Gaza Economy Collapsing

Israel is one evil fucking country to be doing this.

Access to areas within several hundred metres from the Israeli fence surrounding Gaza is risky or prohibited, discouraging or preventing farming activities.
Fishermen are allowed to access less than one third of the fishing areas allocated to them under the Oslo Accords: six out of 20 nautical miles.

Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
Israel is one evil fucking country to be doing this.

Access to areas within several hundred metres from the Israeli fence surrounding Gaza is risky or prohibited, discouraging or preventing farming activities.
Fishermen are allowed to access less than one third of the fishing areas allocated to them under the Oslo Accords: six out of 20 nautical miles.

Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
And they can complain until they're blue(r) in the face, for all anybody really cares.

Of course the Gaza economy has been tanking - when you poke a lion with a stick - or bring a knife to a gun-fight - you're gonna lose your hide.

Duh... not exactly the brightest crayons in the box, these Neanderthal Palestinians.
Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.
Israel has no jurisdiction on that side of the fence.

Let's say someone builds a fence across your front lawn, then tells you can't come within 10 feet of it, or he will shoot you. What are you going to do?

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.
Why can't they have weapons? Are you saying they don't have a right to defend themselves?

And that doesn't explain why Palestinian fishermen are being shot at in their own territorial waters.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
You are completely full of shit!

The blockade is illegal and immoral. It collectively punishes everyone in Gaza. That's a war crime. Stop making shit up, you fucking whore!
...The blockade is illegal and immoral...
Fun, ain't it?

Stop it, if you can.

All part of the Grand Scheme of Reconquista.

Not to worry... it will be over soon, as history measures time.

With the last of the Muslim-Arab Palestinian squatters in Gaza, sent packing.

Then your side can pitch-in and actually HELP the Newly Displaced, as a show of solidarity and humanitarianism, instead of just flapping your gums.

Meanwhile... the Idiot Palestinians continue to shoot themselves in the foot at every chance, and do further damage to their already pathetic excuse for an economy, and accelerate the process of Reconquista, and hasten the day that they're obliged to fold their tents, pack up, and leave, because they can no longer sustain themselves where they are.

It's called establishing a stranglehold on The Enemy and maintaining that chokehold until they give up.

It's called a Siege.

The Palestinians can...

1. surrender their arms, sue for peace, forswear further violence, and keep what little they have, and live in peace

2. surrender their arms, concede what little is left of Rump Palestine, and evacuate en masse

3. continue to fight - and continue to die in place

Any of those three are acceptable.

The crushing of the joke-of-an-economy of Gaza is the least of their problems nowadays.

Those that have an ounce of brains will get their people out of that shit-hole - there is absolutely zero future for them there.

They need to begin choosing Life rather than Death.

But, if they insist upon Death, they can have that, too.
Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.
Israel has no jurisdiction on that side of the fence.

Let's say someone builds a fence across your front lawn, then tells you can't come within 10 feet of it, or he will shoot you. What are you going to do?

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.
Why can't they have weapons? Are you saying they don't have a right to defend themselves?

And that doesn't explain why Palestinian fishermen are being shot at in their own territorial waters.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
You are completely full of shit!

The blockade is illegal and immoral. It collectively punishes everyone in Gaza. That's a war crime. Stop making shit up, you fucking whore!

Depends on how stupid you are, really stupid and you will be sitting on a pile of rubble moaning about being fired on for attacking your neighbours without good cause.

That's right as firing illegal weapons into Israel is not defence it is an act of war and an act of terrorism and a war crime
Prove they are inside their territorial waters enough to get a conviction in a court of law.

Who says the blockade is illegal, as the only report you can come up with does not say this at all. What it does say is that the separation barrier is illegal and that is all.

It is you making the shit up with your false claims that you cant substantiate.
Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.
Israel has no jurisdiction on that side of the fence.

Let's say someone builds a fence across your front lawn, then tells you can't come within 10 feet of it, or he will shoot you. What are you going to do?

