Gays have won. So what's next?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

The elderly get an exemption - but again, they may have already contributed. Why do you want to discriminate against the elderly?

Elderly bigot. Elderly hater.
No, you worded that all wrong. It is NOT normal by definition, 2-5% of the population is sexually ABNORMAL. This isn't debatable. It's one of those black & white areas that actually exists.

Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.
'breeders': every bit as offensive to us who support marriage equality; step off

all such terms should be negged every time they are used, in my opinion
Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Every abnormal behavior is perfectly normal to the person that expresses the abnormal behavior.

Like blue eyes? Many less humans with blue eyes; we are abnormal?

I have already proven there is no solid evidence for gay gene/genes. It is not the same as having blue eyes or being left handed.
Gay males are bleeders too, maybe that's why they think they're women? They probably consider their first bout of anal leakage as having their cherry popped. Lol
Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Only in your opinion
Like blue eyes? Many less humans with blue eyes; we are abnormal?

I have already proven there is no solid evidence for gay gene/genes. It is not the same as having blue eyes or being left handed.

Rather you have done the opposite. Thank you.

Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.
I have already proven there is no solid evidence for gay gene/genes. It is not the same as having blue eyes or being left handed.

Rather you have done the opposite. Thank you.

Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.
false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...
I fail to see anything "gay" about a way of life that leads to AIDS and slow death. That's why this is nothing more than a fad. Once the novelty has worn off, most of these perverts will realize they got caught up in something they regret and wish they could get a mulligan for. Add to that the only group who will be shooting out thousands of new babies will be the Latinos, and there goes your "white privilege" ya dopes.
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Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Every abnormal behavior is perfectly normal to the person that expresses the abnormal behavior.

You mean like homophobia.

Insecurity and fear about your own sexual orientation driving a self-loathing rage and striking out at those you fear you may be like.
The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.
Rather you have done the opposite. Thank you.

Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.
false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...

They've already mapped the entire human genome, there is no gay gene or genes, and since you're a liberal...I know I am going out on a limb here even suggesting that you've donated to any cause EVER..but you're wasting your money trying to prove it is something people are born as.

The brain plasticity angle is a much more valid area to research as it already has some solid science behind it & all it would take is for you morons to admit homosexuality is not genetic in any way, but is enviromentally caused..when it is not a choice, ofcourse..some homosexuals will tell you they CHOSE to be gay, though it's less frequent in the male than in the lesbian community to hear them say it.

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?
No, lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations are
not disorders. Research has found no inherent
association between any of these sexual orientations
and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior
and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of
human sexuality. Both have been documented
in many different cultures and historical eras.
Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray
lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed,
several decades of research and clinical experience
have led all mainstream medical and mental
health organizations in this country to conclude
that these orientations represent normal forms
of human experience. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual
relationships are normal forms of human bonding.
Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago
abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a
mental disorder.
The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.
government or the ruling class aka royalty was in the business of marriage long before religion ever was ...

The history of marriage dates back as far as the ancient times. Studies revealed that marriage didn’t exist before. The usual practice was that the men in a certain tribe or horde had access to the women they like. When children are born, they belonged to the whole community. This is associated with the perception that humans want sexual variety. However, things have changed when sexual morality was developed and has since influenced the social life of the people.

The earliest marriage was believed to be ‘group marriage’. The union was basically between groups of men and women, and there exists shared sexual relations. The group marriage allowed polyandry, and this existed in Ceylon, India, and Tibet many years ago.

The origin of marriage is a great debate subject. Many people are wondering how marriage began. There have been studies that claim the existence of marriage 4,350 years ago. Before this time, families were made up of less organized groups consisting of more or less than thirty people. The group consisted of men that shared women. With the introduction of agricultural civilization, the society demanded for stable arrangements.

It is said that the first union between a man and a woman took place in Mesopotamia at 2350 BC. Marriage evolved since then and such practice was observed by the Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. However, the union was never about love or religion. The primary purpose of the marriage is to ensure that the man’s children are biologically his, and so women were treated as mere ‘property’.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

Gay marriage has always been a controversial subject. In order to determine the legality of such marriage, it is vital that the history of gay marriage be considered. However, the individual and societal interpretations of accepted standards tend to heighten the tension that surrounds the subject of gay marriage.

Studies revealed that relationships between the same sexes have enjoyed freedom, especially in greater parts of Egypt and Mesopotamia. There was even a tomb for a gay couple which means that the kingdom recognized such union. However, such practice was more common in Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi did not restrict same-sex marriage although marriages were well-regulated during such time.

There were cited examples of gay marriages during the classical antiquity. Even Plato was able to describe homosexual attractions in his work entitled ‘Symposium’. In Greek artworks, same-sex interactions were also depicted with equal status as men-women relationships. However, not all states or countries approved of such relationships or rituals.

It is said that gay marriage was not about gender, and was more of character excellence, beauty, and love. Recorded history of gay marriage has also revealed that homosexual marriages had a cultural and religious basis. In most cultures, homosexual relationships were mostly covert. In the social customs of the Romans, marriage between men was common and this existed even in the high society. During that time, women had limited freedom; hence, same-sex unions among females were rare.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

now don't you feel dumb....or you should...

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