Gays have won. So what's next?

why? you're the expert, you were sucking jerry falwell's dick until the lord took him home..

Isnt it funny how you are always in the middle of the cock sucking circles?

even funnier is you always show up..


I usually just ignore your posts. They are predictably boring, devoid of facts, lacking reason, and rarely rise above playground antics.

You are a waste of my time most days.

Today is just a slow day.
Isnt it funny how you are always in the middle of the cock sucking circles?

even funnier is you always show up..


I usually just ignore your posts. They are predictably boring, devoid of facts, lacking reason, and rarely rise above playground antics.

You are a waste of my time most days.

Today is just a slow day.
love when you rationalize..
you saying my or other posters posts are devoid of facts is the absolute pinnacle of pretentious ignorance....
I shouldn't have to hide my orientation anymore than you should have to hide your religion.

Christians aren't being discriminated against or persecuted. Gays are.

Hide your orientation? How would anyone know if your a homosexual? How is it even appropriate to tell perspective employer what kind of sex you like?

Oh, you're still fixated on not hiring someone who is gay. That's not usually the way it works, it did for me, but it's usually people being fired for being gay. And how did they know I was gay? I had to complete a background investigation and had to list my legal civil partner.

And while it may be illegal, you've never been asked if you were married in a job interview?

A lot of Christians I know wear crosses...

You can put a picture of your spouse at your desk without fear of recrimination. You can wear a cross without fear or recrimination. Gays potentially can't mention their spouses in 30 states without fear of recrimination.

Gays are being discriminated against and persecuted, sure, just as much as I am persecuted for being an old bald white guy.

You can't be fired for being a bald white guy in 50 states and you can marry the consenting adult of your choice in all 50. Also, when you marry the consenting adult of your choice, it's "good" in all 50. I can be fired for being gay in 30 and am only legally married in 18. Have you ever been refused service because you're a bald white guy?

The new Civil Rights movement, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history when it came to the persecution of Blacks, it was the Democrats who were the KKK, so I guess this is the new Crusade, to hide the shame, the Civil Rights of people who are not hired because they tell their perspective boss that they like homosexual sex.

Really? You're falling back on Dixicrats? :lol:

Opposition to Civil Rights was regional, not politically partisan.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Now let's take a gander at what Nate Silver has to say on where the states will be in a few years...


Well, gosh darn if it isn't those southern states again. How interesting...

You did not have to legally identify a thing, period. Let alone a Civil Union.

Besides, people have a right to hire who they want, what gives you a right to force your decisions upon others.

I guess Gay people do not believe in Freedom, others should be forced to do what Gay's demand.

As far as Marriage, Gays now demand to change the meaning of words, call it what you want but Two men or Two woman are not the same thing as a man and a woman, call yourselves Gayrriage.

I should have the right to call Oranges and Lemons, and sell them as such, it should not make a difference to you if you inadvertently buy my Oranges to make Lemonade.

Further, what kind of idiot wants the Government to control a relationship.

also this goes beyond simple LOVE.

Gays are demanding and have the won the right to teach my children about homosexuality.

Gays have also won the right to raise my children through adoption if I die, despite what the child needs, which is a mother and father.

But for some, the question is should be there be restraints on sexuality, should a man and a man have a right to have any kind of unrestricted sex, in the same house as children?

Much of this discussion is censored and banned, when it comes to Homosexuality, Heterosexuals are not allowed to discuss the exact details.

Watch my free speech be attacked, when one speaks of the truth, the details, the activist work to kill free speech.

either way, I do not believe a word you have posted on your, "persecution". I work with gay people who have California Civil Unions and Marriages, I know people all across the country, and nobody has your problem.

My Homosexual Brother who works at a Florida Harley Davidson Dealership does not have your problem, hell the Navy Seals are recruiting Transgendered so at best, your propaganda is past relevancy.
I just enjoy the pseudo intellectual bullshit he and all the other on the down low homophobes spew!
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse
I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

If a man acts in a religious way, an ethical way, then he’s really a religious man—and it doesn’t have a lot to do with how often he gets inside a church.
You did not have to legally identify a thing, period. Let alone a Civil Union.

