Gay lefty gets Cindy Brady fired from radio show for comments on political islam....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah....another example of the tolerant left.......and this twit is defending a religion that actually throws people like him off of buildings....and drowns them in cages...

Gay Activist Gets Former Brady Bunch Star Fired From Radio Host Job

In the nasty little totalitarian state that is Los Angeles, and anywhere else the Leftist intelligentsia reigns supreme), diversity of all sorts is encouraged -- except for diversity of thought. And so the idea that a Trump supporter could be co-hosting a radio show is absolutely unacceptable, much less one who makes outrageous statements like … Islam is "political.”

This unbearably offensive, abhorrent statement came from former Brady Bunch actress Susan Olsen, who got into a verbal altercation recently with actor Leon Acord-Whiting after he appeared on LA Talk Radio’s “Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics” show, which Olsen co-hosted. Olsen, according to Acord-Whiting, called him a “homophobic slur,” and LA Talk Radio subsequently fired her.

In the course of complaining about Olsen, Acord-Whiting called her a “Trump fanatic” who had dared to say, among other egregious “right-wing” statements, that “the Koran is a political tract”:


And why is Leon Acord-Whiting, a gay man, so intent on defending Islam? If he were living in an area run by Sharia-adherent Muslims, he wouldn’t last long. A hadith says:

The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who … assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses." The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and Umar turned out such-and-such woman. (Bukhari 72.774)

Another hadith depicts Muhammad saying:

Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver. (al-Tirmidhi 1:152)

As far as Leon Acord-Whiting and his Leftist ilk are concerned, if Susan Olsen points out this and more in Islamic tradition that incites hatred and violence, the problem is not hatred and violence in Islamic tradition, but Susan Olsen.
Misleading title. According to the article on Foxnews, she supposedly posted "an expletive-laden post" on Facebook in which she used some sort of anti-gay slur. It wasn't simply calling Islam political.

'Brady Bunch' star Susan Olsen fired after reported homophobic rant

What was the anti gay slur....?

I have no idea. I'm just pointing out that the foxnews article linked in your OP article talked about it. Islam being political was only one of many things brought up and didn't seem to be the one that lead to the firing.

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