GDP did not fall 32.9%...they are lying, anything, including killing people to beat Trump...

Well, shit.

Maybe the PANDEMIC panic fear fest shutdown needs to be OVER???

How do you suggest it be over with all the increased cases and deaths - mostly caused by anti-mask idiot right-wingers, religious nuts, libertarians like Rand Paul and Trump devotees like Herman Cain Spreading the disease all over the place.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
How did the rest of the world do? Europe has more deaths than the US. It isn’t “beaten” anywhere in the world. Countries on lock down have had their economies tank, and no closer to herd immunity.
Well, shit.

Maybe the PANDEMIC panic fear fest shutdown needs to be OVER???

How do you suggest it be over with all the increased cases and deaths - mostly caused by anti-mask idiot right-wingers, religious nuts, libertarians like Rand Paul and Trump devotees like Herman Cain Spreading the disease all over the place.
There are far more BLM/Antifa protests to spread Wuhan Virus around than GOP rallies.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
How did the rest of the world do? Europe has more deaths than the US. It isn’t “beaten” anywhere in the world. Countries on lock down have had their economies tank, and no closer to herd immunity.
OK, using worldometer, here is my list of countries that did better than the US on Coronavirus so far. I chose any country with close to the number of cases and my state of Tennessee, right here in the USA and reasonably controlled the number dead. I didn't stop to take into account whether they had a population less than the state of Tennessee, as dead bodies of citizens was my prime consideration. I do not care about particulars or reasons why. I do not care about reasons why, extenuating circumstance, excuses, politics, parcity of datat or anything else. These countries had lower cases and less death than one state in this country. WE ARE MISSION FAIL. TRUMP HEADS OUR GOVERNMENT. HE FAIL TO ACHIEVE MISSION SUCCESS. I DO NOT CARE WHAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN TO BE MISSION SUCCESSFUL. IT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT WE ARE MISSION FAIL AND TRUMP GETS THE BLAME AS HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MAN WITH THE PLAN AND RESPONSIBILTY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESSFUL MISSION STATUS AT EVERY POINT ALONG THE COURSE OF THE MISSION. TRUMP = COVID MISSION FAIL.



It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

It wasn't enough. Canada had it right, 8k over four months.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Any nobody is starving to death. See Minimum wage is too high. We need to go back to $3.35 an hour.
No, we need $23.50/hr. Investors need to realize they receive more money than they deserve.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

It is the only way the government knows how to operate and why it is NEVER efficient.

The unemployment extension actually paid people more to not work - utterly nonsensical but the government knows no other way to respond.

It is worth noting that if we were not already spending like drunken sailors then such stimulus would not have been nearly as disastrous.
The fact that the unemployment extension is more than working is sad.
Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
Thenthey dont understand what GDP is.
Still, the stimulus packages this year I dont think are calculated into the GDP for some reason
Seventy percent of the economy is consumer spending. Spending of the stimulus will be seen in the GDP, but the stimulus to consumers wasn't enough.
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

It's not a lie, it is common knowledge that it is an annualized rate.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
Thenthey dont understand what GDP is.
Still, the stimulus packages this year I dont think are calculated into the GDP for some reason
Seventy percent of the economy is consumer spending. Spending of the stimulus will be seen in the GDP, but the stimulus to consumers wasn't enough.
Enough to what?

Ensure there was no drop in GDP? That would be a silly and destructive goal.
Politicians never understand that stimulus programs never stimulates. Just runs up debt.

We found that out when that asshole Obama was President, didn't we?
but they do work to a degree, but not just for the person initially receiving the money but also as it helps others.... if given to those harmed, like those laid off due to the virus....

It's a TRICKLE UP effect

you give those on unemployment the extra $600, they use it to say, pay their rent, so the landlord ends up getting the stimulous from the person on UE when he pays his rent.... the landlord with a few rentals then in turn would use some of that money, to keep his Maintenance and lawn guy employed....

Or the UE guy getting the $600 stimulus a week, uses it to pay his mortgage and car payment, which in turn, ends up in the hands of the bank....

Or the UE gal getting the stimulus is used by her to pay for groceries, ending up in the hands of the Grocery Store Chain, then some in an employee's paycheck....

the stimulus checks given to those big business corps at the top of the food chain with an empty promise that it will TRICKLE DOWN to those in the need the most..... it never seems to make it to who needs it most....

though... any which way but loose, it affects wall street the most.... every big stimulus plan they pass makes the stock market soar... the bankers and big corps happy happy...

so the 50% of Americans with 401k's or in to stocks.... should benefit too....
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

I know, get the fucking Democrat governors to let their States get back to work!

In other words, put your life on the line. If you get sick, you are just collateral damage. That is what states like Arizona, Texas and Florida have done. Florida has surpassed NY in the number of coronavirus cases.

Don't be any stupider than you already are. So long as you are not an at risk person if you get the virus you will get sick, and then get over it. It is less dangerous than the flu from two years ago which actually did cause a spike in mortality.

This virus, hasn't.
There are far more BLM/Antifa protests to spread Wuhan Virus around than GOP rallies.

it’s not all just about the GOP/Trump loser rallies. The GOP is/was the anti-mask science denial party. COVID19 spreads best indoors. BLM are outdoors and they wear masks. The Tulsa Trump rally for losers was indoors and none of the idiots who went wore masks. it killed Herman Cain. He is an ultimate anti-mask loser.

your white Christian evangelical Trump believers like to spread the disease around too.
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.


Its like a German malaise :p

Which is like 10.1 ...ferp
It was in the second sentence of just about every news report...
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

This is how GDP has always been reported
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.

This is how GDP has always been reported
It is inaccurate to omit whether a percentage change is annualized or not.

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