Gays have won. So what's next?

These are eroding rapidly in our society. Can you see the erosion happening
I hear this so incredibly often, but it simply isn't true. The penalties and laws regarding child molestation and rape are far more stiff than they ever were before.

That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
Definition of melodramatic (adj)

Bing Dictionary
[ mèllə drə máttik ]

1.exaggeratedly theatrical: behaving, speaking, done, or said in a way that is more dramatic, shocking, or highly emotional than the situation demands
2.relating to melodrama: relating to or typical of melodrama

synonyms: histrionic · overdramatic · overemotional · exaggerated · sensational

The funny thing to me is when and if this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule, the first groups of people that will be eaten will be left wing pussies who cannot or will not fight for themselves.
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That is the point. If not for the INFLUENCE of religion on our society, some of these things may very well not be against the law.

If this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule some of these things may not be illegal. As absurd as that sounds, it is actually a distinct possibility.

Now, we will have many that will now point out the laws in countries that sharia law exists. When I say religion, I am talking about the influences of the judeo Christian influences. Not the laws of some religion that is literally a throw back to the 6th and 7th centuries. Where it is lawful to stone a woman for BEING RAPED.

It is amazing how one group of people here never protest those things in those countries that are going on. Beheading of homosexuals, along with many many grotesque acts, all in the name of their god?

Yet they stay silent about it? It is pathetic, cause the reason is so pathetic. The reason they do not say anything or the reason they support the terrorists is because they are brown, and they hate American white, right wing Christians that much. You think it is more complicated?

Then explain to me with your best explanation why these hypocrites hold protest after protest for terrorists being water boarded in order to extrapolate vital information that could very well save thousands of lives, and they do not say one fucking word that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Get that? Our own soldiers are water boarded in training, they do not say shit. The brown terrorists are water boarded for vital information and it is hands across America. Go ahead and explain that.
Definition of melodramatic (adj)

Bing Dictionary
[ mèllə drə máttik ]

1.exaggeratedly theatrical: behaving, speaking, done, or said in a way that is more dramatic, shocking, or highly emotional than the situation demands
2.relating to melodrama: relating to or typical of melodrama

synonyms: histrionic · overdramatic · overemotional · exaggerated · sensational

The funny thing to me is when and if this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule, the first groups of people that will be eaten will be left wing pussies who cannot or will not fight for themselves.
Definition of melodramatic (adj)

Bing Dictionary
[ mèllə drə máttik ]

1.exaggeratedly theatrical: behaving, speaking, done, or said in a way that is more dramatic, shocking, or highly emotional than the situation demands
2.relating to melodrama: relating to or typical of melodrama

synonyms: histrionic · overdramatic · overemotional · exaggerated · sensational

The funny thing to me is when and if this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule, the first groups of people that will be eaten will be left wing pussies who cannot or will not fight for themselves.

Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
The funny thing to me is when and if this world descends to anarchy or tyrannical rule, the first groups of people that will be eaten will be left wing pussies who cannot or will not fight for themselves.

Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Stop pretending you don't have any prejudices like every double talking liberal.
Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Stop pretending you don't have any prejudices like every double talking liberal.
actually I do, race is not one of them neither is homosexuality just to name a few.
on the other hand the fascist quasi religious white supremacist BullShit you and you butt buddies spew is one of my greatest prejudices...
What's next? Transgender coming out parties. Online donation drives for chopping off your genitals.

Can you guess which is a man? Also lol at the Rachel Maddow/Chris Hayes look alikes. Its like they are a new third gender that is becoming more common.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Stop pretending you don't have any prejudices like every double talking liberal.
actually I do, race is not one of them neither is homosexuality just to name a few.
on the other hand the fascist quasi religious white supremacist BullShit you and you butt buddies spew is one of my greatest prejudices...

Ahhhh, I got it. He hates white right wingers. Now, go get your cookie from the rest of those on your pathetic, hypocritical bandwagon of brainwashed assholes who take on the popular side of every issue.

You are nothing but a weak hack.

I wonder how long it would take you to go along with the group if we did the Asch Experiment on you. Look it up you silly simpleton conformist.
What's next? Transgender coming out parties. Online donation drives for chopping off your genitals.

Can you guess which is a man? Also lol at the Rachel Maddow/Chris Hayes look alikes. Its like they are a new third gender that is becoming more common.
too late on the first ..on the second that would be eunuchs and they are as old as mankind...
thanks for playing.
Stop pretending you don't have any prejudices like every double talking liberal.
actually I do, race is not one of them neither is homosexuality just to name a few.
on the other hand the fascist quasi religious white supremacist BullShit you and you butt buddies spew is one of my greatest prejudices...

Ahhhh, I got it. He hates white right wingers. Now, go get your cookie from the rest of those on your pathetic, hypocritical bandwagon of brainwashed assholes who take on the popular side of every issue.

You are nothing but a weak hack.

