Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

More pure-minded conservatism. Brilliant.
Pale Rider said:
Well, YOU are wrong. You're sexual preference goes directly against nature itself, period, and that isn't RIGHT.

Your statement above may very well be one the best examples of the old adage, "the truth hurts", I've ever seen. No one has to "make you look bad", you queers do a good enough job of that all by yourselves. Just start talking about what you like to do in bed with other men. You'll turn all our stomachs all by yourself. I won't have to do it.

While you thought you were still a Christian, you should have used that faith and seeked out some help from someone to cure you of your illness. Now, you've just given in to the temptations of the devil. Your sexaul desires, and the acts you commit with other men are unholy, and God has made it VERY clear, it is an abomination. You'll surely burn in hell.

Have a nice day.
Goes against nature: perhaps. It's an abnormal life, but it's not something anyone just chooses to do (though some do and that, again, is getting into my belief of Social and Natural Homosexuality).

I don't believe that what you tell us is truth. I think it's just an insecurity for seeing something that is not what you're used to and an attack on it to make your life feel justified that you're doing what is "God's work".

Don't you think I tried to do that? However, I've left Christianity for different reasons other than being gay. I thought that would be a stupid reason. Also, you can't "cure" someone of being gay. Don't you think there are reparative therapy centers around already? They are useless and do not work. Check these sites: and both discuss the position of the APA and the latter link discusses the issue of reparative therapy itself. I don't believe in Satan any more. I do leave an open possibility he exists (just an imprinting from Christianity), but I believe that evil comes from abnormal humans.
Let me tell you something else folks, as someone who rodeo'd for a while I can tell you unequivocally that there is no such thing as a homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist cowboy, this is a myth created by Hollywood.

Cowboys, REAL everyday working cowboys believe in normality and the American way, they don't go in for this perverted shit.
OCA said:
Let me tell you something else folks, as someone who rodeo'd for a while I can tell you unequivocally that there is no such thing as a homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist cowboy, this is a myth created by Hollywood.

Cowboys, REAL everyday working cowboys believe in normality and the American way, they don't go in for this perverted shit.
And the point of saying this was...?

So, are you a heterosexual lifestyle choice perversionist cowboy yourself?

Don't try to say there aren't heterosexual perversionists either, for saying that implies delusion.
Kagom said:
Goes against nature: perhaps. It's an abnormal life, but it's not something anyone just chooses to do (though some do and that, again, is getting into my belief of Social and Natural Homosexuality).

I don't believe that what you tell us is truth. I think it's just an insecurity for seeing something that is not what you're used to and an attack on it to make your life feel justified that you're doing what is "God's work".

Don't you think I tried to do that? However, I've left Christianity for different reasons other than being gay. I thought that would be a stupid reason. Also, you can't "cure" someone of being gay. Don't you think there are reparative therapy centers around already? They are useless and do not work. Check these sites: and both discuss the position of the APA and the latter link discusses the issue of reparative therapy itself. I don't believe in Satan any more. I do leave an open possibility he exists (just an imprinting from Christianity), but I believe that evil comes from abnormal humans.

Billions of dollars have been poured into research in order to find the definitive genetic link towards a predisposition to be queer, to date NOTHING has been found because there is nothing to find. By default its a choice and a damn poor one at that.

Instead of trying to gain some sort of sick tolerance for these deviants what we ought to be doing is pouring money into finding a cure.
OCA said:
Billions of dollars have been poured into research in order to find the definitive genetic link towards a predisposition to be queer, to date NOTHING has been found because there is nothing to find. By default its a choice and a damn poor one at that.
I don't think it's actually a choice to have these feelings. Many gay people would really like to change their feelings.

From what I have read, it comes from an abnormal socialization process, when the child is forming his/her sexual identity--- between the ages of 18 mo. & 3 yo. So they don't actually make the choice to begin these feelings. However, they do choose whether or not to act on them.

Instead of trying to gain some sort of sick tolerance for these deviants what we ought to be doing is pouring money into finding a cure.
I'll back that.
OCA said:
Billions of dollars have been poured into research in order to find the definitive genetic link towards a predisposition to be queer, to date NOTHING has been found because there is nothing to find. By default its a choice and a damn poor one at that.

Instead of trying to gain some sort of sick tolerance for these deviants what we ought to be doing is pouring money into finding a cure.
While there may have been no definitive findings to link full genetics, there has been some research done to show it isn't a choice.

Obviously, if reparative therapy and other pshychological "cures" that have been tried DO NOT change homosexuals into heterosexuals, it also proves that it isn't a disease to be cured.
Kagom said:
And the point of saying this was...?

