Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

Maybe outside of the US, no state requires anyone to have a will, but what some think as automatic truly don't exist. Without a will the state can com in and seize all your worldly goods and leave your wife nothing, she can also be denied your SS benefits.

So yes your piece of paper with term "Marriage" is worthless. Well unless you live in certain Muslim countries where you can legal beat your wife if she fails to perform her wifely duties. Is that the power you are talking about?

Your other analogy just goes to show how sick minded you truly are and why the far left should never be in power of anything.

According to Windsor, all "gay marriages" performed in California and other states forbidding it in their Constitution are illegal and not worth the paper they're written on. Everyone debating these topics here should first read Windsor/DOMA and then come back to the debate with a more concrete feel for how the US Supreme Court is likely to act when the cult of LGBT v Utah comes before them this year.
The court has already seen the writing on the wall. They don't live in a vacuum. They know Loving v Virgina. What they are doing is trying hard not to pull another Roe v Wade. They want to be behind the curve on this one so that he decision goes down easy. They all know it's coming, and they all know it's a done deal. 6 to 3 would be a very good bet and it's all over but the shoutin'.
May I ask you why you think a penis is required? We do just fine without one of those things around.....why is it you think they are the end all and be all?

Because without one of each part you can't have sex. Haven't figured that out yet?
Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

Silly me, as a Republican I believed that Bill Clinton was having sex when he got a hooter from Monica in the Oval Office.

Jee, all these years I've been wrong because I didn't believe him when he said "I didn't have sex with that woman."

Go figure.

He followed the same rule the kids follow. If it's your mouth or your ass it doesn't count.
Maybe outside of the US, no state requires anyone to have a will, but what some think as automatic truly don't exist. Without a will the state can com in and seize all your worldly goods and leave your wife nothing, she can also be denied your SS benefits.

So yes your piece of paper with term "Marriage" is worthless. Well unless you live in certain Muslim countries where you can legal beat your wife if she fails to perform her wifely duties. Is that the power you are talking about?

Your other analogy just goes to show how sick minded you truly are and why the far left should never be in power of anything.

According to Windsor, all "gay marriages" performed in California and other states forbidding it in their Constitution are illegal and not worth the paper they're written on. Everyone debating these topics here should first read Windsor/DOMA and then come back to the debate with a more concrete feel for how the US Supreme Court is likely to act when the cult of LGBT v Utah comes before them this year.

That's false. Windsor had no impact on Civil Marriages by same-sex couples in California as attested to by the Chief Justice of the Surpreme Court noted about the Windsor decision.

All those same sex couples will be filing married filing jointly this year because both California and the Federal government recognize them as valid. The reason is the SCOTUS chose NOT to invalidate the ruling of the District Court Judge leaving it standing as the final decision in the separate Prop 8 case. The court issued separate and distinct decision on the two separate cases.

You couldn't be more wrong. Why do you think human lips and human labia are made of the same stuff? The lining of the mouth, roughly the same as the lining of the vagina. Sex for humans isn't about making babies. Reproduction hitched a ride during evolution.

Wrong in all the world and nature, sex is about making babies, all else is playing or masturbation. I thought you lefties were all about science, yet you abandon it quickly when you find it convenient. Hypocrite much?
Learn biology. That's nothing like it. Start with these guys: Bonobo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have sex just to keep the peace. Not a bad idea actually.

Nothing there changes what I said.
The court has already seen the writing on the wall. They don't live in a vacuum. They know Loving v Virgina. What they are doing is trying hard not to pull another Roe v Wade. They want to be behind the curve on this one so that he decision goes down easy. They all know it's coming, and they all know it's a done deal. 6 to 3 would be a very good bet and it's all over but the shoutin'.

If they knew it was coming and a "done deal" why did they affirm and reaffirm so many many times in Windsor that the question of gay marriage was properly and squarely in the realm of the "unquestioned authority" of each of the separate states?

Again, they brought up Loving v Virginia and Found anyway as of the Opinion that gay marriage was "only allowed" "in some states". They even ennumerated the number of states. And that number wasn't 50 friend...

They said in Windsor that a state's decision via a consensus was the central hub of the Windsor decision. It wasn't something wobbly, open to interpretation. It was very concrete and a repeated theme throughout that Decision.

