Gays have won. So what's next?

Seawytch said:
If you don't want us getting a marriage license, the onus is on YOU to change the word, not the people that don't give a shit what it's called. The only requirement is that it is equal.
I disagree, all those personally opposed to marriage equality need do is ignore the marriage themselves. There will be no law forcing them to participate or recognoze the marriage personally.

I'm not talking about the folks that believe there should be no form of civil marriage, they're simply delusional...I'm talking about the folks that don't like gays saying that they got a marriage license. I'm talking about the "straights get marriage, gays get civil unions" folks that don't want us to use the word marriage because it makes them feel special and if gays got it too, they wouldn't feel all special anymore. It's up to THOSE folks to change the name if they don't like us getting it too because anything else would be "separate but equal" (and that's unconstitutional).

Those folks can put in ear plugs so they do not have to hear, as many have blinders on, no hardship. there is simply no loss, or infringement of rights by the "traditional marriage" crows, as they can ignore the events, and follow their beliefs. the only thing they must do, if they choose to operate public businessses or work in public service, is their job. No American must enjoy every second of their employment, and are at liberty to gripe to their heart's content when off work.

Otherwise, they can locate another individual willing to provide their monetary needs, and be free of any chance of personal experience with the 'offensive conduct'. It takes a common sense approach: you may disagree with an another's action, but unless it infringes upon yours, live with your dislike, or find a distraction(.) I avoid alcohol, believeit creates problems in my society, yet I accept others may consume these beverages. And no alcohol has not always been legal:D How so many can be offended by the lives of strangers is hard to understand.
I just enjoy the pseudo intellectual bullshit he and all the other on the down low homophobes spew!
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse
I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

If a man acts in a religious way, an ethical way, then he’s really a religious man—and it doesn’t have a lot to do with how often he gets inside a church.

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.
I just enjoy the pseudo intellectual bullshit he and all the other on the down low homophobes spew!
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse
I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

If a man acts in a religious way, an ethical way, then he’s really a religious man—and it doesn’t have a lot to do with how often he gets inside a church.

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.
I just enjoy the pseudo intellectual bullshit he and all the other on the down low homophobes spew!
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse
I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

If a man acts in a religious way, an ethical way, then he’s really a religious man—and it doesn’t have a lot to do with how often he gets inside a church.

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.


Put a sane Republican candidate in front of me, one who puts his hand on a holy book and swears by the Constitution instead of the other way around, and if he can show me an economic plan that will definitely work and work better than his Democratic opponent's plan, without all this social issues baggage crap, I would easily vote for that Republican.

The problem is, the GOP has not put up a sane candidate in a while..., get crackin', guys!

The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.


Put a sane Republican candidate in front of me, one who puts his hand on a holy book and swears by the Constitution instead of the other way around, and if he can show me an economic plan that will definitely work and work better than his Democratic opponent's plan, without all this social issues baggage crap, I would easily vote for that Republican.

The problem is, the GOP has not put up a sane candidate in a while..., get crackin', guys!


Romney, McCain, Dole and Ford were quite sane by RINO standards and closer to the middle thus better positioned to win.

Reagan was regarded as a rightwing kook who was sure to lose, Nixon had no chance, And G W Bush was too stupid too win.

And yet Romney, McCain, Dole and Ford ALL LOST, while Reagan, Nixon, and G W Bush all won.

Maybe the GOP should run way from your vote?
No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.


Put a sane Republican candidate in front of me, one who puts his hand on a holy book and swears by the Constitution instead of the other way around, and if he can show me an economic plan that will definitely work and work better than his Democratic opponent's plan, without all this social issues baggage crap, I would easily vote for that Republican.

The problem is, the GOP has not put up a sane candidate in a while..., get crackin', guys!


Romney, McCain, Dole and Ford were quite sane by RINO standards and closer to the middle thus better positioned to win.

