Gays have won. So what's next?

Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.
false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...

They've already mapped the entire human genome, there is no gay gene or genes, and since you're a liberal...I know I am going out on a limb here even suggesting that you've donated to any cause EVER..but you're wasting your money trying to prove it is something people are born as.

The brain plasticity angle is a much more valid area to research as it already has some solid science behind it & all it would take is for you morons to admit homosexuality is not genetic in any way, but is enviromentally caused..when it is not a choice, ofcourse..some homosexuals will tell you they CHOSE to be gay, though it's less frequent in the male than in the lesbian community to hear them say it.

I could refute every thing you said point for point but it's far more accurate TO SAY :

The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.

Where do you go if you want a divorce? Oh you go to the government? Where do you go to get a marriage license? You go to the government?

This dipshits comment is as dumb as when the tea baggers said keep the government away from my medicare. Stupid fucking republicans.
The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.

Just like the rich people that run the GOP don't give a shit about guns. They live in gated communities. They don't care about blacks either because they live in gated communities. The only black in their neighborhood is Herman Cain and Beyonce.

They don't really care about gays or god either. Those are wedge issues they use to sucker stupid poor and middle class voters with.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Proving Christians and Conservatives equally right on something:

That natural spiritual healing not only works to help people change unnatural sexual behavior and recover from abuse,
but the same methods can be used to heal people of cancer, schizophrenia, and other mental or physical illness, even criminal illness that medicine alone cannot cure.

So there is a better way to reduce costs of health care for more people.
By promoting natural healing that is safe, effective and FREE.

Because it involves health practices and healing based on "forgiveness therapy" on a voluntary basis, it cannot be mandated by government.
(Unless people decide if insurance can be mandated, this should be an option for those who don't believe in that either.)
Here you go again ranting and raving about "natural healing" completely off topic. One can only assume that you are pitching fraudulent ex-gay "conversion therapy."

I base this on your purposeful avoidance of answering, "what is 'natural healing'" and your insistence in taking about this on threads dealing only with homosexuality.

This fragment abusive so called "therapy" will soon be illegal.
The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.
government or the ruling class aka royalty was in the business of marriage long before religion ever was ...

The history of marriage dates back as far as the ancient times. Studies revealed that marriage didn’t exist before. The usual practice was that the men in a certain tribe or horde had access to the women they like. When children are born, they belonged to the whole community. This is associated with the perception that humans want sexual variety. However, things have changed when sexual morality was developed and has since influenced the social life of the people.

The earliest marriage was believed to be ‘group marriage’. The union was basically between groups of men and women, and there exists shared sexual relations. The group marriage allowed polyandry, and this existed in Ceylon, India, and Tibet many years ago.

The origin of marriage is a great debate subject. Many people are wondering how marriage began. There have been studies that claim the existence of marriage 4,350 years ago. Before this time, families were made up of less organized groups consisting of more or less than thirty people. The group consisted of men that shared women. With the introduction of agricultural civilization, the society demanded for stable arrangements.

It is said that the first union between a man and a woman took place in Mesopotamia at 2350 BC. Marriage evolved since then and such practice was observed by the Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. However, the union was never about love or religion. The primary purpose of the marriage is to ensure that the man’s children are biologically his, and so women were treated as mere ‘property’.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

Gay marriage has always been a controversial subject. In order to determine the legality of such marriage, it is vital that the history of gay marriage be considered. However, the individual and societal interpretations of accepted standards tend to heighten the tension that surrounds the subject of gay marriage.

Studies revealed that relationships between the same sexes have enjoyed freedom, especially in greater parts of Egypt and Mesopotamia. There was even a tomb for a gay couple which means that the kingdom recognized such union. However, such practice was more common in Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi did not restrict same-sex marriage although marriages were well-regulated during such time.

