Gays have won. So what's next?

The gays are winning this battle because judges are giving them victories in court that they could not win in the ballot box. So it will be like Roe v. Wade, the issue will create another deep division in our nation that will not heal.

The two issues are not similar, gay Americans want equal access under laws. No other person is required to 'join' their access, simply ignore same, if your beliefs so dictate.

Oh yes they are similar because an injustice to anyone is an injustice to everyone.

And Blackroot is wrong. Roe V Wade or the right for women to choose does win at the ballot box. Just watch and see in 2016.

Also Blackroot, you should know that it doesn't matter in America if 80% of voters vote to pass an UNconstitutional amendment. The courts decide. Remember in the 1800's when 100% of Mississippi voters voted to keep black people slaves? Remember in the 1960's when white people in Mississippi voted to not let blacks vote? Unconstitutional. This isn't majority rules.

P.S. In Michigan 10 years ago they voted against same sex marriage. Same in California. If they took the vote today people would vote yes to gay marriage. And that is the right thing to do, which is why the courts won't over rule that. But when the majority votes to make blacks second class citizens or discriminate against gays, how can the courts go along unless they are presided over by right wing tools?

I agree on the point of injustice, yes. But having an abortion is a choice, though often the only one for some women, sadly. Being gay is not a decision.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Little People. Has to be. I can see the headlines on FOX News now.

"Midgets Demand Stepstools in Public Schools in Attempt to Spread Their Small Agenda"

"Bigger is Better. It says so in the Constitution"

"Midget Agenda Spreads to Texas. They say the state is too big and needs to be smaller"

"Should Midgets Intermarry with Big People? Jesus Says NO!"

"Westboro Baptist Church: God Hates Midgets!"

"Bar Owner Arrested for Dwarf Tossing. Constitutional Rights VIOLATED"

"Study shows Little People Are More Likely to Rape Kittens"

"Link Found Between Dwarfism and Pedophilia"

"Midget Thugs Descend on DC to Force Small Agenda on All Americans"

So sad.....but really, this can happen.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?
Pedophiles will be the next oppressed group that LGBTQ organization's will champion to receive their civil rights. .. :doubt:

OMG! Are the Catholic priests organizing a lobby?!

Yes, I think they're joining the Teachers Union and the Hollywood crowd seems to want to join as well.
Hi [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]!

Eye color and race that are born
are different from orientation, and relationships with other people.

When someone goes through spiritual healing to recover from abuse,
I've heard of people changing orientation and their relations with other people.

I have NEVER heard of 'spiritual healing' causing someone's
"race" or 'eye color' to change to something else! Of course not!

The change only happens when it is to return BACK to what someone naturally is.

If their eyes/race are already that way from birth, it won't change.
If their orientation is already natural for them from birth, it won't change.

But what about if their behavior/orientation/relations are NOT natural for them.
(including homosexuals who first marry heterosexually and have kids
before coming to terms with their natural orientation as homosexual)

For these people, they can change back to their natural orientation.
So whatever they did before, they claim is not natural or no longer natural.

This applies to both homosexual or heterosexual who may change their behavior.
Also transgender. Whatever they did before if it wasn't their true nature, it changes.

There is nothing abnormal about being gay, having blue eyes, or being left handed(.)

It depends on the person and situation.

A young woman my friend Olivia counseled who was a lesbian,
admitted because she had been abused repeatedly by an uncle,
she had this sexual behavior history of abusing other people.

When she went through the recovery therapy to heal of all this abuse,
she had to forgive all of it, including her abuser and the people she abused.

The hardest part was forgiving herself, since she had hurt more people than
just the one person her uncle had abused.

NONE of her behavior was normal!

In her case, since the lesbian behavior was not natural for her but connected to abuse,
that changed when she received healing for that unnatural abuse.

Peach, this is just one case. No one else is like her, because every person is unique.

How can you or anybody POSSIBLY assume that just because
SOME people report that it's normal or natural for them, then ALL people are like that?

I've heard so many different cases
of starting as one thing and coming out as another,
that NO cases are the same. So how can ANY generalizations be made about them all?

