Geezus Fuck A Shit Souffle'...! What Is It With The GOP...?!

Ya gotta love the self delusion of partisan hacks who think their "heroes" are any different or less corrupt than the other side's "heroes". :lmao:
Pub dupe idiots! Your heroes fight for pollution, screwing workers, Big Oil, Pharma, Health, and lie like rugs on a gigantic pub propaganda/hate machine funded by scum bag billionnaires. They've ruined the country and the nonrich over the last 30 years. See sig pp1 and 3.

The world is aghast at your Ugly 'Merican BS racist idiocy. If you can't tell the difference, you're a moron- hoping for your recovery.
Pub dupe idiots! Your heroes fight for pollution, screwing workers, Big Oil, Pharma, Health, and lie like rugs on a gigantic pub propaganda/hate machine funded by scum bag billionnaires. They've ruined the country and the nonrich over the last 30 years. See sig pp1 and 3.

The world is aghast at your Ugly 'Merican BS racist idiocy. If you can't tell the difference, you're a moron- hoping for your recovery.

Right on cue.............
Boehner isn't my top choice but I think he won by default since the GOP is still recovering from the Fiscal Cliff debate and didn't have time to mount a challenger to him. They had to stick together to make sure that bitch didn't steal his seat because Democrap scum vote like zombies for their leaders.
Everyone here knows that you, TM, rcdean are Zombies without the ability to truly think and discern factual information. You three are great wards of the State.

Your last post actually started with a little sense. One moment of lucidity in a career of brainwashed idiocy. Everything you know is wrong LOL. Change the channel.Try PBS World News and MSNBC.

Thanks for the Depression, the stupidest wars ever, and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction. Your heroes are bought off swine.

I didn't vote for Bush or Obama.. NEITHER OF THEM.. Did you?? :) Look in your own backyard Liberal.

and you did not vote for any of those currently in congress?
Ya got nothin' LOL

Charles Schumer's Wall Street dance


"The seeming contradiction between Schumer's public posture and his closed-door fundraising efforts had gone little-noticed by the general public before the financial crisis. But when the securities and investment industry was thrust into chaos - and the spotlight - in 2008, Schumer's Wall Street ties suddenly became a political liability.

After all, Schumer's biggest donors were the very folks who President Obama would later, in response to public anger, deem "fat cat bankers." In the years leading up to the crisis, Schumer had been pushed hard to deregulate the financial industry; as the New York Times documented in the wake of the crisis, he had repeatedly protected the industry from oversight and helped companies avoid billions of dollars in taxes and fees.

Schumer didn't turn his back on his allies. He was one of the major drivers behind passage of the $700 billion bank bailout approved by Congress in the midst of the crisis. The bailout, which spawned the conservative Tea Party movement and was hugely unpopular with the left, was a literal lifesaver for the financial services industry. "

Charles Schumer's Wall Street dance - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Just one of many examples for those not being willfully blind.............
Your last post actually started with a little sense. One moment of lucidity in a career of brainwashed idiocy. Everything you know is wrong LOL. Change the channel.Try PBS World News and MSNBC.

Thanks for the Depression, the stupidest wars ever, and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction. Your heroes are bought off swine.

I didn't vote for Bush or Obama.. NEITHER OF THEM.. Did you?? :) Look in your own backyard Liberal.

and you did not vote for any of those currently in congress?

I am solidly guilty for voting for Mitt Romney. My congressman voted AGAINST the fiscal cliff and has a very nice record in staunch conservatism. I woke up AFTER this election in regard to partisanship. I think for the most part, they're all a bunch of corrupt weasels. Did you vote for anyone currently in office? I'm sure you did also. The real question is, IS AMERICA FINALLY WAKING UP?
Boehner promised that he would not negotiate with obama in the future, which might have been why he was reelected.

Will he fiddle while the nation burns? Only a fool will disregard the vote of the people. Two more years of a Boehner do nothing H. of Rep. and the Democrats will be the majority of two of the three branches of government. Only the USSC will be in the hands of Grover Norquist and the Plutocrats.
What did the people vote for Gertrude?
Boehner isn't my top choice but I think he won by default since the GOP is still recovering from the Fiscal Cliff debate and didn't have time to mount a challenger to him. They had to stick together to make sure that bitch didn't steal his seat because Democrap scum vote like zombies for their leaders.

So who would you have liked to see nominated?
Personally I for the life of me don't see anyone on either side of the House worth making Speaker.
I didn't vote for Bush or Obama.. NEITHER OF THEM.. Did you?? :) Look in your own backyard Liberal.

and you did not vote for any of those currently in congress?

I am solidly guilty for voting for Mitt Romney. My congressman voted AGAINST the fiscal cliff and has a very nice record in staunch conservatism. I woke up AFTER this election in regard to partisanship. I think for the most part, they're all a bunch of corrupt weasels. Did you vote for anyone currently in office? I'm sure you did also. The real question is, IS AMERICA FINALLY WAKING UP?

If you were willing to vote for Mitty then you are a complete fool who bathes in lies
and you did not vote for any of those currently in congress?

I am solidly guilty for voting for Mitt Romney. My congressman voted AGAINST the fiscal cliff and has a very nice record in staunch conservatism. I woke up AFTER this election in regard to partisanship. I think for the most part, they're all a bunch of corrupt weasels. Did you vote for anyone currently in office? I'm sure you did also. The real question is, IS AMERICA FINALLY WAKING UP?

If you were willing to vote for Mitty then you are a complete fool who bathes in lies

Because Obama was so much better?
Let's be honest everyone, Romney was Obama-lite (or maybe Obama-WHITE! bad joke).
the pathetically inept Boehner gets reelected to the Speaker position with apparently no organized opposition from the GOP...

and the few GOP congressmen who've spoken out publicly in opposition to Boehner's reelection all sound like they were dropped on their heads when they were toddlers...

I'm pretty sure that a serious challenge would have resulted in a split GOP vote. The dems would have all voted by party and Nancy Pelosi would have ended up as speaker of the house.
A real life situation of "picking your poison".
Yep...the dumbest thing the GOP could do would be to split their vote and allow Pelosi to win the Speaker position which would be the doom of this country. The Speaker is 3rd in line for POTUS behind the POTUS and VP, allowing her to be anywhere leading this country is treason.

the pathetically inept Boehner gets reelected to the Speaker position with apparently no organized opposition from the GOP...

and the few GOP congressmen who've spoken out publicly in opposition to Boehner's reelection all sound like they were dropped on their heads when they were toddlers...

I'm pretty sure that a serious challenge would have resulted in a split GOP vote. The dems would have all voted by party and Nancy Pelosi would have ended up as speaker of the house.
A real life situation of "picking your poison".
Boehner has given de facto veto power to the TPM. The radical right runs the House, not Boehner.
Boehner has given de facto veto power to the TPM. The radical right runs the House, not Boehner.


Law abiding citizens who own weapons are the radical right.
People who support the sanctity of life are the radical right.

Only in a deranged mind can supporting the protection of babies be called radical.

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