There were cited examples of gay marriages during the classical antiquity. Even Plato was able to describe homosexual attractions in his work entitled ‘Symposium’. In Greek artworks, same-sex interactions were also depicted with equal status as men-women relationships. However, not all states or countries approved of such relationships or rituals.

It is said that gay marriage was not about gender, and was more of character excellence, beauty, and love. Recorded history of gay marriage has also revealed that homosexual marriages had a cultural and religious basis. In most cultures, homosexual relationships were mostly covert. In the social customs of the Romans, marriage between men was common and this existed even in the high society. During that time, women had limited freedom; hence, same-sex unions among females were rare.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

now don't you feel dumb....or you should...

What you got in say...........

The past thousand years or so?
The racist far left and their quest to control everything has taken yet another "right" that is not a right and makes a big deal out of it due to the fact they want the money of said entity.

The far left took on this cause so they could force churches to do things, include giving their money to the government.

If not for that the far left could care less about this topic.

Get the government out of the business of marriage.
government or the ruling class aka royalty was in the business of marriage long before religion ever was ...

The history of marriage dates back as far as the ancient times. Studies revealed that marriage didn’t exist before. The usual practice was that the men in a certain tribe or horde had access to the women they like. When children are born, they belonged to the whole community. This is associated with the perception that humans want sexual variety. However, things have changed when sexual morality was developed and has since influenced the social life of the people.

The earliest marriage was believed to be ‘group marriage’. The union was basically between groups of men and women, and there exists shared sexual relations. The group marriage allowed polyandry, and this existed in Ceylon, India, and Tibet many years ago.

The origin of marriage is a great debate subject. Many people are wondering how marriage began. There have been studies that claim the existence of marriage 4,350 years ago. Before this time, families were made up of less organized groups consisting of more or less than thirty people. The group consisted of men that shared women. With the introduction of agricultural civilization, the society demanded for stable arrangements.

It is said that the first union between a man and a woman took place in Mesopotamia at 2350 BC. Marriage evolved since then and such practice was observed by the Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. However, the union was never about love or religion. The primary purpose of the marriage is to ensure that the man’s children are biologically his, and so women were treated as mere ‘property’.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

Gay marriage has always been a controversial subject. In order to determine the legality of such marriage, it is vital that the history of gay marriage be considered. However, the individual and societal interpretations of accepted standards tend to heighten the tension that surrounds the subject of gay marriage.

Studies revealed that relationships between the same sexes have enjoyed freedom, especially in greater parts of Egypt and Mesopotamia. There was even a tomb for a gay couple which means that the kingdom recognized such union. However, such practice was more common in Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi did not restrict same-sex marriage although marriages were well-regulated during such time.

There were cited examples of gay marriages during the classical antiquity. Even Plato was able to describe homosexual attractions in his work entitled ‘Symposium’. In Greek artworks, same-sex interactions were also depicted with equal status as men-women relationships. However, not all states or countries approved of such relationships or rituals.

It is said that gay marriage was not about gender, and was more of character excellence, beauty, and love. Recorded history of gay marriage has also revealed that homosexual marriages had a cultural and religious basis. In most cultures, homosexual relationships were mostly covert. In the social customs of the Romans, marriage between men was common and this existed even in the high society. During that time, women had limited freedom; hence, same-sex unions among females were rare.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

now don't you feel dumb....or you should...

What you got in say...........

The past thousand years or so?
religious homophobia!

Today, marriage is not just about practical reasons. The couple usually has a deep feeling for mutual devotion and love. Romantic love is said to have existed since the Middle Ages. Some say that romantic love was conceptualized by the French. Indeed, love was able to change the way people view marriage. The latter was no longer treated as a pragmatic transaction. However, the belief that wives were owned by their husbands remained for centuries.

The dramatic transformation of marriage happened when women acquired their right to vote in 1920. The changes happened in the last forty years, and now, men and women have equal rights. Throughout history, people talked about marriage between the opposite sex but in the recent years, there were already issues on same-sex marriage.

