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Gay Marriage to the Rescue!

None of this arguing really matters anymore, my position is winning at the voting booth and in supreme court cases across the land.
Using your argument, the govt "interferes" in hetrosexual relationships through the institution of marriage. That is OK, but not for homos? It is a pretty thin argument, because the govt has had very little input into my marriage other than me paying the tax in the form of a marriage certificate. Hardly interference......
and you say Im not the sharpest knife in the drawer?

Can you even stay on track in a debate/discussion. You would be chopped liver if you used this technique in a formal debate. Avatar pointed out how bad your arguement about limited govt is in the debate of whether or not same sex marriage should be legal. And you counter with that above??

Ok, and also, just because your marriage situation hasnt had alot of govt interference means NOBODY else's has? I HARDLY THINK SO. You continue to keep up your moron status by making idiotic irrelevant comments and think they are refutations to others.

That's a very thin agrument, too. Once again, you are stating that it is OK for the govt to interfere with hetros but not homos. What gives you, or the govt for that matter, the right to pick and choose?..
"We the people..."

The govt's role is very minor, and it is only if people go to Splitsville...

Yea, and NOBODY goes to splitville these days, do they?

Just to clarify though, this "conservatives want small govt, but really want big govt" isn't just limited to homos, it is other things as well such as the military (I bet you all want huge govt involvement there right, as in where your tax dollars go), abortion issues..the list goes on. You only want small govt as long as all the current laws fit into your world view. It ain't that simple...

again, wanting limited govt doesnt equate to wanting NO GOVT. So, basically your arguement is "If you are for small govt, then you have to be opposed to any govt involvement in any areas" Yep, moronic.

You are absolutely right, but every example you have given would impact on others in a negative fashion...
Holy crud. Dont you understand when someone is making a point? It seems to go right over your head. OF COURSE the examples he gave have a negative impact, THATS THE REASON HE PICKED THOSE EXAMPLES. It proves that "being natural" is not good reason to excuse the behavior.

Two homos get married and move next door to me. How does my life change? Hint it doesn't. Someone hates me because I'm white. Someone hits me over the head with a baseball bat. How does my life change? Hint, it does. See the difference? And whose common sense values are they? Yours? You can have your values, just don't try and foist them upon me in the form of legislation. The key to me will ALWAYS be the impact of one's actions on others. Until people can prove beyond a reasonable doubt how civilisation is going to hell in a handbasket due to homos, I'll stick with my opinions and take the moral high ground...

Not that old lame arguement. And you never foist your values on others, right?

Of course there are choices in the world. Who are arguing against that? What we are arguing about is that my choices should be your choices. I'm saying unless they have a negative on anybody else (which rape undoubtably would), then who gives a shit? Not I. You find the idea of two guys banging each other distasteful. So do I. Thing is, it's none of my business...
Homosexuals do have the same choice as anyone else, to marry a person of the opposite gender.

It's easy to say because a child doesn't have the life experience or the wherewithal to know about such behaviours and any civilised society sees this. Of course consent is relevant. It is totally relevant. I have always used the term consenting adult. Note the adult part. That is important..

Once again, his point isnt that non consenting with a minor should be ok, his point is that just because its two CONSENTING adults, doesnt automatically make it ok. Many contracts between two consenting adults are illegal.

So, you are claiming that "does it hurt anyone else" should be the only criteria as to whether or not policy or law should be passed? What ever happened to FAIR? You libs are always screaming how unfair things are and need to be changed by govt coercion. Now, homosexuals, who are childless biologically, should get tax benefits that other single males dont? WHY THATS UNFAIR. !!!

You have got to be one of the dumbest people I have ever met on a messageboard - and I've met some doozies! You make Sitarro look like a brain surgeon - and that's saying something. I'm done and dusted with you. I got mroe important things to do, like watch the grass grow - well, might get more intelligence out of a blade of grass than a fool like you. Ciao dork.
You have got to be one of the dumbest people I have ever met on a messageboard - and I've met some doozies! You make Sitarro look like a brain surgeon - and that's saying something. I'm done and dusted with you. I got mroe important things to do, like watch the grass grow - well, might get more intelligence out of a blade of grass than a fool like you. Ciao dork.


Chump you are a pussy, but being a pussy is so typically liberal now isn't it? The going gets tough in a thread so you call the other an idiot, claim victory and say you are finished..............wow! That is the move of a real man, i'll tell ya.

Chump you are a pussy, but being a pussy is so typically liberal now isn't it? The going gets tough in a thread so you call the other an idiot, claim victory and say you are finished..............wow! That is the move of a real man, i'll tell ya.

You mean like you do all the time? RAFLMAO!
You mean like you do all the time? RAFLMAO!

Never do I do that honey. I claim victory but I stay to dispose of my victim's bodies, I never say i'm done and leave...........especially since Chump is getting pummelled in this thread.

It is cute though you coming over and throwing him a life preserver............however small that preserver may be.

P.S. Its ROTFLMAO, lol.

Chump you are a pussy, but being a pussy is so typically liberal now isn't it? The going gets tough in a thread so you call the other an idiot, claim victory and say you are finished..............wow! That is the move of a real man, i'll tell ya.

