Gays have won. So what's next?

They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

I vote Republican and will not stop until religious kooks keep the hell out of the private lives of others.
I am a winner and want to win back with elections.
The religious right do not care about winning elections as all they do is seek to spread their ancient rules and regulations on the rest of us.
I am a Christian that says Fuck You to everyone that steps across the line and enters into the private life of me and my family.
They need to mind their own business and quit being busy body mother hen gossipy old women.
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

I vote Republican and will not stop until religious kooks keep the hell out of the private lives of others.
I am a winner and want to win back with elections.
The religious right do not care about winning elections as all they do is seek to spread their ancient rules and regulations on the rest of us.
I am a Christian that says Fuck You to everyone that steps across the line and enters into the private life of me and my family.
They need to mind their own business and quit being busy body mother hen gossipy old women.

There are many aspects of these morals that are not just good but necessary for us in order to keep from falling into pure anarchy or to prevent a tyrant from claiming absolute power, which of course brings all sorts of nightmares upon the masses. Look at North Korea now, or pol pot.

While many religious people can invoke the same.type of tyrannical rule, it is important to distinguish the influence of good morals into our ways of life. Am I a saint? Far from it, butnit makes me feel good that our society is disgusted by child rape, murder etc etc. It reflects in many of the laws that make up a good society.

These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

I vote Republican and will not stop until religious kooks keep the hell out of the private lives of others.
I am a winner and want to win back with elections.
The religious right do not care about winning elections as all they do is seek to spread their ancient rules and regulations on the rest of us.
I am a Christian that says Fuck You to everyone that steps across the line and enters into the private life of me and my family.
They need to mind their own business and quit being busy body mother hen gossipy old women.

Nice Post except one little statement -"I am a winner" sorry to inform of this my friend -you're not a winner you're a Weaner and a Whiner , but not a winner - you have given every indication of being a loser , a complete and absolute failure - Stay thirsty my Friend -Maybe some day.
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Republicans will take the Senate in November.
And if they kick out the anti gay language in the platform in '16 they take the White House.

But the religious right does not care about that, they hate gay folks and they have to have someone to look down on with their book.
Hatin on ******* is out of fashion these days, publicly that is.

I am the religious, I do not hate gay people, so your nothing but a bigot, someone who stereotypes and passed judgement without a clue of what you speak.

Yes, hating ******* is out of fashion, but hating the religious right is okay. Hypocrite and Bigot, telling people how I think without knowing me, that is gaydog.

So I'm sure you can find me all the instances where the "religious" were refused service, right? Can you provide examples of all this "religious hate" you seem to be experiencing? Were you ever fired or denied a job because of your religion?

Your reading skills is a little lacking, the idiot says I hate Gay People, I responded to that.

So your response is to support Bigotry against me? You support a person who Stereotyped me?

You do not support Freedom?

No gay person is denied a job, unless they make it a point to make sexuality the issue, how would we even know if a person is gay unless they told us and what does that have to do with the job?

Seriously, what kind of idiot tells someone on a job interview what kind of sex they like?

I guess we should have laws to protect the stupid.
I am the religious, I do not hate gay people, so your nothing but a bigot, someone who stereotypes and passed judgement without a clue of what you speak.

Yes, hating ******* is out of fashion, but hating the religious right is okay. Hypocrite and Bigot, telling people how I think without knowing me, that is gaydog.

So I'm sure you can find me all the instances where the "religious" were refused service, right? Can you provide examples of all this "religious hate" you seem to be experiencing? Were you ever fired or denied a job because of your religion?

Your reading skills is a little lacking, the idiot says I hate Gay People, I responded to that.

So your response is to support Bigotry against me? You support a person who Stereotyped me?

You do not support Freedom?

No gay person is denied a job, unless they make it a point to make sexuality the issue, how would we even know if a person is gay unless they told us and what does that have to do with the job?

Seriously, what kind of idiot tells someone on a job interview what kind of sex they like?

I guess we should have laws to protect the stupid.

I shouldn't have to hide my orientation anymore than you should have to hide your religion.

Christians aren't being discriminated against or persecuted. Gays are.
They will not stop until Christianity is eradicated and all judeo Christian values are buried. That is what the "intellectuals" truly love about the marxist/communist rule.

