Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

jAZ said:
So you feel the same about the Jesus fish symbols? And the WWJD wristbands from a few years back? And the One Nation UNDER GOD bumper stickers?

Sounds like you would be viscerally angry at those people too.

No, I don't have a problem with those. You missed the point I made. In polite society, people don't parade their sexual side in front of others., that's the problem I have. We don't do it to save others embarrassment and to protect impressionable children. I can see it know, some kid growing up believing that BDSM is normal because his uncle Herbie and his aunt Gertrude do it.

A number of years ago, before there were gay bumper stickers, in fact around 1981, I remember that some people I worked with took offense with a person who displayed a vanity plate that read "DIVORCED". The person was obviously advertising that he was available. Another one that I thought pretty offensive was "if this van is rockin' don't bother come a knockin'"... In both cases, the persons that sported these "calling cards" fancied themselves as studs.

People that have issues with gay bumper stickers consider the rainbow stickers as "calling cards" that are sported under the pretense of pride. Tell me that I'm wrong.

Hey... how would you like it if everyone had one of these on their bumpers? It would if you drove into a parking lot with hundreds of them to your one. You'd feel pretty uncomfortable, I'm sure.


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KarlMarx said:
No, I don't have a problem with those. You missed the point I made. In polite society, people don't parade their sexual side in front of others., that's the problem I have. We don't do it to save others embarrassment and to protect impressionable children. I can see it know, some kid growing up believing that BDSM is normal because his uncle Herbie and his aunt Gertrude do it.

A number of years ago, before there were gay bumper stickers, in fact around 1981, I remember that some people I worked with took offense with a person who displayed a vanity plate that read "DIVORCED". The person was obviously advertising that he was available. Another one that I thought pretty offensive was "if this van is rockin' don't bother come a knockin'"... In both cases, the persons that sported these "calling cards" fancied themselves as studs.

People that have issues with gay bumper stickers consider the rainbow stickers as "calling cards" that are sported under the pretense of pride. Tell me that I'm wrong.

Hey... how would you like it if everyone had one of these on their bumpers? It would if you drove into a parking lot with hundreds of them to your one. You'd feel pretty uncomfortable, I'm sure.
Well, you have your right to be offended, and you have your right to your definition of what constitutes polite society. Thankfully, our constitution says that gays and straights both have a right to put up their bumperstickers. Nothing is going to change in that respect, and you are certain to continue to be uncomfortable.

But I respect your leadership by example (I presume) on this issue and trying to change the "hearts and minds" of others by not putting bumper stickers on your car and by sharing your opinions and reasons with others.
jAZ said:
Well, you have your right to be offended, and you have your right to your definition of what constitutes polite society. Thankfully, our constitution says that gays and straights both have a right to put up their bumperstickers. Nothing is going to change in that respect, and you are certain to continue to be uncomfortable.

But I respect your leadership by example (I presume) on this issue and trying to change the "hearts and minds" of others by not putting bumper stickers on your car and by sharing your opinions and reasons with others.
Fair enough, I believe we have agreed to disagree. Welcome to USMB, I look forward to debating you in the future.

P.S. you're presumption is correct, I don't have such a bumpersticker. I don't like them to begin with. After all, if you pay thousands of dollars for a car, new or used, what is the point of ruining it with 10 cents worth of paper, glue and plastic?
KarlMarx said:
Fair enough, I believe we have agreed to disagree. Welcome to USMB, I look forward to debating you in the future.

