Gaza Economy Collapsing


Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

The symbol of Palestinian terrorism around her neck points to this being Palestinian terrorist propaganda. It also shows that she is a terrorist insurgent and hence was a valid military target, just another casualty of the ongoing terrorist war on Israel

Of course you did not refute anything she said.

She is not available to defend anything she said.

Are you expecting anyone to spend time refuting YouTube videos you cut and paste?
According to a World Bank study, Gaza's economy has been crippled by soaring unemployment, border restrictions imposed by Egypt and Israel, government dysfunction and perhaps most importantly, a shortage of international aid. Once again those hapless Arab "refugees" have been betrayed by their own poor choices ... in this case, Hamas:

"Infighting between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, the report said, is delaying reconstruction of the tiny territory, which suffered widespread damage during the war."
The illegal and immoral blockade, is the reason their economy is suffering.

Well golly gee, I wonder why a blockade would be needed against the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians under Hamas rule.
Gaza was under blockade before Hamas was elected.

No it wasn't.. There was timeline and a process for acquisition of seaport, airport and trade. It was to be a short period of time to get the PA organized to handle the bureaucracy and infrastructure to operate. With help from Israel and Arab neighbors. All tossed in the garbage with the elections..
Not true. Israel bombed the airport and seaport 4-5 years before the elections.

That's correct -- the deal for withdrawal included rebuilding and recommissioning the airport and seaport..

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The illegal and immoral blockade, is the reason their economy is suffering.

Well golly gee, I wonder why a blockade would be needed against the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians under Hamas rule.
Gaza was under blockade before Hamas was elected.

No it wasn't.. There was timeline and a process for acquisition of seaport, airport and trade. It was to be a short period of time to get the PA organized to handle the bureaucracy and infrastructure to operate. With help from Israel and Arab neighbors. All tossed in the garbage with the elections..
Not true. Israel bombed the airport and seaport 4-5 years before the elections.

That's correct -- the deal for withdrawal included rebuilding and recommissioning the airport and seaport..


Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

Want to try again as the evidence says hamas won the elections in 2006 and the blockade went on in 2007. Why do you LIE when the evidence is so easy to find

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, if you want to get technical, the blockade started in 1991.

...the gradual closure of Gaza began in 1991, when Israel canceled the general exit permit that allowed most Palestinians to move freely through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. It was then that non-Jewish residents of Gaza and the West Bank were required to obtain individual permits. 1995, the Israelis erected a fence around the Gaza Strip. September of 2000, Palestinian students were subject to a blanket ban, forbidding travel from Gaza to the West Bank. At this time, the Israelis also closed the “safe passage” -- an armored convoy that facilitated Palestinian movement between the occupied territories.

The 2005 disengagement supposedly signaled the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. But, in reality, it brought more Israeli limitations on the movement of both people and goods.

The number of day laborers exiting Gaza via the Erez crossing offers a dramatic example. In January of 2000, an average of 17,635 day laborers passed through Erez every day. In January of 2005, that number had dropped to 49.

You don't go from over 17,000 to 49, without a blockade present.

Yeah -- Get your timeline straight. Israel WITHDREW in Sept 2004 and Hamas won political victories in Jan 26, 2005.. BARELY enough time to have any kind of formal process start on the normalization process..

Palis in Gaza didn't want AUTONOMY -- they choose to be perennial enemies of their neighbor....
The attack on Gaza's economy is not new. They just continue to get worse.

This is 2003.

Water wells destroyed. Greenhouses destroyed. Hundreds of homes destroyed. People killed.

It is time to put that old Hamas canard to bed.

The symbol of Palestinian terrorism around her neck points to this being Palestinian terrorist propaganda. It also shows that she is a terrorist insurgent and hence was a valid military target, just another casualty of the ongoing terrorist war on Israel

Of course you did not refute anything she said.

I don't need to when the evidence of her brainwashing is obvious to anyone with a brain

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...
You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders..​

You can't blame Hamas if Fatah refused to recognize the election results.
Israel is one evil fucking country to be doing this.

Access to areas within several hundred metres from the Israeli fence surrounding Gaza is risky or prohibited, discouraging or preventing farming activities.
Fishermen are allowed to access less than one third of the fishing areas allocated to them under the Oslo Accords: six out of 20 nautical miles.

