Gays have won. So what's next?

Not my kind. My kind don't go FAG, nor do they cheat. Be my guest and spread that crap around to your friends shit pusher. There are all kinds of other great diseases that you can spread around as well.
What's next ?


You don't have to click on the thread you know.

Very true. I sure wish the other 99.9% of my day I could avoid it that easily.
Doesn't matter. This issue is headed the right way.
You dumb asses threw up the "it will ruin unit cohesion" bull shit lie as your "reason" to oppose gays serving openly in the military.
And you were proven to be ignorant fools on that one. But you didn't fool me, you hate gay folk, do not have the balls to admit it so you run with made up lies.
And there is at least one Navy Seal that I know of that is gay and he has been in for many years.
So this red neck from rural Georgia is fighting for his rights to be able to marry his partner.
And the Constitution says nothing to stop it.
So get over it, it is happening. But keep up the lies, slants, distortions and rumors.
I absolutely love picking on defenseless people.
Republicans will take the Senate in November.
And if they kick out the anti gay language in the platform in '16 they take the White House.

But the religious right does not care about that, they hate gay folks and they have to have someone to look down on with their book.
Hatin on ******* is out of fashion these days, publicly that is.
AIDS killed a friend of mine's son because of a blood transfusion.

You are one stupid fuck.

Your friends son -[if it's not another your cock and bull stories - such as the "Bombs away Story] - is a victim of Homosexuals - who are responsible for spreading this disease - but of course uninformed, ignorant and politically correct people such as you can probably find some half baked rationale to "Blame Bush"

I thought jesus gave the gays aids. Which also means he gives little kids cancer. The prick.
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.
Your friends son -[if it's not another your cock and bull stories - such as the "Bombs away Story] - is a victim of Homosexuals - who are responsible for spreading this disease - but of course uninformed, ignorant and politically correct people such as you can probably find some half baked rationale to "Blame Bush"

I thought jesus gave the gays aids. Which also means he gives little kids cancer. The prick.
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.

You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.
what's next? on the progressive liarberal agenda ?

same as it has been for over 50 years !!!

an all out assault on our Second Amendment, we have defeated them every time......, BUT ! we are losing ground due to creeping incrementalism, i recall the times i could buy guns and/or ammo without anything more than a pocket full of $$$$$$$$, i could buy any legal gun i wanted by mail order.

i remember the good old days when law abiding American citizens (and teenagers, but, i believe voting age should still be 21 !!!) had far more freedom than todays law abiding citizen.

if you were a teenager in the 1950's - 60's you know of what i type. :up:
what's next? on the progressive liarberal agenda ?

same as it has been for over 50 years !!!

an all out assault on our Second Amendment, we have defeated them every time......, BUT ! we are losing ground due to creeping incrementalism, i recall the times i could buy guns and/or ammo without anything more than a pocket full of $$$$$$$$, i could buy any legal gun i wanted by mail order.

i remember the good old days when law abiding American citizens (and teenagers, but, i believe voting age should still be 21 !!!) had far more freedom than todays law abiding citizen.

if you were a teenager in the 1950's - 60's you know of what i type. :up:

I thought jesus gave the gays aids. Which also means he gives little kids cancer. The prick.
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.

You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.

"I degraded and humiliated you" GreenBean.

Do you wear leather chaps, mask, tote a whip and how long does it take you to get off from doing that?
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.

You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.

"I degraded and humiliated you" GreenBean.

Do you wear leather chaps, mask, tote a whip and how long does it take you to get off from doing that?

The tactic you are so crudely trying to employ is known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies ,bigotry and assorted undesirable characteristics . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion by linking the opponent to an undesirable trait .
I thought jesus gave the gays aids. Which also means he gives little kids cancer. The prick.
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.

You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.
I simply recognize the name. You couldn't possibly hope to degrade me, and the onlyperson that should be humiliated is you. Um...intellectual bitch slap? Anybody who uses such vulgarity clearly hasn't the first clue about being intellectual.

If you call conspiracy theory, and only posting half of what so called experts say an "intellectual bitch slap," please do go on, I love comedy.

Now greenbean don't go off calling the kettle black. You have provided nothing, if that was a stomping, please move up toward my neck, that is where I carry my stress. And you know you are a troll, how many forums have you been removed from for trolling.

But do go on and declare victory a few more times, convince yourself. Does it work?
You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.

"I degraded and humiliated you" GreenBean.