P.S. you're presumption is correct, I don't have such a bumpersticker. I don't like them to begin with. After all, if you pay thousands of dollars for a car, new or used, what is the point of ruining it with 10 cents worth of paper, glue and plastic?
I like the new plastic things that you moisten, and they stick to the rear window, without adhesives. I don't like bumper stickers, either (although, against my will, I have a couple Nascar clingies on the back of my minivan!); I think they're tacky. But if you must display something, these seem like a good way to do it without devaluing your car.
dilloduck said:
So---what took him so damn long? He's out, he's happy even proud. Now what ? Have a parade ? Whine cause enough money isn't spent curing AIDS ?
Whine because an entire church won't change for him?
I don't know why he choose to hide so many years, social stigma I guess.
Now, he lives a life in socity like most other people, low key, no parades and no whining. Trying to enjoy life like all the rest of us.
Mr. P said:
I don't know why he choose to hide so many years, social stigma I guess.
Now, he lives a life in socity like most other people, low key, no parades and no whining. Trying to enjoy life like all the rest of us.

I had a feeling society would catch the blame for this one.
KarlMarx said:
P.S. you're presumption is correct, I don't have such a bumpersticker. I don't like them to begin with. After all, if you pay thousands of dollars for a car, new or used, what is the point of ruining it with 10 cents worth of paper, glue and plastic?
I have always agreed with that. As I mentioned before, I did come across one bumper sticker that quietly, discreetly, (to most all other people) unknowingly and yet emphatically expresses one important opinion I hold. It's the only time I have put a bumper sticker on my car.
dilloduck said:
I had a feeling society would catch the blame for this one.
I'm sure theres way more to it than that, I was just tossing out my first and most obvious reason. To truly know we'd have to ask him.
Mr. P said:
I'm sure theres way more to it than that, I was just tossing out my first and most obvious reason. To truly know we'd have to ask him.

My first and most obvious reason would be that he hated himself.
dilloduck said:
So he does indeed blame something else for his years of pretending and suffering.
Donno...If I ever think it's right to ask him about his personel life, I'll let ya know.
Kagom said:
First off, have I gone ballistic yet? ;)

Didn't say you had.

Kagom said:
Second, you don't have to trust someone who engages in sexual conduct with a person of the same sex, that's your prerogative.

I know it is.

Kagom said:
Third, I used to think a lot like you when I was closeted. So I do understand where you and Hobbit and the others are coming from.

Fair enough.

Kagom said:
Fourth, I am aware of the majority's thought. I don't agree with it and think they are wrong. That's my opinion and I treasure it like you treasure your own.

Well, YOU are wrong. You're sexual preference goes directly against nature itself, period, and that isn't RIGHT.

Kagom said:
Finally, why do we get upset and try to silence them? Because they are hurtful and we feel that they are typically untrue and an attempt to make us look bad when we're not as we're stereotyped.

Your statement above may very well be one the best examples of the old adage, "the truth hurts", I've ever seen. No one has to "make you look bad", you queers do a good enough job of that all by yourselves. Just start talking about what you like to do in bed with other men. You'll turn all our stomachs all by yourself. I won't have to do it.

Kagom said:
Between us, I'm very much Christian friendly. I'd estimate 90% of my friends are Christian or of an Abrahamic faith. I agree with some Christian beliefs and a lot I don't. I used to be Christian and I used to be a cloested gay. So I retain a few characteristics from my days as a Christian.

While you thought you were still a Christian, you should have used that faith and seeked out some help from someone to cure you of your illness. Now, you've just given in to the temptations of the devil. Your sexaul desires, and the acts you commit with other men are unholy, and God has made it VERY clear, it is an abomination. You'll surely burn in hell.

Have a nice day.
jAZ said:
I have always agreed with that. As I mentioned before, I did come across one bumper sticker that quietly, discreetly, (to most all other people) unknowingly and yet emphatically expresses one important opinion I hold. It's the only time I have put a bumper sticker on my car.

Nice attempt to whitewash your bumper sticker which, by your admission, says F*ck George Bush in initials. So you're another lib with a crude and disrespectful bumper sticker on your car. We've heard it all before, believe me.

Help us out here, though; how can something be quiet, discrete and unknowable, and at the same time, "emphatic"? You are making no sense whatsoever, but that does tend to happen when one tries to backpedal and whitewash.

