Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

Kagom said:
I can truthfully say I didn't fail biology. Understand there are abnormalities in people and that some people ARE NOT born with this innate desire for the opposite sex. Some are attracted to people of the same sex, others have no sexual desire. Tell me, if we try to change those two groups and fail, how is it a choice? Are they truly that resistant to change or is there something in their biological make-up that prevents them from changing? Lemme put it to you this way: I grew up never having a single desire for a female. Why is that? How do you explain that? Did I subconsciously choose to be gay as a young boy? If so, how did I make such a life changing decision at a young age and not recall it? I have never been molested, I never experimented with other young boys. Tell me how this is a choice.

Yep, somwhere along the line you made the choice to suck cock, but you want to know the beautiful thing? As bad as that choice was you still can make the right choice and start bagging chicks, because come on, deep down you know what you are doing is fucking wrong, way wrong.

Do you also snort crystal meth and go to the AIDS sex parties?
Kagom said:
I think in some instances it could be a personality disorder, but I highly doubt that.

You do? How can you just "highly" doubt something as vague as a personality disorder? (mentally induced condition--prefer that? )
NARTH? Hahaha! You're kidding me! You are using NARTH? You're just using the ultimate biased source alive!

I can't believe any source like NARTH because their research is ultimately biased to begin with. Their whole goal is to make homosexuality look bad with whatever "research" methods they can.

Tell me, why should I "bag" chicks when I am not sexually attracted to women? It makes no sense to me. You dont' know what I think or feel, OCA, so how would you know if I believe it's wrong deep down inside or not? I honestly feel that it is the most natural thing for me.
dilloduck said:
You do? How can you just "highly" doubt something as vague as a personality disorder? (mentally induced condition--prefer that? )
Why? Because there's not enough research to back it as a personality disorder. I just don't see how it is a mentally induced condition. Like I said, in some instances it could. Child molestation victims are most likely to have it as a mentally induced condition. But how would you explain the ones who aren't?
Kagom said:
NARTH? Hahaha! You're kidding me! You are using NARTH? You're just using the ultimate biased source alive!

I can't believe any source like NARTH because their research is ultimately biased to begin with. Their whole goal is to make homosexuality look bad with whatever "research" methods they can.

Tell me, why should I "bag" chicks when I am not sexually attracted to women? It makes no sense to me. You dont' know what I think or feel, OCA, so how would you know if I believe it's wrong deep down inside or not? I honestly feel that it is the most natural thing for me.

Yep i'm using NARTH, maybe you think Human Rights Watch, PFLAG or any of the pro queer groups are not biased?
Kagom said:
Why? Because there's not enough research to back it as a personality disorder. I just don't see how it is a mentally induced condition. Like I said, in some instances it could. Child molestation victims are most likely to have it as a mentally induced condition. But how would you explain the ones who aren't?

They were induced in other ways----what's the big beef with it being a mental condition. Many people in life have mental conditions and go about their business. Why does homosexuality HAVE to be projected as a "normal" condition?
dilloduck said:
They were induced in other ways----what's the big beef with it being a mental condition. Many people in life have mental conditions and go about their business. Why does homosexuality HAVE to be projected as a "normal" condition?
Why? Because it is normal. I don't think you could understand that it feels normal and is normal. For you, it's abnormal because it stays from the norm, it does not seem the way nature intended, and it's just creepy (my "you" will be used as a broad term to cover everyone because I'm not sure how many of these fit your thinking). For us, it's the way we are, nature seems to have put us here, and it's not creepy at all.
manu1959 said:
no more impressive or amazing than when some pro gay activist stands up and says the majorit of americans support gay marriage....then when it comes to a vote ya lose
Actually yes.

This person didn't say "majority". This person said "no such thing"... as in, not a one now or in history, ever.

One can project polling data with some degree of statistical certainty (usually +/- 3-5%) based on a small sample size. But even if a poll of cowboys were to show 0% of them were gay, it would not mean "no such thing" as a gay cowboy. It would mean possibly 0-5% of cowboys are gay.
OCA said:
Nope, I just go with the simple logic of the facts and fortunately the facts support my side.
What facts exactly state factually that there is "no such thing" as a gay cowboy, anywhere.

