Gays have won. So what's next?

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian" children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

You are a dumb ass - Dumb Ass . WTF does a judges resume have to do with the content - adress the content ass wipe or simply STFU. On your best day - you're still one dumb ass little weanie.

Perhaps I have to point you to the content -

A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the “gay” agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be “engaged and productive citizens.”

“In addition, Wolf makes the odious statement that the Parkers’ only options are (1) send their kids to a private school, (2) home-school their kids, or (3) elect a majority of people to the School Committee who agree with them. Can you imagine a federal judge in the Civil Rights era telling blacks the same thing – that if they can’t be served at a lunch counter they should just start their own restaurant, or elect a city council to pass laws that reflect the U.S. Constitution?” the organization said.
Read more at Judge orders ?gay? agenda taught to Christian children

I don't give a fucking rats ass about his "resume" , only a jerk off such as yourself would resort to that silly BS -If you can't refute intelligently then STFU

The Judge was a conservative Reagan appointed Republican

World Net Daily fucked you in the ass once again.

Give it up, you will never, ever be able to beat me at anything.
Back in the day when I was calling them fags, did not like them and damn sure did not associate with them I STILL supported equal rights for them.
So glad that was back in the day and my life experiences working and being around gay folk made me know they are who they are and God made them that way.
So much easier to live life accepting folk for who they are, law abiding good citizens gay folk are.

Pretty much. Just like us. Some of them are even assholes. :eek:

I hate the gays who are going to vote Republican as soon as the GOP opens up their tent and lets them in. Little bitches. But they are conservative on fiscal issues damn them. Low taxes, less government, cut spending. Get out of our lives. I guess until the GOP decide they'll win more votes being anti gay, gays are going to have to vote for us Democrats.
In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

I really don't get these people...they scream about gay men and HIV, but when attempts are made to teach safe sex...they scream about that too.

Sex education can, demonstratively, reduce pregnancy and STDs.

So you feel it's just dandy to teach 11 and 2 year olds the subtle art of Fist Fucking , or how to properly give a Blow Job - or how about the one lecture "Spit or Swallow - Is it Rude ?"

Get your foot out of your mouth SeaHag - you were making such great progress - now you've reverted to being a dumb ass dike.

You have no proof of that as there is none.
Give it up Bean, you have made a complete fool of yourself.

Nothing you post has any evidence with it to back it up.

Was that you playing left tackle for Mississippi in '78 when we waxed your ass 43-0?
Back in the day when I was calling them fags, did not like them and damn sure did not associate with them I STILL supported equal rights for them.
So glad that was back in the day and my life experiences working and being around gay folk made me know they are who they are and God made them that way.
So much easier to live life accepting folk for who they are, law abiding good citizens gay folk are.

So what happenned en-route to change you - did you start sucking dick or vice versa ?

Played a lot of football, worked 3 years in a law firm, worked repoing cars, worked as a bounty hunter and the last 32 years have owned and operated a private detective agency in Atlanta, Ga.
Worked with law enforcement, military, medical examiners, doctors, lawyers, paralegals, other private detectives and a wide range of professionals that are gay.

And unlike you most of them were not assholes and dumbasses.
But some were just like you.
I really don't get these people...they scream about gay men and HIV, but when attempts are made to teach safe sex...they scream about that too.

Sex education can, demonstratively, reduce pregnancy and STDs.

So you feel it's just dandy to teach 11 and 2 year olds the subtle art of Fist Fucking , or how to properly give a Blow Job - or how about the one lecture "Spit or Swallow - Is it Rude ?"

Get your foot out of your mouth SeaHag - you were making such great progress - now you've reverted to being a dumb ass dike.

You have no proof of that as there is none.

[ame=]Gay Foreplay Taught In School In Maine - UN CHILDRENS RIGHTS WILL DESTROY KIDS! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Czar Orgs Question to 14 Year Olds: Spit vs. Swallow? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Adopted Boy Sexually Abused By Gay Fathers - YouTube[/ame]

Give it up Douchebag - You claim to have worked with attorneys and paralegals - One of the first things a good lawyer learns is - on the witrness stand never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to YOU are simply too lame and too ignorant to do the slightest bit of research before you shoot off your candy ass mouth - If you really are a PI - you must be one hell of a piss poor one.

