Gay marriage advocates, on the wrong track?

it is your perogative to feel as you do about anything you want.

But I have learned that accepting those that think differently results in a more relaxed AND informative life.

I cant imagine how boring life would be if I only experienced what I know and how I think.

I must beleive it stunts personal growth and development.

For some of us "personal growth" is not the point of this life. At least not in the way you mean. Neither is joy, pleasure, or happiness the be-all and end-all of this existance either. Living a Good, Decent, Proper, and Moral life is what we're here for. No matter how many immoral and disgusting things you folks choose to accept, many of us will still choose Right over Easy.

Don't worry guys, history will treat homophobic bigots the same way it's treated every other type of bigot in this country. They'll be left in the dust, it's already begun.

Gay marriage will soon be legal nationwide, our kids will condemn us for not doing it faster and it won't even be an afterthought for our grandkids, it'll just be a normal thing like any other marriage.

Better to be left in the dust than to spend eternity in pain, Drock. You and your grandchildren have a RUDE AWAKENING coming up at the end of your time here on Earth.

5 states allow gay marriage, soon to be 6, that number was 0 a decade ago.

Yep. Soon to be six states that I will go out of my way to avoid having anything to do with. Including the businesses that reside there. The State of New York lost probably about $600 of my vacation money this year alone when they chose to pass this ridiculous bill. The hotel people were quite shocked when I told them why I was canceling the reservation.
Financial "Success" is not the measure I use when I look at an area. I'm probably going to end up taking close to a 25% pay cut to make this move. It will also cost me more to live down there (beacuse of the sweet deal I have here currently). This has nothing to do with financial success. It has to do with Right and Wrong, two things that New Englanders have conveniently forgotten about in the last century and a half. I'm surprised we haven't had a major earthquake around here from all the gyroscopic spinning the Men and women who founded this part of the country must be doing in their graves as they see what we've done to their society.

I have no problem with Diversity. There are two diverse sides to anything.... Right and Wrong. They're about as diverse and divergent as you can possibly get.

Three things I can most definitely live without, Jarhead.

it is your perogative to feel as you do about anything you want.

But I have learned that accepting those that think differently results in a more relaxed AND informative life.

I cant imagine how boring life would be if I only experienced what I know and how I think.

I must beleive it stunts personal growth and development.

Exactly. Hence why he is in his 30s and still lives at home and has never had a girlfriend. He's mentally unstable. Simple as that.

You used the word "hence"?

What are or something? thing you will be telling me the weather today is glorious. thing you will be telling me the weather today is glorious.

More importantly he's WRONG on both counts that he charged me with. That's probably part of why he's on the Ignore List.... lack of reading comprehension skills.
it is your perogative to feel as you do about anything you want.

But I have learned that accepting those that think differently results in a more relaxed AND informative life.

I cant imagine how boring life would be if I only experienced what I know and how I think.

I must beleive it stunts personal growth and development.

For some of us "personal growth" is not the point of this life. At least not in the way you mean. Neither is joy, pleasure, or happiness the be-all and end-all of this existance either. Living a Good, Decent, Proper, and Moral life is what we're here for. No matter how many immoral and disgusting things you folks choose to accept, many of us will still choose Right over Easy.

Don't worry guys, history will treat homophobic bigots the same way it's treated every other type of bigot in this country. They'll be left in the dust, it's already begun.

Gay marriage will soon be legal nationwide, our kids will condemn us for not doing it faster and it won't even be an afterthought for our grandkids, it'll just be a normal thing like any other marriage.

Better to be left in the dust than to spend eternity in pain, Drock. You and your grandchildren have a RUDE AWAKENING coming up at the end of your time here on Earth.

5 states allow gay marriage, soon to be 6, that number was 0 a decade ago.

Yep. Soon to be six states that I will go out of my way to avoid having anything to do with. Including the businesses that reside there. The State of New York lost probably about $600 of my vacation money this year alone when they chose to pass this ridiculous bill. The hotel people were quite shocked when I told them why I was canceling the reservation.


I like the warm weather.

Yesd...I can make a joke about it becuase my God allows me to determine what is right and rightousness and morality comes from intent.

If I injure a man who is about to injure a child....I am not guilty of being immoral.

ANd when I accept a gay man as my equal, I am accepting a man as my my God expects me to.
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I am still trying to figure out what the gay agenda is?
I always thought it was to have people stop telling them how to live their lives, and who they can marry. Is it different from that?
Yep. Soon to be six states that I will go out of my way to avoid having anything to do with. Including the businesses that reside there. The State of New York lost probably about $600 of my vacation money this year alone when they chose to pass this ridiculous bill. The hotel people were quite shocked when I told them why I was canceling the reservation.

I'm sure those hotels will more than make up for such a loss when they start hosting gay weddings. When Vermont was the only state to allow civil unions, we made a killing from out-of-staters coming to our resorts to be legally unioned.

(by "we", I mean the state - Much as I'd love to own Stowe, I don't:( )
Don't worry guys, history will treat homophobic bigots the same way it's treated every other type of bigot in this country. They'll be left in the dust, it's already begun.

Gay marriage will soon be legal nationwide, our kids will condemn us for not doing it faster and it won't even be an afterthought for our grandkids, it'll just be a normal thing like any other marriage.

And the gay agenda will have won out.
First it's permissable. Then it's mandatory. Get out the KY, friend.

But before you go writing history before it happens keep in mind gay marriage has been a ballot box loser.

:cuckoo: thing you will be telling me the weather today is glorious.

More importantly he's WRONG on both counts that he charged me with. That's probably part of why he's on the Ignore List.... lack of reading comprehension skills.