In the western civilization, the union was entered into by parties because of survival, power, and money. In Europe, the society plays a great role in deciding marriages. Marriage was not always about love. In fact, during the Victorian era, friendship and adultery were more passionate. Today, most couples marry because of love but studies have showed that the unions ended up in divorce or legal separation.

The history of marriage is very interesting. You will be able to see where the tradition began, and the changes that happened through the years. Some say that today’s marriages are on the rocks, but in the end, everything will depend on the couple and their deep love for each other.
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LGBT won a battle today, not the war.
I wouldn't be so sure about that the way things are going in the high courts. By the way, aren't you supposed to be a "supporter" of Gay rights? Sure doesn't sound like it one bit. So what's the real scoop?

The scoop is that you, like Yurt, cannot stand being rightfully corrected.

The LGBT have twenty court battles in a row: a good thing, in my opinion.

This is not over until it is over.
government or the ruling class aka royalty was in the business of marriage long before religion ever was ...

The history of marriage dates back as far as the ancient times. Studies revealed that marriage didn’t exist before. The usual practice was that the men in a certain tribe or horde had access to the women they like. When children are born, they belonged to the whole community. This is associated with the perception that humans want sexual variety. However, things have changed when sexual morality was developed and has since influenced the social life of the people.

The earliest marriage was believed to be ‘group marriage’. The union was basically between groups of men and women, and there exists shared sexual relations. The group marriage allowed polyandry, and this existed in Ceylon, India, and Tibet many years ago.

The origin of marriage is a great debate subject. Many people are wondering how marriage began. There have been studies that claim the existence of marriage 4,350 years ago. Before this time, families were made up of less organized groups consisting of more or less than thirty people. The group consisted of men that shared women. With the introduction of agricultural civilization, the society demanded for stable arrangements.

It is said that the first union between a man and a woman took place in Mesopotamia at 2350 BC. Marriage evolved since then and such practice was observed by the Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. However, the union was never about love or religion. The primary purpose of the marriage is to ensure that the man’s children are biologically his, and so women were treated as mere ‘property’.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

Gay marriage has always been a controversial subject. In order to determine the legality of such marriage, it is vital that the history of gay marriage be considered. However, the individual and societal interpretations of accepted standards tend to heighten the tension that surrounds the subject of gay marriage.

Studies revealed that relationships between the same sexes have enjoyed freedom, especially in greater parts of Egypt and Mesopotamia. There was even a tomb for a gay couple which means that the kingdom recognized such union. However, such practice was more common in Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi did not restrict same-sex marriage although marriages were well-regulated during such time.

There were cited examples of gay marriages during the classical antiquity. Even Plato was able to describe homosexual attractions in his work entitled ‘Symposium’. In Greek artworks, same-sex interactions were also depicted with equal status as men-women relationships. However, not all states or countries approved of such relationships or rituals.

It is said that gay marriage was not about gender, and was more of character excellence, beauty, and love. Recorded history of gay marriage has also revealed that homosexual marriages had a cultural and religious basis. In most cultures, homosexual relationships were mostly covert. In the social customs of the Romans, marriage between men was common and this existed even in the high society. During that time, women had limited freedom; hence, same-sex unions among females were rare.
History of Marriage | The History, Origins and Customs of Marriage

now don't you feel dumb....or you should...

What you got in say...........

The past thousand years or so?
religious homophobia!

Today, marriage is not just about practical reasons. The couple usually has a deep feeling for mutual devotion and love. Romantic love is said to have existed since the Middle Ages. Some say that romantic love was conceptualized by the French. Indeed, love was able to change the way people view marriage. The latter was no longer treated as a pragmatic transaction. However, the belief that wives were owned by their husbands remained for centuries.

The dramatic transformation of marriage happened when women acquired their right to vote in 1920. The changes happened in the last forty years, and now, men and women have equal rights. Throughout history, people talked about marriage between the opposite sex but in the recent years, there were already issues on same-sex marriage.