I wonder how long it would take you to go along with the group if we did the Asch Experiment on you. Look it up you silly simpleton conformist.
no need to look it up o dim one.
Definition of conformist (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ kən fáwrmist ]

1.follower of customs and rules: somebody who behaves or thinks in a socially acceptable or expected way
2.socially acceptable: characterized by adherence to accepted norms of behavior or thought

synonyms: conventional · traditional · orthodox · obedient · unadventurous

if that not a perfect definition of the fringe right religious extremists there isn't one .
btw the use of the royal we is smoking gun evidence of your lock step conformity...

Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Willful posting propaganda due to programming is a boring response to anything.

The racist far left Obama drones are known for their hatred and boring programmed responses based on propaganda and talking points.

And the far left truly does not have a sense of humor as proven by your example.

But please continue showing the world why a far left education is the worst education anyone can ever have.
actually I do, race is not one of them neither is homosexuality just to name a few.
on the other hand the fascist quasi religious white supremacist BullShit you and you butt buddies spew is one of my greatest prejudices...

Ahhhh, I got it. He hates white right wingers. Now, go get your cookie from the rest of those on your pathetic, hypocritical bandwagon of brainwashed assholes who take on the popular side of every issue.

You are nothing but a weak hack.

I wonder how long it would take you to go along with the group if we did the Asch Experiment on you. Look it up you silly simpleton conformist.
no need to look it up o dim one.
Definition of conformist (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ kən fáwrmist ]

1.follower of customs and rules: somebody who behaves or thinks in a socially acceptable or expected way
2.socially acceptable: characterized by adherence to accepted norms of behavior or thought

synonyms: conventional · traditional · orthodox · obedient · unadventurous

if that not a perfect definition of the fringe right religious extremists there isn't one .
btw the use of the royal we is smoking gun evidence of your lock step conformity...

It actually fits the far left religion better which has a hatred, bigotry, racism, etc. on levels that rival the Taliban.

But you continue to be a loyal solider of that Taliban as it suits you just fine.
Yep more proof of the ignorance of posters who will just post something and not know what they post, but are programmed to post it anyway.
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Willful posting propaganda due to programming is a boring response to anything.

The racist far left Obama drones are known for their hatred and boring programmed responses based on propaganda and talking points.

And the far left truly does not have a sense of humor as proven by your example.

But please continue showing the world why a far left education is the worst education anyone can ever have.
talk about a boring and programmed response...:lol::lol::lol:
Ahhhh, I got it. He hates white right wingers. Now, go get your cookie from the rest of those on your pathetic, hypocritical bandwagon of brainwashed assholes who take on the popular side of every issue.

You are nothing but a weak hack.

I wonder how long it would take you to go along with the group if we did the Asch Experiment on you. Look it up you silly simpleton conformist.
no need to look it up o dim one.
Definition of conformist (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ kən fáwrmist ]

1.follower of customs and rules: somebody who behaves or thinks in a socially acceptable or expected way
2.socially acceptable: characterized by adherence to accepted norms of behavior or thought

synonyms: conventional · traditional · orthodox · obedient · unadventurous

if that not a perfect definition of the fringe right religious extremists there isn't one .
btw the use of the royal we is smoking gun evidence of your lock step conformity...

It actually fits the far left religion better which has a hatred, bigotry, racism, etc. on levels that rival the Taliban.

But you continue to be a loyal solider of that Taliban as it suits you just fine.
you're having that in denial dream again...
if you were any more loyal to the fascist cause ,you'd be surgically attached to ted Cruz's cock...
no need to look it up o dim one.
Definition of conformist (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ kən fáwrmist ]

1.follower of customs and rules: somebody who behaves or thinks in a socially acceptable or expected way
2.socially acceptable: characterized by adherence to accepted norms of behavior or thought

synonyms: conventional · traditional · orthodox · obedient · unadventurous

if that not a perfect definition of the fringe right religious extremists there isn't one .
btw the use of the royal we is smoking gun evidence of your lock step conformity...

It actually fits the far left religion better which has a hatred, bigotry, racism, etc. on levels that rival the Taliban.

But you continue to be a loyal solider of that Taliban as it suits you just fine.
you're having that in denial dream again...
if you were any more loyal to the fascist cause ,you'd be surgically attached to ted Cruz's cock...

Well let us see this one used hate, bigotry and racism all in one post.

Thus proving my point!

This is one is a part of the Taliban!
actually it cements your ignorance not mine...
who was Sinclair Lewis
There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.
that is so you.

Willful posting propaganda due to programming is a boring response to anything.

The racist far left Obama drones are known for their hatred and boring programmed responses based on propaganda and talking points.

And the far left truly does not have a sense of humor as proven by your example.

But please continue showing the world why a far left education is the worst education anyone can ever have.
talk about a boring and programmed response...:lol::lol::lol:

So can not refute the facts!

Oh well typical for the far left Taliban members of this board..
Every abnormal behavior is perfectly normal to the person that expresses the abnormal behavior.

It may be "normal" to go through PTSD or stages of grief after a traumatic incident in life.
But that doesn't mean you want to keep having those conditions instead of resolving them.

Not all people are at peace with abnormal conditions, even if these were born or not their choice, and yes, some do go through recovery to overcome them and return to whatever they establish is really "normal" or "natural" for them.

There is nothing abnormal about being gay, having blue eyes, or being left handed(.)
Or being a pedophile.

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