I think you're right about them being behind the curve, but completely 180 degrees off from where that ball is going to land. If you think this sitting SCOTUS is going to force polygamy [via precedent] on Utah, think again. It ain't going to happen. Not in our lifetimes.

Utah has tenacity, ferocity and they're not going to lay down and take the usurping of democracy to the detriment of their faith and legitimate vote like California did. They're going to fight tooth and nail on this one. An entire state's interests in its own Rule vs some members of the cult of LGBT. I wonder how the US Supreme Court is going to find for Utah? Actually, I'm pretty sure from reading Windsor.

You seem to think it's an open and shut case: gays, as always win. When people wake up to the fact that gays are behaviors, that's when things are going to get wobbly for the church with the messiah named Harvey Milk...
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May I ask you why you think a penis is required? We do just fine without one of those things around.....why is it you think they are the end all and be all?

Because without one of each part you can't have sex. Haven't figured that out yet?
Biologically no human sex act would include the mouth but thanks for playing.

Silly me, as a Republican I believed that Bill Clinton was having sex when he got a hooter from Monica in the Oval Office.

Jee, all these years I've been wrong because I didn't believe him when he said "I didn't have sex with that woman."

Go figure.


Actually by definition he committed sodomy, no sex involved.
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Fair enough. While marriage should be reserved, as it is sacred institution, there should be a separate, but equal procedure for the Homos.
Near as I can tell your entire life is satire friend.

I am a Conservative Republican, you go ahead and take up face will be the last thing you see.

Omaha Nebraska, say when.

If you're a conservative Republican, how is it you fail to understand the limits of equality relative to the imperatives of liberty? It's not necessary to grant official approbation for homosexual marriage to accomplish the things you're advocating. But if you must, read my post directed at Jones in the above and start getting a clue as to what is at stake and what must necessarily be the corrective adjustment in terms of property rights and parental authority if we do that.

As for your childish chest thumping, I'm talking about the collapse of the Republic. But don't get you're nose out of joint over that. . . . Oh no. It's just the Republic of the United States of America, the very last bastion of liberty left in the world worth fighting for.

It's not my fault you can't grasp the actual concern of my statement as you fall back on your schoolboy days and bloody noses.

Too funny **** just threatened to take up arms...I just invited you to do so...wassamatta lil boi?

You see I already served and am not afraid of your suggestion is that you lil boi's who never did ANYTHING that jepordized anything you cared about put up or shut up.

You being a pussy has been duly noted.

You're a lunatic . . . and a damn fool.
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Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Fair enough. While marriage should be reserved, as it is sacred institution, there should be a separate, but equal procedure for the Homos.

And this would be an example of the ignorance and hate the Constitution is designed to protect citizens from; clearly we are in need of its case law as much today as any time during our Nation’s history.
That's just dumb. You are hung up on a word while missing a key American value, Equality. What matters more, the word or the value?


the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities

It is not now and NEVER has been about equality, it is now and ALWAYS has been about shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them.

Thinking people understand that if they give you the "rights" accorded to married people and YOU give them an inch by calling it a "Civil Union" everybody wins.

You people are just too stupid to get it.

Ignorant nonsense.

It is about equal protection of the law, it is about the consistent application of equal protection jurisprudence, and it is about the 14th Amendment’s requirement that all persons be allowed access to the laws of every state.

To seek to contrive some legal fiction such as ‘civil unions,’ and relegate same-sex couples to that ‘law,’ violates the due process and equal protection rights of same-sex couples, where whether the legal fiction known as ‘civil unions’ affords same-sex couples the same benefits and privileges of marriage afforded opposite-sex couples or not.

Moreover, the issue has nothing to do with “shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them,” as it is not same-sex couples who disagree with those who wish to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, it is the Constitution and its case law.

That will be the case law argued for your insanity, but insanity it remains.

Not about imposing your depraved values on others?

But Jones lets his mask slip and we see the monster's face, the hatred, behind it and the true impetus, the motive, of the homofascist agenda:
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Fair enough. While marriage should be reserved, as it is sacred institution, there should be a separate, but equal procedure for the Homos.

