Gays have won. So what's next?

That kookburger argues with himself!
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......

Yep and that is why the once cool word 'gay' is now a pejorative of fist-fighting caliber.

Gays fuck up everything they get into eventually and are the best weapon of moral people from the beginning of civilization.
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.

lol, more fantasy from the butt plug set, roflmao
Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.

lol, more fantasy from the butt plug set, roflmao
You have a butt plug? Wait, you said you have a set. They have fantasies? How do you know?
You have gays in your face every second of the day? Or at all? Strange, where do you live? In the toilet of a gay bar that is open 24 hours a day?

We have already had a gay president.

lol, more fantasy from the butt plug set, roflmao
You have a butt plug? Wait, you said you have a set. They have fantasies? How do you know?

How does pretending you don't understand basic English prove you right?

I have noticed this to be a common behavior among queers.
Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face? Does he still talk to you at Thanksgiving?

Wow, you are real fine piece of work, yes? A personal attack to include my family, further you are stated the word, "homosexual" is the equivalent of the racist slur, "******".

Is this what the Homosexuals have sunk to, that if we state, "homosexual", we are bigots, we should be hated by our own family.

I stated my free speech would be attacked. "Watch my free speech be attacked, when one speaks of the truth, the details, the activist work to kill free speech."

I was right, you attacked speech.

1. Homosexual Activists will attack ones speech in order to further their agenda, without silencing, without demeaning, without falsely accusing people of hate and bigotry the homosexuals have zero argument.

Seawytch, I stated I would be attacked, I figured it would somehow be personal, I am kind of surprised you resorted to attacking and denigrating. You kind of sounded fair at first. Now you are no different than other tyrants in history who attack Free Speech.

Quote: Originally Posted by Seawytch; Why do you want gays living in the shadows? Oh, I know...because when we come out of the closet and our families and loved ones actually know a gay person, they find it harder to discriminate. Yeah, we know ya'lls motivations

On top of attacking free speech and turning an ordinary word into something bigoted it when its not you also must lie about those who oppose the Homosexual Agenda. I never said nor implied that you need to live in the, "shadows".

To put words into my mouth, to denigrate me as such, shows all who reads this what we are up against, Homosexual activists make false claims against ordinary people.

seawytch, you are not persecuted and never have, you have lied about me, you have made the use of ordinary words into something equivalent to using the word "******".

You attack me personally to include my brother. You seriously have a sickness of the mind. You have zero understanding of me or my sexuality, you assume much with zero knowledge.

Seawytch attacks my speech, attempts to censor and shame me for the use of the word Homosexual yet denied that she/seawytch would ever attempt this let alone do it in the very next response to me.

Seawytch mischaracterizes my position, stating I am advocating that homosexuals live in the, "shadows".

There is much to discuss in Seawytch's post, here I point out to instances which are very extreme and downright frightening.

Seawytch has zero argument without attacking me personally, to include my family.

Seawytch must literally fabricate or lie about my position, stating that I implied or said Homosexuals must live in the shadows.

I am to be shamed, denigrated, my speech has been attacked and twisted by seawytch. Who is the bigot,, why can not this Homosexual simply debate the facts, its simple.

Without fabricating hatred, without falsely labeling people, without outright lying about simple people this particular homosexual has no argument.

How do I say this, it baffles me that the Homosexuals have fabricated an enemy where none exist.

Homosexuals have fabricated bigotry where there is none, as this example shows.

What more can be discussed with seawytch when seawytch has displayed such ugliness, to denigrate, mischaracterize, to lie, to change ordinary words into bigoted slurs, to attack me and my family personally, what does that say about the rest of what seawytch posted?

seawytch, you are the bigot who has zero understanding of who you oppose, you are the problem not me, and if you so wrong about me, how much more of your post is wrong.

There is much in your post that is wrong, is it through ignorance, lack of comprehension, or blind activism?

seawytch claims being denied a job for being Homosexual, after how I see you "projected" your prejudices and fears upon me, I say seawytch is delusional believing Homosexuality was the issue in losing a job.

I say the employer easily identified you as who you are which was not a homosexual, simply a person of not the caliber of which they sought.

Oh, and when it comes to discrimination, the word sex referred to female or male, not homosexuality.

seawytch, the rest of your post falls on the points I make, you have zero business being in this discussion until you come to realize your own bigotry.

Elektra the end of the day, there is one 100% certain constant with these people: they are all miserable as fuCk and wont change ever.:bang3::bang3::bang3: They are consumed with this activist shit on gayness. And Elektra......go visit a gay person on their want to see the definition of confused angst misery? HOLY FUCK!!

Heres the other my field, I work with a boatload of gay people. Another constant? These people fold like a cheap wallet any time life gets even just a little bit out of the comfy zone. Its fascinating to watch.:up:
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Lets face it.....people are sick and tired of the gays. Nobody likes people who are in your face every second of the day. Nobody.

And maybe 179 people will vote for a gay to be president. Not happening ever......

Yep and that is why the once cool word 'gay' is now a pejorative of fist-fighting caliber.

Gays fuck up everything they get into eventually and are the best weapon of moral people from the beginning of civilization.

******* do too.
Damn if they think they can play QB and MLB, they "fuck up everything".
lol, more fantasy from the butt plug set, roflmao
You have a butt plug? Wait, you said you have a set. They have fantasies? How do you know?

How does pretending you don't understand basic English prove you right?

I have noticed this to be a common behavior among queers.

how does fantasizing about me using a butt plug do anything but make you look like a closet case? It's a common behavior among closeted homosexuals.
false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...

Dawsy: There is no God!!!

False! All you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a God. Anything else is speculation!


And the sad part is, is that there is evidence of God everywhere you look.:eusa_whistle:
no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....

So you're saying your own statement made in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
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Dawsy: There is no God!!!

False! All you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a God. Anything else is speculation!


And the sad part is, is that there is evidence of God everywhere you look.:eusa_whistle:
no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....

So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.
no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....

So you're saying your own statement make in regards to the gay gene doesn't apply across the board? Too funny! :lol:
That there is no gay gene is irrelevant. There's no stupid gene either, yet, there's lots of stupidity right in this thread.

You obviously missed the point of my post.. I wasn't disuccsing the gay gene, whether it exists or not, at all.

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