Gee..I'm shocked

Well, for starters, try getting scum shows off tv. Like that Hard Pawn show. Being in detroit, all they show is a white jewish family running a shop with the majority being black. And the majority of dramatic fights that break out during the whole filming guess.

That's one step. Second step? News media who never seem to report anything going on unless it is about blacks doing bad things. Ya never see anything about a blacks doing good things, do ya? Or whites doing bad things.

Next step? I have no idea. And even if I did think of some, what good would it do?
I think you have a case of selective amnesia and a vivid imagination.
Let's look at Hard Core Pawn for a moment. Do you think the way the Gold family behaves to their customers and to each other is not portrayed at all?
You complain that in your mind, the only people being shown in a negative light are the black people. Are the show's producers supposed to go to the outlying suburbs of Detroit and round up some white people and tell them to go into the pawn shop and cause trouble? Just to satisfy your perception of fairness and equal time?
I suppose the crime show "The First 48" is racist as well because the majority of the suspects are black people. I suppose the producers of that show go to the cops and tell them "only show cases where the suspects are black".
look, you have a bias. You have opinions that may not necessarily be tied to the cold realities of life in the USA...
It appears you'd be quite satisfied if the media were sanitized in a certain way so that you would never be offended.
That's not going to happen. Deal with it, or turn off your tv.
Oh. There is no need for you to reply to this post. It was never my intention to open a discussion with you.

You don't have very good reading comprehension skills, do ya? Blech. ain't worth the hassle.

Meawhile....the owners of Hard Pawn are trash. Oh, and before you get your fuckingpissy panties in a fuckwad, there is trash in every race. Oh. Wait. You won't get that. It flew right over that idiotic non comrehension empty head of yours.

First..Learn to spell.
Next, I neither stated nor implied there were not scum in all races and cultures.
You're just pissed off because you got caught while first assessing the racial component of the issue.
I never defended the Gold family for what they do on their show. As a matter of fact because of the constant bickering and other garbage on the show, I stopped watching it.
So stick that on your sandwich and eat it.
Your problem is you make every issue about YOU. Narcissist.
Nigs are gonna nig.

And YOU are a ******.

You and pennywise and some of the other racist scum - you are true *******.

Damn, this stuff is just disturbing to read. Why kind of people go around using the "N" word.

Holy Jesus on a fucking pogo-stick, guys, is this really necessary? Damn!

Very angry people, but hey Luddly is a liberal.
Are his liberal friends going to call him on it?

[MENTION=23165]thereisnospoon[/MENTION] sorry for the derailing of your thread.
Very angry people, but hey Luddly is a liberal.
Are his liberal friends going to call him on it?
[MENTION=23165]thereisnospoon[/MENTION] sorry for the derailing of your thread.

I think it's a bad word that should not be used here, but it is not against the rules.

Call someone else out? What about me? When I point at someones else, I still have three fingers pointing back.

I don't use the word, but what makes me in charge of its usage?
A very real question is how do we get rid of the racist scum in our society?

All they do is make problems for normal people.

Oh, so wishing death on people is now an acceptable form of rebuttal for people like you, hmm?


I don't have that much off a problem with racists, even if they hate me because I'm off-white. I'd rather know that up front so I don't get blind-sided, though.

One of my best friends used to call me an impure race! LOL! I could not care less. I'm an awesome person - anyone who doesn't appreciate that is wrong, imho. It's like telling me that Abe Lincoln was not a POTUS - It doesn't bother me because it isn't true.

If someone calls you the N word, laugh at them for being wrong. Getting mad only validates that they might be right; truth is, it's just a word and no one can be described with just one word ~
And YOU are a ******.

You and pennywise and some of the other racist scum - you are true *******.

Damn, this stuff is just disturbing to read. Why kind of people go around using the "N" word.

Holy Jesus on a fucking pogo-stick, guys, is this really necessary? Damn!

I hear black teenagers use it a lot.

