Gays have won. So what's next?

Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.
Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.


Anytime I hear someone on the right talk like this I always think of 2012 and all the "skewed polls" that the democrats were producing in favor of Obama winning...
Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.


Anytime I hear someone on the right talk like this I always think of 2012 and all the "skewed polls" that the democrats were producing in favor of Obama winning...

Of course, when the only belief one has in liberty is to deny liberty to some "group", the assigned enemy must be evil, lying, a threat to the "public", etc. Odd the hate brigade never realizes the target group is part of society.
Many cultures expect more than one wife or husband. I think it is wrong to tell them no.

A few do, and what of it? The western nations limit marriage to two persons. No individual should be forced to marry, nor should those of age, and capacity, be prohibited therefrom.
Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.

Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?
Disgusting post(.)

I don't mean it. I'm trying to make a point. Some white people feel the same way about his monkey ass as he feels about gays. Don't have empathy for gays? Then fuck him.

Why not leave it at that? Spurious insults take the focus off EQUALITY, empathy cannot be legislated.

Oh yes it can. Want an example? In 1961 the Freedom Riders were not allowed to ride on buses. The KKK would show up and beat them and fire bomb the Grayhound buses they were just trying to ride from Alabama to New Orleans. White people did not like that and the cops did NOTHING. JFK sent his guy down to talk to the governor and the governor said he couldn't do anything about it and he asked his Police commissioner to back him up. The police commish said, "Governor if you order me to protect the Freedom Riders I will". Today can black people ride on buses?

So don't you think black people should have empathy towards gays? Didn't MLK say an injustice to anyone is an injustice to everyone?

Let me give you a great example. If the LA Clipper's owner Mr. Sterling said what he said but instead of talking about blacks he was talking about gays, do you think he would be forced to sell his team? What makes black people think they are any better than gays? Sure "it's different" but so what? A FUCKING INJUSTICE TO ANYONE IS AN INJUSTICE TO EVERYONE. So blacks don't care as long as it isn't happening to them it turns out. Turns out they are no better than the whites who beat them in 1961. Their only problem was that they were the minority. I suspect, based on how blacks talk about gays, that if blacks were the majority and whites were the minority, they would have enslaved us too.

Same with jews. I NEVER hear jews cry about genocide when it happens in Africa. Why aren't the jews at the forefront anytime we hear of attrocities happening anywhere in the world to people because of their race, creed or color or sexual orientation? Because jews only care about themselves. Typical "religious" people.

And why do blacks hate gays? Their fucking bibles tell them it's wrong. The same bible their grandparents slave masters read to them to keep them in line.
Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.

Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.

Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Do you also think that God sent AIDS to thin the gay herd of stupid?
Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.


Anytime I hear someone on the right talk like this I always think of 2012 and all the "skewed polls" that the democrats were producing in favor of Obama winning...

And notice Republicans will always claim a mandate when they win a midterm when we all know voter turn out is low in midterms. Yes Obama doesn't have a mandate when

2012 54% turnout
2010 38%
2008 57% voter turnout

But they claimed they had a mandate in 2010 when they won? :eusa_liar:

But it is the stupid Americans who don't vote that are to blame. They deserve to live below poverty.
Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.


Anytime I hear someone on the right talk like this I always think of 2012 and all the "skewed polls" that the democrats were producing in favor of Obama winning...

And notice Republicans will always claim a mandate when they win a midterm when we all know voter turn out is low in midterms. Yes Obama doesn't have a mandate when

2012 54% turnout
2010 38%
2008 57% voter turnout

But they claimed they had a mandate in 2010 when they won? :eusa_liar:

But it is the stupid Americans who don't vote that are to blame. They deserve to live below poverty.

Using obama is meaningless. Even if he had a mandate when elected, the electorate certainly has buyer's remorse now.
Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Do you also think that God sent AIDS to thin the gay herd of stupid?

So what did all the people that get cancer do wrong to god that he gave them that? All those little kids??? If god gave us aids he must have given those kids cancer.
Anytime I hear someone on the right talk like this I always think of 2012 and all the "skewed polls" that the democrats were producing in favor of Obama winning...

And notice Republicans will always claim a mandate when they win a midterm when we all know voter turn out is low in midterms. Yes Obama doesn't have a mandate when

2012 54% turnout
2010 38%
2008 57% voter turnout

But they claimed they had a mandate in 2010 when they won? :eusa_liar:

But it is the stupid Americans who don't vote that are to blame. They deserve to live below poverty.

Using obama is meaningless. Even if he had a mandate when elected, the electorate certainly has buyer's remorse now.

