Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

A record high 58 percent of Americans believe gay marriage should be legal, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Monday.

The result represents an almost complete reversal in opinion since 2003, when 55 percent of Americans said same-sex marriage should be against the law.

Support for legalizing same-sex marriage is up among virtually all demographics, including Catholics, evangelical Christians and both the Republican and Democratic parties. The biggest gap remains across age groups, with those under 30 almost twice as likely to support gay marriage as those over 65.

Americans also increasingly say that homosexuality is an innate characteristic rather than a choice, with 62 percent of respondents saying it's "just the way" people are.

As the nation's views shift, so have the beliefs of a number of high-profile politicians. In recent days, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) reversed his opposition to gay marriage, and President Barack Obama said in an ABC News interview that he couldn't imagine a constitutional defense for states to ban such unions. Hillary Clinton also announced her support for gay marriage on Monday.

Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

More bad news for all the homophobes out there.
The only poll that means anything is the real problem for the sissie left. Voters in the most liberal state in the Union voted against homosexual marriage. That's the issue coming before the Supreme Court and democrat radicals are pulling out all the stops. Americans do not want to authorize homosexual marriages despite the phony results of push polls designed to try to influence the Supreme Court.
Sen. Portman thinks Sen Graham of SC should be allowed to marry the person he loves. So lovely.
They will never accept it, but gay marriage is coming, and will be legal in every state before too long.

Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.
The only poll that means anything is the real problem for the sissie left. Voters in the most liberal state in the Union voted against homosexual marriage. That's the issue coming before the Supreme Court and democrat radicals are pulling out all the stops. Americans do not want to authorize homosexual marriages despite the phony results of push polls designed to try to influence the Supreme Court.

Sorry, but you are wrong; the tide is turning no matter how much it scares you.
They will never accept it, but gay marriage is coming, and will be legal in every state before too long.

Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

The problem is that the radical sissie left refuses to comply with the will of the majority. California voted against the homosexual referendum and that's what all the fuss is all about.
Gay marriage and the War on Guns are, and always have been losing causes when put to vote. These idiotic causes the Democrats have embarked upon are nothing more than distractions designed to keep the public's attention span away from a two term failure of Obama and a Democrat majority. It really is about the economy stupid. Now we all keep hearing liberals champion the fact that Millionaires on Wall Street are making Billions by the day, but ask the so-called (by liberals if you can believe it) 99% how much it is costing them to fill up their gas tanks, buy groceries, and how many people they know who are still unemployed. Obama has record numbers of people on Food Stamps, and these numbskull Democrats want to talk about Gays, and Guns. It is simply unbelievable.
What gives the government the right to tell you whether or not you can get married to the person of your choosing?
They will never accept it, but gay marriage is coming, and will be legal in every state before too long.

Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

The problem is that the radical sissie left refuses to comply with the will of the majority. California voted against the homosexual referendum and that's what all the fuss is all about.

All 4 states that had a gay marriage bill on the agenda passed it in 2012.

Radical right wing morons like you are losing the fight of forcing huge government and anti-freedom on the american people.
They will never accept it, but gay marriage is coming, and will be legal in every state before too long.

Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

Everyone is free to marry the person of the opposite sex of their choice. People are free to live with whomever they wish. Marrage is a procreation institution and will remain such as long as two people of the same sex cannot procreate. Just like everyone has the freedom of speech; however, no one has the right to yell fire in a theater when there is not one present.
Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

The problem is that the radical sissie left refuses to comply with the will of the majority. California voted against the homosexual referendum and that's what all the fuss is all about.

All 4 states that had a gay marriage bill on the agenda passed it in 2012.

Radical right wing morons like you are losing the fight of forcing huge government and anti-freedom on the american people.

Don't worry BlackLabel, you can always put a ring on your boyfriend's finger and call him your husband, none of us will care, I promise you.
Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

The problem is that the radical sissie left refuses to comply with the will of the majority. California voted against the homosexual referendum and that's what all the fuss is all about.

All 4 states that had a gay marriage bill on the agenda passed it in 2012.

Radical right wing morons like you are losing the fight of forcing huge government and anti-freedom on the american people.
When did Sodomy become a Divine right? And what "moron" would want sex every way but the right way?
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Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

A record high 58 percent of Americans believe gay marriage should be legal, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Monday.

The result represents an almost complete reversal in opinion since 2003, when 55 percent of Americans said same-sex marriage should be against the law.

Support for legalizing same-sex marriage is up among virtually all demographics, including Catholics, evangelical Christians and both the Republican and Democratic parties. The biggest gap remains across age groups, with those under 30 almost twice as likely to support gay marriage as those over 65.

Americans also increasingly say that homosexuality is an innate characteristic rather than a choice, with 62 percent of respondents saying it's "just the way" people are.

As the nation's views shift, so have the beliefs of a number of high-profile politicians. In recent days, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) reversed his opposition to gay marriage, and President Barack Obama said in an ABC News interview that he couldn't imagine a constitutional defense for states to ban such unions. Hillary Clinton also announced her support for gay marriage on Monday.

Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

More bad news for all the homophobes out there.
According to the link, 81% of young people are in favor and those over 65 are against.
Those opposed are dying off.
Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

A record high 58 percent of Americans believe gay marriage should be legal, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Monday.

The result represents an almost complete reversal in opinion since 2003, when 55 percent of Americans said same-sex marriage should be against the law.

Support for legalizing same-sex marriage is up among virtually all demographics, including Catholics, evangelical Christians and both the Republican and Democratic parties. The biggest gap remains across age groups, with those under 30 almost twice as likely to support gay marriage as those over 65.

Americans also increasingly say that homosexuality is an innate characteristic rather than a choice, with 62 percent of respondents saying it's "just the way" people are.

As the nation's views shift, so have the beliefs of a number of high-profile politicians. In recent days, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) reversed his opposition to gay marriage, and President Barack Obama said in an ABC News interview that he couldn't imagine a constitutional defense for states to ban such unions. Hillary Clinton also announced her support for gay marriage on Monday.

Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

More bad news for all the homophobes out there.
According to the link, 81% of young people are in favor and those over 65 are against.
Those opposed are dying off.

And what do the young say who believe in remaining celebate until after the marriage ceremony? My guess is that their opinion is the only one that really counts.
They will never accept it, but gay marriage is coming, and will be legal in every state before too long.

Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

Everyone is free to marry the person of the opposite sex of their choice. People are free to live with whomever they wish. Marrage is a procreation institution and will remain such as long as two people of the same sex cannot procreate. Just like everyone has the freedom of speech; however, no one has the right to yell fire in a theater when there is not one present.

You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

More bad news for all the homophobes out there.
According to the link, 81% of young people are in favor and those over 65 are against.
Those opposed are dying off.

And what do the young say who believe in remaining celebate until after the marriage ceremony? My guess is that their opinion is the only one that really counts.
I guess they are very tiny portion of the 19%.
Actually it already is.

The problem is states that refuse to obey the Constitution.

This issue can end tomorrow if each state would simply acknowledge the equal protection rights of every resident.

Everyone is free to marry the person of the opposite sex of their choice. People are free to live with whomever they wish. Marrage is a procreation institution and will remain such as long as two people of the same sex cannot procreate. Just like everyone has the freedom of speech; however, no one has the right to yell fire in a theater when there is not one present.

You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...
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