Gay men too mentally ill to adhere to HIV medication regimens

I'm thinking substance abuse and mental health problems account for lack of medication adherence regardless of the drugs being for HIV or say something like obsessive anger issues over bizarre topics.

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Not a Harvard study, read closer.

Can we get a moderator in here? Novasteve is lying about his sources.

He can term this study a "Harvard" study, if he wishes, that does not alter reality. Cover story, Harvard Magazine, March/April, 2013 (first one I picked up from one of my stacks, I donate many to my local library, also let friends borrow & keep them; I get them for life, no charge) "America's Prison Problem", also "Litigating Gay Rights". May/June, 2014 "The Bacterial Menace-Antibiotic Resistance Spreads".
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Not sure if the other posters have brought this up but failure to take medication extends to antibiotics for bacterial complications of HIV/AIDS. So these heroics HIV/AIDS cases are often living laboratories for growing bacterial superbugs that are leaving them and entering the general population.

Also the HIV virus itself is mutating and new strains more difficult to treat are popping up.

Each HIV/AIDS patient usually goes indigent within a year or so of diagnosis. And so the taxpayers pick up the rest of their $500,000 medical care tab before AIDS claims them. Of note is a 20-something % increase in new HIV cases in the very youngest of sexually active males opting for gay sex, ages 13-24. [either that or the numbers of gay people are rising in the general child population...hey...wait a minute?!].

So if you think we're broke now, just wait until the meme for "gay sex is OK" really takes root in about 20 years from its germination..
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Not a Harvard study, read closer.

Can we get a moderator in here? Novasteve is lying about his sources.

He can term this study a "Harvard" study, if he wishes, that does not alter reality. Cover story, Harvard Magazine, March/April, 2013 (first one I picked up from one of my stacks, I donate many to my local library, also let friends borrow & keep them; I get them for life, no charge) "America's Prison Problem", also "Litigating Gay Rights". May/June, 2014 "The Bacterial Menace-Antibiotic Resistance Spreads".

If the study was bogus, Harvard would not allow their name to be associated with it. You've heard of Harvard law school I assume? I imagine they could find someone to deal with a hack study using the name "Harvard". So if it is being published as a Harvard study and hasn't been challanged as such, it's a Harvard study...

And as another poster pointed out, LGBT weekly calls it a Harvard study as well.

Sorry. Try again. I know you can't argue the facts so you attack the messenger instead.
Just come out of the closet already, Steve.

Do you have something to offer the conversation besides a diversion of "if you are against the cult of LGBT you are closeted, a hater or a homophobe". Really, the repetition is fooling no one anymore.

You don't like the topic. That much is clear. "Attack the messenger" is the oldest, most tired and lamest trick in the book.
Just come out of the closet already, Steve.

Do you have something to offer the conversation besides a diversion of "if you are against the cult of LGBT you are closeted, a hater or a homophobe". Really, the repetition is fooling no one anymore.

You don't like the topic. That much is clear. "Attack the messenger" is the oldest, most tired and lamest trick in the book.

The cult? LOL you are a laugh a minute.
It's funny that in every thread on the topic of homos...excluding Peach because she actually believes the psuedo-science & tries to back up the totally unproven "gay gene(s)"(Its not Genetics, it's EPIC GENETICS! That's deeper! Lol), can't argue in favor of homosexuality. They just repeatedly call people names, smear their sources(Peach disagrees with this source, however I bet she would agree with it 99.99% of the time).

Pro homo-normalizers have nothing really, because there is nothing good about homosexuality. It's just an selfish perversion practiced by schizos.

Why would you care? Let them. In the 80s they were dying in droves. Everyone else survived just fine.

Because part of the meds they're forgetting to take regularly are antibiotics for bacterial complications of a failing immune system. And when you do that, you grow superbugs in your body. You kill off a large number while you remember to take your antibiotics, then you forget to finish the course and the more resistant ones survive that are left in you. The next time you try to treat them, they've mutated into strains that resist antibiotics.

Those bacteria in staph infections that are common with HIV patients leave their hosts in the form of excretions, pus etc that the HIV patient gets on doorknobs, furniture, bathroom fixtures, the seats of a cab, etc. Then the general population gets to share in their irresponsibility.
Is there anybody in the modern "free world" that doesn't know that the peculiar sometimes bloody sexual relations favored by male homosexuals can lead to HIV infection? Stupid main line drug abusers who share dirty needles are a problem but why in the world do allegedly intelligent men still get infected with AIDS?
Not a Harvard study, read closer.

Can we get a moderator in here? Novasteve is lying about his sources.

He can term this study a "Harvard" study, if he wishes, that does not alter reality. Cover story, Harvard Magazine, March/April, 2013 (first one I picked up from one of my stacks, I donate many to my local library, also let friends borrow & keep them; I get them for life, no charge) "America's Prison Problem", also "Litigating Gay Rights". May/June, 2014 "The Bacterial Menace-Antibiotic Resistance Spreads".

It is probably better that it is NOT a Harvard study. Everything that university spews out is politically motivated liberal crap. Harvard can be taken with a grain of salt.
Discrimination and social expectations has been linked to a higher rate of substance abuse and mental illness in some gays. If anything, people like the OP are the root cause of the topic being discussed.

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