Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

jAZ said:
Conspiring to commit a crime is still a crime.

Therefore you DO believe in limits on "free" speech.

This is exactly the opposite of what you have been saying. Obviously there are some things we cannot have a conversation about. Who decides what is to be said or not?
ScreamingEagle said:
Therefore you DO believe in limits on "free" speech.

This is exactly the opposite of what you have been saying. Obviously there are some things we cannot have a conversation about. Who decides what is to be said or not?
No, conspiring is an action. Not "merely" speech.
The ClayTaurus said:
I'd like to see the word "marriage" removed from the legal institution and replaced with "civil union," personally. Makes more sense to me.
More agreement! Wow, this is cool! This place is getting to be all right!
GotZoom said:
So it is OK for the government to declare that pedophilia is a crime but not OK for them to declare what is needed to pass assets on after death?
I never said such a thing.
The ClayTaurus said:
I keep all bumper stickers off my car. No matter WHAT you put on there, it's almost a guarantee someone will key your car.
I have this on my car. It's the only bumper sticker I've even put on my car.


jAZ said:
I never said such a thing.

It is ok with you that the government declare pedophila a crime correct?

And you would prefer that the government stay out of what is required to declare who receives what upon their passing?

A group of men talking about how nice it is to have sex with 6 year old little boys is acceptable until they talk about how they are plan and get away with it next time?
jAZ said:

Gays are capable of "having ... kids" (your words). First by way of adoption, which is a HUGE need as it stands right now, and even greater if cons get their way and abolish most or all abortions. Second, by the Melissa Ethridge model of invitro firtilization with donated sperm a gay couple can actually genetically reproduce.

. . . .
I have seen BOTH of these examples in person. Both are working very well.
Actually these kids are better off financially, and maybe emotionally than many I know in hetro homes.
jAZ said:
No, conspiring is an action. Not "merely" speech.

Is a bumper sticker that proclaims "I like to f--- boys" just a form of "mere" speech with no "conspiring" effects?

"mere" speech vs. "conspiring" speech....exactly where do you draw the line? And just who decides where the line should be drawn?
dmp said:
The KKK doesn't. Individuals might.
And it's not illegal to talk about lynching, as we are right this minute. It's also not illegal to talk about molesting a child, again as we are right now. None of this discussion would be possible if speaking of these subjects was illegal.

If someone commits the action of preparing to commit the crime of child rape, they should go to jail, just like if someone commits the action of preparing to commit the crime of lynching.

However, racists still have a right to be racists. And pedophiles still have a right to be pedophiles. They just can't act on those feelings in either case because those actions infringe on another individuals rights.

Speaking generally about the subject doesn't infringe on those rights in the same way.

This is the difference.
ScreamingEagle said:
Is a bumper sticker that proclaims "I like to f--- boys" just a form of "mere" speech with no "conspiring" effects?

"mere" speech vs. "conspiring" speech....exactly where do you draw the line? And just who decides where the line should be drawn?
I just answered this.

The above here is NOT conspiring to commit a crime. And it doesn't itself violate someone elses personal rights either. So it's not a crime.

But if the guy wearing the T-shirt meets up with another guy wearing a similar T-shirt, and they together plan a visit to the local school where they agree to have one man open the van door and offer candy to the little boys and the other play getaway driver.

Even before they go over to the school, they have committed a crime.
GotZoom said:
It is ok with you that the government declare pedophila a crime correct?
GotZoom said:
And you would prefer that the government stay out of what is required to declare who receives what upon their passing?
GotZoom said:
A group of men talking about how nice it is to have sex with 6 year old little boys is acceptable until they talk about how they are plan and get away with it next time?
Not exactly. Until they starting planning an act of child rape. Not what you said.
jAZ said:


Not exactly. Until they starting planning an act of child rape. Not what you said.

No? So you agree that the government (court) ruled correctly?
jAZ said:
I just answered this.

The above here is NOT conspiring to commit a crime. And it doesn't itself violate someone elses personal rights either. So it's not a crime.

But if the guy wearing the T-shirt meets up with another guy wearing a similar T-shirt, and they together plan a visit to the local school where they agree to have one man open the van door and offer candy to the little boys and the other play getaway driver.

Even before they go over to the school, they have committed a crime.

So you would also be OK with a bumper sticker that proclaimed "I like to kill homos"?
ScreamingEagle said:
So you would also be OK with a bumper sticker that proclaimed "I like to kill homos"?

Using his argument...yes.

Until the car actually ran the "homo" over.

Then it is a crime.

Shoot..let's substitute "homos" with the "n" word or Lesbians, or.....

But that would be O.K.'s just speech.
GotZoom said:
Using his argument...yes.

Until the car actually ran the "homo" over.

Then it is a crime.

Shoot..let's substitute "homos" with the "n" word or Lesbians, or.....

But that would be O.K.'s just speech.

Yeah, Zoom, that's his line of reasoning. However, I'd like to hear his he going to distance himself from the rest of the liberal pack??? ;)

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