Gay conversion therapy - "bogus treatment"

Some gay people actually want to try these therapies. Perhaps they should be allowed the choice?
I would agree on the condition that the treatment was not harmful to them and had some scientific basis.

What scientific basis is being displayed when a drug addict joins a Christian support group and by faith, he or she overcomes their addiction? What about Alcoholic's Anonymous? I have seen many addicts and alcoholics cured of their disease on the basis of faith alone.

You have to want to be cured. If you don't really want it, no amount of behavior modification or conversion therapy is going to work.
Being Gay is not an illness. You do understand that ?[/QUOT

Being a liberal is.
Everyone but faggots and libtards know that sexual attraction if fluid. Actually, they know it to, they're just perverts and liars.

First, even if conversion therapy were effective, I'd count on libtards to still insist it's not, and also to try to ban anyone from trying (because libtards are fascists). Second, I also would expect a low success rate of conversion therapy. It's like weight loss diets, criminal reform, etc. are highly unsuccessful, even though we know it's possible for people to lose weight or for people to stop being criminals (for reasons than getting too old to mug others).
Some gay people actually want to try these therapies. Perhaps they should be allowed the choice?
I would agree on the condition that the treatment was not harmful to them and had some scientific basis.

What scientific basis is being displayed when a drug addict joins a Christian support group and by faith, he or she overcomes their addiction? What about Alcoholic's Anonymous? I have seen many addicts and alcoholics cured of their disease on the basis of faith alone.

You have to want to be cured. If you don't really want it, no amount of behavior modification or conversion therapy is going to work.
Being Gay is not an illness. You do understand that ?

It is abnormal behavior. Unlike the media, movies, music and arts would like you to believe, homosexuals account for 0.02% of the total population of the world. And sexual behavior that is contrary to how the majority of the world behaves, contrary to what every religion in the world tells us, and is contrary to the natural propagation of species, is an illness.
It isnt abnormal behaviour. You just dont like it.

I don't like it. But even less I like it being shoved in my face every time I turn on the television or read the news. Why should I be forced to accept something like sodomy and buggery as a natural everyday occurrence, when it contradicts all of the laws of nature and everything that is correct?

Don't ask: Don't tell. Whatever you want to do in your bedroom is fine with me, I just don't care to see a bunch of people brazenly flaunting their sexual dysfunctions like they're some kind of new "normality".
Some gay people actually want to try these therapies. Perhaps they should be allowed the choice?
I would agree on the condition that the treatment was not harmful to them and had some scientific basis.

What scientific basis is being displayed when a drug addict joins a Christian support group and by faith, he or she overcomes their addiction? What about Alcoholic's Anonymous? I have seen many addicts and alcoholics cured of their disease on the basis of faith alone.

You have to want to be cured. If you don't really want it, no amount of behavior modification or conversion therapy is going to work.
Being Gay is not an illness. You do understand that ?

It is abnormal behavior. Unlike the media, movies, music and arts would like you to believe, homosexuals account for 0.02% of the total population of the world. And sexual behavior that is contrary to how the majority of the world behaves, contrary to what every religion in the world tells us, and is contrary to the natural propagation of species, is an illness.
It isnt abnormal behaviour. You just dont like it.

Yes it is. Let's review some definitions...

  1. 1.
    conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
I don't see having sex with the same gender fitting any pother definition than abnormal

There you have it


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