Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

I am not opposed to the forms issued by government agencies that give people permission to cohabit with and support one another to be called "civil union" certificates, regardless of the composition of the contracted unit of individuals. Perhaps I should be clear, marriage should be allowed to reside as a religious institution, as it has been traditionally. Because the male-female composition of such a union has not been in question until quite recently, perhaps the government might be compelled in its infinite wisdom to redefine the contract and issue permits that endow the holders of such permits with equal protections under government sanction.

Excellent, sensible, tolerant, sane.

The only problem with trying to be reasonable or accommodating with lefty is that he will have none of it. He is petrified by the manly virtues of unfretted liberty. He soils his panties over every little boo-boo. You can't reason with cowards. You can't make nice with bullies. Sissies are the bane of liberty in an evil, fallen world. They will go along with every perversion, every atrocity, every tyranny. They talk about winning--the stuff of big brother government suppressing the natural rights of their freedom-living antagonists. The leftist is a sniveling puddle urine crying for his mommy. The state is his security blanket.

Mob rule is his agenda; domination, his irrepressible creed.

And therein lies the problem. The leftist definition of "compromise" is capitulation by the opponent. The leftist definition of "tolerance" is "my way, or nothing". You are wrong, they are right because they are motivated by "equality".

Yep. And when it all comes crashing down on them, on us all, really, they're blame us for that too.
a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.
That's just dumb. You are hung up on a word while missing a key American value, Equality. What matters more, the word or the value?


the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities

It is not now and NEVER has been about equality, it is now and ALWAYS has been about shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them.

Thinking people understand that if they give you the "rights" accorded to married people and YOU give them an inch by calling it a "Civil Union" everybody wins.

You people are just too stupid to get it.

Ignorant nonsense.

It is about equal protection of the law, it is about the consistent application of equal protection jurisprudence, and it is about the 14th Amendment’s requirement that all persons be allowed access to the laws of every state.

To seek to contrive some legal fiction such as ‘civil unions,’ and relegate same-sex couples to that ‘law,’ violates the due process and equal protection rights of same-sex couples, where whether the legal fiction known as ‘civil unions’ affords same-sex couples the same benefits and privileges of marriage afforded opposite-sex couples or not.

Moreover, the issue has nothing to do with “shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them,” as it is not same-sex couples who disagree with those who wish to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, it is the Constitution and its case law.
What do you think?
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

If civil unions were exactly the same as marriages, they wouldn't be called civil unions, would they?

And would straight people be happy with calling their union a civil one, seeing that a civil union is the same as marriage?
That's just dumb. You are hung up on a word while missing a key American value, Equality. What matters more, the word or the value?


the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities

It is not now and NEVER has been about equality, it is now and ALWAYS has been about shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them.

Thinking people understand that if they give you the "rights" accorded to married people and YOU give them an inch by calling it a "Civil Union" everybody wins.

You people are just too stupid to get it.

Ignorant nonsense.

It is about equal protection of the law, it is about the consistent application of equal protection jurisprudence, and it is about the 14th Amendment’s requirement that all persons be allowed access to the laws of every state.

To seek to contrive some legal fiction such as ‘civil unions,’ and relegate same-sex couples to that ‘law,’ violates the due process and equal protection rights of same-sex couples, where whether the legal fiction known as ‘civil unions’ affords same-sex couples the same benefits and privileges of marriage afforded opposite-sex couples or not.

Moreover, the issue has nothing to do with “shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them,” as it is not same-sex couples who disagree with those who wish to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, it is the Constitution and its case law.

Pardon me, but YOU are the one I just bitch slapped because you tried to make the point 2010 was not a landmark bitch slap for progressives.

Go play until you educate yourself....
I am not opposed to the forms issued by government agencies that give people permission to cohabit with and support one another to be called "civil union" certificates, regardless of the composition of the contracted unit of individuals. Perhaps I should be clear, marriage should be allowed to reside as a religious institution, as it has been traditionally. Because the male-female composition of such a union has not been in question until quite recently, perhaps the government might be compelled in its infinite wisdom to redefine the contract and issue permits that endow the holders of such permits with equal protections under government sanction.