Yes, I did. It was a background investigation. I've been having them since I turned 18 and joined the military. I held a TS until I retired. When I applied for the position, I was their top candidate. All I had to do was complete the BI and the job was mine. The only thing that had changed from the time I retired to the time I applied for that job was my California Domestic Partnership, which I was required to report on the BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION. Perfectly legal. It was not a job interview, where it is illegal to ask, (but we have all been asked it in an interview.) They wouldn't return my calls after the BI.

Do you realize that companies check your Facebook page when hiring? How would you feel about losing a job because your favorite book you read is the bible? You think gay people should have to hide their relationship status on FB while you straight folk get to "complicated" all over the place? Gays should have to use gender neutral pronouns when discussing their plans for the weekend while their straight co-workers talk about their plans with their spouses...just so they won't get fired?

Why do you want gays living in the shadows? Oh, I know...because when we come out of the closet and our families and loved ones actually know a gay person, they find it harder to discriminate. Yeah, we know ya'lls motivations. :badgrin:

Besides, people have a right to hire who they want, what gives you a right to force your decisions upon others.

No, actually they don't. If I didn't hire you or fired you because you're Christian...I'd be facing a lawsuit, "Right to Work" state or not. The same is not true for gay people in 30.

I guess Gay people do not believe in Freedom, others should be forced to do what Gay's demand.

You cannot discriminate in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, or age. Guess they don't believe in freedom? I must do what Christians, cripples and old people demand.

As far as Marriage, Gays now demand to change the meaning of words, call it what you want but Two men or Two woman are not the same thing as a man and a woman, call yourselves Gayrriage.

I should have the right to call Oranges and Lemons, and sell them as such, it should not make a difference to you if you inadvertently buy my Oranges to make Lemonade.

No, the meaning of civil marriage remains the same, a contract between two consenting adults. Religions have always been free to define marriage in any way they see fit, always will. In the United States, we have civil marriage. That's what's it's called. Gays want equal access to it. We don't care what it's called. If you don't want us getting a marriage license, the onus is on YOU to change the word, not the people that don't give a shit what it's called. The only requirement is that it is equal. If you get a civil marriage license, I do too. If I get a civil union, you do too. Again, religious marriage is something else entirely. It is up to the religious institution as to whether or not they choose to bless same sex unions. Many do.

Further, what kind of idiot wants the Government to control a relationship.

About 6 in 10 adults.

also this goes beyond simple LOVE.

You're goes to lifelong commitment, wanting to protect our families, companionship and a family structure in which to raise our children...just like for straight people.

Gays are demanding and have the won the right to teach my children about homosexuality.

Yeah, like what? That they should be tolerated and respected or that you should wear a condom when you have sex with either gender?

Gays have also won the right to raise my children through adoption if I die, despite what the child needs, which is a mother and father.

No, actually they don't. Children do best in two parent home, the gender is irrelevant. In fact, there is only one area in which the gender of the parent matters in regards to the child's "psychological adjustment and social success". Any idea what that is? Watch "Meet the Fockers". Mr. Focker may have found away around that one area.

But for some, the question is should be there be restraints on sexuality, should a man and a man have a right to have any kind of unrestricted sex, in the same house as children?

No, the question would be "should two adults have a right to have any kind of "unrestricted sex" (whatever that means), in the same house as children?".

To that I would say...if the door is locked and you're quiet, sure.

Much of this discussion is censored and banned, when it comes to Homosexuality, Heterosexuals are not allowed to discuss the exact details.

It is? How so? What is censored here besides the C word? Go ahead, by all means please discuss these "details" of which you refer. I'm all on pins and needles.

Watch my free speech be attacked, when one speaks of the truth, the details, the activist work to kill free speech.

I don't think you understand the meaning of free speech...If you say something, I have a right to say something back. We both have free speech. If you say something vile, people can say "hey, that's vile". Both are free speech. If the government were to throw you in jail for saying something vile, that would be an infringement upon your free speech. Understand a little better now? Glad I could help.

either way, I do not believe a word you have posted on your, "persecution". I work with gay people who have California Civil Unions and Marriages, I know people all across the country, and nobody has your problem.