Btw, if it is so quiet, discrete, and undecipherable, what's the point in having it on your bumper? What can the rest of world get from it, if they can't possible know what it means? Or does it just give you the warm fuzzies to know that you are advertising that our President get F*cked, even if no one else knows it?

Abbey Normal said:
Nice attempt to whitewash your bumper sticker which, by your admission, says F*ck George Bush in initials.
It "says" 'FW'. Nothing more, despite your assertions.

It means to me "F*ck Bush".

It means to most nothing.

It means to a few "Flowing Wells" (an area HS).
Abbey Normal said:
Help us out here, though; how can something be quiet, discrete and unknowable, and at the same time, "emphatic"? You are making no sense whatsoever, but that does tend to happen when one tries to backpedal and whitewash.
It's an emphatic statement of my opinion. It's not necessarily hear with emphasis by anyone but me, my friends and anyone who is familiar with the message.

It's analogous to the Ichthus Symbol (the "Jesus Fish") you see on the cars of Christians everywhere. I don't know what you might know of about the history of the symbol, but it's an emphatic message to the world, but it's meaning is only known to those who know.

I chose this sticker over it over others specifically because it was discreet and emphatic and in that respect, similar to the Ichthus.
jAZ said:
It "says" 'FW'. Nothing more, despite your assertions.

It means to me "F*ck Bush".

It means to most nothing.

It means to a few "Flowing Wells" (an area HS).

It's an emphatic statement of my opinion. It's not necessarily hear with emphasis by anyone but me, my friends and anyone who is familiar with the message.

It's analogous to the Ichthus Symbol (the "Jesus Fish") you see on the cars of Christians everywhere. I don't know what you might know of about the history of the symbol, but it's an emphatic message to the world, but it's meaning is only known to those who know.

I chose this sticker over it over others specifically because it was discreet and emphatic and in that respect, similar to the Ichthus.

You can write 14 paragraphs on it, but it still will not b elogical. It is either discreet and unknowable, or emphatic, but not both. Same goes for the Christian fish symbol, which btw, hasn't been a secret symbol for quite a while. I suggest you go to your dictionary and lookup the words discreet and emphatic if you can't understand that they are just about opposite in meaning.

And your sticker is crude and disrespectful in it's actual meaning, no matter how you try to pretty it up. You'd be better off just admitting that you like saying F*uck our President, and you think your bumper sticker is oh-so-clever, and be done with it. It might give you a tad more credibility.
Abbey Normal said:
It is either discreet and unknowable, or emphatic, but not both. Same goes for the Christian fish symbol, which btw, hasn't been a secret symbol for quite a while. I suggest you go to your dictionary and lookup the words discreet and emphatic if you can't understand that they are just about opposite in meaning.
Once again (and for the last time), it's emphatic if DON'T you know what it is, and if you know what it is, it's not discreet.

For the other group of people (those who don't know what it means), it is very discreet. It's not "in your face" at all for those people. It's important to note that there is no overlap between these two groups. You are in one group or the other, not both.

This isn't complex stuff.
Abbey Normal said:
It is either discreet and unknowable, or emphatic, but not both. Same goes for the Christian fish symbol, which btw, hasn't been a secret symbol for quite a while. I suggest you go to your dictionary and lookup the words discreet and emphatic if you can't understand that they are just about opposite in meaning.
Discreet is not "unknowable". Discreet is also not "secret".

Discreet is...
dis·creet (dĭ-skrēt')
* Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect.
* Free from ostentation or pretension; modest.
Abbey Normal said:
And your sticker is crude and disrespectful in it's actual meaning, no matter how you try to pretty it up. You'd be better off just admitting that you like saying F*uck our President, and you think your bumper sticker is oh-so-clever, and be done with it. It might give you a tad more credibility.
I will say that as well, unhesitatingly.