Reagan was regarded as a rightwing kook who was sure to lose, Nixon had no chance, And G W Bush was too stupid too win.

And yet Romney, McCain, Dole and Ford ALL LOST, while Reagan, Nixon, and G W Bush all won.

Maybe the GOP should run way from your vote?

Well, sure there, pardner, if the GOP doesn't want my vote, I'm cool with that. The way the demographics are looking over the next, say 80-100 years, they probably shouldn't even try...
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.
Good, moral as you call them "conservatives" but they are reallyprogressives are the daggerinthe heat of the conservative party. Split off and be a third party of religious wacky nutcases that everybody absolutely hates and never get elected again. Disappear into obscurity that is fine with me. Fiscal conservatism is what this country needs. Morality is fickle and rather unimportant. must have some wicked reading skills to read something that I didn't say.

Again, not something I said. I asked if you called him your "homosexual brother" to his face. You didn't answer so either you do and he doesn't speak to you or you don't because you know it's really not the thing to say.

The Decline and Fall of the ‘H’ Word. For Many Gays and Lesbians, the Term ‘Homosexual’ is Flinch-Worthy

So, let's try something here...say it with me "gay brother".

Your free speech isn't under attack, Drama Queen, it is countered with free speech.

If you wish to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, you are a bigot whether you actually want to admit it to yourself or not.

I did not attack or denigrate. I asked a simple question...that made you upset. I wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Of course you implied it, when you wondered why anyone would know why a person was gay. I gave you many valid reasons someone would know another was gay...which you ignored so you could whine about how persecuted you are for your bigotry.

Me personally "persecuted", no...but I was denied a job because I'm gay. And whether you want to face reality or not, gays are discriminated against and persecuted..without all the legal protections Christians get.

I did no such thing, Drama Queen, I simply asked you a question. Do you call him your "homosexual brother" to his face, yes or no?

And you would be wrong. Again, I was their top candidate. I had already interviewed for the job and they wanted to hire me. The last step in the process of me getting the job was the background investigation. Since I had maintained a Top Secret security clearance in the military and had just retired, there was nothing in my background that would preclude me from working in a local law enforcement job.

The only difference between my TS clearance paperwork for the military and the BI paperwork for the civilian job I was applying for was the addition of my Civil Union to my same sex partner. I know that is why I didn't get the job. There is no doubt.

Yes, I know, that was my point. All of those things fall under Federal Protection...race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, and age are all Federally, in simple words you will maybe understand, a Christian can discriminate against me, but I can't discriminate against them. Do they"hate freedom" because, as a Christian, they're federally protected from discrimination in employment and public accommodation? Disabled veterans are they "hate freedom" because you can't refuse to serve them or not hire them for being a crip?

:lol: You haven't made any points. You just typed my name and the n word over and over and over because you took umbrage to a simple question.

Yes, I am a bigot...against bigotry. I'll give you a tip, it's okay to be intolerant of intolerance.

Liar, mis-construe your statement all you like, I called you on it and made my point.

Seawytch, a very fitting user name for yourself, I love the irony in light of your personal attack on my family.

You can keep repeating it, but it doesn't make it any more true. I asked a question you find too uncomfortable to answer, apparently. Deflection noted.

god you are a liar, you asked a question, bullshit, you made an attack in the guise of two question, that you now cherry pick your post while quoting is very telling.

why lie and state you asked one question, it was two parts, you attacked me personally and now that I point that out you call it my response deflection?

So here it is, Seawytch demands certain language not to be used, I can not use the word "homosexual". It is a "hate-crime", so free speech is being attacked, in NAZI Germany people had to guard their language, against the type of people who are seawytch.

seawytch keeps asking if I call my brother, "my homo-sexual brother" to his face and went as far to state I should refer to him as my "gay-brother" in his presence.

what kind of sick person insists that people must be identified by their sexual preference.

I introduce my brother by name. Not by his sex-type.

