly neurotic about erasing the distinction between BEING homosexual and COMMITTING "homosexual acts." You constantly hear gay activitists whining about people being persecuted or hated for BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is bald, blatant LIE. No one is condemned for their predilections; they are condemned (if they are condemned at all) for their actions.

And there you have it. Homosexuality is NORMAL. Homosexual acts are a perversion of human sexuality and are immoral - even if they are "normal."
That you don't understand and don't get to direct SCOTUS is just too bad for you heretics on the far right. It's that bad theology you imbibe, all of you.
It all turns on the meaning of the word, "normal."

Left-handers make up about 14% of the American population. 86% are right handed. Is left-handedness "normal"?

I have a trait in my heart that causes one of the waves of an electrocardiogram to "flip." For most people that wave points down, but for me it points up. I am perfectly healthy and the trait is called, "Yamaguchi Syndrome." I have been told that it is "normal" for me, although only about 1 person in a thousand has the trait (to an unfamiliar doctor, it appears that I have had a recent heart attack, which could be a cause for concern if I were ever taken into an emergency room, unconscious).

Most reliable estimates indicate that about one and one-half percent of the American adult male population identifies as "homosexual." Amazing, isn't it? That such a small percentage of the population can cause so much consternation and trouble.

But homosexuality appears to have existed in all societies except where it is/was punished underground and into invisibility. This is true despite the fact that homosexuals generally do not reproduce.

So in one sense it is clear that homosexuality is "normal." It is normal to have at least some homosexuals in every known human society. That is the definition of "normal."

But here's the rub: The activities that homosexuals are inclined to do (mainly buggery and fellatio) constitute a perversion of the normal functions of the organs that are used. They (the activities) are definitely not "normal." The anus was not designed to upload cylindrical objects. Fellatio is nothing more than creative 2-party masturbation.

And when one person does something perverted to give sexual gratification to another person it is decidedly not, "having sex." Indeed, our former president was telling the truth when he told America that he "...did not have sexual relations with that woman..." Being the recipient of fellatio is not having sex.

Virtually every world religion that subscribes to the theory of "natural law" condemns same-sex sodomy. This is not to say that it does not happen (everyone sins in one way or another), but it is condemned as immoral.

So it is perfectly logical to teach children that there is nothing wrong with BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is not a volitional condition, while at the same time teaching them that same-sex sodomy, both oral and anal, is sinful/immoral. For illustration, a celibate homosexual could be a "saint."

But the homosexual community is perfectly neurotic about erasing the distinction between BEING homosexual and COMMITTING "homosexual acts." You constantly hear gay activitists whining about people being persecuted or hated for BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is bald, blatant LIE. No one is condemned for their predilections; they are condemned (if they are condemned at all) for their actions.

And there you have it. Homosexuality is NORMAL. Homosexual acts are a perversion of human sexuality and are immoral - even if they are "normal."

Only 1% of the country serves in the military. Guess veterans aren't "normal"
Fudge packers need new recruits to fill their pervert ranks.

Since their devient sexual practices aren't conducive to reproduction.

Their only option is to indoctrinate young children to become future adult faggots. ..... :gay:
It all turns on the meaning of the word, "normal."

Left-handers make up about 14% of the American population. 86% are right handed. Is left-handedness "normal"?

I have a trait in my heart that causes one of the waves of an electrocardiogram to "flip." For most people that wave points down, but for me it points up. I am perfectly healthy and the trait is called, "Yamaguchi Syndrome." I have been told that it is "normal" for me, although only about 1 person in a thousand has the trait (to an unfamiliar doctor, it appears that I have had a recent heart attack, which could be a cause for concern if I were ever taken into an emergency room, unconscious).

Most reliable estimates indicate that about one and one-half percent of the American adult male population identifies as "homosexual." Amazing, isn't it? That such a small percentage of the population can cause so much consternation and trouble.

But homosexuality appears to have existed in all societies except where it is/was punished underground and into invisibility. This is true despite the fact that homosexuals generally do not reproduce.

So in one sense it is clear that homosexuality is "normal." It is normal to have at least some homosexuals in every known human society. That is the definition of "normal."

But here's the rub: The activities that homosexuals are inclined to do (mainly buggery and fellatio) constitute a perversion of the normal functions of the organs that are used. They (the activities) are definitely not "normal." The anus was not designed to upload cylindrical objects. Fellatio is nothing more than creative 2-party masturbation.