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.
Why can't they have weapons? Are you saying they don't have a right to defend themselves?

And that doesn't explain why Palestinian fishermen are being shot at in their own territorial waters.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
You are completely full of shit!

The blockade is illegal and immoral. It collectively punishes everyone in Gaza. That's a war crime. Stop making shit up, you fucking whore!

Depends on how stupid you are, really stupid and you will be sitting on a pile of rubble moaning about being fired on for attacking your neighbours without good cause.

That's right as firing illegal weapons into Israel is not defence it is an act of war and an act of terrorism and a war crime
Prove they are inside their territorial waters enough to get a conviction in a court of law.

Who says the blockade is illegal, as the only report you can come up with does not say this at all. What it does say is that the separation barrier is illegal and that is all.

It is you making the shit up with your false claims that you cant substantiate.

................and gaza fired a rocket at Israel. Giving Israel more reason to close crossings or more limit on good delivered to gaza.

and hamas wants egypt to open the Rafah crossing?
Israel is one evil fucking country to be doing this.

Access to areas within several hundred metres from the Israeli fence surrounding Gaza is risky or prohibited, discouraging or preventing farming activities.
Fishermen are allowed to access less than one third of the fishing areas allocated to them under the Oslo Accords: six out of 20 nautical miles.

Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
And they can complain until they're blue(r) in the face, for all anybody really cares.

Of course the Gaza economy has been tanking - when you poke a lion with a stick - or bring a knife to a gun-fight - you're gonna lose your hide.

Duh... not exactly the brightest crayons in the box, these Neanderthal Palestinians.

It seems no one cares about those hapless "refugees" except maybe Israel.

The UN Palestinian agency (UNRWA) whines about Israel but it is just self-serving perpetuation of its mandate and money, having been marginalized since their "schools" were found to be Hamas weapons arsenals.

The wider Arab World is clearly weary of their war against the Jews and Palestinian recalcitrance, abandoning the Palestinian "cause" in the face of a genuine clear & present danger ... Islamic State.

European Progs, the BDS Movement and even the lib media have all lost their zeal and luster and with them, their effectiveness (as minimal as it was).

In what could have been seen and done decades ago, Palestinians will find "No peace, No prosperity and No place in the world" (the new "3 NOs") unless and until they decide to disavow their now 67 year long siege of Israel and, in the words of MJB, be willing to:

"Let there be peace already!"
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According to a World Bank study, Gaza's economy has been crippled by soaring unemployment, border restrictions imposed by Egypt and Israel, government dysfunction and perhaps most importantly, a shortage of international aid. Once again those hapless Arab "refugees" have been betrayed by their own poor choices ... in this case, Hamas:

"Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, the report said, is delaying reconstruction of the tiny territory, which suffered widespread damage during the war."

"According to a World Bank study, Gaza's economy has been crippled by.....(government dysfunction + Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers):"

"hamas rulers" = terrorists in charge. obviously, they are the stupidest, dumbest "rulers" around. long have they been in office ? present day, high unemployment, 'infighting,' short on cash....

and everyone's a party to it, too. nothing but a disturbing and twisted existence...

there needs to be a new-world SECURITY way of life due to these "non-moderate" - jihadist-type muslims..... : starting with everyone's borders on the face of the earth........

"Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and abbas.."

....some years ago...they were "infighting with each other." please....

Once Hamas leaves, Israel will, of course, allow Gazans full freedom of movement and allow them to fully govern themselves. Exactly how it was for the nearly 60 years before Hamas came into power. Right?

When Israel withdrew from Gaza -- there was a DEFINITE plan for autonomy and normalization. Because for the 1st time in 60 years -- the Palestinians were represented by a competent, diplomatic govt that KNEW HOW to work with the rest of the world and neighbors. The PAuthority was the HIGH point of Palestinian statehood.

Israel had agreed to a seaport, an airport with dual access and complete Pali responsibility for customs and border control.. So how long did that fantasy last? Just long enough for Hamas to turn militant and vie for political power. And the 2 sides began murdering each other..

