Gays have won. So what's next?

I wouldn't be so sure about that the way things are going in the high courts. By the way, aren't you supposed to be a "supporter" of Gay rights? Sure doesn't sound like it one bit. So what's the real scoop?

The scoop is that you, like Yurt, cannot stand being rightfully corrected.

The LGBT have twenty court battles in a row: a good thing, in my opinion.

This is not over until it is over.
Answer my previous questions first since I have asked them time and time again and you have remained silent on them. Are you or are you not a SUPPORTER of Gay and Lesbian Rights and Marriage Equality? It's that simple. Don't go off on another tangent just to be evasive in answering. Let's hear from you on that.

Sonny, you are not in charge of anything except your own weirdness.

My brother will tell you I am.

My donations of time and money to Pride in town here will tell you I am.

Those who attend church with me will tell you I am.

And you, my little buddy, are no one's father confessor when it comes to supporting LGBT.

I will continue to handle you roughly here when you act out where it is not needed and injure those who support you.

Step along.
Gays Have Won - So What Next?

Their next hurdle will be the age of consent laws along with control over your offspring - through increasing power of the school system to indoctrinate instead of educate .
They've already been chiseling away at your right to determine what's best for your family, within a few years they'll be demanding the right to fornicate with younger and younger victims. Their designs are on the Children and the futiure.

Other actions will include punative actions against parents who refuse to bow down to the socio-fascist agenda, as well as dissolution of Family Units deemed in opposition to the socio-fascist agenda. This will be initiated by seizing the Children of non-conforming members of society.

You mean teach tolerance? Yes that should be taught in school. You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

You mean teach tolerance? Yes that should be taught in school.

Tolerance is good , but we should be intolerant of Indoctrination .

Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

Kevin Jennings, masterminded a scheme of gay infiltration into the classroom using "tolerance" and anti-bullying programs as a perfect path to classroom indoctrination. In 1995 Jennings made a speech to a Gay Group in which he somewhat outlined the agendas strategy

If the radical right can succeed in portraying us as preying on children, we will lose. Their language .... is laced with subtle and not-so-subtle innuendo that we are after their kids, - He then went on to propose a strategy of how they could get at our kids. - K. Jennings

In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program. Now the drug education programs I personally have no problem with, but the lefts manipulation of the term safe is where the flakiness comes in. Jennings was in charge of making public schools safe for leftists and homosexuals and to disseminate pro-homosexual propaganda and indoctrination to Americas school children.

An important aspect of the Jennings strategy involves linking the Gay Agenda to universal values that all members of society share. Basically to latch onto tolerance, diversity, safety, and peaceful coexistence amongst children of many variations - which is a good thing. It's a tactic referred to as Framing. From this simple dirt path, they seek to build a super-highway into the minds of our youth. Anybody who objected to the Gay Agendas planned indoctrination would be heretofore be labeled a heartless bully, a homophobic demon with a complete disregard for children and students.

This framing short-circuited their arguments [heterosexuals] and left them back-pedaling from day one, .... [N]o one could speak up against our frame and say, Why, yes, I do think students should kill themselves , This allowed us to set the terms for debate. - Kevin Jennings

An important goal of the framing campaign, as well as the Gay Agenda in general according to Jennings, is that eventually when normal straight people hear that someone is promoting homosexuality, they would say -Yeah, who cares? - because they would not necessarily equate homosexuality with what it really is - evil, bad, devious and in opposition to common human morality .

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

Intelligent design
Intelligent Design is a vaild philosophical concept

God is the realm of the Church.

You mean such as the Gay and Socio-Fascist Agenda Lies - Yes I agree
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.
more total bullshit ......
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...
Bullshit...It's spot on. Your support of faggotry & gay adoption also shows you're unfit to raise children any way.

A spirit in heaven waiting to be born into this world is celebrating the fact it won't be the product of your loins, dawson's creek.
Bullshit...It's spot on. Your support of faggotry & gay adoption also shows you're unfit to raise children any way.

