Gay Squirrel!!!!!!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
My take on the Gay Marriage DOMA-Prop 8 hysteria is that focusing on Gay Marriage is the Obamanoids' attempt to "Gay Squirrel!" the country. (h/t to Andrew Klavan for coming up with this.)

There are more important issues: The Economy, Jobs, Permanent Bureaucracy Corruption, Executive Orders Replacing Congress....

Focusing on Gay Marriage just enables Obama to continue his assault on The Constitution and on the Transformation of Our Society & Economy unimpeded. It's a divisive issue for the right, and marginalizes the GOP from moderates.
Of course there are but focusing on the most important aspects such as the economy, debt, jobs would expose his failures. So, he has to keep the social engineering train rolling along to mask his inefficiencies and ineptitude.
The Fog of Obama: Global Warming! Gun Control! Fat Cat Millionaire and Billionaires!

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