Gays have won. So what's next?

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

They should give people without kids the tax breaks. We need to thin the herd.

The heard is just fine the way it is.
Stupid Jedi...The APA is ran by ultra liberal pro-gay activists, here is the testimony of former president & the guy who helped get that ball rolling(not knowing that he basically gave the APA to mentally ill homos to control) & eventually was kicked out because he maintained homosexuality is a CHOICE for the individual. He is not anti-gay marriage you need to think before you try to smear Dr. Cummings as a liar.

[ame=]Gay science is all fake, how gays control psychology - YouTube[/ame]

Never try to use the APA as a credible source again, you low I formation buffoon.
Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

They should give people without kids the tax breaks. We need to thin the herd.
my wife and I have been saying that for years...

I bet...after years of trying to have kids unsuccessfully. She just wants you not to feel inadequate because you smoked so much pot, your sperm are retarded, & left you infertile.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?
Pedophiles will be the next oppressed group that LGBTQ organization's will champion to receive their civil rights. .. :doubt:

You can't WAIT for that, I'm sure! After all, you worship one!
Jarl, my boy, you finally finally FINALLLY got something right.

Good on you!
So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:
procreating in caves is where all this trouble started! :D

But it keeps "government" out of the marriage business, remember? :eusa_angel:
Individuality does not appeared "valued" by some. Procreate or live in a cave...............:lol:

They should give people without kids the tax breaks. We need to thin the herd.

The heard is just fine the way it is.


Until the development of agriculture around the 11th millennium BC, it is estimated that the world population stabilized at about three million people

Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 600 million.

1800 world population one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in less than 30 years (1959), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987).

During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.
In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now.

7 billion today.

How many human's would you consider too many for this planet?
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.
LGBT won a battle today, not the war.
I wouldn't be so sure about that the way things are going in the high courts. By the way, aren't you supposed to be a "supporter" of Gay rights? Sure doesn't sound like it one bit. So what's the real scoop?

The scoop is that you, like Yurt, cannot stand being rightfully corrected.

The LGBT have twenty court battles in a row: a good thing, in my opinion.

This is not over until it is over.
Answer my previous questions first since I have asked them time and time again and you have remained silent on them. Are you or are you not a SUPPORTER of Gay and Lesbian Rights and Marriage Equality? It's that simple. Don't go off on another tangent just to be evasive in answering. Let's hear from you on that.
Gays Have Won - So What Next?

Their next hurdle will be the age of consent laws along with control over your offspring - through increasing power of the school system to indoctrinate instead of educate .
They've already been chiseling away at your right to determine what's best for your family, within a few years they'll be demanding the right to fornicate with younger and younger victims. Their designs are on the Children and the futiure.

Other actions will include punative actions against parents who refuse to bow down to the socio-fascist agenda, as well as dissolution of Family Units deemed in opposition to the socio-fascist agenda. This will be initiated by seizing the Children of non-conforming members of society.
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.

I'm not having any kids. My rich brother has 2 boys. They are basically my boys only I don't have to pay for them. They'll get everything when I go. So me and my brother will leave this world no worse off than when we came into it. 2 out, 2 in. We have not increased the population one bit.
Gays Have Won - So What Next?

Their next hurdle will be the age of consent laws along with control over your offspring - through increasing power of the school system to indoctrinate instead of educate .
They've already been chiseling away at your right to determine what's best for your family, within a few years they'll be demanding the right to fornicate with younger and younger victims. Their designs are on the Children and the futiure.

Other actions will include punative actions against parents who refuse to bow down to the socio-fascist agenda, as well as dissolution of Family Units deemed in opposition to the socio-fascist agenda. This will be initiated by seizing the Children of non-conforming members of society.

You mean teach tolerance? Yes that should be taught in school. You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.
I don't lack empathy, I lack the ability to fall for the bullshit that homos are just the sweetest, kindest people on earth. You're a dumbfuck, so you're full of that ability, Sealy.
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.

I was thinking the same.

Trying to weasel out of that freeloader tax thing.

An American Radio host was in Denmark and the guy said to him:

....But it was once we were off the air that he made the comment that I found so enlightening.

“You Americans are such suckers,” he said. “You think that the rules for taxes that apply to rich people also apply to working people, but they don’t.

With all the tax cuts the GOP have pushed through, how much has that saved you? Nothing? Why? Because they gave all the savings to corporations? Even ones who moved their manufacturing operations overseas? Even when they aren't hiring? Why would they do this? Oh, and now notice the roads need repair and who are they asking for the money? You? That's right they shifted the tax burden on you dummy. But you keep voting for the ones who are cutting spending on social programs and safety nets. Perhaps you'll never need it but I have seen plenty just like you who said they'd never but did and boy were they humbled. They thought they were special. They didn't realize we are a community not every man for himself.

I wish jesus would hurry up and come get your stupid asses already and take you away
I don't lack empathy, I lack the ability to fall for the bullshit that homos are just the sweetest, kindest people on earth. You're a dumbfuck, so you're full of that ability, Sealy.

Maybe if I sent a gay over to nibbled your ear lobe a little you'd see they can be some of the sweetest kindest people on earth.

Oh, and there are gay assholes just like there are black assholes. Whites don't own being assholes. Assholes come in every color and gender.

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