The very thought of the eradication of all traces of Christianity makes all of these morons on the left aroused, and it is the ultimate goal. That would also include the Jewish people since indeed the old testament is revealed in the new testament and so therefore always connected.

Oh, this may very well appear to be an exaggeration, but it is not. It is very much the truth.

They failed in Russia - 60 years of Communist rule and the Churches came back stronger - once they communists lost power.

One of the worst periods of time for all of the leftists in this country was the failure of the USSR.

That does not stop these scumbags. They certainly ignore all of that.

Their dreams of the rise of a marxist state where there is NO more sole ownership of property, where there are no more classes is certainly one of their goals. The utopia that they believe can exist is what is sold to the more ignorant on the left.

The more wicked ones are the ones that want to remain rich. Wants to do away with all notions of moral behavior. If it feels good then it must be right. Yes, they are the ones that truly control the purse strings, and they certainly want to eradicate Christianity.

Not exactly new. This has been tried since the days of the emperors and their attempts at passing edicts of non-toleration for Christianity.
I tend to agree, the left end of the political spectrum is moving toward Marxism, and utopia is indeed a real nightmare. And also that eradicating Christianity and for that matter all belief ina power that supersedes the government is the Marxists main objective. So what does thishave to do with gay people?
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There are many aspects of these morals that are not just good but necessary for us in order to keep from falling into pure anarchy or to prevent a tyrant from claiming absolute power, which of course brings all sorts of nightmares upon the masses. Look at North Korea now, or pol pot.
So gay people being allowed to marry will cause anarchy? Please explain.

While many religious people can invoke the same.type of tyrannical rule, it is important to distinguish the influence of good morals into our ways of life.
Our morality doesn't really come from religion, you have that backward. Our morality keeps our religion in check.
Am I a saint? Far from it, butnit makes me feel good that our society is disgusted by child rape, murder etc etc. It reflects in many of the laws that make up a good society.

These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.
So I'm sure you can find me all the instances where the "religious" were refused service, right? Can you provide examples of all this "religious hate" you seem to be experiencing? Were you ever fired or denied a job because of your religion?

Your reading skills is a little lacking, the idiot says I hate Gay People, I responded to that.

So your response is to support Bigotry against me? You support a person who Stereotyped me?

You do not support Freedom?

No gay person is denied a job, unless they make it a point to make sexuality the issue, how would we even know if a person is gay unless they told us and what does that have to do with the job?

Seriously, what kind of idiot tells someone on a job interview what kind of sex they like?

I guess we should have laws to protect the stupid.

I shouldn't have to hide my orientation anymore than you should have to hide your religion.

Christians aren't being discriminated against or persecuted. Gays are.

Hide your orientation? How would anyone know if your a homosexual? How is it even appropriate to tell perspective employer what kind of sex you like?

I do not tell people I am Christian, I do not tell them I am a Heterosexual, I do not state that here, it is irrelevant, that is not hiding.

Gays are being discriminated against and persecuted, sure, just as much as I am persecuted for being an old bald white guy.

The new Civil Rights movement, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history when it came to the persecution of Blacks, it was the Democrats who were the KKK, so I guess this is the new Crusade, to hide the shame, the Civil Rights of people who are not hired because they tell their perspective boss that they like homosexual sex.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Homosexuals have won the right to exterminate themselves? To die from disease and demographically eliminate themselves by not breeding?

OK, can I have a Coke with that?
Your reading skills is a little lacking, the idiot says I hate Gay People, I responded to that.

So your response is to support Bigotry against me? You support a person who Stereotyped me?

You do not support Freedom?

No gay person is denied a job, unless they make it a point to make sexuality the issue, how would we even know if a person is gay unless they told us and what does that have to do with the job?

Seriously, what kind of idiot tells someone on a job interview what kind of sex they like?

I guess we should have laws to protect the stupid.

I shouldn't have to hide my orientation anymore than you should have to hide your religion.

Christians aren't being discriminated against or persecuted. Gays are.

Hide your orientation? How would anyone know if your a homosexual? How is it even appropriate to tell perspective employer what kind of sex you like?

Oh, you're still fixated on not hiring someone who is gay. That's not usually the way it works, it did for me, but it's usually people being fired for being gay. And how did they know I was gay? I had to complete a background investigation and had to list my legal civil partner.