I don't have a problem. I work for "the gubmit" (local county...all the protections for "the gheys". :lol: Now that a portion of DOMA is repealed, my legal spouse (we were married in CA in 2008 before Prop Hate passed) is also recognized on a Federal level and she is a Retired Veteran's legal spouse. Totally fabulous.

The job thing happened back in 2003...a lot's changed since then...but not in some places. Surely you heard the story about the lesbian Police Chief that got fired by the anti-gay mayor. Lucky for her, most people aren't anti-gay douche's like him. They fought for her and got her the job back....they had to actually pass legislation to do it.

My Homosexual Brother who works at a Florida Harley Davidson Dealership does not have your problem, hell the Navy Seals are recruiting Transgendered so at best, your propaganda is past relevancy.

Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face? Does he still talk to you at Thanksgiving? you only watch Fox and only read WND? The Navy Seals are not recruiting Trandgendered people. Does that even sound remotely possible to you? Come on...think with your BRAIN. If something sounds fishy, use the fucking Google machine, that's what it is there for.

FORMER Navy Seal comes out as Transgendered.
Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face? Does he still talk to you at Thanksgiving?

Wow, you are real fine piece of work, yes? A personal attack to include my family, further you are stated the word, "homosexual" is the equivalent of the racist slur, "******".

Is this what the Homosexuals have sunk to, that if we state, "homosexual", we are bigots, we should be hated by our own family.

I stated my free speech would be attacked. "Watch my free speech be attacked, when one speaks of the truth, the details, the activist work to kill free speech."

I was right, you attacked speech.

1. Homosexual Activists will attack ones speech in order to further their agenda, without silencing, without demeaning, without falsely accusing people of hate and bigotry the homosexuals have zero argument.

Seawytch, I stated I would be attacked, I figured it would somehow be personal, I am kind of surprised you resorted to attacking and denigrating. You kind of sounded fair at first. Now you are no different than other tyrants in history who attack Free Speech.

Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Why do you want gays living in the shadows? Oh, I know...because when we come out of the closet and our families and loved ones actually know a gay person, they find it harder to discriminate. Yeah, we know ya'lls motivations

On top of attacking free speech and turning an ordinary word into something bigoted it when its not you also must lie about those who oppose the Homosexual Agenda. I never said nor implied that you need to live in the, "shadows".

To put words into my mouth, to denigrate me as such, shows all who reads this what we are up against, Homosexual activists make false claims against ordinary people.

seawytch, you are not persecuted and never have, you have lied about me, you have made the use of ordinary words into something equivalent to using the word "******".

You attack me personally to include my brother. You seriously have a sickness of the mind. You have zero understanding of me or my sexuality, you assume much with zero knowledge.

Seawytch attacks my speech, attempts to censor and shame me for the use of the word Homosexual yet denied that she/seawytch would ever attempt this let alone do it in the very next response to me.

Seawytch mischaracterizes my position, stating I am advocating that homosexuals live in the, "shadows".

There is much to discuss in Seawytch's post, here I point out to instances which are very extreme and downright frightening.

Seawytch has zero argument without attacking me personally, to include my family.

Seawytch must literally fabricate or lie about my position, stating that I implied or said Homosexuals must live in the shadows.

I am to be shamed, denigrated, my speech has been attacked and twisted by seawytch. Who is the bigot,, why can not this Homosexual simply debate the facts, its simple.

Without fabricating hatred, without falsely labeling people, without outright lying about simple people this particular homosexual has no argument.

How do I say this, it baffles me that the Homosexuals have fabricated an enemy where none exist.

Homosexuals have fabricated bigotry where there is none, as this example shows.

What more can be discussed with seawytch when seawytch has displayed such ugliness, to denigrate, mischaracterize, to lie, to change ordinary words into bigoted slurs, to attack me and my family personally, what does that say about the rest of what seawytch posted?

seawytch, you are the bigot who has zero understanding of who you oppose, you are the problem not me, and if you so wrong about me, how much more of your post is wrong.