Isn't that discrimination?
To take an assumption about a group
and IMPOSING that on ALL members of the group?

Isn't the issue to OVERCOME discrimination?
Nothing like a a fare election.
The gays are as popular as the christians.
I wish blackmail was a thing of the past.
1. Then the baker is a fool. He should only care if they have the $ to pay.
2. Many "bakers" didn't want to serve black people either. They said their white customers wouldn't dine there if blacks were there. Too fucking bad. Do you realize you sound exactly like the whites who didn't want blacks to go to their schools?
3. Hey, sorry the exec got fired for his political beliefs. How many liberals have been fired by their boss' because they were democrats?
4. Bible thumpers put pressure on corporations when they don't like their policies. Why shouldn't gays boycott/protest/speak out against companies and exec's that discriminate against them?
5. My doctor is a religious nut. I asked him for Viagra and he asked if I was married. Because I am not, he wouldn't give me a perscription. Do you think he should have the right to impose his religious beliefs on me and my pecker?

Why would you go to a doctor who is a religious nut if you know you disagree?
If he's that good, that you put up with him for this conflict,
why are you complaining about a good doctor?
If he doesn't meet your needs or match the level of service you need,
can you find a better match for a doctor?

Hmmmm I wonder if people are going to start suing people
for refusing their invitations to go on dates, as "discrimination".

"if you do not do what I want you to do, I'm suing you"

What has our country become, but a bunch of whiny control freaks.
Imposing control issues on others, using every excuse in the book.

Yes, you can blame both sides, if that's the only way you acknowledge there is a problem.
By projecting it onto the other side. Both sides do it, take your pick and jump in the fray.

I guess this is backlash for gay bashing. Now we have to hear the opposite going on!

Now whom do I SUE for fighting like this, since I believe in consensus,
and I'm the one being "discriminated against" and imposed upon here!

Where do I sign up for a class-action smack-down legal battle.
Hi [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]!

Eye color and race that are born
are different from orientation, and relationships with other people.

When someone goes through spiritual healing to recover from abuse,
I've heard of people changing orientation and their relations with other people.

I have NEVER heard of 'spiritual healing' causing someone's
"race" or 'eye color' to change to something else! Of course not!

The change only happens when it is to return BACK to what someone naturally is.

If their eyes/race are already that way from birth, it won't change.
If their orientation is already natural for them from birth, it won't change.

But what about if their behavior/orientation/relations are NOT natural for them.
(including homosexuals who first marry heterosexually and have kids
before coming to terms with their natural orientation as homosexual)

For these people, they can change back to their natural orientation.
So whatever they did before, they claim is not natural or no longer natural.

This applies to both homosexual or heterosexual who may change their behavior.
Also transgender. Whatever they did before if it wasn't their true nature, it changes.

There is nothing abnormal about being gay, having blue eyes, or being left handed(.)

It depends on the person and situation.

A young woman my friend Olivia counseled who was a lesbian,
admitted because she had been abused repeatedly by an uncle,
she had this sexual behavior history of abusing other people.

When she went through the recovery therapy to heal of all this abuse,
she had to forgive all of it, including her abuser and the people she abused.

The hardest part was forgiving herself, since she had hurt more people than
just the one person her uncle had abused.

NONE of her behavior was normal!

In her case, since the lesbian behavior was not natural for her but connected to abuse,
that changed when she received healing for that unnatural abuse.

Peach, this is just one case. No one else is like her, because every person is unique.

How can you or anybody POSSIBLY assume that just because
SOME people report that it's normal or natural for them, then ALL people are like that?

I've heard so many different cases
of starting as one thing and coming out as another,
that NO cases are the same. So how can ANY generalizations be made about them all?

Isn't that discrimination?
To take an assumption about a group
and IMPOSING that on ALL members of the group?

Isn't the issue to OVERCOME discrimination?

The premise of someone being gay because of abuse is flat out wrong. Abuse may cause asexuality, please post more than anecdotal evidence of a human "choosing" to be gay.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?
Pedophiles will be the next oppressed group that LGBTQ organization's will champion to receive their civil rights. .. :doubt:

OMG! Are the Catholic priests organizing a lobby?!