And while it may be illegal, you've never been asked if you were married in a job interview?

I do not tell people I am Christian, I do not tell them I am a Heterosexual, I do not state that here, it is irrelevant, that is not hiding.

A lot of Christians I know wear crosses...

You can put a picture of your spouse at your desk without fear of recrimination. You can wear a cross without fear or recrimination. Gays potentially can't mention their spouses in 30 states without fear of recrimination.

Gays are being discriminated against and persecuted, sure, just as much as I am persecuted for being an old bald white guy.

You can't be fired for being a bald white guy in 50 states and you can marry the consenting adult of your choice in all 50. Also, when you marry the consenting adult of your choice, it's "good" in all 50. I can be fired for being gay in 30 and am only legally married in 18. Have you ever been refused service because you're a bald white guy?

The new Civil Rights movement, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history when it came to the persecution of Blacks, it was the Democrats who were the KKK, so I guess this is the new Crusade, to hide the shame, the Civil Rights of people who are not hired because they tell their perspective boss that they like homosexual sex.

Really? You're falling back on Dixicrats? :lol:

Opposition to Civil Rights was regional, not politically partisan.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Now let's take a gander at what Nate Silver has to say on where the states will be in a few years...


Well, gosh darn if it isn't those southern states again. How interesting...
I shouldn't have to hide my orientation anymore than you should have to hide your religion.

Christians aren't being discriminated against or persecuted. Gays are.

Hide your orientation? How would anyone know if your a homosexual? How is it even appropriate to tell perspective employer what kind of sex you like?

Oh, you're still fixated on not hiring someone who is gay. That's not usually the way it works, it did for me, but it's usually people being fired for being gay. And how did they know I was gay? I had to complete a background investigation and had to list my legal civil partner.

And while it may be illegal, you've never been asked if you were married in a job interview?

A lot of Christians I know wear crosses...

You can put a picture of your spouse at your desk without fear of recrimination. You can wear a cross without fear or recrimination. Gays potentially can't mention their spouses in 30 states without fear of recrimination.

Gays are being discriminated against and persecuted, sure, just as much as I am persecuted for being an old bald white guy.

You can't be fired for being a bald white guy in 50 states and you can marry the consenting adult of your choice in all 50. Also, when you marry the consenting adult of your choice, it's "good" in all 50. I can be fired for being gay in 30 and am only legally married in 18. Have you ever been refused service because you're a bald white guy?

The new Civil Rights movement, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history when it came to the persecution of Blacks, it was the Democrats who were the KKK, so I guess this is the new Crusade, to hide the shame, the Civil Rights of people who are not hired because they tell their perspective boss that they like homosexual sex.

Really? You're falling back on Dixicrats? :lol:

Opposition to Civil Rights was regional, not politically partisan.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Now let's take a gander at what Nate Silver has to say on where the states will be in a few years...


Well, gosh darn if it isn't those southern states again. How interesting...

Being Openly Gay - betrays poor judgement - depending on the position beiong applied for - I personally would not hire someone who accentuates his/her sexual perversion. If they happen to be gay - it doesn't relate to their Job - they don't accentuate it and they are the best candidate - they got it .
These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.

That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
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These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.

That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
No, Christianity doesn't dictate our morality, our morality, dictates what is acceptable from religion. Christianity can easily become a nasty influence onthe world, it was before. Our morality, pushed religion into it's place. See the first amendment.
America has it right! But still work remains to break down the existing barriers that stand in the way of happiness and freedom for same-sex couples. But the good news is that Americans of all backgrounds and religious affiliations now agree that the right to marry is the right direction for the country and that is why they are supporting marriage equality by nearly 60%. Supporters of this are to be thanked wholeheartedly for having an open mind and a heart open to accept that each person is entitled to their happiness without having anyone stand in their way of it any longer.

Gays have won. So what's next?

Homosexuals have won the right to exterminate themselves? To die from disease and demographically eliminate themselves by not breeding?

OK, can I have a Coke with that?
too bad that out is heterosexual that have homosexual children.
These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.

That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
No, Christianity doesn't dictate our morality, our morality, dictates what is acceptable from religion. Christianity can easily become a nasty influence onthe world, it was before. Our morality, pushed religion into it's place. See the first amendment.