So, are you a heterosexual lifestyle choice perversionist cowboy yourself?

Don't try to say there aren't heterosexual perversionists either, for saying that implies delusion.

How could one say that he or she is a heterosexual lifestyle choice perversionist since at birth EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING is born with a innate attraction to the opposite sex, simply put that is a fact which is unargueable.

As long as two people are consenting adults OF THE OPPOSITE SEX I could care less what perverted crap they are into.

Hell even queers can bang each other in the can as long as they do it behind closed doors, they just need to be kicked in the ass and told the hard truth about their bad lifestyle choices instead of being pacified with this special rights crap.
Kagom said:
While there may have been no definitive findings to link full genetics, there has been some research done to show it isn't a choice.

Obviously, if reparative therapy and other pshychological "cures" that have been tried DO NOT change homosexuals into heterosexuals, it also proves that it isn't a disease to be cured.

Do you need me to look up the words definitive and irrefuteable for you? Take your suppositions elsewhere.
OCA said:
Let me tell you something else folks, as someone who rodeo'd for a while I can tell you unequivocally that there is no such thing as a homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist cowboy, this is a myth created by Hollywood.

Cowboys, REAL everyday working cowboys believe in normality and the American way, they don't go in for this perverted shit.
Amazing that you know the mind of several (hundred?) thousand people. I'm impressed.
jAZ said:
Amazing that you know the mind of several (hundred?) thousand people. I'm impressed.

no more impressive or amazing than when some pro gay activist stands up and says the majorit of americans support gay marriage....then when it comes to a vote ya lose
OCA said:
Do you need me to look up the words definitive and irrefuteable for you? Take your suppositions elsewhere.
Where's your back-up? You say that, but you haven't shown me one ounce of proof. I have gone through and picked up links to show my point and you don't even take the time to look through or comment.

Next, you are biased. You think that all people are innately born with the want to have sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, but where is your proof? Do you not even consider that homosexuals probably aren't that way in birth?
jAZ said:
Amazing that you know the mind of several (hundred?) thousand people. I'm impressed.

Nope, I just go with the simple logic of the facts and fortunately the facts support my side.
Kagom said:
Where's your back-up? You say that, but you haven't shown me one ounce of proof. I have gone through and picked up links to show my point and you don't even take the time to look through or comment.

Next, you are biased. You think that all people are innately born with the want to have sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, but where is your proof? Do you not even consider that homosexuals probably aren't that way in birth?

There are some critical times the personality development that can be quite profound. I don't know if homosexuality is one of them or not. Serious personality disorders are quite difficult to treat.
dilloduck said:
There are some critical times the personality development that can be quite profound. I don't know if homosexuality is one of them or not. Serious personality disorders are quite difficult to treat.
I think in some instances it could be a personality disorder, but I highly doubt that.
Kagom said:
Where's your back-up? You say that, but you haven't shown me one ounce of proof. I have gone through and picked up links to show my point and you don't even take the time to look through or comment.

Next, you are biased. You think that all people are innately born with the want to have sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, but where is your proof? Do you not even consider that homosexuals probably aren't that way in birth?

What did you fucking fail basic bology and human sexuality in high school? This shit is like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, its an absolute truth.
OCA said:
What did you fucking fail basic bology and human sexuality in high school? This shit is like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, its an absolute truth.
I can truthfully say I didn't fail biology. Understand there are abnormalities in people and that some people ARE NOT born with this innate desire for the opposite sex. Some are attracted to people of the same sex, others have no sexual desire. Tell me, if we try to change those two groups and fail, how is it a choice? Are they truly that resistant to change or is there something in their biological make-up that prevents them from changing? Lemme put it to you this way: I grew up never having a single desire for a female. Why is that? How do you explain that? Did I subconsciously choose to be gay as a young boy? If so, how did I make such a life changing decision at a young age and not recall it? I have never been molested, I never experimented with other young boys. Tell me how this is a choice.
Kagom said:
Where's your back-up? You say that, but you haven't shown me one ounce of proof. I have gone through and picked up links to show my point and you don't even take the time to look through or comment.

Next, you are biased. You think that all people are innately born with the want to have sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, but where is your proof? Do you not even consider that homosexuals probably aren't that way in birth?

There you go Lucille, notice where it says the one hard and fast rule of sexuality and biology is the irresistible urge to procreate, if you can find me two queers or two dykes who can procreate together naturally well i'll jump off the nearest building.

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