Seriously, seawytch, what kind of people put others in categories. I know its a tactic, a political tactic, to separate people into groups.

I am always amazed at the amount of intolerance a minority of the Homosexual people such as seawytch displays.

Instead of realizing seawytch's mistake, seawytch's bigotry, she continues to attack.

seawytch, when you meet people you obviously inquire as to if they are homosexual's or not, I got to say, your reasoning is somehow all messed up.

for some, homosexuality is a character flaw, a short-coming, seawytch attacks me and my family, two questions, not one, and not questions at all, or at least a rhetorical question.

seawytch, it is your behavior as a human we fight, not your sexuality.

my brother loves me seawytch, despite your best effort to imply otherwise.

you are curious, hardly, seawytch must deamonize ordinary words, turn words and speech into hate speech, in order to further the homosexual agenda.

so much of your original post was pure bullshit, but after seawytch starts personal attacks, attempting to silence free speech, than that is the issue that defines seawytch, and that is what I will point out as much as you care seawytch.

Bigotry does is a condition of human nature, even homosexuals are bigots, as seawytch has proven of himself.
god you are a liar, you asked a question, bullshit, you made an attack in the guise of two question, that you now cherry pick your post while quoting is very telling.

By all means, describe this "attack". Here's the gist:

Elektra: "My homosexual brother"
Seawytch: "Do you call him your homosexual brother to his face and does he speak to you at Thanksgiving
Elektra: "WAAAAH, you're attacking me and my family, WAAAHHHH"

Where is the "attack"? Do you refer to him as a "homosexual" to his face? Make sure you get that emphasis on the sexual part.

why lie and state you asked one question, it was two parts, you attacked me personally and now that I point that out you call it my response deflection?

What was this "personal attack" you keep referring to? Did I say you are an idiot drama queen? Ooops, just did. Guess you win that one, I attacked you personally. :lol:

So here it is, Seawytch demands certain language not to be used, I can not use the word "homosexual". It is a "hate-crime", so free speech is being attacked, in NAZI Germany people had to guard their language, against the type of people who are seawytch.

Yes, Drama Queen, because you're being thrown in jail. :lol: What, you're not? You're not even being fined or anything...just insulted on a message board by an anonymous poster? OMFG, you're right, Free Speech is in DANGER!!!! Stop the presses! Oh, wait, you can't...the presses are owned by...the gheys! You can't win! Oh noes....

seawytch keeps asking if I call my brother, "my homo-sexual brother" to his face and went as far to state I should refer to him as my "gay-brother" in his presence.

Yes, I did suggest it...nice of you to try it. Did it hurt much to say "gay brother" instead of "homosexual brother"?

what kind of sick person insists that people must be identified by their sexual preference.

I introduce my brother by name. Not by his sex-type.

Good girl/boy, whatever you are. What about when you mention him to others? How about when you introduce he and his romantic interest to others?

Seriously, seawytch, what kind of people put others in categories. I know its a tactic, a political tactic, to separate people into groups.

The world. Do you identify as religious? That's a label. American? Label. Married or single? Label. Man or woman? Label. Get over it.

I am always amazed at the amount of intolerance a minority of the Homosexual people such as seawytch displays.

Yeah, still not ashamed of being intolerant of intolerance.

Instead of realizing seawytch's mistake, seawytch's bigotry, she continues to attack.

seawytch, when you meet people you obviously inquire as to if they are homosexual's or not, I got to say, your reasoning is somehow all messed up.

Yup, it's the first thing I ask..."Hey, you gay?" :lol:

God, you're dumb. Oh, damn...that was another "personal attack". Oh well.

for some, homosexuality is a character flaw, a short-coming, seawytch attacks me and my family, two questions, not one, and not questions at all, or at least a rhetorical question.

For most, being a bigot is a character flaw. I didn't attack your family Queenie but I will keep "attacking" you. :lol:

seawytch, it is your behavior as a human we fight, not your sexuality.