Not dictated, but influenced. Stop being so dramatic. Most of our laws have been INFLUENCED by Judeo Christian values.

The following are the Judeo-Christian Values embraced by the American Republic and People.

1. Our sense of right and wrong and our sense of wisdom come from the use of reason and common sense, but also, and importantly, from the Bible which, by faith was considered by our Founding Fathers to be God's inspired text; and not just from the mind or heart of man. This faith lead to the mottos: "In God We Trust" and "One Nation under God." Our Founding Fathers were believers in the God of the Bible, even if some were not orthodox Christians, and they put that faith into the Declaration of Independence, into our laws, into our national monuments, and into our culture. Faith is a part of American Culture, something Atheists, Secularists, Humanists and those of other religions should acknowledge and accept as historically accurate truth. To remove the results of Biblical Faith from America is to undo what the Founding Fathers have wrought.

2. Truth is Sacred; there can be no liberty or justice, and little happiness without it. Jesus connected truth and liberty when he said "the truth shall make you free." In the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Bible God describes Himself: "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth..." In Deuteronomy God is described this way: "He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice." Listen to King David in Psalm 25: "Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me your paths. Lead me in Your truth..."; and in Psalm 51: "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom."

3. Human life is the first gift of God, and it is of infinite value since man is made in the image of God. Judeo-Christian Values have lead to a culture of life in America, not a culture of death. Americans with Judeo-Christian Values will defend innocent God-given life.

4. Our Liberty is a gift from God and stated so in the Declaration of Independence. It is also stated in the New Testament Christian Bible: "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty." Americans with Judeo-Christian Values will defend their God-given Liberty from tyranny and terror.

5. Human creativity is also a gift from God and is not to be unjustly suppressed by totalitarian, tyrannical or excessively taxing government. The work ethic is an important part of Judeo-Christian Values since honorable work is a reflection of God-given human creativity. Human reason is also a part of God-given human creativity, and it has led to scientific knowledge and technological progress. Reason and science are important aspects of Judeo-Christian Values. Human creativity is central to the pursuit of happiness, but does not guarantee it; totalitarian systems such as Communism or Islamic Sharia Law guarantee utopian happiness, but don't deliver it.

6. "Establish justice." This is commanded repeatedly in the Hebrew Bible. This is how it has been done in America: Honor Life, Liberty and Creativity. Liberty in practical terms means: Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, no established or state-supported religion, right to bear arms and act in self-defense, uninterrupted elections and the division of powers into its three branches. Where our culture is now headed in the wrong direction, in my opinion, is to provide special rights for certain groups of people. Our Founding Fathers acknowledged these basic rights for all people, and our Civil War enforced it for the American slaves when they were denied their God-given Liberty.

7. "Hate Evil". This is commanded three times in the Hebrew Bible; this is from the book of Proverbs: "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil." Hear the Prophet Isaiah: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness...." Americans with Judeo-Christian Values, as opposed to Europeans, still believe in the death penalty for pre-meditated murder, and America is still the nemesis of terrorists and tyrants - see the seal of the state of Virginia.

8. "Love your neighbor" - commanded in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. "Love your enemy" - commanded in the New Testament Christian Bible. Generations of Americans, starting with our Founding Fathers, have had to square the values of "Hate Evil" with "Love your enemy." This has been done by hating the evil within the enemies of God-given Life and Liberty, but not hating the evil-doer him/herself.

9. In the Judeo-Christian Value System there is a natural and common-sense balance between compassion and courageous confrontation of evil. This can be seen metaphorically as a natural balance between femininity and masculinity; both good and necessary. The secular culture of Europe and of many in the United States today have unwisely suppressed the masculinity of Judeo-Christian American Culture, and this has put our society out of balance.

10. From Many, One: e pluribus unum. Ethnicity and race don't matter, but values do matter. We Americans should consider ourselves blessed to live under God-given Liberty in the same melting pot; and we are privileged to pursue happiness through creative work and play, unencumbered by excessive government. Those things that divide us, such as race or ethnicity, can be viewed metaphorically as our various styles; and are not very important. Those things of lesser importance should melt into what is very important and which should unite us: our value of Life, Liberty and Creativity - those rights defined by the Declaration of Independence, and rightly identified as the gifts of God.

