Gay men too mentally ill to adhere to HIV medication regimens

I never heard of Harvey Milk until I noticed how much Silhouette is obsessed with him. I think Milk sodomized Silhouette a long time ago...

Well then you may want to trot down to your local post office and buy a booklet of their stamps with the rainbow "USA" and Harvey Milk's mug on them. BTW, I don't believe you. I think that you would lie to make a point IMHO.

In fact, I'd bet the house on that. When you're going to the post office, stop by the library and check out Harvey Milk's biography called "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk" by his gay friend/accredited journalist Randy Shilts. Read up on how he liked them very young, tortured mentally and on the after the other...drugged perferably too.

Be sure to buy a few sets of those stamps too. The LGBT crowd is buying them up as fast as they can print make the post office and by extension the general public believe the smoke and mirrors that the LGBT cult is super popular...with everyone!

I really never heard of that guy, and rarely do I ever need to use a post office for anything.

I noticed how you didn't deny being sodomized by this Milk guy. Is that why you have launched your mindless homophobic crusade?
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Force test every human being in America for HIV and AIDS every six months, and slaughter every human infected with the disease. Doesn't matter if they are straight, gay, elderly, or children, abolish them all and spare future generations the suffering of that terrible disease.

OK, you first.

In other words, don't offer up a remedy for something you're not willing to be first in line for to "take one for the team".

How about instead, addressing using the anus as an artificial vagina as the main vector of spreading the HIV virus and then going after the behavior that spreads it some 78% of the time? Teach the littlest of kids that unless at the doctor, nothing EVER goes in the eyes, ears, nose or anus. Simple as that. Teach them also that the colon is part of the digestive tract and one of its main functions is resorbing fluids and large dissolved particles directly back into the bloodstream as a method of suriving drought and famine. Ergo, it never evolved to deal with STDs. Ergo, putting HIV infected semen into it is like injecting that semen right into a blood vessel.

Teach all kids that as soon as they're old enough to understand. Then watch the numbers of new HIV infections plummet.

I have already sworn to the Gods that if I ever get infected with HIV that I am going to end this current life by having my closest friend ritualistically push me into a lake of fire and thus initiate my next phase of existence.

And how dare you attempt to tell other humans how to fuck. Just because your fifty year old frail physical vessel isn't getting any action doesn't mean you have to impose your inadequate, neglected, non existent sex life upon us.

Perhaps once upon a time you were young and youthful, but I think its safe to assume your sex life then was about as lame and lifeless as it is now.

And many, many women absolutely love receiving anal. Many, many straight men love fucking a woman's ass just as much as her pussy. Many straight men also enjoy receiving anal sex from a woman via sex toys, as it stimulates your prostate gland. Anal isn't always a "homosexual" act.

For a girl/woman, the sensation of being penetrated both vaginally and anally can be mindblowing. Its been proven that the same goes for a boy/man- the sensation of penetrating someone while receiving anal stimulation can be just as pleasurable.

You should not attempt to speak for things you have such limited knowledge and experience about.

I'm afraid to ask but...where is this lake of fire you're to be ritualistically pushed into?

And of course you realize...that will be your final destination, if you don't accept Christ and repent. Though perhaps God gives a pass to lunatics, after evicting your resident demons... I don't know.
I had the charge of a sex offender who fantasized about drinking pigs' blood while doing other illegal things. You rather remind me of him, ashtara. He had the functioning intellect of a 7 year old. Couldn't count to save his life...but he could definitely manipulate his handlers into allowing him to jack off in the public restroom near a school where he could hear children playing.
I had the charge of a sex offender who fantasized about drinking pigs' blood while doing other illegal things. You rather remind me of him, ashtara. He had the functioning intellect of a 7 year old. Couldn't count to save his life...but he could definitely manipulate his handlers into allowing him to jack off in the public restroom near a school where he could hear children playing.

The difference between heterosexual culture and homosexual culture is that when heteros discover a child molestor in their midst, he is tried, put on the sex offender's registry, sent to prison and put in PC so that the lowest of society don't murder him for being morally beneath them.

Homos in contrast elevate them to iconic status and even have a postage stamp made of him with their logo affixed to his picture in solidarity.

That's the difference between the two cultures in this "culture-war" [as defined by a famous homosexual on MSNBC for example].

At some point, the civil rights of children have to come into this conversation... orphans for adoption chief among them when the topic of LGBT marriage comes up...
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The public schools are actually teaching 6th graders that AIDS is no big deal anymore cuz they have drugs to keep you from dying.
The public schools are actually teaching 6th graders that AIDS is no big deal anymore cuz they have drugs to keep you from dying.

That would be gay education czar Kevin Jennings' doing. Don't want those little boys shying away from trying out gay sex to imprint themselves!

It is also extraordinarily irresponsible.
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