Give it up Bean, you have made a complete fool of yourself.

I've made a complete fool of you AGAIN - [Hows those Old Barbara Streisand Movies working out for you LMFAO]

Nothing you post has any evidence with it to back it up.

I never post without credible evidence to back me up - never have - never will . I rarely post opinionated tripe such as your cock and bull stories and allways have evidence to back up what I say -Give it up candy ass - you lost again :lol:

Was that you playing left tackle for Mississippi in '78 when we waxed your ass 43-0?

1978 huh ? That's the last time you won at something I would assume - and as far as waxing ass - sorry pal but perhaps @Howey or @Inevitable would be willing to oblige you in that dept. Now if you'd like to have your ass kicked again - then I'm the man your looking for - but don't get no funny ideas about that queer S&M shit you faggots engage in. Regards and Have a Pleasant Day :eusa_angel:
In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian" children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

You are a dumb ass - Dumb Ass . WTF does a judges resume have to do with the content - adress the content ass wipe or simply STFU. On your best day - you're still one dumb ass little weanie.

Perhaps I have to point you to the content -

A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the “gay” agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be “engaged and productive citizens.”

“In addition, Wolf makes the odious statement that the Parkers’ only options are (1) send their kids to a private school, (2) home-school their kids, or (3) elect a majority of people to the School Committee who agree with them. Can you imagine a federal judge in the Civil Rights era telling blacks the same thing – that if they can’t be served at a lunch counter they should just start their own restaurant, or elect a city council to pass laws that reflect the U.S. Constitution?” the organization said.
Read more at Judge orders ?gay? agenda taught to Christian children

I don't give a fucking rats ass about his "resume" , only a jerk off such as yourself would resort to that silly BS -If you can't refute intelligently then STFU

The Judge was a conservative Reagan appointed Republican

Yes , and so .... your point is ? .....:cuckoo:

Give it up, you will never, ever be able to beat me at anything.

I've never lost to you yet , there are some very intelligent people on this board - who've given me a run for my money, such as [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] - but you my friend - lol - you are there for pure entertainment purposes - don't flatter yourself. lmao Regards and have a Pleasant Day
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more total bullshit ......
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

His debate technique seems to be that of a five year old. Basically he posts some clap trap and/or things that refute what he says and then when you point that out he becomes even more immature and resorts to childish name calling.

I wouldn't bother with him, he has nothing, he has proven that, he can't really argue, then when you point that out he claims victory. It's rather odd behavior, not that of somebodythat routinely is victorious in debate.

I wouldn't really take his garbage seriously, I don't think he does. The only reason to respond to greenbean is to provoke one of his temper fits and laugh at his ridiculous posts. Like the one following this one, stay tuned this should be hilarious.
Republicans will take the Senate in November.
And if they kick out the anti gay language in the platform in '16 they take the White House.

But the religious right does not care about that, they hate gay folks and they have to have someone to look down on with their book.
Hatin on ******* is out of fashion these days, publicly that is.

I am the religious right, I do not hate gay people, so your nothing but a bigot, someone who stereotypes and passed judgement without a clue of what you speak.

Yes, hating ******* is out of fashion, but hating the religious right is okay. Hypocrite and Bigot, telling people how I think without knowing me, that is gaydog.
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You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

His debate technique seems to be that of a five year old. Basically he posts some clap trap and/or things that refute what he says and then when you point that out he becomes even more immature and resorts to childish name calling.

I wouldn't bother with him, he has nothing, he has proven that, he can't really argue, then when you point that out he claims victory. It's rather odd behavior, not that of somebodythat routinely is victorious in debate.

I wouldn't really take his garbage seriously, I don't think he does. The only reason to respond to greenbean is to provoke one of his temper fits and laugh at his ridiculous posts. Like the one following this one, stay tuned this should be hilarious.

LMAO , Hey Slimy - what facts have you ever been able to refute ? I'lll answer that for you _ NOTHING - you still don't know the difference between facts and opinions do you you ?
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.
Republicans will take the Senate in November.
And if they kick out the anti gay language in the platform in '16 they take the White House.

But the religious right does not care about that, they hate gay folks and they have to have someone to look down on with their book.
Hatin on ******* is out of fashion these days, publicly that is.