This may be true, but is with all things in life, it is a matter of context. I would also bet that the vast majority of black teenagers do not do this, based on my experience as a former teacher in a very healthfuly mixed school system. Plus, are you a teenager, or an adult? Do you have the ability to discern, or are you still growing up?

If you can answer those questions, then you already innately know that spreading a term that is virulently racist is just plain old wrong. It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way?
And YOU are a ******.

You and pennywise and some of the other racist scum - you are true *******.

Damn, this stuff is just disturbing to read. Why kind of people go around using the "N" word.

Holy Jesus on a fucking pogo-stick, guys, is this really necessary? Damn!

Very angry people, but hey Luddly is a liberal.
Are his liberal friends going to call him on it?

[MENTION=23165]thereisnospoon[/MENTION] sorry for the derailing of your thread.

Fair is fair,and you are right. I am new here, so still sorting out who is who, but it doesn't matter who says it, even black teenagers, as another member mentioned, that still doesn't make it right.
A very real question is how do we get rid of the racist scum in our society?

All they do is make problems for normal people.

Oh, so wishing death on people is now an acceptable form of rebuttal for people like you, hmm?


Well, wishing death opon anyone is wrong, but using the term "get rid of" does not mean to kill in any way. I can turn people away from an event. In that context, I "got rid of them" but most definitely did not kill them. So, I don't see how you can accuse Luddly Neddite of having done this. That is a stretch, at best.

Open one of the coconuts I sent you, it will be whispering the same message into your ear!!
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Seriously, can someone find a video of white people chimping out? I'd like to see one, otherwise all we are left to believe is that behavior like this is genetic and a racial characteristic.

I'd rather not. I'd rather talk about important political topics, but I all I get are threads about "knock out," M. Obama's butt and fake scandals.

No, it's phony scandals......
Seriously, can someone find a video of white people chimping out? I'd like to see one, otherwise all we are left to believe is that behavior like this is genetic and a racial characteristic.

I'd rather not. I'd rather talk about important political topics, but I all I get are threads about "knock out," M. Obama's butt and fake scandals.

No, it's phony scandals......

Most of the time - yes, correct - It's phony scandals and birther crap.

The knockout game? That's real and it sucks. The black community should be outraged. Al Sharpton should apologize to White America.

Now, that being said; why should I post white people engaged in horrible acts?

There was a white guy in Baltimore who killed a black man while he was fishing - no reason - just that he was black. No, I'm not going to post it, because I don't want America to remember - I want her to forget ~

Damn, this stuff is just disturbing to read. Why kind of people go around using the "N" word.

Holy Jesus on a fucking pogo-stick, guys, is this really necessary? Damn!

I hear black teenagers use it a lot.

This may be true, but is with all things in life, it is a matter of context. I would also bet that the vast majority of black teenagers do not do this, based on my experience as a former teacher in a very healthfuly mixed school system. Plus, are you a teenager, or an adult? Do you have the ability to discern, or are you still growing up?

If you can answer those questions, then you already innately know that spreading a term that is virulently racist is just plain old wrong. It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way?

"It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way? "
No...It adds to YOUR perception that the 4right wing is chock full of racists.
And since when does your side get to claim purity on this issue?
There are all kinds of racism.
Singling out a person because of their race. And NOT singling them out because of their race.
Another example is using race as a prima facie component to make policy.
Also as in this thread, posters immediately viewed the combatants not as people, but as BLACK people and then decided to discuss/debate/argue about the component of race ONLY....As if their conduct was immaterial.
This would fall under the racist premise of not singling out a person/people because of their race. In other words, because the people in the video are black, they are untouchable.. That is racist as well.
I hear black teenagers use it a lot.

This may be true, but is with all things in life, it is a matter of context. I would also bet that the vast majority of black teenagers do not do this, based on my experience as a former teacher in a very healthfuly mixed school system. Plus, are you a teenager, or an adult? Do you have the ability to discern, or are you still growing up?

If you can answer those questions, then you already innately know that spreading a term that is virulently racist is just plain old wrong. It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way?