There is much in your post that is wrong, is it through ignorance, lack of comprehension, or blind activism?

seawytch claims being denied a job for being Homosexual, after how I see you "projected" your prejudices and fears upon me, I say seawytch is delusional believing Homosexuality was the issue in losing a job.

I say the employer easily identified you as who you are which was not a homosexual, simply a person of not the caliber of which they sought.

Oh, and when it comes to discrimination, the word sex referred to female or male, not homosexuality.

seawytch, the rest of your post falls on the points I make, you have zero business being in this discussion until you come to realize your own bigotry.
Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face? Does he still talk to you at Thanksgiving?

Wow, you are real fine piece of work, yes? A personal attack to include my family, further you are stated the word, "homosexual" is the equivalent of the racist slur, "******". must have some wicked reading skills to read something that I didn't say.

Is this what the Homosexuals have sunk to, that if we state, "homosexual", we are bigots, we should be hated by our own family.

Again, not something I said. I asked if you called him your "homosexual brother" to his face. You didn't answer so either you do and he doesn't speak to you or you don't because you know it's really not the thing to say.

The Decline and Fall of the ‘H’ Word. For Many Gays and Lesbians, the Term ‘Homosexual’ is Flinch-Worthy

So, let's try something here...say it with me "gay brother".

I stated my free speech would be attacked. "Watch my free speech be attacked, when one speaks of the truth, the details, the activist work to kill free speech."

I was right, you attacked speech.

1. Homosexual Activists will attack ones speech in order to further their agenda, without silencing, without demeaning, without falsely accusing people of hate and bigotry the homosexuals have zero argument.

Your free speech isn't under attack, Drama Queen, it is countered with free speech.

If you wish to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, you are a bigot whether you actually want to admit it to yourself or not.

Seawytch, I stated I would be attacked, I figured it would somehow be personal, I am kind of surprised you resorted to attacking and denigrating. You kind of sounded fair at first. Now you are no different than other tyrants in history who attack Free Speech.

I did not attack or denigrate. I asked a simple question...that made you upset. I wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Why do you want gays living in the shadows? Oh, I know...because when we come out of the closet and our families and loved ones actually know a gay person, they find it harder to discriminate. Yeah, we know ya'lls motivations

On top of attacking free speech and turning an ordinary word into something bigoted it when its not you also must lie about those who oppose the Homosexual Agenda. I never said nor implied that you need to live in the, "shadows".

To put words into my mouth, to denigrate me as such, shows all who reads this what we are up against, Homosexual activists make false claims against ordinary people.

Of course you implied it, when you wondered why anyone would know why a person was gay. I gave you many valid reasons someone would know another was gay...which you ignored so you could whine about how persecuted you are for your bigotry.

seawytch, you are not persecuted and never have, you have lied about me, you have made the use of ordinary words into something equivalent to using the word "******".

Me personally "persecuted", no...but I was denied a job because I'm gay. And whether you want to face reality or not, gays are discriminated against and persecuted..without all the legal protections Christians get.

You attack me personally to include my brother. You seriously have a sickness of the mind. You have zero understanding of me or my sexuality, you assume much with zero knowledge.

Seawytch attacks my speech, attempts to censor and shame me for the use of the word Homosexual yet denied that she/seawytch would ever attempt this let alone do it in the very next response to me.

I did no such thing, Drama Queen, I simply asked you a question. Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face, yes or no?

seawytch claims being denied a job for being Homosexual, after how I see you "projected" your prejudices and fears upon me, I say seawytch is delusional believing Homosexuality was the issue in losing a job.

I say the employer easily identified you as who you are which was not a homosexual, simply a person of not the caliber of which they sought.

And you would be wrong. Again, I was their top candidate. I had already interviewed for the job and they wanted to hire me. The last step in the process of me getting the job was the background investigation. Since I had maintained a Top Secret security clearance in the military and had just retired, there was nothing in my background that would preclude me from working in a local law enforcement job.

The only difference between my TS clearance paperwork for the military and the BI paperwork for the civilian job I was applying for was the addition of my Civil Union to my same sex partner. I know that is why I didn't get the job. There is no doubt.

Oh, and when it comes to discrimination, the word sex referred to female or male, not homosexuality.

