GDP did not fall 32.9%...they are lying, anything, including killing people to beat Trump...

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Joe stuck to his political guns about travel restrictions until at least March, decrying them as xenophobic and ultimately useless.

You'd better pray to God or Gaia or Bill Gates or whoever the fuck that this corrupt vegetable isn't at the helm the next time a hardcore contagious virus hits our shores.

That was debunked long ago... Posted a crap load of times...

Get with the program...

I've seen the "fact checks" "debunking" it, and the counternarrative revolves around the fact that Biden's tweet in question didn't refer explicitly to the travel ban. Sorry, but I remember more than a week ago. On February 1st, when most of the talk of Coronavirus in the US was centered around the travel ban, Biden drops that tweet about Trump's record of xenophobia and I'm supposed to believe that it had nothing to do with said travel ban? Sorry, but I rate the fact check as Mostly False
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Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Joe stuck to his political guns about travel restrictions until at least March, decrying them as xenophobic and ultimately useless.

You'd better pray to God or Gaia or Bill Gates or whoever the fuck that this corrupt vegetable isn't at the helm the next time a hardcore contagious virus hits our shores.
He will have a hard enough time dealing with this one. At least he will take it seriously and in getting it dealt with, we will be better prepared to take the next one seriously, at least for the next 4 years.
Lol! If the numbers are still kickin in November, there isn't going to be much the government can do about it.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

Don't forget small business bailout that went to a lot of businesses you and I wouldn't consider small on our dumbest day.
Yes. The majority of the money from the CARES Act went to the wealthy. Yet again another transfer of wealth from the American people to the rich.

This is what our government is good for.

You can bet your bottom dollar if they pass additional deficit spending bills, they too will benefit the wealthy.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Nobody saw it coming, but nobody else reacted as slowly while influencing the followers of the head of a government, they did not need to worry about it, mask, distance or take it seriously, while they promised it was nothing to worry about and would soon be gone, all the while refusing to set an example himself. To him it was a Democrat state problem, right?
Blame Trump, not the expert from 6 previous administrations who was saying don't wear masks in March.

Not to stray off topic too much, ;

Thanks. I am blaming trump and have ever since he first made it sound like it was more about "his" economy and "his" election in stead of our American citizens and the danger we were in, from the very start.

My Thoughts on Why Joe Biden will Lose in a landslide in 2020

If you are someone who watches the fake news media on a regular basis, you’ve probably been informed by those talking heads on CNN, NBC, or any of the other fake news channels that Trump is sure to lose in the 2020 election. Nothing could be further from the truth; Joe Biden will lose in a landslide in 2020 as long as conservatives, especially young conservatives, do their part.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?


Well it was known as the coronavirus RELIEF bill. Please find where it was called a stimulus.

And you don't think it would have pissed off the 100 million people still working that ONLY those who lost a job got money?
I don't care what they called it, it was (in large part) a stimulus.
Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

Wow, DickTiny, you are desperately trying to say taht a 33% drop in GDP and 12% unemployment aren't bad things, and we totally need 4 more years of that.

You go with that, buddy. You go with that.

Helllllooooo President Biden.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Oh shut up
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
With your best left wing double talking sheep like excuse, explain this.

I will be waiting for your excuses and lies or giggles.

With your best excuse please explain how the WHO claiming masks are not needed for healthy people only to watch you blame Trump voters and Trump not wearing masks.

Why is it Trump gets the blame when it was WHO that ran cover for China who obviously allowed it to spread after they forced the whistle blowing doctor to sign an apology before he died?

You are a brainwashed sheep with nothing but half baked bullshit and propaganda of the globalist scumbags.

Won't be expecting any answers from you.

You didn't bother to answer my question, so what ever made you think I would even finish reading yours or following you links?? Right Wing Dufus. :spank:

Way to go idiot.
Trump always brags about his record breaking economic accomplishments. Why is Trump not bragging about his biggest U.S. GDP contraction on record?

Dow drops more than 200 points after the biggest U.S. GDP contraction on record
UPDATED THU, JUL 30 2020 4:08 PM EDT

DO you recall TRUMPO Attacking Obama for never having a Quarter gdp above 3.0?

Doesn’t look like TrumpO will get a US economy with GDP above 3.0 %.

His record is negative over -30% not +3%

Second-quarter GDP plunged by worst-ever 32.9% amid virus-induced shutdown
UPDATED THU, JUL 30 2020 12:45 PM EDT

This is a thread for the morons to explain why this TrumpO record is Obama Clinton and Biden’s fault.