My "behavior as a human"? WTF does that even mean?

my brother loves me seawytch, despite your best effort to imply otherwise.

I'm glad. Love makes the world go around. Happy, happy, joy, joy. I'm also so pleased to see you drop the "homosexual" title as well. :eusa_whistle:

you are curious, hardly, seawytch must deamonize ordinary words, turn words and speech into hate speech, in order to further the homosexual agenda.

Don't use speech hatefully and you've got nothing to worry about. Why do you use the word homosexual and not gay when you know gays prefer it over "homosexual"?

There was no ill intent behind the word "colored" was there? There ended up being one and as the word fell out of favor, I'm sure there are people that felt just as you do, that they were being "demonized" for using the a few even got all drama queenie like you.

so much of your original post was pure bullshit, but after seawytch starts personal attacks, attempting to silence free speech, than that is the issue that defines seawytch, and that is what I will point out as much as you care seawytch.

Yeah, that must be why you ignored every single one of the points I made and focused on the joke at the end. Deflection, deflection, deflection.

Bigotry does is a condition of human nature, even homosexuals are bigots, as seawytch has proven of himself.

Yeah, I'm a bigot against bigots...and proud of it. :D
god you are a liar, you asked a question, bullshit, you made an attack in the guise of two question, that you now cherry pick your post while quoting is very telling.

By all means, describe this "attack". Here's the gist:

Elektra: "My homosexual brother"
Seawytch: "Do you call him your homosexual brother to his face and does he speak to you at Thanksgiving
Elektra: "WAAAAH, you're attacking me and my family, WAAAHHHH"

Where is the "attack"? Do you refer to him as a "homosexual" to his face? Make sure you get that emphasis on the sexual part.

why lie and state you asked one question, it was two parts, you attacked me personally and now that I point that out you call it my response deflection?

What was this "personal attack" you keep referring to? Did I say you are an idiot drama queen? Ooops, just did. Guess you win that one, I attacked you personally. :lol:

Yes, Drama Queen, because you're being thrown in jail. :lol: What, you're not? You're not even being fined or anything...just insulted on a message board by an anonymous poster? OMFG, you're right, Free Speech is in DANGER!!!! Stop the presses! Oh, wait, you can't...the presses are owned by...the gheys! You can't win! Oh noes....

Yes, I did suggest it...nice of you to try it. Did it hurt much to say "gay brother" instead of "homosexual brother"?

Good girl/boy, whatever you are. What about when you mention him to others? How about when you introduce he and his romantic interest to others?

The world. Do you identify as religious? That's a label. American? Label. Married or single? Label. Man or woman? Label. Get over it.

Yeah, still not ashamed of being intolerant of intolerance.

Yup, it's the first thing I ask..."Hey, you gay?" :lol:

God, you're dumb. Oh, damn...that was another "personal attack". Oh well.

For most, being a bigot is a character flaw. I didn't attack your family Queenie but I will keep "attacking" you. :lol:

My "behavior as a human"? WTF does that even mean?

I'm glad. Love makes the world go around. Happy, happy, joy, joy. I'm also so pleased to see you drop the "homosexual" title as well. :eusa_whistle:

Don't use speech hatefully and you've got nothing to worry about. Why do you use the word homosexual and not gay when you know gays prefer it over "homosexual"?

There was no ill intent behind the word "colored" was there? There ended up being one and as the word fell out of favor, I'm sure there are people that felt just as you do, that they were being "demonized" for using the a few even got all drama queenie like you.

so much of your original post was pure bullshit, but after seawytch starts personal attacks, attempting to silence free speech, than that is the issue that defines seawytch, and that is what I will point out as much as you care seawytch.

Yeah, that must be why you ignored every single one of the points I made and focused on the joke at the end. Deflection, deflection, deflection.

Bigotry does is a condition of human nature, even homosexuals are bigots, as seawytch has proven of himself.

