Gen. Mattis warns North Korea not to invite 'destruction of its people'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hopefully this will allow Senator McCain (he is a Republican isn't he?) to be more comfortable with Trumps language and warnings to North Korea.

If McCain wants to challenge General James Mattis and his military competency/confidence, he is free to do so, probably wouldn't be the wisest political move though. I am quite sure that a four star general is quite aware of Americas abilities and willingness to exercise these abilities.

North Korea has been fed carrots for a long time, when Mattis speaks with such force, you know you are risking getting the stick.

Gen. Mattis warns North Korea not to invite 'destruction of its people'

If Kim Jong Un won’t listen to President Trump, the Mad Dog could make him heel.

Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis echoed his boss’s fiery warning to the dictator of North Korea with harsh rhetoric of his own. And this time, the words came from a battle-tested, four-star U.S. Marine Corps general.

“The DPRK must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons,” Mattis said in a statement. “The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people.”

Mattis provided a powerful follow-up to President Trump’s warning that Pyongyang would face “fire and fury” should it continue to test missiles, build nuclear warheads and threaten to attack the United States. Lest anyone think Trump was speaking without the counsel of his top military man, Mattis said Trump is well aware of the depth of the North Korean threat.

“President Trump was informed of the growing threat last December and on taking office his first orders to me emphasized the readiness of our ballistic missile defense and nuclear deterrent forces,” Mattis continued.

While our State Department is making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means, it must be noted that the combined allied militaries now possess the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on Earth. The DPRK regime's actions will continue to be grossly overmatched by ours and would lose any arms race or conflict it initiates.”

Tuesday's report that Pyongyang has missile-ready nukes, combined with months of missile tests and threats from Kim, has brought the world to the brink. Punishing sanctions passed last week by the U.N. only served to increase Pyongyang's hostility toward the world, and in particular, the U.S.

Kim is believed to control up to 60 nuclear weapons.
Its almost guaranteed to happen...I think they are trying to get fat boy to try something first and then take him out
The NKers don't give a rat's ass about their people, it's all about maintaining power and control. Nor do they care one bit about killing millions if that's what it takes, their own people or any other country's people. Especially South Korea and/or Japan.
Glad you caught McCain's big mouth flapping off as well. What a scumbucket!
Glad you caught McCain's big mouth flapping off as well. What a scumbucket!

I just find it astounding that he would question Trump publicly when American National Security, even the survival of millions is at risk. Not the time to play politics.

Obviously he has a right to his opinion but this is the kind of thing you want to be in solidarity with the president and the administration. Political parties, ideology and loyalties should never be paramount to the National Security interests of America when the threat is this dire.
Glad you caught McCain's big mouth flapping off as well. What a scumbucket!

I just find it astounding that he would question Trump publicly when American National Security, even the survival of millions is at risk. Not the time to play politics.

Obviously he has a right to his opinion but this is the kind of thing you want to be in solidarity with the president and the administration. Political parties, ideology and loyalties should never be paramount to the National Security interests of America when the threat is this dire.

His comments in full were so out of line I was actually shocked. And for all the garbage that has ever spewed out of McCain's mouth this was just too much.

Hopefully the Mattis statements are being tweeted mercilessly at McCain so that he is bitch slapped into a new galaxy.
NK now says it will be a 4 missile test into the waters off Guam. Is bombing Guam now off the table?

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