In the western civilization, the union was entered into by parties because of survival, power, and money. In Europe, the society plays a great role in deciding marriages. Marriage was not always about love. In fact, during the Victorian era, friendship and adultery were more passionate. Today, most couples marry because of love but studies have showed that the unions ended up in divorce or legal separation.

The history of marriage is very interesting. You will be able to see where the tradition began, and the changes that happened through the years. Some say that today’s marriages are on the rocks, but in the end, everything will depend on the couple and their deep love for each other.

atheistic Hetrophobia (sorry, it just seemed appropriate)
What you got in say...........

The past thousand years or so?
religious homophobia!

Today, marriage is not just about practical reasons. The couple usually has a deep feeling for mutual devotion and love. Romantic love is said to have existed since the Middle Ages. Some say that romantic love was conceptualized by the French. Indeed, love was able to change the way people view marriage. The latter was no longer treated as a pragmatic transaction. However, the belief that wives were owned by their husbands remained for centuries.

The dramatic transformation of marriage happened when women acquired their right to vote in 1920. The changes happened in the last forty years, and now, men and women have equal rights. Throughout history, people talked about marriage between the opposite sex but in the recent years, there were already issues on same-sex marriage.

In the western civilization, the union was entered into by parties because of survival, power, and money. In Europe, the society plays a great role in deciding marriages. Marriage was not always about love. In fact, during the Victorian era, friendship and adultery were more passionate. Today, most couples marry because of love but studies have showed that the unions ended up in divorce or legal separation.

The history of marriage is very interesting. You will be able to see where the tradition began, and the changes that happened through the years. Some say that today’s marriages are on the rocks, but in the end, everything will depend on the couple and their deep love for each other.

atheistic Hetrophobia (sorry, it just seemed appropriate)
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Proving Christians and Conservatives equally right on something:

That natural spiritual healing not only works to help people change unnatural sexual behavior and recover from abuse,
but the same methods can be used to heal people of cancer, schizophrenia, and other mental or physical illness, even criminal illness that medicine alone cannot cure.

So there is a better way to reduce costs of health care for more people.
By promoting natural healing that is safe, effective and FREE.

Because it involves health practices and healing based on "forgiveness therapy" on a voluntary basis, it cannot be mandated by government.
(Unless people decide if insurance can be mandated, this should be an option for those who don't believe in that either.)
Here you go again ranting and raving about "natural healing" completely off topic. One can only assume that you are pitching fraudulent ex-gay "conversion therapy."

I base this on your purposeful avoidance of answering, "what is 'natural healing'" and your insistence in taking about this on threads dealing only with homosexuality.

This fragment abusive so called "therapy" will soon be illegal.

NO SHIT! If I get one more private message from this stupid woman about natural healing and jesus is love or jesus is forgiveness I think I'm going to snap.

I love it how people like her see how ineffective people like Gismys are so they try a kinder softer approach to prove the impossible.

Yea we get it. Be nice, don't do bad things. That's god. Only one problem. We already have words for those things. Saying those things are god is misleading. Either god is the guy they talk about in the bible, koran or old testament or he's imaginary/made up.

Isn't it funny when the bible's god is no longer believable, they just invent a new definition of what god is. There is no god! There is love, understanding, forgiveness, kindness. Those are all human attributes. No god is necessary. Even other animals desplay these things and what are they to god's children besides food?
Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:
Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

They should give people without kids the tax breaks. We need to thin the herd.
Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:
procreating in caves is where all this trouble started! :D
So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

They should give people without kids the tax breaks. We need to thin the herd.
my wife and I have been saying that for years...
Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

Absolutely not.

Wherever did you get that idea

Just pay extra taxes so you can feel truly equal.

We gotta support you folks in your old age with our kids, while you supply none to support me in mine.

That seems to be equality perfected.

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