A spirit in heaven waiting to be born into this world is celebrating the fact it won't be the product of your loins, dawson's creek.
you just keep digging' that that false assumption grave deeper....
there is no heaven, to play the religious card just proves the irrelevant nature of your argument...
Prove there is no heaven, dawson's creek. I will be waiting for your evidence...

And you know you're infertile from smoking too much weed, man.

Don't try to bullshit me.
Greenbean writes, "Tolerance is good , but we should be intolerant of Indoctrination" and then outlines indoctrination of ID and creationism is a good thing.
Bullshit...It's spot on. Your support of faggotry & gay adoption also shows you're unfit to raise children any way.

A spirit in heaven waiting to be born into this world is celebrating the fact it won't be the product of your loins, dawson's creek.

Lockejaw, I did not know you were Mormon. Your hatefulness certainly means that you should not be a parental role model.
Prove there is no heaven, dawson's creek. I will be waiting for your evidence...

And you know you're infertile from smoking too much weed, man.

Don't try to bullshit me.
you still don't get it ,you claimed there was a heaven it's on you to prove it.
the only bullshit here is what you believe .
I don't even have to try to bullshit you .you done all that to yourself..
I never smoked too much weed ..just enough.
you could try another a more mature name then Dawson's creek shows you're still a child..
Gays Have Won - So What Next?

Their next hurdle will be the age of consent laws along with control over your offspring - through increasing power of the school system to indoctrinate instead of educate .
They've already been chiseling away at your right to determine what's best for your family, within a few years they'll be demanding the right to fornicate with younger and younger victims. Their designs are on the Children and the futiure.

Other actions will include punative actions against parents who refuse to bow down to the socio-fascist agenda, as well as dissolution of Family Units deemed in opposition to the socio-fascist agenda. This will be initiated by seizing the Children of non-conforming members of society.

You mean teach tolerance? Yes that should be taught in school. You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

Tolerance is good , but we should be intolerant of Indoctrination .

Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

Kevin Jennings, masterminded a scheme of gay infiltration into the classroom using "tolerance" and anti-bullying programs as a perfect path to classroom indoctrination. In 1995 Jennings made a speech to a Gay Group in which he somewhat outlined the agendas strategy

In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program. Now the drug education programs I personally have no problem with, but the lefts manipulation of the term safe is where the flakiness comes in. Jennings was in charge of making public schools safe for leftists and homosexuals and to disseminate pro-homosexual propaganda and indoctrination to Americas school children.

An important aspect of the Jennings strategy involves linking the Gay Agenda to universal values that all members of society share. Basically to latch onto tolerance, diversity, safety, and peaceful coexistence amongst children of many variations - which is a good thing. It's a tactic referred to as Framing. From this simple dirt path, they seek to build a super-highway into the minds of our youth. Anybody who objected to the Gay Agendas planned indoctrination would be heretofore be labeled a heartless bully, a homophobic demon with a complete disregard for children and students.

An important goal of the framing campaign, as well as the Gay Agenda in general according to Jennings, is that eventually when normal straight people hear that someone is promoting homosexuality, they would say -Yeah, who cares? - because they would not necessarily equate homosexuality with what it really is - evil, bad, devious and in opposition to common human morality .

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

Intelligent design
Intelligent Design is a vaild philosophical concept

God is the realm of the Church.

You mean such as the Gay and Socio-Fascist Agenda Lies - Yes I agree

The rest of your post is just nonsense so I'll just comment on one thing you said. Yes, Kindergarden students need to know that it is ok if you see a classmate who has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. Otherwise your homophobic little assholes you are raising become bullies.

Don't worry your kid isn't going to turn gay just because he knows about it.

Gay kids don't turn straight even though our straight society shoves it in their faces, do they? So even if a gay tried to turn your straight kid gay, he wouldn't unless he is gay. And if he is gay, that's alright with me.