And this would be an example of the ignorance and hate the Constitution is designed to protect citizens from; clearly we are in need of its case law as much today as any time during our Nation’s history.

The Constitution doesn't mention homosexuals, so your claim is bogus on its face.

What we need is common sense - a quality sorely lacking in your posts.
You couldn't be more wrong. Why do you think human lips and human labia are made of the same stuff? The lining of the mouth, roughly the same as the lining of the vagina. Sex for humans isn't about making babies. Reproduction hitched a ride during evolution.
I can't say I heard that argument before. The gays are a creative lot, I'll give you that. But I think you missed his point. Not that other acts aren't possible, the purpose of the genders in a species is what? Once you figure that out you can then understand what people mean by natural unions.
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Fair enough. While marriage should be reserved, as it is sacred institution, there should be a separate, but equal procedure for the Homos.

I'm in Minnesota, so my sister doesn't have to go 'fair but equal for the homos.'

By the way, her relationship is going on the 25 year mark, while my marriage only made it just past thirteen.

Apparently, 'the homos' know how to do it up right. :thup:
you keep confirming that the gay agenda is not about equality and tolerance and rights. Its about the govt forcing the majority to accept behavior that it considers deviant as normal. are saying that the gay agenda is to force the majority to have gay marriages.

NO, the gay agenda is about forcing everyone to declare that your gay union is normal and equally acceptable as a man/woman union.

But its not, its an aberation. But you are entitled to equal rights just like a downs syndrome person is entitled to equal rights.

No Fishy, we don't care if you personally want to insist that our loving and committed unions to our life partners are different than yours. If that want makes you sleep better at night or makes you feel better about your marriage, go for it.

It is unacceptable when, as a tax paying American citizen, my government treats my non familial consenting adult union differently.

You can pretend all you want to that my partnership is not equal to yours, that my family is somehow lesser than yours. What you cannot do is codify those feelings and or beliefs into law.
YOu are against gay marriage, but are fine with it as long as another word is used for the institution.

And you have the audacity to claim gays are about thought control? lmao Too funny!

I apologize if the concept is too mentally challenging for you. :eusa_whistle:

Mentally challenging?? lol

You are against gay marriage because of the word? How challenging is that? And it shows, quite clearly, that you are more interested in control of what people think than in actual issues.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I really don't care what the damn license is called. They can call it the "Cash and Prizes" licence, the "Stuck with this Fuck" licence, the "Rights, Benefits and Privileges" license, whatever...just make it the same for both. Straight or gay you get a civil union, period.

You know, we'd all end up saying "married" regardless.
But what if it is part of the "natural" order? Will you accept it then?
It can't be because it takes heterosexuals to create them. They can't reproduce. Accepting it is one thing, I think most people do. But the problem is that we are told it is an alternative that's equally valid. It may be to the individuals but not to society as a whole. Opposite genders is how mankind exists. Homosexuality may be an interesting side note but it adds nothing to man's existence.
So, straight people who can't have children, for whatever reason, or maybe even just don't have children, should be treated like gays? I mean, they aren't adding anything to man's existence now are they?

One could even say that they were worse, at least the ones that could have children but don't, since they are letting the species die right?

I had enough babies for TWO couples...can I get into the marriage pool?
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Marriage predates Christianity and Christianity's objections to homosexuality and homosexual marriages.

Christian objections can go screw themselves.
I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

And, it's not like we raise our children in bubbles. There are these things called families...and they extend beyond just the couple and their children. Despite being raised by two women, my son has managed to reach the age of 14 doing ALL the same things his friends do...with one small exception, he doesn't split his time between his divorced parents like all his friends do. Poor him.
I've had friends that thought they were infertile but many years later had kids, so you never know. Also, they can adopt or foster. Yes gays can too but the male/female relationship is what makes the family what it is. I know this is hard...but females and males are different. They bring different things to the table, different strengths and weaknesses, where the two combined make a better sum that the two parts. It's interesting stuff, you should look into it sometime.

I know science is hard, but it doesn't support your statements.
I know reality is hard but a couple of shrinks that don't agree with the rest of the world isn't newsworthy. And golly, you found someone that disagrees with most people so that makes it an undisputed fact. Are you putting us on? I can't tell.

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