Gays have won. So what's next?

Okay since you insist -

Let's start with a quote from a mainstream Gay Publication


Perhaps this incident ,when the school administators made he mistake of allowing perverts tomake a presentation top the Children Gorham Middle Schoolin Maine
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.
Okay since you insist -

Let's start with a quote from a mainstream Gay Publication


Perhaps this incident ,when the school administators made he mistake of allowing perverts to make a presentation top the Children Gorham Middle Schoolin Maine
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass
Last edited:
Okay since you insist -

Let's start with a quote from a mainstream Gay Publication


Perhaps this incident ,when the school administators made he mistake of allowing perverts to make a presentation top the Children Gorham Middle Schoolin Maine
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

Break out the tinfoil hats.
Okay since you insist -

Let's start with a quote from a mainstream Gay Publication


Perhaps this incident ,when the school administators made he mistake of allowing perverts to make a presentation top the Children Gorham Middle Schoolin Maine
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian" children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.
Last edited:
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian" children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.
I have noticed this.
In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

I really don't get these people...they scream about gay men and HIV, but when attempts are made to teach safe sex...they scream about that too.

Sex education can, demonstratively, reduce pregnancy and STDs.
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

Break out the tinfoil hats.

In the above article "gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as four" the article clearly states "could be introduced that involve gay characters"

They offer no evidence that it has ever happened.
But maybe it will as they also state that it is ok to mention past leaders and prominent figures in history that just happened to be homosexual.

Another bull shit stretch by you. Beyond WEAK.
In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

I really don't get these people...they scream about gay men and HIV, but when attempts are made to teach safe sex...they scream about that too.

Sex education can, demonstratively, reduce pregnancy and STDs.

Oh to hell with all that, get to the reality.
They are ignorant milk weak dumb asses.
This one is very funny:
"Schools No Longer Teaching Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality"


Just like the Reefer Madness movies and the segregationists.

[ame=]Where are the white women at? - YouTube[/ame]
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Takes decades, but what's right and fair always gets written into our laws. :)
Back in the day when I was calling them fags, did not like them and damn sure did not associate with them I STILL supported equal rights for them.
So glad that was back in the day and my life experiences working and being around gay folk made me know they are who they are and God made them that way.
So much easier to live life accepting folk for who they are, law abiding good citizens gay folk are.
Back in the day when I was calling them fags, did not like them and damn sure did not associate with them I STILL supported equal rights for them.
So glad that was back in the day and my life experiences working and being around gay folk made me know they are who they are and God made them that way.
So much easier to live life accepting folk for who they are, law abiding good citizens gay folk are.
No matter how true that statement is, there are always people that will insist they are the boogeyman
This one is very funny:
"Schools No Longer Teaching Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality"


Just like the Reefer Madness movies and the segregationists.



No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

Break out the tinfoil hats.

In the above article "gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as four" the article clearly states "could be introduced that involve gay characters"

They offer no evidence that it has ever happened.
But maybe it will as they also state that it is ok to mention past leaders and prominent figures in history that just happened to be homosexual.

Another bull shit stretch by you. Beyond WEAK.

It presents a hypothetical situation - that's one out of 10 - so why pray tell do you conveniently ignore he other 9 Links - does the truth bother you ?
Back in the day when I was calling them fags, did not like them and damn sure did not associate with them I STILL supported equal rights for them.
So glad that was back in the day and my life experiences working and being around gay folk made me know they are who they are and God made them that way.
So much easier to live life accepting folk for who they are, law abiding good citizens gay folk are.

So what happenned en-route to change you - did you start sucking dick or vice versa ?
"Top the children..." A Freudian slip perhaps?

An isolated incident does not a conspiracy make.

No dumbass - I noticed you conveniently ignored some of the others that were within the same post...

..I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby.

So let me ask you dumb ass - a main stream queer publication states they want to see young boys grow up and start fucking men ... hmmmmm . Two Fag organizations believe they have the right to teach young kids how to give blow jobs and how to fist fuck - the only thing that stopped them from giving actual lessons was the presence of a few hetero teachers....

You also convenmiently ignored the Deerfield High School incident

Here's a few more links for your reading pleasure - now try not to ejaculate all over your key board , you're posts are already somewhat incoherent enough without getting the keys all stuck together - they're not really here for your education - your posts here prove you to be too low a caliber to even warrant an educattion - other than a serious whomp across the side your head from time to time.

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR



Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos

Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality

You still want to claim "it" was Isolated Incident dumbass

In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian" children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

You are a dumb ass - Dumb Ass . WTF does a judges resume have to do with the content - adress the content ass wipe or simply STFU. On your best day - you're still one dumb ass little weanie.

Perhaps I have to point you to the content -

A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the “gay” agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be “engaged and productive citizens.”

“In addition, Wolf makes the odious statement that the Parkers’ only options are (1) send their kids to a private school, (2) home-school their kids, or (3) elect a majority of people to the School Committee who agree with them. Can you imagine a federal judge in the Civil Rights era telling blacks the same thing – that if they can’t be served at a lunch counter they should just start their own restaurant, or elect a city council to pass laws that reflect the U.S. Constitution?” the organization said.

I don't give a fucking rats ass about his "resume" , only a jerk off such as yourself would resort to that silly BS -If you can't refute intelligently then STFU
Last edited:
In the above World Net Daily article titled "Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children Federal court Judge in that case was Judge Mark L. Wolf.

Let us informed folks look at the resume of Federal Judge Mark L. Wolf
Harvard Law School
Special Assistant to US Attorney General under Ford administration" to US Attorney Laurence Silberman-Republican
Special Assistant US Attorney focusing on government corruption also.
President Ronald Reagan from advice from Senate and Congressional conservative Republicans nominated Mark L. Wolf for the Federal bench in 1985. The Senate confirmed him.
Life long conservative Republican.

You are a dumb ass Greenbean. On my worst day I can beat you with the facts. Give it up.

I really don't get these people...they scream about gay men and HIV, but when attempts are made to teach safe sex...they scream about that too.

Sex education can, demonstratively, reduce pregnancy and STDs.

So you feel it's just dandy to teach 11 and 2 year olds the subtle art of Fist Fucking , or how to properly give a Blow Job - or how about the one lecture "Spit or Swallow - Is it Rude ?"

Get your foot out of your mouth SeaHag - you were making such great progress - now you've reverted to being a dumb ass dike.
Sealybobo, like most a self important weasel who won't put his money where his mouth is & volunteer as the first of the herd to be thinned.
more total bullshit ......
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...
Prove there is no heaven, dawson's creek. I will be waiting for your evidence...

And you know you're infertile from smoking too much weed, man.

Don't try to bullshit me.
you still don't get it ,you claimed there was a heaven it's on you to prove it.
the only bullshit here is what you believe .
I don't even have to try to bullshit you .you done all that to yourself..
I never smoked too much weed ..just enough.
you could try another a more mature name then Dawson's creek shows you're still a child..

Ah ah ah... I said everything as a snide joking remark, I am an agnostic in reality. You obviously have your panties in a bunch because you're infertile & your wife tries to make you feel better about it by saying she agrees with you and doesn't want kids.. You started harping on heaven not being real because of a you obviously took seriously.

So prove heaven doesn't exist, moron. I'll be waiting...
the award for the worst dodge in a thread goes to....the op
more total bullshit ......
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

Like I said LMFAO --- You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

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