And when one person does something perverted to give sexual gratification to another person it is decidedly not, "having sex." Indeed, our former president was telling the truth when he told America that he "...did not have sexual relations with that woman..." Being the recipient of fellatio is not having sex.

Virtually every world religion that subscribes to the theory of "natural law" condemns same-sex sodomy. This is not to say that it does not happen (everyone sins in one way or another), but it is condemned as immoral.

So it is perfectly logical to teach children that there is nothing wrong with BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is not a volitional condition, while at the same time teaching them that same-sex sodomy, both oral and anal, is sinful/immoral. For illustration, a celibate homosexual could be a "saint."

But the homosexual community is perfectly neurotic about erasing the distinction between BEING homosexual and COMMITTING "homosexual acts." You constantly hear gay activitists whining about people being persecuted or hated for BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is bald, blatant LIE. No one is condemned for their predilections; they are condemned (if they are condemned at all) for their actions.

And there you have it. Homosexuality is NORMAL. Homosexual acts are a perversion of human sexuality and are immoral - even if they are "normal."

Only 1% of the country serves in the military. Guess veterans aren't "normal"
You better believe we are not normal, we are superior as citizens because of it.
It all turns on the meaning of the word, "normal."

Left-handers make up about 14% of the American population. 86% are right handed. Is left-handedness "normal"?

I have a trait in my heart that causes one of the waves of an electrocardiogram to "flip." For most people that wave points down, but for me it points up. I am perfectly healthy and the trait is called, "Yamaguchi Syndrome." I have been told that it is "normal" for me, although only about 1 person in a thousand has the trait (to an unfamiliar doctor, it appears that I have had a recent heart attack, which could be a cause for concern if I were ever taken into an emergency room, unconscious).

Most reliable estimates indicate that about one and one-half percent of the American adult male population identifies as "homosexual." Amazing, isn't it? That such a small percentage of the population can cause so much consternation and trouble.

But homosexuality appears to have existed in all societies except where it is/was punished underground and into invisibility. This is true despite the fact that homosexuals generally do not reproduce.

So in one sense it is clear that homosexuality is "normal." It is normal to have at least some homosexuals in every known human society. That is the definition of "normal."

But here's the rub: The activities that homosexuals are inclined to do (mainly buggery and fellatio) constitute a perversion of the normal functions of the organs that are used. They (the activities) are definitely not "normal." The anus was not designed to upload cylindrical objects. Fellatio is nothing more than creative 2-party masturbation.

And when one person does something perverted to give sexual gratification to another person it is decidedly not, "having sex." Indeed, our former president was telling the truth when he told America that he "...did not have sexual relations with that woman..." Being the recipient of fellatio is not having sex.

Virtually every world religion that subscribes to the theory of "natural law" condemns same-sex sodomy. This is not to say that it does not happen (everyone sins in one way or another), but it is condemned as immoral.

So it is perfectly logical to teach children that there is nothing wrong with BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is not a volitional condition, while at the same time teaching them that same-sex sodomy, both oral and anal, is sinful/immoral. For illustration, a celibate homosexual could be a "saint."

But the homosexual community is perfectly neurotic about erasing the distinction between BEING homosexual and COMMITTING "homosexual acts." You constantly hear gay activitists whining about people being persecuted or hated for BEING HOMOSEXUAL, which is bald, blatant LIE. No one is condemned for their predilections; they are condemned (if they are condemned at all) for their actions.

And there you have it. Homosexuality is NORMAL. Homosexual acts are a perversion of human sexuality and are immoral - even if they are "normal."

Only 1% of the country serves in the military. Guess veterans aren't "normal"
You better believe we are not normal, we are superior as citizens because of it.

That goes without saying. It does, however, make us "abnormal" by the bigots standards.
Someday, retarded faux right wingers are going to be baffled why the majority of homosexuals are on the "Democratic plantation" and don't vote Republican.

They will convince themselves it is "because gifts", and nod sagely to each other.

Same bullshit, different decade.
Yeah. Those bastards also indoctrinated children to accept negroes as people, too!

They screwed those kids up for life by not teaching them to hate negroes and fags.


Same bullshit, different decade.
Negroes are normal human beings for the most part. Fags...not so much.
Yeah. Those bastards also indoctrinated children to accept negroes as people, too!

They screwed those kids up for life by not teaching them to hate negroes and fags.


Same bullshit, different decade.
Negroes are normal human beings for the most part. Fags...not so much.

Non military members are normal human beings for the most part. Military members and veterans...not so much.

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