Gay Marriage Support Hits New High: Poll

Everyone is free to marry the person of the opposite sex of their choice. People are free to live with whomever they wish. Marrage is a procreation institution and will remain such as long as two people of the same sex cannot procreate. Just like everyone has the freedom of speech; however, no one has the right to yell fire in a theater when there is not one present.

You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...

So a couple who finds they are infertile after marriage should be forced to have a divorce. After all, if they can't have kids then marriage is not for them, right?
Also ban old people from getting married. They can't have kids either.

Fair enough?
The problem is that the radical sissie left refuses to comply with the will of the majority. California voted against the homosexual referendum and that's what all the fuss is all about.

All 4 states that had a gay marriage bill on the agenda passed it in 2012.

Radical right wing morons like you are losing the fight of forcing huge government and anti-freedom on the american people.
When did Sodomy become a Divine right? And what "moron" would want sex every way but the right way?

Republicans. Virtually every time a gay sex scandal comes up, it's from a "family values" right winger.
Everyone is free to marry the person of the opposite sex of their choice. People are free to live with whomever they wish. Marrage is a procreation institution and will remain such as long as two people of the same sex cannot procreate. Just like everyone has the freedom of speech; however, no one has the right to yell fire in a theater when there is not one present.

You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...

You have a lot of unrealistic views on marriage. Luckily, others have a much more modern view of marriage and what it is about.

What do you want people to do if they are infertile and find out after they are married? And is there a certain age range where only people in that range should get married? Do you want the Government to get involved and tell folks how old they have to be, and what to do if they can't have a child? What about people with no faith? They can't get married? You would like to put a whole heck of a lot of restrictions on marriage and the rights of people to marry who they choose.

Hope you realize how unrealistic this is.
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You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...

So a couple who finds they are infertile after marriage should be forced to have a divorce. After all, if they can't have kids then marriage is not for them, right?
Also ban old people from getting married. They can't have kids either.

Fair enough?

What about states that require infertility before they will issue a Civil Marriage Licnese?

It is true that California voted against gay marraige. It is also true that the Mormons invested heavily in defeating that proposition. It is also true that they had a law banning interacial marraige, until it was struck down by the court as unconstitutional in 1948. I am not sure just who I blame for this bigotry. Is the the Religious Right, the ignorant, or both? In fact, arn't they pretty much the same thing?
Then let's put it to a vote. A national vote, like a Constitutional amendment. Add it to the next national presidential election. An extra box to check.
Then let's put it to a vote. A national vote, like a Constitutional amendment. Add it to the next national presidential election. An extra box to check.

You do realize that there are no provisions for a national vote on anything in the Constitution by the people correct? That is the way it was designed. The people don't even really vote for President/Vice-President, they vote for representatives who then act through the Electoral College.

But with 58% of the population (per recent polling) I wouldn't be so sure the vote would come down against Civil Marriage Equality.

You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...

So a couple who finds they are infertile after marriage should be forced to have a divorce. After all, if they can't have kids then marriage is not for them, right?
Also ban old people from getting married. They can't have kids either.

Fair enough?

Infertility resulting from a medical condition does not change women into something other than women. Lack of biological offspring in a same sex couple is a biological condition in which men pretend to be women. An infertile woman is still a woman. An old woman is still a woman.

Marriage, no matter who gets married is a legal and contractual construct. Marriage ceremonies are not. They are simply parties, big parties, some have religious meaning and some do not. No one has ever prevented gay people from having parties. Ideally, a marriage contract between two parties would not bind any third party. That's the way it should be. Let everyone have the freedom to chart their own course. If a gay business doesn't want heterosexuals to come through their doors, it should be their absolute right. And so should the converse.
You must support banning infertile couples from marrying. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
Infertile couples ideally would not know that they are infurtile until they consumate the marriage and ideally, they should not be about doing that until after the ceremony. Additionally, I would not marry couples who are from different faiths. This causes strife when it come time to raising children or attending services. And frankly, I feel marriage is for the young. And ideally the husband provides for the wife and children and not the other way around. The idea of two grown men playing house is the wrong reason to make marriage accessable, as is the improper use of anatomy...

You have a lot of unrealistic views on marriage. Luckily, others have a much more modern view of marriage and what it is about.

What do you want people to do if they are infertile and find out after they are married? And is there a certain age range where only people in that range should get married? Do you want the Government to get involved and tell folks how old they have to be, and what to do if they can't have a child? What about people with no faith? They can't get married? You would like to put a whole heck of a lot of restrictions on marriage and the rights of people to marry who they choose.

Hope you realize how unrealistic this is.

An atheist should marry an atheist. And they should get married by a justice of the peace or the mayor. And we are speaking about the IDEAL. We are not trying to fill the cart with a load of exceptions. There are people now arguing that bi-sexuals should not be discriminated against! Does that mean that people should be allowed two spouses --- one male and one female? The TRUTH is that everyone is capable of having a homosexual relationship. The problem is that some get more attached than others and fettish become the driving force. The FACT is that one should never play the field and spread sex around. The fact is, that if people actually spent time looking at the opposite sex as possible mommy or daddy material, they would not get into as much trouble and confusion. The fact is if people waited until marrige to have sex, we would not have half the discussions we are presently having. Character, responsibility, ideals, goals, faith, ideology would all work towards separating lust from true love.
"Character, responsibility, ideals, goals, faith, ideology would all work towards separating lust from true love. "

I'm worried about the Beaver, Ward. He is spending way too much time with Eddie Haskell...
"Character, responsibility, ideals, goals, faith, ideology would all work towards separating lust from true love. "

I'm worried about the Beaver, Ward. He is spending way too much time with Eddie Haskell...

"Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Ice Skates (#5.9)" (1961)
Ward Cleaver: [referring to Beaver] June, isn't he spending an awful lot of time at that skating rink?
June Cleaver: Oh, honey, he loves it so. He spends more time at the rink than he does at home.
Ward Cleaver: Well, I guess he's just taking after his father. When I was his age, I practically lived on the ice.
June Cleaver: [wryly] And now you can hardly get the ice trays out of the refrigerator.

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