Excellent, sensible, tolerant, sane.

The only problem with trying to be reasonable or accommodating with lefty is that he will have none of it. He is petrified by the manly virtues of unfretted liberty. He soils his panties over every little boo-boo. You can't reason with cowards. You can't make nice with bullies. Sissies are the bane of liberty in an evil, fallen world. They will go along with every perversion, every atrocity, every tyranny. They talk about winning--the stuff of big brother government suppressing the natural rights of their freedom-living antagonists. The leftist is a sniveling puddle urine crying for his mommy. The state is his security blanket.

Mob rule is his agenda; domination, his irrepressible creed.

And therein lies the problem. The leftist definition of "compromise" is capitulation by the opponent. The leftist definition of "tolerance" is "my way, or nothing". You are wrong, they are right because they are motivated by "equality".

Making you have gay marriages.
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

If civil unions were exactly the same as marriages, they wouldn't be called civil unions, would they?

And would straight people be happy with calling their union a civil one, seeing that a civil union is the same as marriage?

It is the anti-gay marriage people in the red states that shot down civil put that on us is pretty pathetic.
I agree.

My sister is "married" to her partner, I have made these same points to her.

My PM was satire.

The only ones trying to shove their values down the throats of others are leftists. Why you can't see that is appalling. You want "equality" for homosexuals in terms of marriage and benefits and taxation. It's not necessary to empower the state at the expense of natural and constitutional rights to accomplish that! How is that equality? You're stupidly and unwittingly trading one supposed oppression for another that is very real in the most fundamental sense of all. But you self-absorbed, self-centered children of impulse and expediency can't get beyond yourselves long enough to see that.

The elites have fed you a line of crap and you just can't get enough of it. Sane people are trying to reason with you before they have to take up arms against you for the sake of their children, for the sake of their families, for the sake of the Republic.

Near as I can tell your entire life is satire friend.

I am a Conservative Republican, you go ahead and take up face will be the last thing you see.

Omaha Nebraska, say when.

If you're a conservative Republican, how is it you fail to understand the limits of equality relative to the imperatives of liberty? It's not necessary to grant official approbation for homosexual marriage or unions to accomplish the things you're advocating. But if you must, read my post directed at Jones in the above and understand what is at stake and what must necessarily be the corrective adjustment in terms of property rights and parental authority if we do that.

As for your childish chest thumping, I'm talking about the collapse of the Republic. A general observation. Not a personal threat. But don't get you're nose out of joint over that. . . . Oh no. It's just the Republic of the United States of America, the very last bastion of liberty left in the world worth fighting for.

It's not my fault you can't grasp the actual concern of my statement as you fall back on your schoolboy days and bloody noses. But given that you've "bitched slapped" Jones, I may have misread you. If so I apologize. I routinely bitch slap him too myself.
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My PM was satire.

The only ones trying to shove their values down the throats of others are leftists. Why you can't see that is appalling. You want "equality" for homosexuals in terms of marriage and benefits and taxation. It's not necessary to empower the state at the expense of natural and constitutional rights to accomplish that! How is that equality? You're stupidly and unwittingly trading one supposed oppression for another that is very real in the most fundamental sense of all. But you self-absorbed, self-centered children of impulse and expediency can't get beyond yourselves long enough to see that.

The elites have fed you a line of crap and you just can't get enough of it. Sane people are trying to reason with you before they have to take up arms against you for the sake of their children, for the sake of their families, for the sake of the Republic.

Near as I can tell your entire life is satire friend.

I am a Conservative Republican, you go ahead and take up face will be the last thing you see.

Omaha Nebraska, say when.

If you're a conservative Republican, how is it you fail to understand the limits of equality relative to the imperatives of liberty? It's not necessary to grant official approbation for homosexual marriage to accomplish the things you're advocating. But if you must, read my post directed at Jones in the above and start getting a clue as to what is at stake and what must necessarily be the corrective adjustment in terms of property rights and parental authority if we do that.