Do you wear leather chaps, mask, tote a whip and how long does it take you to get off from doing that?

The tactic you are so crudely trying to employ is known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies ,bigotry and assorted undesirable characteristics . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion by linking the opponent to an undesirable trait .
Please tell us more about how you are a pathetic victim of your made up boogeyman, and how people that disagree with your rather bizarre obsessive rantings are perpetrators of this pretend conspiracy you have dreamed up in your poor deluded mind.

Greenbean you are gay. You are only trying to convince yourself. Your paranoiddelusions don't exist outside your mind.
Greenbean never posts anything that has any value. He is so mired in his propaganda that he doesn't even know how to argue for his position.

You followed me here from another forum where I degraded and humiliated you - I've Intellectually bitch smacked you from one end of the internet to the other - so now you no longer even attempt to engage in a serious debate you just troll - you've already been stomped on - give it up Faggot - you were a loser then- you're a loser now - you'll be a loser tommorrow.

"I degraded and humiliated you" GreenBean.

Do you wear leather chaps, mask, tote a whip and how long does it take you to get off from doing that?
He degrades himself, I really don't get involved with that crap because I pity him more than anything.

The guy has to invent a gay agenda to argue with. Boogeymen are often found in the things we fear the most. He can continue fighting windmills, but the only one he has convinced that they are giants is himself.

So very sad.
"I degraded and humiliated you" GreenBean.

Do you wear leather chaps, mask, tote a whip and how long does it take you to get off from doing that?

The tactic you are so crudely trying to employ is known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies ,bigotry and assorted undesirable characteristics . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion by linking the opponent to an undesirable trait .
Please tell us more about how you are a pathetic victim of your made up boogeyman, and how people that disagree with your rather bizarre obsessive rantings are perpetrators of this pretend conspiracy you have dreamed up in your poor deluded mind.

Greenbean you are gay. You are only trying to convince yourself. Your paranoiddelusions don't exist outside your mind.

Please tell us more about how you are a pathetic victim of your made up boogeyman, and how people that disagree with your rather bizarre obsessive rantings are perpetrators of this pretend conspiracy you have dreamed up in your poor deluded mind.

Okay since you insist -

Let's start with a quote from a mainstream Gay Publication

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

Perhaps this incident ,when the school administators made he mistake of allowing perverts tomake a presentation top the Children Gorham Middle Schoolin Maine

a group calling itself the Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine was slated to give a presentation to the students about “gender diversity” and “discrimination.” But what they got, according to complaints from parents, was a pornographic explanation about homosexual sex. Gay Activists Cross the Line at Maine Middle School

This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.

Lessons in Fist Fucking During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?
Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, recently assigned the pornographic book Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes to students 14 and up as required reading. There is an episode where a gay man in the midst of humping another gay man finds that ha has a broken condom. The humpee screams Keep it going. Infect me. I dont care. I dont care. { The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that four percent of the male population is homosexual or bisexual yet they account for 78 percent of new HIV infections } In another excerpt suck my dick, Mother Teresa can also be found among the sticky pages.a gay man states that his nose is a sex organ and reaches for another mans pants to offer a demonstration.

Greenbean you are gay. [/COLOR]

The tactic you are using is wearing kind of thin -don't you think?

Oh wait -I forgot this is Inevitable - I already know You don't Think. :lol:

Anyway it's known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.
Pogroms,,,, Mirror of Justice: Brendan Eich was only the beginning . . . This is a company wide survey. All lines of business have the same survey. There was a question where it said to check the boxes that were applicable to you. You could select one, more than one, or none. Here it is:

Are you: 1) A person with disabilities; 2) A person with children with disabilities; 3) A person with a spouse/domestic partner with disabilities; 4) A member of the LGBT community.

I thought 4 was a little oddly placed, but oh well. It was the next option that pulled the needle off the record:

5) An ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identifying as LGBT.

What?! What kind of question was that? An "ally" of that community? What's the
alternative if you don't select that option? You're not a ally of the LGBT

This survey wasn't anonymous. You had to enter your employee ID. With the way things are going and the fact that LGBT rights are being viewed as pretty much tantamount to the civil rights movement of the mid 50s to late 60s, not selecting that option is essentially saying "I'm not an ally of civil rights"; which is a vague way to say "I'm a bigot." The worry among many of us is that those who didn't select that poorly placed, irrelevant option will be placed on the "you can fire these people first" list.

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