What we shouldn't teach is that gay is evil and then gay kids try to kill themselves. Your church/god is fucked up. Get a new one. :eusa_pray:
Prove there is no heaven, dawson's creek. I will be waiting for your evidence...

And you know you're infertile from smoking too much weed, man.

Don't try to bullshit me.

The burden of proof is on the person or party asserting the claim; in this case, the theist.

A common attempt to shift the burden of proof or ‘make room’ for a god. Represents a type of false dichotomy that excludes the fact that there is no evidence to investigate. You can't prove the bible is the word of god because we know it was written by men.

The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
Prove there is no heaven, dawson's creek. I will be waiting for your evidence...

And you know you're infertile from smoking too much weed, man.

Don't try to bullshit me.
you still don't get it ,you claimed there was a heaven it's on you to prove it.
the only bullshit here is what you believe .
I don't even have to try to bullshit you .you done all that to yourself..
I never smoked too much weed ..just enough.
you could try another a more mature name then Dawson's creek shows you're still a child..

Ah ah ah... I said everything as a snide joking remark, I am an agnostic in reality. You obviously have your panties in a bunch because you're infertile & your wife tries to make you feel better about it by saying she agrees with you and doesn't want kids.. You started harping on heaven not being real because of a you obviously took seriously.

So prove heaven doesn't exist, moron. I'll be waiting...
If you couldn't tell that was a joke... The burden of proving it wasn't is on you since you claim I said it in seriousness. Lol.

Stupid liberals think we don't know how to handle their textbook bullshit! LMAO!
Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.

Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Hey [MENTION=43245]Pop23[/MENTION],

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

They are trying to change that as well. :cuckoo:

:arrow: Stem Cells and Same Sex Reproduction

It's nothing more then a waste of science and a pathetic attempt at trying to make homos feel "normal".
Last edited:
You mean teach tolerance? Yes that should be taught in school. You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

Tolerance is good , but we should be intolerant of Indoctrination .

Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

You know what should not be taught in school? Intelligent design/god/lies.

Intelligent design
Intelligent Design is a vaild philosophical concept

God is the realm of the Church.

You mean such as the Gay and Socio-Fascist Agenda Lies - Yes I agree

The rest of your post is just nonsense so I'll just comment on one thing you said. Yes, Kindergarden students need to know that it is ok if you see a classmate who has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. Otherwise your homophobic little assholes you are raising become bullies.

Don't worry your kid isn't going to turn gay just because he knows about it.

Gay kids don't turn straight even though our straight society shoves it in their faces, do they? So even if a gay tried to turn your straight kid gay, he wouldn't unless he is gay. And if he is gay, that's alright with me.

What we shouldn't teach is that gay is evil and then gay kids try to kill themselves. Your church/god is fucked up. Get a new one. :eusa_pray:

Kindergarden students need to know that it is ok if you see a classmate who has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. Otherwise your homophobic little assholes you are raising become bullies.

What KIndergarden Kids need to be taught is to stay away from perverts -Not to allow them into the classroom under false pretenses if clowns such as you and the other useful idiots and pervert enablers had your way there wouldn't be enough Milk cartons to put all those missing kids on .

Bullying has been around as long as human beings have, and probably longer. It's basic human nature , part of the 'hardening' process of growing up. It's part of establishing a pecking order amongst a litter of puppies, and there's little difference in a juvenile social order. Gay agenda groups have seized the opportunity to promote homosexuality and push for acceptance of sexual perversion and promotion of degenerate behavior among adolescents and children. Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

A large part of the educational establishment promotes the notion that bullying is a at epidemic proportions - {Which is basically a crock of shit} - in recent years and indicative of the violence inherent in modern times. They promote the belief that bullying is a product of modern society.

Bullying is a terrifying facet of aggressive human behavior, imposed upon the weak and vulnerable. It can be somewhat suppressed , which is a good thing, but never completely ended unless human beings somehow become pre - programmed machines. Gay Agenda in Public Schools
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

If the majority support it, it should be legal.
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.
more total bullshit ......
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.


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