Yes, I know, that was my point. All of those things fall under Federal Protection...race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, and age are all Federally, in simple words you will maybe understand, a Christian can discriminate against me, but I can't discriminate against them. Do they"hate freedom" because, as a Christian, they're federally protected from discrimination in employment and public accommodation? Disabled veterans are they "hate freedom" because you can't refuse to serve them or not hire them for being a crip?

seawytch, the rest of your post falls on the points I make, you have zero business being in this discussion until you come to realize your own bigotry.

:lol: You haven't made any points. You just typed my name and the n word over and over and over because you took umbrage to a simple question.

Yes, I am a bigot...against bigotry. I'll give you a tip, it's okay to be intolerant of intolerance.
On another board folks are claiming we can not beat the Islamic extremists because gays are now in the military.
Until I posted that gays have ALWAYS been in the military.
So any back up here on the claims before gays could openly serve in the military that "unit cohesion would fall apart"?

Gay marriage ain't no big deal. Get over it. Just last night drinking suds a woman brought up the discussion. She has no problem and the hubby does but he then said "Not my problem and really does not affect me or anyone so let them".

Happening folks, get over it, nothing changes.
Blacks did not want white women as their reason for demanding equal rights as claimed and gays do not want baby straight boys as the reason they are demanding their equal rights.

Am about tired of all the hoopla.
On another board folks are claiming we can not beat the Islamic extremists because gays are now in the military.
Until I posted that gays have ALWAYS been in the military.
So any back up here on the claims before gays could openly serve in the military that "unit cohesion would fall apart"?

The change is that we now have openly gay people in the military doing duty in the Land of Mohamed and Muslims will not tolerate that. Without a presence there, we cannot win the 'War on Terror', so yes, they were right.

As to unit cohesion, it cannot be as good as before when we have had in our military a 50% increase in sexual assaults and rapes and about half of that by men on men.

Welcome to Obama the Gay's Military where the discipline is as good as a prison staff.
Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face? Does he still talk to you at Thanksgiving?

Wow, you are real fine piece of work, yes? A personal attack to include my family, further you are stated the word, "homosexual" is the equivalent of the racist slur, "******". must have some wicked reading skills to read something that I didn't say.

Again, not something I said. I asked if you called him your "homosexual brother" to his face. You didn't answer so either you do and he doesn't speak to you or you don't because you know it's really not the thing to say.

The Decline and Fall of the ‘H’ Word. For Many Gays and Lesbians, the Term ‘Homosexual’ is Flinch-Worthy

So, let's try something here...say it with me "gay brother".

Your free speech isn't under attack, Drama Queen, it is countered with free speech.

If you wish to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, you are a bigot whether you actually want to admit it to yourself or not.

I did not attack or denigrate. I asked a simple question...that made you upset. I wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Of course you implied it, when you wondered why anyone would know why a person was gay. I gave you many valid reasons someone would know another was gay...which you ignored so you could whine about how persecuted you are for your bigotry.

Me personally "persecuted", no...but I was denied a job because I'm gay. And whether you want to face reality or not, gays are discriminated against and persecuted..without all the legal protections Christians get.

I did no such thing, Drama Queen, I simply asked you a question. Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face, yes or no?

And you would be wrong. Again, I was their top candidate. I had already interviewed for the job and they wanted to hire me. The last step in the process of me getting the job was the background investigation. Since I had maintained a Top Secret security clearance in the military and had just retired, there was nothing in my background that would preclude me from working in a local law enforcement job.

The only difference between my TS clearance paperwork for the military and the BI paperwork for the civilian job I was applying for was the addition of my Civil Union to my same sex partner. I know that is why I didn't get the job. There is no doubt.

Oh, and when it comes to discrimination, the word sex referred to female or male, not homosexuality.

Yes, I know, that was my point. All of those things fall under Federal Protection...race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, and age are all Federally, in simple words you will maybe understand, a Christian can discriminate against me, but I can't discriminate against them. Do they"hate freedom" because, as a Christian, they're federally protected from discrimination in employment and public accommodation? Disabled veterans are they "hate freedom" because you can't refuse to serve them or not hire them for being a crip?

seawytch, the rest of your post falls on the points I make, you have zero business being in this discussion until you come to realize your own bigotry.

