GDP did not fall 32.9%...they are lying, anything, including killing people to beat Trump...

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Any nobody is starving to death. See Minimum wage is too high. We need to go back to $3.35 an hour.
No, we need $23.50/hr. Investors need to realize they receive more money than they deserve.

Sorry, Charlie. It is going to cost a fortune to retire Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemimah
So long as you are not an at risk person if you get the virus you will get sick, and then get over it.

You are why the GDP has fallen a record 32% at an annualized rate. People in the unlikeliest risk group who think COVID19 never was or is nothing to them if infected are the spreaders that cause people to die and suffer serious health and financial repercussions from their selfishness.

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual.

Don’t blame the news media when the truth about Trump’s failures is reported as indisputable fact. Blame Trump for leading his cult into believing crap like westwall posted above.
It is inaccurate to omit whether a percentage change is annualized or not.

is it inaccurate to have said we have the pandemic under control and there are 15 cases in the US and soon it will be zero.

4.5 million cases later?????????

if you are so concerned about inaccuracies I know what you can do to get rid of most of them.

Vote for Biden.
You are why the GDP has fallen a record 32% at an annualized rate. People in the unlikeliest risk group who think COVID19 never was or is nothing to them if infected are the spreaders that cause people to die and suffer serious health and financial repercussions from their selfishness.
Obey..........or you killed Grandma speech.........LMAO

take your cloth mask.......put flour on a spot.....put the mask over a vacuum cleaner hose.........and then turn on............see how much of the flour is left........

Have a nice that is about 100 times the size of covid.........You stinking MORON.
So long as you are not an at risk person if you get the virus you will get sick, and then get over it.

You are why the GDP has fallen a record 32% at an annualized rate. People in the unlikeliest risk group who think COVID19 never was or is nothing to them if infected are the spreaders that cause people to die and suffer serious health and financial repercussions from their selfishness.

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual.

Don’t blame the news media when the truth about Trump’s failures is reported as indisputable fact. Blame Trump for leading his cult into believing crap like westwall posted above.

No, that would be the governors who have closed down their starts you ridiculous retard.
It is inaccurate to omit whether a percentage change is annualized or not.

is it inaccurate to have said we have the pandemic under control and there are 15 cases in the US and soon it will be zero.

4.5 million cases later?????????

if you are so concerned about inaccuracies I know what you can do to get rid of most of them.

Vote for Biden.

Oh fuck you. TRUMP shut down travel and you called him racist. He was two weeks ahead of your heroes so go pound sand you hypocritical ass.
Obey..........or you killed Grandma speech.........LMAO

Hernan Cain’s spokesman says ““I don’t think there’s any way to trace this to the one specific contact that caused him to be infected,” he said at the time. “We’ll never know.”

So - Someone who was infected came into contact with Vain and killed him.

it’s not a speech idiot - it’s a scientific fact that, infected people without symptoms can spread the virus. So if at risk people like HERMAN CAIN choose to ignore science and attend a mask-less Trump indoor rally where rejecting social distancing was proof your in the Trump cult - then death and I’ll health probability increases.

The sad part is it’s stupid people like Cain are self chosen spreaders and the reason the economy has tanked.

You idiots only have yourselves to blame.
No, that would be the governors who have closed down their starts you ridiculous retard.

The sports leagues / education / airlines / nonessential economy / stock market began its demise because of the death and sickness spreading in Europe and Asia significantly as cases were found in the US. The governors reacted to the pandemic just like the global economy did.

do you believe you could have traveled to Italy in MAY or gone to an NBA game had there been no shutdowns in any state by any Governor.

the economy shut itself down and won’t be back in full until the virus is defeated or a safe and effective vaccine Is available to anyone who wants it.
So long as you are not an at risk person if you get the virus you will get sick, and then get over it.

You are why the GDP has fallen a record 32% at an annualized rate. People in the unlikeliest risk group who think COVID19 never was or is nothing to them if infected are the spreaders that cause people to die and suffer serious health and financial repercussions from their selfishness.

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual.

Don’t blame the news media when the truth about Trump’s failures is reported as indisputable fact. Blame Trump for leading his cult into believing crap like westwall posted above.

No, that would be the governors who have closed down their starts you ridiculous retard. just offended ridiculous retards........actual ridiculous retards are far better human beings than the left wingers on U.S.messageboard...
You are why the GDP has fallen a record 32% at an annualized rate. People in the unlikeliest risk group who think COVID19 never was or is nothing to them if infected are the spreaders that cause people to die and suffer serious health and financial repercussions from their selfishness.
Obey..........or you killed Grandma speech.........LMAO

take your cloth mask.......put flour on a spot.....put the mask over a vacuum cleaner hose.........and then turn on............see how much of the flour is left........

Have a nice that is about 100 times the size of covid.........You stinking MORON.
While I agree that viruses *can* get through a cloth home made mask, 95% of the time that viruses are transmitted to another person, it is from sneezing, coughing, speaking and yelling. When that happens, the virus is in spit and gets caught in the fabric, and the more absorbent it is the more likely this happens.
This would not help you much in a ER, but it is generally sufficient in normal circumstances.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Joe stuck to his political guns about travel restrictions until at least March, decrying them as xenophobic and ultimately useless.

You'd better pray to God or Gaia or Bill Gates or whoever the fuck that this corrupt vegetable isn't at the helm the next time a hardcore contagious virus hits our shores.

That was debunked long ago... Posted a crap load of times...

Get with the program...

I've seen the "fact checks" "debunking" it, and the counternarrative revolves around the fact that Biden's tweet in question didn't refer explicitly to the travel ban. Sorry, but I remember more than a week ago. On February 1st, when most of the talk of Coronavirus in the US was centered around the travel ban, Biden drops that tweet about Trump's record of xenophobia and I'm supposed to believe that it had nothing to do with said travel ban? Sorry, but I rate the fact check as Mostly False

So you do nothing but have an opinion.