Soon as the abuse starts, the debate is over. If you get your blinkers off and start taking some of your remedial reading classes, you'll see the fool started the personal abuse crapola. Soon as that happens, the victory is mine, and I move on (oh, and his arguments are ridiculous - don't even pass the giggle test - something you and he/her have in common). Not even at the top of your game, several online dictionaries and every volume of Encylopedia Britannica in front of you could you out debate me. Calling somebody a "typical liberal" and shouting at the top of your lungs is not winning a debate, it's somebody who loves the sound of their own voice...:food1:
Soon as the abuse starts, the debate is over. If you get your blinkers off and start taking some of your remedial reading classes, you'll see the fool started the personal abuse crapola. Soon as that happens, the victory is mine, and I move on (oh, and his arguments are ridiculous - don't even pass the giggle test - something you and he/her have in common). Not even at the top of your game, several online dictionaries and every volume of Encylopedia Britannica in front of you could you out debate me. Calling somebody a "typical liberal" and shouting at the top of your lungs is not winning a debate, it's somebody who loves the sound of their own voice...:food1:

Chump you got and will continue to get pounded on queer issues because live and let live is the stupidest fucking argument out there, it shows no backbone, just because someone has a differing opinion than yours does not mean you are spanking them.

The difference though between us and you is we are winning at the ballot box and at the appeals level. Face it you are way in the minority(read wrong) on this issue.

You ned a remedial debate class...........and you need it quick.
Chump you got and will continue to get pounded on queer issues because live and let live is the stupidest fucking argument out there, it shows no backbone, just because someone has a differing opinion than yours does not mean you are spanking them.

The difference though between us and you is we are winning at the ballot box and at the appeals level. Face it you are way in the minority(read wrong) on this issue.

You ned a remedial debate class...........and you need it quick.
Having the majority argument does not guarantee correctness.
Having the majority argument does not guarantee correctness.

Well you need a line in the sand, gay marriage proponents on here long ago accepted the proposition of putting it to a vote, it was on several states ballots in '04, each one passed on average 75-25, i'd say that qualifies as most agreeing with our view, wouldn't you?
A great analogy is a pedophile. They may or may not be born that way also, but one cant deny their desires are sick, immoral and simply wrong. The same holds true with homosexuals, even though its between consenting adults, hence "supposedly" not hurting anyone, there is still something "wrong" with people who have such desires.

The proof is simple. The sexual organs are there to procreate, hence they should function with a female since a male and male cant procreate.

Or look at it this way, any guy who wouldnt get aroused by say, Angelina Jolie or Halle Berry stripping, SOMETHING IS DEFINATELY WRONG WITH THAT GUY.

No, this is a terrible analogy. A pedophile takes advantage of children who cannot defend themselves or make adult decisions. Homosexuals and lesbians participate in consensual acts, which by the way, you aren't a party to so why do you care? It's none of your business. And just because someone has different sexual preferences than you do does not make them "wrong" or "immoral." It just means they have different preferences than you and it's none of your business unless they let you in on it. And if the organs are there for the sole purpose of procreation, then why do people do it for fun genius? Millions of people have sex all the time and I can guarantee you that most of us are not thinking about "procreation." That's just your little bullsh*t way of rationalizing your unjustified hate.
It's not the majority argument. Most people could care less about the issue because they have no horse in the race, as it were.

Baby you are delusional. If you'd get out of the coffee houses and DU you'd find that most redblooded Americans care deeply about this subject and overwhelmingly agree with my view.............witness the ballot box.

Get a grip on reality.
Baby you are delusional. If you'd get out of the coffee houses and DU you'd find that most redblooded Americans care deeply about this subject and overwhelmingly agree with my view.............witness the ballot box.

Get a grip on reality.

I gotta ask...what ballot box are you referring to?
Baby you are delusional. If you'd get out of the coffee houses and DU you'd find that most redblooded Americans care deeply about this subject and overwhelmingly agree with my view.............witness the ballot box.

Get a grip on reality.

Well, genius, I spend my time neither in coffee houses nor at DU (which it seems only you guys on the right pay attention to, btw). And the only people I've seen who really have issues with this are the folk of the radical Christian right and the odd homophobe, and they sure aren't a majority of Americans. In fact, people 40 and under don't care at all, so at least in the future, your type will be largely extinct.

Maybe you should get around more and stop listening to what your fellow homophobes tell you. RAFLMAO!

(BTW, RAFLMAO is correct... it means Rolling Around Floor Laughing My Ass Off... there might be other ways to say it, dearie, but you sure as heck don't hold a patent and aren't really equipped to correct either my grammar or my use of vernacular).


Back to work... some of us actually have to work for a living. :halo:
Well, genius, I spend my time neither in coffee houses nor at DU (which it seems only you guys on the right pay attention to, btw). And the only people I've seen who really have issues with this are the folk of the radical Christian right and the odd homophobe, and they sure aren't a majority of Americans. In fact, people 40 and under don't care at all, so at least in the future, your type will be largely extinct.

Maybe you should get around more and stop listening to what your fellow homophobes tell you. RAFLMAO!

(BTW, RAFLMAO is correct... it means Rolling Around Floor Laughing My Ass Off... there might be other ways to say it, dearie, but you sure as heck don't hold a patent and aren't really equipped to correct either my grammar or my use of vernacular).


Back to work... some of us actually have to work for a living. :halo:

Hey, I gotta ask! What the heck is "DU?" :huh:

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