:lol: You haven't made any points. You just typed my name and the n word over and over and over because you took umbrage to a simple question.

Yes, I am a bigot...against bigotry. I'll give you a tip, it's okay to be intolerant of intolerance.

Liar, mis-construe your statement all you like, I called you on it and made my point.

Seawytch, a very fitting user name for yourself, I love the irony in light of your personal attack on my family.
Wow, you are real fine piece of work, yes? A personal attack to include my family, further you are stated the word, "homosexual" is the equivalent of the racist slur, "******". must have some wicked reading skills to read something that I didn't say.

Again, not something I said. I asked if you called him your "homosexual brother" to his face. You didn't answer so either you do and he doesn't speak to you or you don't because you know it's really not the thing to say.

The Decline and Fall of the ‘H’ Word. For Many Gays and Lesbians, the Term ‘Homosexual’ is Flinch-Worthy

So, let's try something here...say it with me "gay brother".

Your free speech isn't under attack, Drama Queen, it is countered with free speech.

If you wish to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, you are a bigot whether you actually want to admit it to yourself or not.

I did not attack or denigrate. I asked a simple question...that made you upset. I wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Of course you implied it, when you wondered why anyone would know why a person was gay. I gave you many valid reasons someone would know another was gay...which you ignored so you could whine about how persecuted you are for your bigotry.

Me personally "persecuted", no...but I was denied a job because I'm gay. And whether you want to face reality or not, gays are discriminated against and persecuted..without all the legal protections Christians get.

I did no such thing, Drama Queen, I simply asked you a question. Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face, yes or no?

And you would be wrong. Again, I was their top candidate. I had already interviewed for the job and they wanted to hire me. The last step in the process of me getting the job was the background investigation. Since I had maintained a Top Secret security clearance in the military and had just retired, there was nothing in my background that would preclude me from working in a local law enforcement job.

The only difference between my TS clearance paperwork for the military and the BI paperwork for the civilian job I was applying for was the addition of my Civil Union to my same sex partner. I know that is why I didn't get the job. There is no doubt.

Yes, I know, that was my point. All of those things fall under Federal Protection...race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, and age are all Federally, in simple words you will maybe understand, a Christian can discriminate against me, but I can't discriminate against them. Do they"hate freedom" because, as a Christian, they're federally protected from discrimination in employment and public accommodation? Disabled veterans are they "hate freedom" because you can't refuse to serve them or not hire them for being a crip?

seawytch, the rest of your post falls on the points I make, you have zero business being in this discussion until you come to realize your own bigotry.

:lol: You haven't made any points. You just typed my name and the n word over and over and over because you took umbrage to a simple question.

Yes, I am a bigot...against bigotry. I'll give you a tip, it's okay to be intolerant of intolerance.

Liar, mis-construe your statement all you like, I called you on it and made my point.

Seawytch, a very fitting user name for yourself, I love the irony in light of your personal attack on my family.

You can keep repeating it, but it doesn't make it any more true. I asked a question you find too uncomfortable to answer, apparently. Deflection noted.
Last edited:
If you don't want us getting a marriage license, the onus is on YOU to change the word, not the people that don't give a shit what it's called. The only requirement is that it is equal.
I disagree, all those personally opposed to marriage equality need do is ignore the marriage themselves. There will be no law forcing them to participate or recognoze the marriage personally.
Seawytch said:
If you don't want us getting a marriage license, the onus is on YOU to change the word, not the people that don't give a shit what it's called. The only requirement is that it is equal.
I disagree, all those personally opposed to marriage equality need do is ignore the marriage themselves. There will be no law forcing them to participate or recognoze the marriage personally.

I'm not talking about the folks that believe there should be no form of civil marriage, they're simply delusional...I'm talking about the folks that don't like gays saying that they got a marriage license. I'm talking about the "straights get marriage, gays get civil unions" folks that don't want us to use the word marriage because it makes them feel special and if gays got it too, they wouldn't feel all special anymore. It's up to THOSE folks to change the name if they don't like us getting it too because anything else would be "separate but equal" (and that's unconstitutional).

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