I've not seen you present any facts. Maybe I missed them.
I believe that homosexuality is nothing more than sexual immaturity...ultimate masturbation...being a person with a extremely high narcistic personality! Why else would a person want to mate with another person of the same sex?
Probably because they are attracted to people who emulate their own looks and personality...kinda like getting off in the mirror! Just my opinion mind I link to myself without listing other peoples opinions...I believe mine is as good as any psychologist...and hell I gave the diagnosis for stay away from the mirror and really look at the opposite sex...see the plumbing parts are designed to fit! :bye1:
archangel said:
I believe that homosexuality is nothing more than sexual immaturity...ultimate masturbation...being a person with a extremely high narcistic personality! Why else would a person want to mate with another person of the same sex?
Probably because they are attracted to people who emulate their own looks and personality...kinda like getting off in the mirror! Just my opinion mind I link to myself without listing other peoples opinions...I believe mine is as good as any psychologist...and hell I gave the diagnosis for stay away from the mirror and really look at the opposite sex...see the plumbing parts are designed to fit! :bye1:
That kinda doesn't make sense to me >.>

But hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinions ^.^

But to continue on about that, I don't think most gay people look for someone who emulates their looks, but I'm looking at it differently than you probably are. But I definitely go for guys who look different from me.
Kagom said:
That kinda doesn't make sense to me >.>

But hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinions ^.^

But to continue on about that, I don't think most gay people look for someone who emulates their looks, but I'm looking at it differently than you probably are. But I definitely go for guys who look different from me.

Masturbation is when a animal gets off without without a procreation partner...
and even though you choose a guy(?) with a different look...well dude he has the same plumbing so it is masturbation...nothing more and nothing less!
Face it y'all are narcistic and sexually immature...and post after post and thread after thread will not change the facts!
archangel said:
Masturbation is when a animal gets off without without a procreation partner...
and even though you choose a guy(?) with a different look...well dude he has the same plumbing so it is masturbation...nothing more and nothing less!
Face it y'all are narcistic and sexually immature...and post after post and thread after thread will not change the facts!
I can only shrug. I don't find myself to be sexually immature or narcissistic in any way, shape, or form. Masturbation to me is using an inanimate object or your hand to get an orgasm.
Kagom said:
Why? Because it is normal. I don't think you could understand that it feels normal and is normal. For you, it's abnormal because it stays from the norm, it does not seem the way nature intended, and it's just creepy (my "you" will be used as a broad term to cover everyone because I'm not sure how many of these fit your thinking). For us, it's the way we are, nature seems to have put us here, and it's not creepy at all.

I understand full well that it feels normal to you as an individual but homosexuality is far from the norm in society. Why else do you think you would hide (hid) it? Many people exhibit behavior that is not the norm, accept it as something other than the norm and move on. Why all the damn anxiety? Get over it. If I were afraid or angry about everything I do that isn't "accepted" by everyone , I would be a basket case. In some areas I don't fit the NORM and adapt accordingly or just people "tough shit". I do NOT need nor expect approval for everything I am or do.
jAZ said:
Actually yes.

This person didn't say "majority". This person said "no such thing"... as in, not a one now or in history, ever.

One can project polling data with some degree of statistical certainty (usually +/- 3-5%) based on a small sample size. But even if a poll of cowboys were to show 0% of them were gay, it would not mean "no such thing" as a gay cowboy. It would mean possibly 0-5% of cowboys are gay.

I'm telling you that I could gather up 10,000 working cowboys from around the nation and there wouldn't be a queer in the bunch, its a figment of Hollywood's imagination.

There is no such thing, and FYI, because one wears boots and has a hat don't make them a cowboy, reference Tim McGraw on that one. So the guy at the queer bar with the chaps and roach killing boots on, uhhh he don't count.
dilloduck said:
I understand full well that it feels normal to you as an individual but homosexuality is far from the norm in society. Why else do you think you would hide (hid) it? Many people exhibit behavior that is not the norm, accept it as something other than the norm and move on. Why all the damn anxiety? Get over it. If I were afraid or angry about everything I do that isn't "accepted" by everyone , I would be a basket case. In some areas I don't fit the NORM and adapt accordingly or just people "tough shit". I do NOT need nor expect approval for everything I am or do.
Why would I hide it? So I don't get made fun of, so I don't have people beat me, so I don't have to lose friends and family. But I'm not afraid to show it. I kinda figure that if people really want to treat me as an outcast, then they aren't worth my time.

I don't worry about being accepted. I've always had acceptance problems. But some people want acceptance so they can live life normally like any straight couple.

But the thing is, society demands that it has to approve of certain things. That reason fuels most of what we do.
jAZ said:
What facts exactly state factually that there is "no such thing" as a gay cowboy, anywhere.

I've not seen you present any facts. Maybe I missed them.

Why don'y you go hang with some for a week or so, try and bend one over and fuck him in the ass, let me know how you make out with that and how many queer cowboys you actually find.

Its a fact, an absolute truth, no gay cowboys, no matter what propoganda LOGO trys to sell you.
Kagom said:
Why would I hide it? So I don't get made fun of, so I don't have people beat me, so I don't have to lose friends and family. But I'm not afraid to show it. I kinda figure that if people really want to treat me as an outcast, then they aren't worth my time.

I don't worry about being accepted. I've always had acceptance problems. But some people want acceptance so they can live life normally like any straight couple.

But the thing is, society demands that it has to approve of certain things. That reason fuels most of what we do.

Ever thought that these people, short of the beatings, are right and you are wrong? That there is a legitimate reason you are made an outcast?

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