"It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way? "
No...It adds to YOUR perception that the 4right wing is chock full of racists.
And since when does your side get to claim purity on this issue?
There are all kinds of racism.
Singling out a person because of their race. And NOT singling them out because of their race.
Another example is using race as a prima facie component to make policy.
Also as in this thread, posters immediately viewed the combatants not as people, but as BLACK people and then decided to discuss/debate/argue about the component of race ONLY....As if their conduct was immaterial.
This would fall under the racist premise of not singling out a person/people because of their race. In other words, because the people in the video are black, they are untouchable.. That is racist as well.

The bolded:
I didn't. I simply responded to the use of the "N" word, which should have no place anywhere at all.
This may be true, but is with all things in life, it is a matter of context. I would also bet that the vast majority of black teenagers do not do this, based on my experience as a former teacher in a very healthfuly mixed school system. Plus, are you a teenager, or an adult? Do you have the ability to discern, or are you still growing up?

If you can answer those questions, then you already innately know that spreading a term that is virulently racist is just plain old wrong. It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way?

"It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way? "
No...It adds to YOUR perception that the 4right wing is chock full of racists.
And since when does your side get to claim purity on this issue?
There are all kinds of racism.
Singling out a person because of their race. And NOT singling them out because of their race.
Another example is using race as a prima facie component to make policy.
Also as in this thread, posters immediately viewed the combatants not as people, but as BLACK people and then decided to discuss/debate/argue about the component of race ONLY....As if their conduct was immaterial.
This would fall under the racist premise of not singling out a person/people because of their race. In other words, because the people in the video are black, they are untouchable.. That is racist as well.

The bolded:
I didn't. I simply responded to the use of the "N" word, which should have no place anywhere at all.

Come on now. We're both smarter than that.
I was born during the day.. Not yesterday.
Seriously, can someone find a video of white people chimping out? I'd like to see one, otherwise all we are left to believe is that behavior like this is genetic and a racial characteristic.

[ame=]Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

How about some Asians?

[ame=]Plate smashed on girls face at Pho Restaurant Toronto Halloween Brawl TB - YouTube[/ame]
Seriously, can someone find a video of white people chimping out? I'd like to see one, otherwise all we are left to believe is that behavior like this is genetic and a racial characteristic.

How about some Indians?

[ame=]Indian family brawl. - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't a brawl but it is Indians acting even worse...

[ame=]Indian Waterpark - YouTube[/ame]
Damn, this stuff is just disturbing to read. Why kind of people go around using the "N" word.

Holy Jesus on a fucking pogo-stick, guys, is this really necessary? Damn!

I hear black teenagers use it a lot.

This may be true, but is with all things in life, it is a matter of context. I would also bet that the vast majority of black teenagers do not do this, based on my experience as a former teacher in a very healthfuly mixed school system. Plus, are you a teenager, or an adult? Do you have the ability to discern, or are you still growing up?

If you can answer those questions, then you already innately know that spreading a term that is virulently racist is just plain old wrong. It also only adds to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists. Do you really want your side to be viewed that way?

How does the fact that I often hear black teenagers use the N-word add to the perception that the Right-Wing is just chock-full of racists?
Seriously, can someone find a video of white people chimping out? I'd like to see one, otherwise all we are left to believe is that behavior like this is genetic and a racial characteristic.

[ame=]Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle. Street preachers get attacked by crowd. 30 June 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

How about some Asians?

[ame=]Plate smashed on girls face at Pho Restaurant Toronto Halloween Brawl TB - YouTube[/ame]

Dude, we live in a world with 7 billion people, so naturally you will see all kinds of videos. In fact, if you looked hard enough, I imagine you could find a video of a turtle riding a skateboard. This isn't a question of it happening ever, its a question of the frequency in which it happens, and one particular culture seems to get into these public brawls WAY too often, and generally it happens in front of children. This is a problem that should be addressed.

Edit: I was curious so I checked...

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