Can you show us the back up evidence to your fact check?

Saying I don't agree with a factcheck just shows your opinion and not facts..
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Joe stuck to his political guns about travel restrictions until at least March, decrying them as xenophobic and ultimately useless.

You'd better pray to God or Gaia or Bill Gates or whoever the fuck that this corrupt vegetable isn't at the helm the next time a hardcore contagious virus hits our shores.

That was debunked long ago... Posted a crap load of times...

Get with the program...

I've seen the "fact checks" "debunking" it, and the counternarrative revolves around the fact that Biden's tweet in question didn't refer explicitly to the travel ban. Sorry, but I remember more than a week ago. On February 1st, when most of the talk of Coronavirus in the US was centered around the travel ban, Biden drops that tweet about Trump's record of xenophobia and I'm supposed to believe that it had nothing to do with said travel ban? Sorry, but I rate the fact check as Mostly False

So you do nothing but have an opinion.

Can you show us the back up evidence to your fact check?

Saying I don't agree with a factcheck just shows your opinion and not facts..
And when the fact check states that the claim is false because Biden didn't refer explicitly to the travel ban in the tweet in question, that is also simply the opinion of the fact checker. The fact that he works for a news corporation and refers to himself as an arbiter of truth doesn't make his opinions magical.

As my evidence I offer the fact that, on February 1st, the only news of Covid in the nation was that the 1st case had hit the shores, and the left's reaction to Trump's travel ban. You gotta keep in mind that this was still impeachment time, so Covid news was scarce. The ONLY ties between Covid and Trump in the news, at that point, were travel restriction related.

The fact checkers always seem to miss that vital context, which makes their opinions on the matter, aside from simply being opinions, rather shaky at that. But since it's been more than 3 days since all of this happened, it's real easy for selective forgetfulness to ease the cognitive dissonance that ought to happen when you claim that Biden would be a good leader in cutting through Chinese misinformation and solving Covid, so run with whatever you wanna believe man.
Last edited:
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

This is how GDP has always been reported
They want to change the interpretation as needed. What they don't want to do is maintain consistent with the interpretation if it looks bad.

As I said earlier, a 32.9% GDP drop is not a 32.9% drop, while a 2.1% gain is the "greatest economy ever".

This crap isn't to be taken seriously. They have to be kidding. Like Trump.
Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
Thenthey dont understand what GDP is.
Still, the stimulus packages this year I dont think are calculated into the GDP for some reason
Seventy percent of the economy is consumer spending. Spending of the stimulus will be seen in the GDP, but the stimulus to consumers wasn't enough.
Enough to what?

Ensure there was no drop in GDP? That would be a silly and destructive goal.
Keeping the economy healthy is a "silly and destructive goal?"
Nobody saw it coming, but nobody else reacted as slowly while influencing the followers of the head of a government, they did not need to worry about it, mask, distance or take it seriously, while they promised it was nothing to worry about and would soon be gone, all the while refusing to set an example himself. To him it was a Democrat state problem, right?
Blame Trump, not the expert from 6 previous administrations who was saying don't wear masks in March.

Not to stray off topic too much, ;

Thanks. I am blaming trump and have ever since he first made it sound like it was more about "his" economy and "his" election in stead of our American citizens and the danger we were in, from the very start.

My Thoughts on Why Joe Biden will Lose in a landslide in 2020

If you are someone who watches the fake news media on a regular basis, you’ve probably been informed by those talking heads on CNN, NBC, or any of the other fake news channels that Trump is sure to lose in the 2020 election. Nothing could be further from the truth; Joe Biden will lose in a landslide in 2020 as long as conservatives, especially young conservatives, do their part.

Best of luck.
As I said earlier, a 32.9% GDP drop is not a 32.9% drop, while a 2.1% gain is the "greatest economy ever".

This crap isn't to be taken seriously. They have to be kidding. Like Trump.

The closest analogy to the economy is a plane in flight. In this case the plane is at 100,000 feet, and started going down at a rate of 32,900 feet per minute.

After 15 seconds, instead of worrying how fast they're gong down, they point out that they've only gone down 9,500 feet.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

Don't forget small business bailout that went to a lot of businesses you and I wouldn't consider small on our dumbest day.
You mean like Pelosi’s big gift to her buddies at PBS?
You mean like Pelosi’s big gift to her buddies at PBS?

In case you want to continue bitching. The PBS funding went toward being able to broadcast tele-learning to students stuck at home, without internet access.

The Arkansas CARES Act Steering Committee has recommended that Arkansas PBS be awarded $5.18 million from the CARES Act COVID Fund to help achieve near universal public television broadcast coverage in the state.

A recent technical study revealed that the network’s broadcast signal reaches roughly 76 percent of the population of Arkansas, and the extended airwaves will reach part or all of 31 counties that previously received a very weak or no signal.

When schools were dismissed last spring due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Arkansas PBS worked closely with the Arkansas Department of Education to develop and produce “Arkansas AMI,” Alternative Methods of Instruction, to keep pre-K-8th grade students learning from home.

These broadcasts helped fill the void for students who did not have internet access, whether due to availability or associated expense. However, there were gaps in the coverage for many students. This funding will address that gap.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

Don't forget small business bailout that went to a lot of businesses you and I wouldn't consider small on our dumbest day.
You mean like Pelosi’s big gift to her buddies at PBS?
That too. They don't get much of their budget from Congress, but they did not need a coronavirus funding gift. I was more or less referring to major businesses that are household words, that got in on free money, while family own restruants losing business, but having to make upgrades to re-open with small capacity got left out, again in many cases.

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