Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

GotZoom said:
"I like to rape 6 year old boys."

For our friend jAZ, that would be perfectly acceptable.
dmp said:

"I support a group who likes to rape 6 year old boys!"
Yep... both are protected speech. Neither phrase is either a specific threat (an addtional excepted catagory of speech that occured to me while I was out), a conspiracy to commit a crime or a criminal action.

Step over those lines and you have a problem.

Fail to step over those lines and you are just disgusting.
GotZoom said:
He should also be allowed to publish advertising space in the local newspaper or air time on the local tv.
Thursday Night - 7:00 P.M. Come See How Sex With Little Boys Will Add Years To Your Life!" Join us for a round table discussion about planning and getting away with having sex with 6 year old boys!

Refreshments served afterwards.

After all, if the newspaper or TV should say no, they would be discriminating and standing in the way of his right to free speech.
That would be conspiring to commit a crime. You go to jail.
So, let me guess:

NAMBLA sticker advocating sex with 6 year old boys: yes.

Nativity in the public square: no.

Abbey Normal said:
And here I thought it stood for "Free Willy". :rolleyes:

I wonder why libs are so drawn to junior high level vulgarity? We've seen it time and time again.
Yeah, liberals are the only ones with a snarky sense of humor towards the other party.
GotZoom said:
They are just exercising their right to free speech.

Having taste and class doesn't come into play.
Nope. But it's only liberals. Conservatives are angels. They are never snarky, vulgar, juvenile or offensive.
Kagom said:
1) Homosexuals are proud to be homosexual because it shows that we are still here and that no one could get rid of us, even Hitler. That's my take. I just have rainbow to show I'm proud to be gay.
Ask around here... there are a few (many?) for which it's only acceptable to be proud to be a white man, a Christian, a Texan, a Republican or the parent of an honor student.
Kagom said:
We're proud of being homosexual because we are. There's Black pride, isn't there? White pride, Indian Pride, etc. I've even heard of heterosexual pride. Should they increase in numbers: that's a personal opinion. I don't care either way. I believe homosexuality is somewhat of a natural birth control in the world. But that's a highly opinionated belief. Being "addicted"? I don't agree with your word choice. I believe you're either gay because you're born that way, though other factors DO exist (this is where my belief in Natural Homosexuality and Social Homosexuality come in, but I'm not going to discuss this right now). For the most part, we're not addicted, we are just who we are.

Except you choose to have sex with others of your gender. You aren't born into a Race or ethnicity. And no...Most "White Pride" parades would get me SHOT in this area. ;)

You and I both know you'd be happier, over-all, if you could find a 12-step program and stop your destructive behaviour.
jAZ said:
Ask around here... there are a few (many?) for which it's only acceptable to be proud to be a white man, a Christian, a Texan, a Republican or the parent of an honor student.

Except you are lying or making something up in an attempt to be funny. (shrug).

People on this board are accepted if they conduct themselves in a way worthy of respect. 'Showing Respect' is the best way to get people to respect you.
jAZ said:
Yeah, liberals are the only ones with a snarky sense of humor towards the other party.

As far as I know, you are the only one on here who has ever claimed to have the F word proudly displayed on a sticker on their car.

And snarky, as opposed to vulgar and crude, requires some level of intellect.

Angel :halo:
jAZ said:
Ask around here... there are a few (many?) for which it's only acceptable to be proud to be a white man, a Christian, a Texan, a Republican or the parent of an honor student.

dude, you can do whatever you like i really don't care ..... but ya should have asked before ya stole the rainbow from those poor little leprachans.....
Abbey Normal said:
As far as I know, you are the only one on here who has ever claimed to have the F word proudly displayed on a sticker on their car.

And snarky, as opposed to vulgar and crude, requires some level of intellect.

Angel :halo:
I don't have the "F word" proudly displayed anywhere on my car. Be honest now.
manu1959 said:
dude, you can do whatever you like i really don't care ..... but ya should have asked before ya stole the rainbow from those poor little leprachans.....
Thanks, but I have my one sticker. Nothing else for me at this time. Talk to my wife though, she might have room for a sticker if you want.
Kagom said:
1) Homosexuals are proud to be homosexual because it shows that we are still here and that no one could get rid of us, even Hitler. That's my take. I just have rainbow to show I'm proud to be gay.
2) GotZoom: The thing is, that would enrage people because members of NAMBLA molest CHILDREN. Gay people only engage in sex with people of the same sex on a very consensual, age appropriate level (being 17+). So no, it wouldn't be appropriate because there is a difference between what a gay pride bumper sticker would say and what a NAMBLA bumper sticker would say.

If you must play the 'Hitler' card at least read a little WWII history...If 'Hitler' got rid of all homosexuals in Germany...well damn... the war would not have lasted so long...half of the SS were flamming homosexuals, who by the way preferred little boys! Check out his # 1 right hand man head of the Gestapo!

Rumors had it that Hitler himself was a little on the 'Gay'side too!
Kagom said:
Actually, you'd be an oppressed majority. It happens a lot.

Yes, you were born like this, but many would choose your lifestyle if they could.
Kagom, if you could choose, would you choose to be a white male heterosexual? Just wondering.
mom4 said:
Kagom, if you could choose, would you choose to be a white male heterosexual? Just wondering.
Honestly, I would. But I say that because there'd be less grief and tension between my mom and I. That would be my only reason.

Also, dmp, I am highly insulted by your 12 step program comment. That was rude and had no factual background. I may choose to engage in sexual conduct with people of my gender, but I don't choose to be attracted to them.

So you know, reparative therapy DOES NOT work. I've talked with someone who went through it and he is still gay. Reference for more information on reparative therapy. Reference for "Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation & Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel"
Kagom said:
Honestly, I would. But I say that because there'd be less grief and tension between my mom and I. That would be my only reason.
Sorry to hear that about your mom.
mom4 said:
Sorry to hear that about your mom.
Don't be sorry! I still love my mom and respect her and the only thing I can do is just continue to be myself and try to help her out with life so she'll at least be more tolerant. I'm never gonna ask her to accept me because I know that she won't and that she is just set in her ways. She loves me in return and I continue to be the good son to show her that despite how we feel, I'm her son and I love her.
Kagom said:
Don't be sorry! I still love my mom and respect her and the only thing I can do is just continue to be myself and try to help her out with life so she'll at least be more tolerant. I'm never gonna ask her to accept me because I know that she won't and that she is just set in her ways. She loves me in return and I continue to be the good son to show her that despite how we feel, I'm her son and I love her.
Well, that's good that you haven't totally cut each other off. I have heard of that happening.
mom4 said:
Well, that's good that you haven't totally cut each other off. I have heard of that happening.
At first, there were times where I thought about it, but I just know it wouldn't work out. I need to be there to take care of her and I need her so I can get some motherly affection. I really would hate the thought of some jackass orderly taking care of her in a nursing home.

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