Trump always brags about his record breaking economic accomplishments. Why is Trump not bragging about his biggest U.S. GDP contraction on record?

Dow drops more than 200 points after the biggest U.S. GDP contraction on record
UPDATED THU, JUL 30 2020 4:08 PM EDT

DO you recall TRUMPO Attacking Obama for never having a Quarter gdp above 3.0?

Doesn’t look like TrumpO will get a US economy with GDP above 3.0 %.

His record is negative over -30% not +3%

Second-quarter GDP plunged by worst-ever 32.9% amid virus-induced shutdown
UPDATED THU, JUL 30 2020 12:45 PM EDT

This is a thread for the morons to explain why this TrumpO record is Obama Clinton and Biden’s fault.

Well, shit.

Maybe the PANDEMIC panic fear fest shutdown needs to be OVER???
There is something called Wuhan Virus going around the world. When you have to shutdown half the country’s businesses, then yes, GDP is going to drop massively.

What does it have to do with President Trump’s economic policy? Nothing. It’s a pandemic, moron.
It's a pandemic that he's not handling well, at all..... he's spent months denying it even exists, it will just magically disappear, and pushed and pushed for states to reopen too early which are now adding THOUSANDS of deaths a day.... 1 death to COVID in this country, for near each minute in each hour for a 24 hour day.

He and his administration have F'd up so badly on testing and supplies to perform the tests from the very get go, and here we are 5 months later and HE STILL HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT..... he could have used his emergency powers to build up the supplies for the testing, and PPE protection gear for the medical staffs months ago, where we would not be in this position now of having to wait over a week for test results.... he could have pushed and pushed and ushed for an instantaneous test.... in boocoo amounts, where all businesses could check employees and customers in restaurants, bars, stadiums for the infection before allowed in .....

but he's too damn busy proclaiming this is a flu and a nothing burger or promoting quack medicine, Hydroxychloroqine..., or trying to gather all of his followers to go to his Covid parties/rallies, or trying to undermine the science.....

Trump has gotten ONE BIG FACT F, for his handling of this very serious, and deadly virus, and yes, he does have blood on his hands, imo!
There is something called Wuhan Virus going around the world. When you have to shutdown half the country’s businesses, then yes, GDP is going to drop massively.

What does it have to do with President Trump’s economic policy? Nothing. It’s a pandemic, moron.
It's a pandemic that he's not handling well, at all..... he's spent months denying it even exists, it will just magically disappear, and pushed and pushed for states to reopen too early which are now adding THOUSANDS of deaths a day.... 1 death to COVID in this country, for near each minute in each hour for a 24 hour day.

He and his administration have F'd up so badly on testing and supplies to perform the tests from the very get go, and here we are 5 months later and HE STILL HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT..... he could have used his emergency powers to build up the supplies for the testing, and PPE protection gear for the medical staffs months ago, where we would not be in this position now of having to wait over a week for test results.... he could have pushed and pushed and ushed for an instantaneous test.... in boocoo amounts, where all businesses could check employees and customers in restaurants, bars, stadiums for the infection before allowed in .....

but he's too damn busy proclaiming this is a flu and a nothing burger or promoting quack medicine, Hydroxychloroqine..., or trying to gather all of his followers to go to his Covid parties/rallies, or trying to undermine the science.....

Trump has gotten ONE BIG FACT F, for his handling of this very serious, and deadly virus, and yes, he does have blood on his hands, imo!
Trumpers are in denial just how badly Trump mishandled this crisis. If Trump were competent, the virus would be in retreat and we would be on our way to reopening. Instead we have over 150,000 and growing dead Americans and an economy in free fall.
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There is something called Wuhan Virus going around the world. When you have to shutdown half the country’s businesses, then yes, GDP is going to drop massively.

What does it have to do with President Trump’s economic policy? Nothing. It’s a pandemic, moron.
It's a pandemic that he's not handling well, at all..... he's spent months denying it even exists, it will just magically disappear, and pushed and pushed for states to reopen too early which are now adding THOUSANDS of deaths a day.... 1 death to COVID in this country, for near each minute in each hour for a 24 hour day.

