Gaza to Become a Tent City

We can rest assured that if things go as planned, the Palestinian refugees will be living in tent cities on America soil. All the contrived, Middle Eastern wars over the past few decades have been used as an excuse to send Arabs and Muslims to Sweden, Germany, England, America, Canada, and other mostly white, western lands. Why should Egyptians and Israelis by left with the burden when Americans have become accustomed to it?

In the end ... the American taxpayer will foot the bill. We'll continue sending billions to Israel and we'll give welfare handouts to all of those "refugees."
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We can rest assured that if things go as planned, the Palestinian refugees will be living in tent cities on America soil. All the contrived, Middle Eastern wars over the past few decades have been used as an excuse to send Arabs and Muslims to Sweden, Germany, England, America, Canada, and other mostly white, western lands. Why should Egyptians and Israelis by left with the burden when Americans have become accustomed to it?
If the Democrats push to bring these animals here, you can be sure they will lose the independents and MAYBE a FEW Democrats

I do think Israel will level all of Gaza and will leave them no reason to squat in Israel
More like:

If the Democrats push to bring these animals here, you can be sure they will lose the independents and MAYBE a FEW Democrats

I do think Israel will level all of Gaza and will leave them no reason to squat in Israel
Unfortunately, both Parties will look the other way just like they do when Mexican drug lords; gun runners; human traffickers; rapists; murderers; and the rest of Mexico's rejects pour over our border like flies on poop.
They're under pressure to leave the Land of Israel and go to Egypt. I think THIS TIME, Israel isn't going to relent.

Palestinians homeland is Jordan and Egypt. They were squatting in Israel. The party is over

Gaza was never the Land of Israel. And no, they are not from Jordan. Jordan is part of the Jewish Homeland which was given away in 1922 to foreign Arabs from Arabia.

If they are Arabs, they are from Arabia. Many of those Palestinians did come from Egypt.

But all of that matter. Muslims have decided that they do not care about those they forced to stay in Gaza against their will, and insist that they stay there to make Israel look bad.

Gaza is not going to become a tent city. We do not know what will happen. There is too much to come to start making gleeful predictions.

Most of the people in Gaza are against Hamas and it is why they are kept poor and as human shield against any Israeli attacks.

May all of them be freed from Hamas and the other terrorist groups and be able to rebuild Gaza for what it was supposed to become since 2005. Another Singapore, etc. A place that strives, not a place that plans to kill Jews every day.
They can move some to Egypt and some to Jordan.

Maybe they can send most to Germany, UK and FRANCE
Unfortunately, both Parties will look the other way just like they do when Mexican at drug lords; gun runners; human traffickers; rapists; murderers; and the rest of Mexico's rejects pour over our border like flies on poop.
I don't agree with that at all. Open borders is a Democrat strategery
I don't agree with that at all. Open borders is a Democrat strategery
Democrat AND RINO. Name any RINO in recent decades who made a single attempt to truly secure the border. You are correct ... I can't think of one either. There are different reasons, though. Dems do it for the votes. RINOs do it for the cheap labor.
Jordan took s0me of the vermin in once, and as a Thank You Arafat and his thugs tried to overthrow the King. They got expelled and went to Lebanon. Jordan will offer them a shot in the head.
This is absolutely not true.
I agree. If they were then they'd resist teaching their children from toddler age to hate Jews with an everlasting hate. Until I see that changing I'll never expect any change in the Muslim population anywhere on earth. As for removing 2 million of them from Gaza, that isn't going to happen. At BEST, we'll see Israel retake the enclave and be burdened with governing, housing and feeding them, all while dodging assassination attempts. The lives of the Gazans will be better than under Hamas but they'll STILL try killing and rebelling. Israel should make it very clear the the rest of the world can go EFF themselves over how these Muslim Arabs are treated unless they want to pay the burden.
Gaza was never the Land of Israel. And no, they are not from Jordan. Jordan is part of the Jewish Homeland which was given away in 1922 to foreign Arabs from Arabia.

If they are Arabs, they are from Arabia. Many of those Palestinians did come from Egypt.

But all of that matter. Muslims have decided that they do not care about those they forced to stay in Gaza against their will, and insist that they stay there to make Israel look bad.

Gaza is not going to become a tent city. We do not know what will happen. There is too much to come to start making gleeful predictions.

Most of the people in Gaza are against Hamas and it is why they are kept poor and as human shield against any Israeli attacks.

May all of them be freed from Hamas and the other terrorist groups and be able to rebuild Gaza for what it was supposed to become since 2005. Another Singapore, etc. A place that strives, not a place that plans to kill Jews every day.

They originate from the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula.
They're under pressure to leave the Land of Israel and go to Egypt. I think THIS TIME, Israel isn't going to relent.

Palestinians homeland is Jordan and Egypt. They were squatting in Israel. The party is over

Good. They should be destroyed root and branch. There is no such thing as a "Palistinian". They are Radical Islamic terrorists.

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