It is true that the church should have purged gays. It was deluded with visions of equality that didn't work.
Gays have won nothing. Perhaps the OP author might want to ask themself why the 10th circuit put a stay on it's own decision Wednesday if it believes gay marriage should go forward?? What kind of a message is that sending?
Shut your pie hole. Don't equate my people to gays, you ignorant sycophant.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

What's next? Gays can expect the same bullshit that blacks went through from the 1860's: when they were freed to today. Maybe in 150 years a gay man can be president. I suspect that gay or not a woman still won't be president by then. :lol:

Just kidding! Hillary 2016!!! :eusa_shhh:

And this is why I say blacks don't deserve the freedom we gave them. Because now we see once they become one of us, they turn into assholes and start discriminating against foreigners, muslims and gays. If you don't see how your gay brothers and sisters are being treated just like your pappy and mammy were treated, unjustly, then I guess you prove that doesn't matter if you are black or white, assholes come in every color.

So I guess I'm glad whites still discriminate against you. CLEARLY you don't deserve to be treated equal even if seperate. Maybe Mr. Sterling was right. :eusa_clap:
Shut your pie hole. Don't equate my people to gays, you ignorant sycophant.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

What's next? Gays can expect the same bullshit that blacks went through from the 1860's: when they were freed to today. Maybe in 150 years a gay man can be president. I suspect that gay or not a woman still won't be president by then. :lol:

Just kidding! Hillary 2016!!! :eusa_shhh:

Being gay is not natural and you are not a human. Not a real human anyways. You are in between us whites and apes. Not quite a neandertal but still not a white man.
Shut your pie hole. Don't equate my people to gays, you ignorant sycophant.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

What's next? Gays can expect the same bullshit that blacks went through from the 1860's: when they were freed to today. Maybe in 150 years a gay man can be president. I suspect that gay or not a woman still won't be president by then. :lol:

Just kidding! Hillary 2016!!! :eusa_shhh:

Didn't christians in the 1800's and 1960's use the bible to justify their racism? Regardless, it should be against the law for blacks to marry whites just like gays shouldn't be able to marry. Stick with your nappy headed hoes.
Shut your pie hole. Don't equate my people to gays, you ignorant sycophant.
What's next? Gays can expect the same bullshit that blacks went through from the 1860's: when they were freed to today. Maybe in 150 years a gay man can be president. I suspect that gay or not a woman still won't be president by then. :lol:

Just kidding! Hillary 2016!!! :eusa_shhh:

Being gay is not natural and you are not a human. Not a real human anyways. You are in between us whites and apes. Not quite a neandertal but still not a white man.

Disgusting post(.)
Shut your pie hole. Don't equate my people to gays, you ignorant sycophant.

Being gay is not natural and you are not a human. Not a real human anyways. You are in between us whites and apes. Not quite a neandertal but still not a white man.

Disgusting post(.)

I don't mean it. I'm trying to make a point. Some white people feel the same way about his monkey ass as he feels about gays. Don't have empathy for gays? Then fuck him.
Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:
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Being gay is not natural and you are not a human. Not a real human anyways. You are in between us whites and apes. Not quite a neandertal but still not a white man.

Disgusting post(.)

I don't mean it. I'm trying to make a point. Some white people feel the same way about his monkey ass as he feels about gays. Don't have empathy for gays? Then fuck him.

Why not leave it at that? Spurious insults take the focus off EQUALITY, empathy cannot be legislated.
Gays have won nothing. Perhaps the OP author might want to ask themself why the 10th circuit put a stay on it's own decision Wednesday if it believes gay marriage should go forward?? What kind of a message is that sending?
The message that the backward right is expected to appeal that ruling to a higher court and they want to be sure those who might start marrying do not have to suffer any further discrimination and indignation during the process of waiting. And since the backward right is so bent upon holding on tightly to their 'traditional marriage' if it was the clothes they're wearing being held any tighter on their skin their britches and undies would explode.
Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Every abnormal behavior is perfectly normal to the person that expresses the abnormal behavior.
Yes, like Homophobia! And you and your clan should understand about that only too well.

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