I am the religious, I do not hate gay people, so your nothing but a bigot, someone who stereotypes and passed judgement without a clue of what you speak.

Yes, hating ******* is out of fashion, but hating the religious right is okay. Hypocrite and Bigot, telling people how I think without knowing me, that is gaydog.

So I'm sure you can find me all the instances where the "religious" were refused service, right? Can you provide examples of all this "religious hate" you seem to be experiencing? Were you ever fired or denied a job because of your religion?
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

Great fantasy! You should write fiction for a living.
thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

His debate technique seems to be that of a five year old. Basically he posts some clap trap and/or things that refute what he says and then when you point that out he becomes even more immature and resorts to childish name calling.

I wouldn't bother with him, he has nothing, he has proven that, he can't really argue, then when you point that out he claims victory. It's rather odd behavior, not that of somebodythat routinely is victorious in debate.

I wouldn't really take his garbage seriously, I don't think he does. The only reason to respond to greenbean is to provoke one of his temper fits and laugh at his ridiculous posts. Like the one following this one, stay tuned this should be hilarious.

LMAO , Hey Slimy - what facts have you ever been able to refute? I'lll answer that for you _ NOTHING
Ha ha ha ha ha, slimy? :rofl: that has got to be the funniest thing you have called me (Because you can only call names like a child because your argument fails on every level) yet. That tends to happen when one's opponent doesn't post any.
you still don't know the difference between facts and opinions do you you ?
Facts are the things you cannot deny yet fail to post.
You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

His debate technique seems to be that of a five year old. Basically he posts some clap trap and/or things that refute what he says and then when you point that out he becomes even more immature and resorts to childish name calling.

I wouldn't bother with him, he has nothing, he has proven that, he can't really argue, then when you point that out he claims victory. It's rather odd behavior, not that of somebodythat routinely is victorious in debate.

I wouldn't really take his garbage seriously, I don't think he does. The only reason to respond to greenbean is to provoke one of his temper fits and laugh at his ridiculous posts. Like the one following this one, stay tuned this should be hilarious.

Trust me, put him on ignore. When they fixate on the 'gays as pedophiles' canard, it's time to dismiss them as trolls.
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.

One of the worst periods of time for all of the leftists in this country was the failure of the USSR.

That does not stop these scumbags. They certainly ignore all of that.

Their dreams of the rise of a marxist state where there is NO more sole ownership of property, where there are no more classes is certainly one of their goals. The utopia that they believe can exist is what is sold to the more ignorant on the left.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior. If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.
Last edited:
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.

One of the worst periods of time for all of the leftists in this country was the failure of the USSR.

That does not stop these scumbags. They certainly ignore all of that.

Their dreams of the rise of a marxist state where there is more sole ownership of property, where there are no more classes is certainly one of their goals. The utopia that they believe can exist is what is sold to the more ignorant on the left.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior. If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.

Yes, but then along came Constantine and all that changed.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior.

The Gores, Kerrys, Buffets, Soros, Cuomo - the ultra rich

this phenomenon is not limited to Hollywood. A review of the 20 richest Americans, as listed by Forbes Magazine, found that 60 percent affiliate with the Democratic Party

If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Any Religion is competition for obedience and totla dedication to the Gospel of Big Brother
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.

One of the worst periods of time for all of the leftists in this country was the failure of the USSR.

That does not stop these scumbags. They certainly ignore all of that.

Their dreams of the rise of a marxist state where there is NO more sole ownership of property, where there are no more classes is certainly one of their goals. The utopia that they believe can exist is what is sold to the more ignorant on the left.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior. If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.


They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.

One of the worst periods of time for all of the leftists in this country was the failure of the USSR.

That does not stop these scumbags. They certainly ignore all of that.

Their dreams of the rise of a marxist state where there is NO more sole ownership of property, where there are no more classes is certainly one of their goals. The utopia that they believe can exist is what is sold to the more ignorant on the left.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior. If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.



I am not a Christian myself, but found the 2nd graphic you posted to be a tad off the wall, so I did some basic research and found that as usual your post is out of context and distorted the facts.

In the United States, seven state constitutions include religious tests that would effectively prevent atheists from holding public office, and in some cases being a juror/witness, though these have not generally been enforced since the early twentieth century

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