As for your childish chest thumping, I'm talking about the collapse of the Republic. But don't get you're nose out of joint over that. . . . Oh no. It's just the Republic of the United States of America, the very last bastion of liberty left in the world worth fighting for.

It's not my fault you can't grasp the actual concern of my statement as you fall back on your schoolboy days and bloody noses.

Too funny **** just threatened to take up arms...I just invited you to do so...wassamatta lil boi?

You see I already served and am not afraid of your suggestion is that you lil boi's who never did ANYTHING that jepordized anything you cared about put up or shut up.

You being a pussy has been duly noted.
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

If civil unions were exactly the same as marriages, they wouldn't be called civil unions, would they?

And would straight people be happy with calling their union a civil one, seeing that a civil union is the same as marriage?

How's gay marriage goin' down under Noomi ?

the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities

It is not now and NEVER has been about equality, it is now and ALWAYS has been about shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them.

Thinking people understand that if they give you the "rights" accorded to married people and YOU give them an inch by calling it a "Civil Union" everybody wins.

You people are just too stupid to get it.

What are their beliefs other than they are equal to you and I?

Equality means they get the same insurance coverage I get.
They get the same tax deductions I do.

THAT is equality.

More ignorant nonsense.

Equality, equal protection under the law, and the right to due process is infinitely more than simply insurance coverage and tax deductions, it involves the right of individuals to self-determination and to be free from interference by the state concerning individuals’ intimate relationships:

ndividual decisions by married persons, concerning the intimacies of their physical relationship, even when not intended to produce offspring, are a form of “liberty” protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Moreover, this protection extends to intimate choices by unmarried as well as married persons.


To seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law by either an outright ban or to render them second class citizens with a demeaning contrivance such as ‘civil unions’ is equally repugnant to the Constitution and rule of law:

[Civil unions are] a status based enactment divorced from any factual context …[pursuant] to legitimate state interests; it is a classification of persons undertaken for its own sake, something the Equal Protection Clause does not permit. "[C]lass legislation . . . [is] obnoxious to the prohibitions of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

[A civil union] classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This [a state] cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.

Romer, Governor of Colorado, et al. v. Evans et al., 517 U.S. 620 (1996).
And, thank the's getting that way soon enough.

I agree.

My sister is "married" to her partner, I have made these same points to her.

My PM was satire.

The only ones trying to shove their values down the throats of others are leftists. Why you can't see that is appalling. You want "equality" for homosexuals in terms of marriage and benefits and taxation. It's not necessary to empower the state at the expense of natural and constitutional rights to accomplish that! How is that equality? You're stupidly and unwittingly trading one supposed oppression for another that is very real in the most fundamental sense of all. But you self-absorbed, self-centered children of impulse and expediency can't get beyond yourselves long enough to see that.

The elites have fed you a line of crap and you just can't get enough of it. Sane people are trying to reason with you before they have to take up arms against you for the sake of their children, for the sake of their families, for the sake of the Republic.

So...leftists are trying to change the marriage laws so everyone HAS TO have a gay marriage for it to be legal?
I am not opposed to the forms issued by government agencies that give people permission to cohabit with and support one another to be called "civil union" certificates, regardless of the composition of the contracted unit of individuals. Perhaps I should be clear, marriage should be allowed to reside as a religious institution, as it has been traditionally. Because the male-female composition of such a union has not been in question until quite recently, perhaps the government might be compelled in its infinite wisdom to redefine the contract and issue permits that endow the holders of such permits with equal protections under government sanction.

Excellent, sensible, tolerant, sane.

The only problem with trying to be reasonable or accommodating with lefty is that he will have none of it. He is petrified by the manly virtues of unfretted liberty. He soils his panties over every little boo-boo. You can't reason with cowards. You can't make nice with bullies. Sissies are the bane of liberty in an evil, fallen world. They will go along with every perversion, every atrocity, every tyranny. They talk about winning--the stuff of big brother government suppressing the natural rights of their freedom-living antagonists. The leftist is a sniveling puddle urine crying for his mommy. The state is his security blanket.

Mob rule is his agenda; domination, his irrepressible creed.