He and his administration have F'd up so badly on testing and supplies to perform the tests from the very get go, and here we are 5 months later and HE STILL HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT..... he could have used his emergency powers to build up the supplies for the testing, and PPE protection gear for the medical staffs months ago, where we would not be in this position now of having to wait over a week for test results.... he could have pushed and pushed and ushed for an instantaneous test.... in boocoo amounts, where all businesses could check employees and customers in restaurants, bars, stadiums for the infection before allowed in .....

but he's too damn busy proclaiming this is a flu and a nothing burger or promoting quack medicine, Hydroxychloroqine..., or trying to gather all of his followers to go to his Covid parties/rallies, or trying to undermine the science.....

Trump has gotten ONE BIG FACT F, for his handling of this very serious, and deadly virus, and yes, he does have blood on his hands, imo!
If President Trump “mishandled” the virus, then why does Europe have more dead than the US from the Wuhan Plague?

Is it also President Trump’s fault that BLM protesters have been spreading the virus around for months at their little get-togethers?
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

The Democratic Media understands their audience
They are idiots
There is something called Wuhan Virus going around the world. When you have to shutdown half the country’s businesses, then yes, GDP is going to drop massively.

What does it have to do with President Trump’s economic policy? Nothing. It’s a pandemic, moron.
It's a pandemic that he's not handling well, at all..... he's spent months denying it even exists, it will just magically disappear, and pushed and pushed for states to reopen too early which are now adding THOUSANDS of deaths a day.... 1 death to COVID in this country, for near each minute in each hour for a 24 hour day.

He and his administration have F'd up so badly on testing and supplies to perform the tests from the very get go, and here we are 5 months later and HE STILL HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT..... he could have used his emergency powers to build up the supplies for the testing, and PPE protection gear for the medical staffs months ago, where we would not be in this position now of having to wait over a week for test results.... he could have pushed and pushed and ushed for an instantaneous test.... in boocoo amounts, where all businesses could check employees and customers in restaurants, bars, stadiums for the infection before allowed in .....

but he's too damn busy proclaiming this is a flu and a nothing burger or promoting quack medicine, Hydroxychloroqine..., or trying to gather all of his followers to go to his Covid parties/rallies, or trying to undermine the science.....

Trump has gotten ONE BIG FACT F, for his handling of this very serious, and deadly virus, and yes, he does have blood on his hands, imo!
Trumpers are in denial just how badly Trump mishandled this crisis. If Trump were competent, the virus would be in retreat and we would be on our way to reopening. Instead we have over 150,000 and growing dead Americans and an economy in free fall.
No country in the world is close to “reopening”. The pandemic is world wide, as soon as you “reopen” the virus cases explode again, and shutdowns happen again. Do you think we can force the entire world to “shutdown” and force everyone to isolate for a few months?
No one wants to hear it but the only way forward now is reaching herd immunity. That means allowing the 20-45 year old demographic to get the virus and get immune. The mortality rate for that demographic is extremely low.
There is something called Wuhan Virus going around the world. When you have to shutdown half the country’s businesses, then yes, GDP is going to drop massively.

What does it have to do with President Trump’s economic policy? Nothing. It’s a pandemic, moron.
It's a pandemic that he's not handling well, at all..... he's spent months denying it even exists, it will just magically disappear, and pushed and pushed for states to reopen too early which are now adding THOUSANDS of deaths a day.... 1 death to COVID in this country, for near each minute in each hour for a 24 hour day.

He and his administration have F'd up so badly on testing and supplies to perform the tests from the very get go, and here we are 5 months later and HE STILL HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT..... he could have used his emergency powers to build up the supplies for the testing, and PPE protection gear for the medical staffs months ago, where we would not be in this position now of having to wait over a week for test results.... he could have pushed and pushed and ushed for an instantaneous test.... in boocoo amounts, where all businesses could check employees and customers in restaurants, bars, stadiums for the infection before allowed in .....

but he's too damn busy proclaiming this is a flu and a nothing burger or promoting quack medicine, Hydroxychloroqine..., or trying to gather all of his followers to go to his Covid parties/rallies, or trying to undermine the science.....

Trump has gotten ONE BIG FACT F, for his handling of this very serious, and deadly virus, and yes, he does have blood on his hands, imo!
If Trump were competent, the virus would be in retreat and we would be on our way to reopening.

Just like the rest of the world, right? Oh wait...

You guys are pretty dim.
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...
Everyone uses the annualized GDP growth number. Shall I provide examples of Republicans telling this same exact “lie”?

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