However, regardless of my strong personal feelings, I am also a business professional who works with many powerful people, many who are Republicans. My opinions are my own, and I chose not to make them part of my business world. As such, this was an ideal format for expressing my opinions as crude as they may be in their explicit form. However, I don't present them in that explicit form. That's my choice. You have a right to object, and I knew full well that some would object had I chose to be less discreet.
Your examples of discreet and emphatic do nothing to aid your argument. But even better is how exact dictionary definitions are the way to go when you are defending your illogical arguments, but not when someone else discusses the absurdities of the word Homophobe. Too, too funny.

And as for this:

However, regardless of my strong personal feelings, I am also a business professional who works with many powerful people, many who are Republicans. My opinions are my own, and I chose not to make them part of my business world.

It never fails. If we challenge a lib long enough, they always tip their hand. I am glad to see that you have finally admitted the real reason for defending your ridiculous discreet, undecipherable, yet oh-so-emphatic sticker. You hate Bush, but want to act hypocritically reasonable and with taste around Republicans, where your $$ is concerned.

As I indicated before, and it applies in your real life even more: at least have the cujones to admit who you are and what you believe. Perhaps those "powerful people" would respect a man who believes in the liberal Democratic platform, if he expressed his beliefs with some level of sophistication and honesty, rather than feigned discretion, junior high language, and "emphasis". I have worked successfully with people whose politics differ greatly from my own, and did not feel the need to either broadcast or hide my political beliefs. Of course, I am not one to say F*uck the president, either. Not even when Clinton was in the WH!

Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing crass bumper stickers like that for any Democrat President, of the discreet OR the emphatic variety.
Abbey Normal said:
But even better is how exact dictionary definitions are the way to go when you are defending your illogical arguments, but not when someone else discusses the absurdities of the word Homophobe. Too, too funny.
I'm not sure if it's funny or hypocritical. By "it" I mean you. You are the one who told me to look up the dictionary definition of discreet. Now you are trying to suggest I'm trying to play games. I've done no such thing. You on the other hand are dead cold guilty. Like I said, though, I'm not sure if you are guilty of being a hypcrite or just funny.
Abbey Normal said:
I am glad to see that you have finally admitted the real reason for defending your ridiculous discreet, undecipherable, yet oh-so-emphatic sticker. You hate Bush, but want to act hypocritically reasonable and with taste around Republicans, where your $$ is concerned.
You falsely assume that it's somehow unreasonable to hate the policies of Bush and his administation. It's certainly not unreasonable. But I am not one to taunt people with my opinions when my relationship with them is about something other than politics (like it is here).

I find it funny that you are somehow trying to suggest than unless I shout my opinions from a public hill top, I'm just a greedy hypocrite... right here on the thread where everyone is aruging with me that gay people stop putting their opinions, beliefs preferences on their bumperstickers.

It's a nice rhetorical game we are in, but it's certainly not about honesty.
Abbey Normal said:
As I indicated before, and it applies in your real life even more: at least have the cujones to admit who you are and what you believe. Perhaps those "powerful people" would respect a man who believes in the liberal Democratic platform, if he expressed his beliefs with some level of sophistication and honesty, rather than feigned discretion, junior high language, and "emphasis". I have worked successfully with people whose politics differ greatly from my own, and did not feel the need to either broadcast or hide my political beliefs. Of course, I am not one to say F*uck the president, either. Not even when Clinton was in the WH!
Thanks for the career advice. I'll let you know if I need anything further.
Abbey Normal said:
Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing crass bumper stickers like that for any Democrat President, of the discreet OR the emphatic variety.
Yeah, conservatives, always taking the highest "road" possible.
NATO AIR said:
Nuff said then.

I still think they deserve the same rights for issues like this, besides the basic common sense issue of having a proper will.

In the military alone, over 40% of wills are not properly written and authorized... a common problem we continue to deal with every year with new recruits and revised wills.

It may be sensationalist but it brings up a valid point, i.e. the gays need their basic rights.

I don't want them to be marrying and crap like that under the laws, but I have no problem with the gays getting their civil union benefits and what not.

No, we do not and should not reward people for bad lifestyle choices. Excellent job by the state of Oklahoma.

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