And therein lies the problem. The leftist definition of "compromise" is capitulation by the opponent. The leftist definition of "tolerance" is "my way, or nothing". You are wrong, they are right because they are motivated by "equality".

No, the problem is that there are those on the right so consumed by hatred for gay Americans that they would actually seek to compel gay Americans to ‘compromise’ with regard to their inalienable rights.

This is both very sad and very telling.
Ok so I am a lesbian and am married to my wife....I have a fully functional penis does this count?

the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities

It is not now and NEVER has been about equality, it is now and ALWAYS has been about shoving their beliefs down the throats of those who disagree with them.

Thinking people understand that if they give you the "rights" accorded to married people and YOU give them an inch by calling it a "Civil Union" everybody wins.

You people are just too stupid to get it.

What are their beliefs other than they are equal to you and I?

Equality means they get the same insurance coverage I get.
They get the same tax deductions I do.

THAT is equality.

They do not get the same insurance you get.
And do not get the same tax deductions you get either.
Married couples get exemptions on transfers of property gay folks do not get if they live in a state that does not recognize gay marriage and only to legally married same sex couples.
Life insurance proceeds get special benefits for heterosexual married heirs and insurance companies can decide who is on family plans and can exclude gay partners.
What do you think?
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

I intensely despise faggots and queers, and their sick agenda and lifestyle - with a burning passion ! However , as a rational person and fan of the Constitution and equality - I don't see how yon can possibly deny two perverts the right to marry each other whether or not you approve of their lifestyle.

Marriage or Civil contract - what's the diff. it all boils down to Semantics Homosexuals are still entitled to the same rights, privileges and obligations as the rest of us.
Ok so I am a lesbian and am married to my wife....I have a fully functional penis does this count?

May I ask you why you think a penis is required? We do just fine without one of those things around.....why is it you think they are the end all and be all?

So you don't use a dildo , or your finger or some other substitute for a penis ?

You must really love your sushi.
Excellent, sensible, tolerant, sane.

The only problem with trying to be reasonable or accommodating with lefty is that he will have none of it. He is petrified by the manly virtues of unfretted liberty. He soils his panties over every little boo-boo. You can't reason with cowards. You can't make nice with bullies. Sissies are the bane of liberty in an evil, fallen world. They will go along with every perversion, every atrocity, every tyranny. They talk about winning--the stuff of big brother government suppressing the natural rights of their freedom-living antagonists. The leftist is a sniveling puddle urine crying for his mommy. The state is his security blanket.

Mob rule is his agenda; domination, his irrepressible creed.

And therein lies the problem. The leftist definition of "compromise" is capitulation by the opponent. The leftist definition of "tolerance" is "my way, or nothing". You are wrong, they are right because they are motivated by "equality".

No, the problem is that there are those on the right so consumed by hatred for gay Americans that they would actually seek to compel gay Americans to ‘compromise’ with regard to their inalienable rights.

This is both very sad and very telling.

There is no inalienable right to get government benefits because you're shacking up with your fuck buddy.
And therein lies the problem. The leftist definition of "compromise" is capitulation by the opponent. The leftist definition of "tolerance" is "my way, or nothing". You are wrong, they are right because they are motivated by "equality".

No, the problem is that there are those on the right so consumed by hatred for gay Americans that they would actually seek to compel gay Americans to ‘compromise’ with regard to their inalienable rights.

This is both very sad and very telling.

There is no inalienable right to get government benefits because you're shacking up with your fuck buddy.
So they should be like me, and marry their fuck buddy, although she prefers it when I call her Sweetheart.
Again this si about a word and piece of paper that is now meaningless in todays society.

The word the gays want is to punish the church. If not they would be fighting to call it something else and the far left blue states would have most likely gone along with it. Then again the far left is pushing this agenda to help divide America and distract from the fact that Obama is currently the worst president ever.

They also want access to their partners Social Security and other federal/state benefits.

That is this movement in a nut shell. All other things can be achieved legally.

See this is about money and revenge.

So they want so called privileged "rights" and to be able to by pass what everyone else has do.

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