Yeah, I'm a bigot against bigots...and proud of it. :D

You really don't have to waste so many electrons demonstrating what a moron you are.

Everyone already knows that.
The conservative party is dying and it's because it started pandering to the religious end of the spectrum that really wasn't much involved in politics until recently. The conservative party is dying and the "religious right" is the dagger in it's heart. I tend to be a Goldwater conservative, and I share his views about religion being involved in politics.
Barry Goldwater's Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse

No, the moral police are being kicked out of the conservative party.
The conservative party is growing as the young conservatives are like me, sick of losing.
Being a conservative has nothing to do with homosexuals.
In fact The Log Cabin Republicans have been around a long time and a lawyer I know here in Georgia is a long time member.

Barry Goldwater warned us long ago TO FIGHT against the moral police and the religious crazies.
Barry Goldwater is THE FATHER of American conservatism.
Do not be fooled, the anti rights crowd are wannahbe conservatives.

You are deluded.

Every GOP President that has won since 1972 ran as a moral conservative, while the morally ambiguous neocons that you live so much like Mormon Romney lost pitifully.

The GOP is not going to gain more votes than they lose if they walk away from moral conservatives and they also guarantee a party split.

You live in the past.
NO "moral conservative", whatever the hell that is, could win now.
And it has nothing to do with morality.
Everything to do with I know a bull shitter when I see and hear one.
But just like Democrats are dumb asses and believe what they hear same with citizens that buy into the "moral conservatism" BS.
Reagan could have been an atheist and done the same job, his religious beliefs had NOTHING to do with the excellent job he did.
Reagan fought the religious crazies in California as Governor defeating their bill that would have banned homosexuals from teaching.
Rather you have done the opposite. Thank you.

Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.

false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...

Dawsy: There is no God!!!

False! All you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a God. Anything else is speculation!


And the sad part is, is that there is evidence of God everywhere you look.:eusa_whistle:
Bullshit.... and you know it. There is no solid evidence of a gay gene(s). That I can say is 100% fact & you cannot prove otherwise, you snarky little turd.

false! all you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a gay gene..
anything else is speculation...
to muddy the waters FURTHER, BEING GAY IS NOT A choice...

Dawsy: There is no God!!!

False! All you can say and be 100% factual is AT THIS TIME there is no evidence of a God. Anything else is speculation!


And the sad part is, is that there is evidence of God everywhere you look.:eusa_whistle:
no the sad part is you spend soo much time and energy deluding yourself that there is evidence.....
JUDGMENT!!! SHAME!!! GUILT!!! AIDS!! SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! WISE UP!!
JUDGMENT!!! SHAME!!! GUILT!!! AIDS!! SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! WISE UP!!

Why are you so afraid of everything?
JUDGMENT!!! SHAME!!! GUILT!!! AIDS!! SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! WISE UP!!

Why are you so afraid of everything?

I HAVE NO FEAR OF AIDS!!! STD'S,SHAME,GUILT SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! but you???????
JUDGMENT!!! SHAME!!! GUILT!!! AIDS!! SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! WISE UP!!

Why are you so afraid of everything?

I HAVE NO FEAR OF AIDS!!! STD'S,SHAME,GUILT SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! but you???????

Dude, you are crazy, I am a 59 year old straight southern male with grown kids, a wife of 39 years and 2 grandkids. I do not lust after anything.

Again, why are you so afraid of everything?
Why are you so afraid of everything?

I HAVE NO FEAR OF AIDS!!! STD'S,SHAME,GUILT SLOW STINKING DEATH,CRYING,SCREAMING,CURSING WHILE ROTTING ALIVE. All for what =your demon inspired burning lust for living as lowlife animals in the sick abomination of sexual perversion!!! but you???????

Dude, you are crazy, I am a 59 year old straight southern male with grown kids, a wife of 39 years and 2 grandkids. I do not lust after anything.

Again, why are you so afraid of everything?


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