Israel's limiting Palestinian access within "several hundred meters" (a couple of football fields) of the Israeli fence discourages terrorist infiltrators and tunnel diggers.

Sea access constraints limit the Palestinian's ability to smuggle in heavy weapons and explosive-building materials in large quantities.

These are the real reasons both the Palis and the Billos complain about the blockade.
And they can complain until they're blue(r) in the face, for all anybody really cares.

Of course the Gaza economy has been tanking - when you poke a lion with a stick - or bring a knife to a gun-fight - you're gonna lose your hide.

Duh... not exactly the brightest crayons in the box, these Neanderthal Palestinians.

It seems no one cares about those hapless "refugees" except maybe Israel.

The UN Palestinian agency (UNRWA) whines about Israel but it is just self-serving perpetuation of its mandate and money, having been marginalized since their "schools" were found to be Hamas weapons arsenals.

The wider Arab World is clearly weary of their war against the Jews and Palestinian recalcitrance, abandoning the Palestinian "cause" in the face of a genuine clear & present danger ... Islamic State.

European Progs, the BDS Movement and even the lib media have all lost their zeal and luster and with them, their effectiveness (as minimal as it was).

In what could have been seen and done decades ago, Palestinians will find "No peace, No prosperity and No place in the world" (the new "3 NOs") unless and until they decide to disavow their now 67 year long siege of Israel and, in the words of MJB, be willing to:

"Let there be peace already!"

9999999999...........9: "In what could have been seen and done decades ago, Palestinians will find "No peace, No prosperity and No place in the world" (the new "3 NOs") unless and until they decide to disavow their now 67 year long siege of Israel:"

maybe they should try an Exodus too, . . . wonder how THAT would go over....?

NO ! we have enough already !!

in the words of MBJ: "Let there be peace already!"

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...
You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders..​

You can't blame Hamas if Fatah refused to recognize the election results.

No -- I don't.. I blame the Palestinians for casting off the only functional and competent govt they ever had for a bunch of radical Jihadists..

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...
You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders..​

You can't blame Hamas if Fatah refused to recognize the election results.

No -- I don't.. I blame the Palestinians for casting off the only functional and competent govt they ever had for a bunch of radical Jihadists..
Massive corruption and 20 years of so called peace talks that got them less than nothing, consistent violations of domestic and international law.

It was a throw the bums out vote.

See above to understand why the US and Israel like them so much.

Crossing Points
The parties have agreed that:
The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export
of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season.
The new and additional scanner will be installed and fully operational by December 31.
At that time, the number of export trucks per day to be processed through Karni will
reach 150, and 400 by end-2006. A common management system will be adopted by both
In addition to the number of trucks above, Israel will permit export of agricultural
produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that
quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to

Link between Gaza and the West Bank
Israel will allow the passage of convoys to facilitate the movements of goods and
persons. Specifically:
- Establish bus convoys by December 15.
- Establish truck convoys by January 15.
- Work out detailed implementation arrangements in a bilateral committee of the GoI and
PA with participation as needed from the Quartet team and the USSC.
It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that
appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted.

Gaza Seaport
Construction of a seaport can commence. The GoI will undertake to assure donors that it
will not interfere with operation of the port. The parties will establish a U.S.-led tripartite
committee to develop security and other relevant arrangements for the port prior to its
opening. The 3rd party model to be used at Rafah will provide the basis for this work.

The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues
of security arrangements, construction, and operation.

This agreement DIED in January 2006 -- when the Palis decided to activate Hamas as a political entity and destroy the authority of the PA to further negotiate these deals..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...
You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders..​

You can't blame Hamas if Fatah refused to recognize the election results.

No -- I don't.. I blame the Palestinians for casting off the only functional and competent govt they ever had for a bunch of radical Jihadists..
Massive corruption and 20 years of so called peace talks that got them less than nothing, consistent violations of domestic and international law.

It was a throw the bums out vote.

See above to understand why the US and Israel like them so much.

The PA had just gotten Israel to LEAVE GAZA -- EVICT THE SETTLERS and lay down terms for COMPLETE autonomy of the Gaza strip.. Within MONTHS -- the Palis change management to a more vicious and militant leadership..

