GDP Growth Under Trump Was the Worst Since Hoover

Ummmmm we had a China virus from the wuhan lab to deal with....
That trump refused to deal with and 600,000 people died as a result.
Trump dealt with if just well as can be expected....Joe has blown the recovery and can't develop a message so people will get vaccinated....he is a loser....

Donny will b desperately sad about this. The economy was the only thing he was supposed to have got right.
I guess the Obama boom had run out of steam after a few years of trumpnomics.
Hard to keep growing when everyone has a job and the economy is at full capacity. Sleepy Joe has yet to catch the economy back up to President Trump numbers, I doubt he ever will.

Nice lame ass attempt to make President Trump’s economy look bad, because you know Biden’s is abysmal. Everyone in the USA yearns for a return to 2019.
The GDP isn't a true indicator of an economy

Take some economic classes and try again
That is not what Trump said about GDP

Trump is taking credit for the 'biggest and best' GDP in American history. Here are the facts​

There’s always a Trump tweet, GDP edition​

The Trump of 2012 wouldn’t have been a big fan of the Trump economy.

Just ahead of news that US GDP grew at a solid but unspectacular 1.9 percent rate in the third quarter, President Donald Trump posted a tweet Wednesday morning touting what he described as “The Greatest Economy in American History!”

The Greatest Economy in American History!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2019
But the tweet in fact serves as a vivid illustration of how Trump is lowering expectations for himself. Because just over seven years ago, when the economy grew at the exact same rate under President Barack Obama, Trump cited the 1.9 percent number as evidence that “the economy is in deep trouble.”

Q1 GDP has just been revised down to 1.9% The economy is in deep trouble.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2012
What a difference seven years and a successful presidential campaign make.

The third quarter’s 1.9 percent growth figure comes on the heels of the economy growing at a 2 percent pace in the second quarter. It should be noted that these growth figures are not far out of step with the 2 to 3 percent growth that’s ideal for healthy developed economies. But they pale in comparison to what Trump said during a presidential campaign in which he repeatedly said he expected the economy to grow by as much as 5 or 6 percent.

Hard to keep growing when everyone has a job and the economy is at full capacity. Sleepy Joe has yet to catch the economy back up to President Trump numbers, I doubt he ever will.

Nice lame ass attempt to make President Trump’s economy look bad, because you know Biden’s is abysmal. Everyone in the USA yearns for a return to 2019.
growth is at 6% for the year so far much higher than any Trump season in office.
Growth doesn’t mean much when half the economy was shut down. It isn’t real growth, it’s reopening of existing businesses.

Like I said, get back to us when the economy reaches the levels before the Fauci-CCP manufactured plandemic.
If it isn't real it must be a façade of yer imagination that we have an economy before during and after Donald Trump the only man you would be gay for.

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