11. The natural resources of the Earth, including the animals, along with the rest of creation should be honored and well cared for, but also used and enjoyed; and never worshiped.

Articles: The Judeo-Christian Values of America
Not dictated, but influenced. Stop being so dramatic. Most of our laws have been INFLUENCED by Judeo Christian values.
I am not being dramatic, you have it backward our laws influence our religions. Most of our laws can be said to have been influenced by just about every religion, since they all have the same basic concept. Religion isa product of man, it is created by us to berelevant in our lives. Of course you see parallels, our culture made our religion what it is today.

Just look at other nations like you mentioned before that imprison homosexuals and worse. Some of them have largely Christian populations. Ourlaws influence our religion
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You're so pathetically and hopelessly wallowing in your assinine liberal ignorance it's absolutely unbelievable.

thanks for
proving my point!
there is nothing on earth more pretentious and self-righteous than a conservative everything they do is in furtherance of greed and ignorance...

His debate technique seems to be that of a five year old. Basically he posts some clap trap and/or things that refute what he says and then when you point that out he becomes even more immature and resorts to childish name calling.

I wouldn't bother with him, he has nothing, he has proven that, he can't really argue, then when you point that out he claims victory. It's rather odd behavior, not that of somebodythat routinely is victorious in debate.

I wouldn't really take his garbage seriously, I don't think he does. The only reason to respond to greenbean is to provoke one of his temper fits and laugh at his ridiculous posts. Like the one following this one, stay tuned this should be hilarious.
I just enjoy the pseudo intellectual bullshit he and all the other on the down low homophobes spew!
Republicans will take the Senate in November.
And if they kick out the anti gay language in the platform in '16 they take the White House.

But the religious right does not care about that, they hate gay folks and they have to have someone to look down on with their book.
Hatin on ******* is out of fashion these days, publicly that is.

I am the religious right, I do not hate gay people, so your nothing but a bigot, someone who stereotypes and passed judgement without a clue of what you speak.

Yes, hating ******* is out of fashion, but hating the religious right is okay. Hypocrite and Bigot, telling people how I think without knowing me, that is gaydog.
but you still hate "*******" ..and then you whine about hypocrisy....the irony is thick....
Hide your orientation? How would anyone know if your a homosexual? How is it even appropriate to tell perspective employer what kind of sex you like?

Oh, you're still fixated on not hiring someone who is gay. That's not usually the way it works, it did for me, but it's usually people being fired for being gay. And how did they know I was gay? I had to complete a background investigation and had to list my legal civil partner.

And while it may be illegal, you've never been asked if you were married in a job interview?

A lot of Christians I know wear crosses...

You can put a picture of your spouse at your desk without fear of recrimination. You can wear a cross without fear or recrimination. Gays potentially can't mention their spouses in 30 states without fear of recrimination.

You can't be fired for being a bald white guy in 50 states and you can marry the consenting adult of your choice in all 50. Also, when you marry the consenting adult of your choice, it's "good" in all 50. I can be fired for being gay in 30 and am only legally married in 18. Have you ever been refused service because you're a bald white guy?

The new Civil Rights movement, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history when it came to the persecution of Blacks, it was the Democrats who were the KKK, so I guess this is the new Crusade, to hide the shame, the Civil Rights of people who are not hired because they tell their perspective boss that they like homosexual sex.

Really? You're falling back on Dixicrats? :lol:

Opposition to Civil Rights was regional, not politically partisan.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Now let's take a gander at what Nate Silver has to say on where the states will be in a few years...


Well, gosh darn if it isn't those southern states again. How interesting...

Being Openly Gay - betrays poor judgement - depending on the position beiong applied for - I personally would not hire someone who accentuates his/her sexual perversion. If they happen to be gay - it doesn't relate to their Job - they don't accentuate it and they are the best candidate - they got it .
so your necrophilia should be kept secret?
These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.

That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
Definition of melodramatic (adj)

Bing Dictionary
[ mèllə drə máttik ]

1.exaggeratedly theatrical: behaving, speaking, done, or said in a way that is more dramatic, shocking, or highly emotional than the situation demands
2.relating to melodrama: relating to or typical of melodrama

synonyms: histrionic · overdramatic · overemotional · exaggerated · sensational

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