That's what you said/thought in 2011 and you were wrong then too. What we certainly don't regret is not electing McCain or Romney and we will elect Hillary in 2016. So you can have your midterms. Obama has the veto pen and your boys will act very badly in the next two years and no matter how much they try to suppress the vote turn out is going to be high because women will want to see the first women president elected. Plus we will take back the house and/or Senate if you are lucky enough to win it back this year which I seriously doubt, except for the fact that people don't vote in midterms but maybe this year they will. I doubt it but we will see.

So no one is wishing Romney or McCain won. That's the Fox or Rush narrative but that's a lie. Even Romney believed Rove. :badgrin: How did that work out for him?
1. Then the baker is a fool. He should only care if they have the $ to pay.
2. Many "bakers" didn't want to serve black people either. They said their white customers wouldn't dine there if blacks were there. Too fucking bad. Do you realize you sound exactly like the whites who didn't want blacks to go to their schools?
3. Hey, sorry the exec got fired for his political beliefs. How many liberals have been fired by their boss' because they were democrats?
4. Bible thumpers put pressure on corporations when they don't like their policies. Why shouldn't gays boycott/protest/speak out against companies and exec's that discriminate against them?
5. My doctor is a religious nut. I asked him for Viagra and he asked if I was married. Because I am not, he wouldn't give me a perscription. Do you think he should have the right to impose his religious beliefs on me and my pecker?

Why would you go to a doctor who is a religious nut if you know you disagree?
If he's that good, that you put up with him for this conflict,
why are you complaining about a good doctor?
If he doesn't meet your needs or match the level of service you need,
can you find a better match for a doctor?

Hmmmm I wonder if people are going to start suing people
for refusing their invitations to go on dates, as "discrimination".

"if you do not do what I want you to do, I'm suing you"

What has our country become, but a bunch of whiny control freaks.
Imposing control issues on others, using every excuse in the book.

Yes, you can blame both sides, if that's the only way you acknowledge there is a problem.
By projecting it onto the other side. Both sides do it, take your pick and jump in the fray.

I guess this is backlash for gay bashing. Now we have to hear the opposite going on!

Now whom do I SUE for fighting like this, since I believe in consensus,
and I'm the one being "discriminated against" and imposed upon here!

Where do I sign up for a class-action smack-down legal battle.

1. I'm just making a point. What if EVERY DOCTOR decided it was against their religion to give me Viargra because I'm not married?

2. No, you can't blame both sides. As a doctor, give me my fucking birth control/viagra! Mind your own fucking business. If pre marital sex is legal, give me my fucking viagra doc!
Now what is every one for themselves. It is up to the individual to maintain decency in their own lives. Once a nation starts down the road of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it collapses or is conquered. Maintain independence so that when a force of decency arrives that individual is capable of forming an alliance with that external force.

Approval is nowhere near 60% gays need to artificially inflate the numbers. Liberals do it all the time. If the facts are against you lie about it.

Possibly the most accepting of gays is found in Amsterdam. Violence and attacks against gays is so prevalent that gays issued a hoax statement that they were withdrawing to their own village where normal people weren't allowed. The statement wasn't true. It was made to draw attention to the fact that Dutch gays are punching bags. In the most tolerant city in the world.

Decency has a way of surviving. It survived every other time in history when homosexuality was normalized as a positive attribute. The value has never been passed from one culture to another.

Homosexuality IS normal, for a percentage of the population, closer to 5% than 2%.

Homosexuality IS NOT normal.

Homos want society to consider their sexuality as being "normal", when it's not. :cuckoo:

So what? Is making out in public normal? No, but we let straight people do it. How about wearing really revealing cleavage shirts? Slut right? But so what? Remember tatoo's weren't normal? Do you give your wife oral? God knows how many people do that. I hear a lot of married guys say their wives don't give them head. So if your wife does, she's not normal. Being an eskemo is not normal. Being a midget or retard isn't normal. What do you want to to with them? They were born that way. I know it's not normal but are you suggesting late term abortions for midgets or maybe we should stretch them out to make them taller?
What isn't normal is your Breeders having kids and then aborting them for no good reason and divorcing right and left. They too want acceptance from society that that is the "norm" when it is clearly far from being that.

Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.
Us breeders have supplied every man, women and child that ever walked the face of this earth.

Same sex couples have supplied ZERO

Freeloaders getting pissed for not being treated "equal"

That's freaking funny!

Uppity much?

Lots of same sex couples have been artificially knocked up or bi sexuals have had kids. So those bi sexuals are breeders too.

We have too many people on this planet. God sent gays to thin the herd stupid.

Again with the comedy!!!!!

All children are born from the components that ONLY exist when combining male with female!

True story.

So what? I don't want to have kids. Does that mean I can't fuck or get married? What about 80 year olds that get married and enjoy all the benefits that come with being married? Free loaders.

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