I really didnt pay attention to what he said about you.......and assumed it was nmore of a dig than truth.

UI do, however, make my judgement calls on what YOU say about you.

ANd there is no doubt that you and I veiw life from two different ends of the spectrum.

Is one better than the other?

Yes....both are best for each of us......I know mine works for me and I assume yours works for you.

However, hatred exists in yours where it does not in mine.

I prefer living life without hatred.
I am still trying to figure out what the gay agenda is?
I always thought it was to have people stop telling them how to live their lives, and who they can marry. Is it different from that?

The truth?
From what I understand from the many people that I interact with that are gay?
They do not want to be referred to or viewed as a group.
They just want to be another person out there.
I am still trying to figure out what the gay agenda is?
I always thought it was to have people stop telling them how to live their lives, and who they can marry. Is it different from that?

The truth?
From what I understand from the many people that I interact with that are gay?
They do not want to be referred to or viewed as a group.
They just want to be another person out there.

:eek: The nerve!

My best friend is a gay man, and the only agenda he has is just being happy.
Don't worry guys, history will treat homophobic bigots the same way it's treated every other type of bigot in this country. They'll be left in the dust, it's already begun.

Gay marriage will soon be legal nationwide, our kids will condemn us for not doing it faster and it won't even be an afterthought for our grandkids, it'll just be a normal thing like any other marriage.

And the gay agenda will have won out.
First it's permissable. Then it's mandatory. Get out the KY, friend.

But before you go writing history before it happens keep in mind gay marriage has been a ballot box loser.

So what? It's a civil rights issue and no one's going to able to stop it. It's best to just mind your own business, because it'll be shoved down your throat until you choke on a shoulder. No apologies, just as blacks didn't need to apologize for sitting in the front of the bus or ordering lunch at a "white" eatery.

Don't try, you'll never understand him.

He calls himself a small government conservative, and he also wants government big enough to monitor the style in which people have sex. The Department of Peeping Toms.

That's why he hates libertarians, we're too freedom oriented and the real conservatives, we need government to mandate the sex of people who are underneath the same blanket in his view.. my God expects me to.

Obviously your God and my Gods have very little in common, Jarhead.

I'm sure those hotels will more than make up for such a loss when they start hosting gay weddings. When Vermont was the only state to allow civil unions, we made a killing from out-of-staters coming to our resorts to be legally unioned.

That's fine. If they want to take tainted money that's their decision not mine.

UI do, however, make my judgement calls on what YOU say about you. And there is no doubt that you and I veiw life from two different ends of the spectrum. Is one better than the other? Yes....both are best for each of us......I know mine works for me and I assume yours works for you. However, hatred exists in yours where it does not in mine. I prefer living life without hatred.

Oh we most definitely view life from very different places, Jarhead. In my mind it is not my place to worry about whether the world as I see it works for me. Instead I conform myself to the ways I believe the world is supposed to work. Hatred is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. It ranks right up there with Fear and Pain (the top two).
A marriage is always a bound between a man and a woman, not between Adam and Steve. my God expects me to.

Obviously your God and my Gods have very little in common, Jarhead.

I'm sure those hotels will more than make up for such a loss when they start hosting gay weddings. When Vermont was the only state to allow civil unions, we made a killing from out-of-staters coming to our resorts to be legally unioned.

That's fine. If they want to take tainted money that's their decision not mine.

UI do, however, make my judgement calls on what YOU say about you. And there is no doubt that you and I veiw life from two different ends of the spectrum. Is one better than the other? Yes....both are best for each of us......I know mine works for me and I assume yours works for you. However, hatred exists in yours where it does not in mine. I prefer living life without hatred.

Oh we most definitely view life from very different places, Jarhead. In my mind it is not my place to worry about whether the world as I see it works for me. Instead I conform myself to the ways I believe the world is supposed to work. Hatred is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. It ranks right up there with Fear and Pain (the top two).

I fear death and I am adverse to pain.


I have risked my life countless times to save the lives of others as a lifeguard.

I have risked my life and suffered severe burns when I pulled a man from a burning truck.

I have no doubt that my loive for my wife and children will always trump fear and pain.

So it seems to me that there are forces that rank higher than fear and, caring and responsibility are three that I can think of right now.
Jarhead, Fear and Pain will always be the two greatest motivating factors for human beings. You admit to succumbing to both yourself, as all people do. Not many people would have been willing to do some of the things you have done. That is why Fear and Pain will always win out over courage in the end.

Heroes die first, and once the common soldiers have seen that, their resolve melts like butter on a hot stovetop.
Jarhead, Fear and Pain will always be the two greatest motivating factors for human beings. You admit to succumbing to both yourself, as all people do. Not many people would have been willing to do some of the things you have done. That is why Fear and Pain will always win out over courage in the end.

Heroes die first, and once the common soldiers have seen that, their resolve melts like butter on a hot stovetop.

Well...I will admit one thing...

If we were to ever sit down and have a conversation...we would agree on very little but neither of us would lose interest in the conversation.
If we were to ever sit down and have a conversation...we would agree on very little but neither of us would lose interest in the conversation.

It would be interesting but I would also suggest that it would probably be rather short, depending on what topics came up.
Jarhead, Fear and Pain will always be the two greatest motivating factors for human beings. You admit to succumbing to both yourself, as all people do. Not many people would have been willing to do some of the things you have done. That is why Fear and Pain will always win out over courage in the end.

Heroes die first, and once the common soldiers have seen that, their resolve melts like butter on a hot stovetop.


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