Yeah -- that makes a lot of sense PFT.. :321: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

NOW --- they got NOTHING. And no CHANCE of anything. Without competent representatives. Sometimes I get the impression that you don't REALLY CARE about day to day suffering and wasted lives.. Because you seem to have no urgency in finding out why the Palis have failed over and over again to organize and negotiate for independence..
The PA governed Gaza until June of 2007.

It did not function very well at all after about March of 2006.. You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders.. And building of militias. This is NOT an environment where Israel and the UN had ANY CHANCE of continuing to negotiate the PROMISING agreement that I posted above.. Again -- the Palis were left with an UN-UNIFIED govt and lack of leadership... Peace is NOT possible if you have no leaders to negotiate with...

And it IS linked BTW...
You had Fatah refusing to take orders from newly elected Hamas leaders..​

You can't blame Hamas if Fatah refused to recognize the election results.

No -- I don't.. I blame the Palestinians for casting off the only functional and competent govt they ever had for a bunch of radical Jihadists..
Massive corruption and 20 years of so called peace talks that got them less than nothing, consistent violations of domestic and international law.

It was a throw the bums out vote.

See above to understand why the US and Israel like them so much.

The PA had just gotten Israel to LEAVE GAZA -- EVICT THE SETTLERS and lay down terms for COMPLETE autonomy of the Gaza strip.. Within MONTHS -- the Palis change management to a more vicious and militant leadership..

Yeah -- that makes a lot of sense PFT.. :321: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

NOW --- they got NOTHING. And no CHANCE of anything. Time for another vote.
The first thing Hamas did was to offer a bilateral ceasefire. Of course Israel rejected it.

I don't see where Hamas's election changed the dynamics of the agreement with Israel. Did Hamas reject any of the agreement?
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
Is that merely speculation or do you have something more substantial?
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
Is that merely speculation or do you have something more substantial?

Do you have a solution to the suffering and starving and wasting of lives that occurs in Gaza today?
That's what I'm trying to do.. To identify how to get on with ending an occupation gone badly and a Pali people who have NEVER worked very hard at having respectable representation that has a vision for peace and prosperity.
I don't see where Hamas's election changed the dynamics of the agreement with Israel. Did Hamas reject any of the agreement?

You evidently missed the memo:

The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up...
This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement...
Any procedure in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void.

Now and then the call goes out for the convening of an international conference to look for ways of solving the (Palestinian) question... There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
Is that merely speculation or do you have something more substantial?

Do you have a solution to the suffering and starving and wasting of lives that occurs in Gaza today?
That's what I'm trying to do.. To identify how to get on with ending an occupation gone badly and a Pali people who have NEVER worked very hard at having respectable representation that has a vision for peace and prosperity.
Indeed, the Palestinians have been seeking peace based on law and justice.

Those are two words that have never crossed the lips of anyone in the so called peace process.
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
Is that merely speculation or do you have something more substantial?

Do you have a solution to the suffering and starving and wasting of lives that occurs in Gaza today?
That's what I'm trying to do.. To identify how to get on with ending an occupation gone badly and a Pali people who have NEVER worked very hard at having respectable representation that has a vision for peace and prosperity.
Indeed, the Palestinians have been seeking peace based on law and justice.

Those are two words that have never crossed the lips of anyone in the so called peace process.

That's what you claim ... not what Hamas's Covenant says:

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad..."
That is going a bit far from the topic here. The point was --- THERE WOULD BE A SEAPORT AND OPEN COMMERCE TODAY in Gaza --- had the govt not been hijacked by radicals who are not interested in settling up with Israel and getting on with life.

It's hopeless to make you feel any urgency about settling all this. Don't think you actuallly care if Gaza is devasted and starving. And you will never acknowledged the DOZENS of truly bad decisions by the Palis that leads to their suffering TODAY and TOMORROW.. Discussing this with you is a HUGE waste of time.. For US --- and for them..
Is that merely speculation or do you have something more substantial?

Do you have a solution to the suffering and starving and wasting of lives that occurs in Gaza today?
That's what I'm trying to do.. To identify how to get on with ending an occupation gone badly and a Pali people who have NEVER worked very hard at having respectable representation that has a vision for peace and prosperity.
Indeed, the Palestinians have been seeking peace based on law and justice.

Those are two words that have never crossed the lips of anyone in the so called peace process.

That's what you claim ... not what Hamas's Covenant says:

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad..."
Hamas is hardly a mention in Palestinian discourse. Israel gives them too much credit.

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