Before you criticize what the Palis could have had without Hamas horning into the political realm -- you should read the platform that Hamas ran on in those elections. Chronically bad decisions. Not my fault. Not Israel's fault either.
According to a World Bank study, Gaza's economy has been crippled by soaring unemployment, border restrictions imposed by Egypt and Israel, government dysfunction and perhaps most importantly, a shortage of international aid. Once again those hapless Arab "refugees" have been betrayed by their own poor choices ... in this case, Hamas:

"Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, the report said, is delaying reconstruction of the tiny territory, which suffered widespread damage during the war."
The illegal and immoral blockade, is the reason their economy is suffering.

Well golly gee, I wonder why a blockade would be needed against the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians under Hamas rule.
Gaza was under blockade before Hamas was elected.

No it wasn't.. There was timeline and a process for acquisition of seaport, airport and trade. It was to be a short period of time to get the PA organized to handle the bureaucracy and infrastructure to operate. With help from Israel and Arab neighbors. All tossed in the garbage with the elections..

Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
Moderation Message:

Thread closed for cleaning. There were 2 topics goin on here and only one is valid for this OP..
Rehashing history from before Israel existed is not germane to accounting for the present condition of blockades and sanctions.. If you want to discuss history circa 1923 -- start new threads..
According to a World Bank study, Gaza's economy has been crippled by soaring unemployment, border restrictions imposed by Egypt and Israel, government dysfunction and perhaps most importantly, a shortage of international aid. Once again those hapless Arab "refugees" have been betrayed by their own poor choices ... in this case, Hamas:

"Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, the report said, is delaying reconstruction of the tiny territory, which suffered widespread damage during the war."
The illegal and immoral blockade, is the reason their economy is suffering.

Well golly gee, I wonder why a blockade would be needed against the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians under Hamas rule.
Gaza was under blockade before Hamas was elected.

No it wasn't.. There was timeline and a process for acquisition of seaport, airport and trade. It was to be a short period of time to get the PA organized to handle the bureaucracy and infrastructure to operate. With help from Israel and Arab neighbors. All tossed in the garbage with the elections..
Not true. Israel bombed the airport and seaport 4-5 years before the elections.


Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

It's time to stop dragging out the corpse of naive, Islamic terrorist promoting individuals for propaganda purposes.

If you check today's news, you will discover that Israel is responding to further attacks from the Islamic terrorists in Gaza.

Industry and commerce to fuel an economy are not furthered by Islamic terrorists committing acts of war that they know will bring reprisal.

But hey, what's another pile of dead Palis worth to further the gee-had?
Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
I do have my timeline straight. The blockade restricts the freedom of movement of the Palestinian's, as well as goods and services coming into (and out of Gaza).

I was making the point, that the restriction started long before Hamas came to power. And that the "restriction", was designed to hurt the Gazan economy from the very beginning.

Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

The symbol of Palestinian terrorism around her neck points to this being Palestinian terrorist propaganda. It also shows that she is a terrorist insurgent and hence was a valid military target, just another casualty of the ongoing terrorist war on Israel
Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
I do have my timeline straight. The blockade restricts the freedom of movement of the Palestinian's, as well as goods and services coming into (and out of Gaza).

I was making the point, that the restriction started long before Hamas came to power. And that the "restriction", was designed to hurt the Gazan economy from the very beginning.

And it is perfectly legal as Israel is using the rules set down in IHL. They also only restrict such dual purpose items that are on the List of such items. Now the terrorists are committing more war crimes that the UN will ignore by firing qassams at Israel. Let Israel build qassams and fire them at gaza and see what the Palestinians think about that ?

Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

The symbol of Palestinian terrorism around her neck points to this being Palestinian terrorist propaganda. It also shows that she is a terrorist insurgent and hence was a valid military target, just another casualty of the ongoing terrorist war on Israel

Of course you did not refute anything she said.

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