Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA, NOT the CIA or FBI


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA,​

NOT the CIA or FBI​

23 Jun 2021 ~~ By Michael Scheuer
According to RedState who originally broke the news:
RedState has exclusively reported since June 4 that a high-ranking member of the Chinese government we now know to be Dong Jingwei, the country’s top counterintelligence official, defected to the United States. Multiple sources within the US intelligence community who receive briefings on the matter told RedState details about Dong’s defection (as reported here) and that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency have high confidence in the information Dong has provided, including information showing that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is in fact a military bioweapons research lab completely controlled by the People’s Liberation Army and that the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in the Wuhan lab. Information from that defector was used by an expert virologist and a scientist formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in conjunction with previously available public information about the virus’s genome, to independently determine that the virus was engineered.
General McInerney, who served as the number three guy in the Pentagon, has spoken to contacts about this incident and understands why Dong chose to go to the DIA instead of other agencies that normally work with defectors.
Interestingly, one of those Deep State leaders who collaborated with Obama, James Comey, and others now works for one of the top three social media companies, which likely shows whose side that U.S. social media is on. That traitorously sold capability, of course, was used by the CCP and the Democratic Party to steal the 2020 presidential election from Trump.
Dong Jinwei merits the best protection DIA can offer so he can be completely debriefed on all Chinese intelligence operations and agents — and their U.S. business and politician allies — in the United States.


Dong is no fool...he knew the FBI/CIA would turn him over to CCP.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media claim Gen. McInerney is crazy. Okay, fine. Then how do you explain to us why this Chinese intel head defected to the DIA and not the CIA or the FBI? ( If you are saying this is all for show, then you are telling us that the DIA itself is lying ).
This is more evidence of a rift between the DIA and NSA on the one hand and the CIA and FBI on the other.
The DIA has concerns that the FBI and the CIA have been infiltrated with Chinese agents and CCP Brennan Clapper and Comey and Wray.....
So they are purposely keeping them out of the loop...Obama planted these stooges in those agencies and they left the back spy door wide open with a welcome mat....
This guy don't know jack he's been out of the loop so long he can't remember he has been wrong about his reports since he guessed that the Iraq war would be over in 43 days.

Post military career[edit]​

Beginning in January 2002, McInerney was a military analyst on Fox News until May 2018.

McInerney was a staunch advocate for the Iraq War.[3] In 2002, he incorrectly predicted that a military campaign against Iraq would be "shorter" than the 42 days it took to complete the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and further, "It is going to be absolutely awesome, and that's why this war, if we do it properly, will go very quick, and we'll have less civilian casualties than we did last time."[4]

In 2004, he claimed without evidence that with the aid of a Russian Special Forces team with GRU, Saddam had transported weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to Syria and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for safekeeping.[5] Although McInerney said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely."[6]

In 2006, McInerney advocated for regime change via military action against Iran and North Korea.[7]

McInerney has been a member of the Boards of Directors of military contractors, including Alloy Surfaces Company, Kilgore Flares Co, Nortel Government Solutions Inc. Pan American International Academy (Flight Simulators), Agusta Westland NA, and Crescent Partnerships.[8]

In 2008, it was revealed that McInerney received email communications from the Pentagon with talking points that he should use to defend the Bush administration in his TV appearances and columns.[9][10]

In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of fellow birther Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[11]

On September 6, 2016, McInerney was 1 of 88 retired military leaders who endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[12]

On September 15, 2020, McInerney was 1 of 235 retired military leaders who endorsed President Trump's re-election for president.[13]


McInerney has called President Obama a treasonous leader who is "aiding and abetting the enemy."[14] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[15]

In 2010, McInerney called for strip-searching all Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 28 at airports.[16][17]

In 2015, as a Fox News contributor and a member of the Iran Policy Committee, McInerney was noted for suggesting on Fox News that terrorists could have flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan.[18]

In May 2018, McInerney appeared on Fox Business News and asserted to the show's host Charles Payne, that torture had "worked on" John McCain (when he was a POW in North Vietnam) and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John',"[19][20][21][22] referencing an unverified claim made against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[21][22][23] After the show, Payne apologized on Twitter to Senator McCain and his family for what McInerney had said which he himself did not hear or challenge because he was being told at the same time by the control room to "wrap the segment".[22][24] Afterward, Fox News announced that McInerney would never appear on Fox News or Fox Business again.[25]

On November 28, 2020, McInerney pushed claims about election fraud after the 2020 elections.[26] He claimed that "US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany", which was run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);[27][28] the server farm in Frankfurt was at a CIA facility. Both the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied that such an attack occurred.[29] He later called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus, set up military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20". He claimed that the election was being stolen from Trump and treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump.[30][31]

This guy don't know jack he's been out of the loop so long he can't remember he has been wrong about his reports since he guessed that the Iraq war would be over in 43 days.

Post military career[edit]​

Beginning in January 2002, McInerney was a military analyst on Fox News until May 2018.

McInerney was a staunch advocate for the Iraq War.[3] In 2002, he incorrectly predicted that a military campaign against Iraq would be "shorter" than the 42 days it took to complete the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and further, "It is going to be absolutely awesome, and that's why this war, if we do it properly, will go very quick, and we'll have less civilian casualties than we did last time."[4]

In 2004, he claimed without evidence that with the aid of a Russian Special Forces team with GRU, Saddam had transported weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to Syria and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for safekeeping.[5] Although McInerney said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely."[6]

In 2006, McInerney advocated for regime change via military action against Iran and North Korea.[7]

McInerney has been a member of the Boards of Directors of military contractors, including Alloy Surfaces Company, Kilgore Flares Co, Nortel Government Solutions Inc. Pan American International Academy (Flight Simulators), Agusta Westland NA, and Crescent Partnerships.[8]

In 2008, it was revealed that McInerney received email communications from the Pentagon with talking points that he should use to defend the Bush administration in his TV appearances and columns.[9][10]

In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of fellow birther Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[11]

On September 6, 2016, McInerney was 1 of 88 retired military leaders who endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[12]

On September 15, 2020, McInerney was 1 of 235 retired military leaders who endorsed President Trump's re-election for president.[13]


McInerney has called President Obama a treasonous leader who is "aiding and abetting the enemy."[14] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[15]

In 2010, McInerney called for strip-searching all Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 28 at airports.[16][17]

In 2015, as a Fox News contributor and a member of the Iran Policy Committee, McInerney was noted for suggesting on Fox News that terrorists could have flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan.[18]

In May 2018, McInerney appeared on Fox Business News and asserted to the show's host Charles Payne, that torture had "worked on" John McCain (when he was a POW in North Vietnam) and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John',"[19][20][21][22] referencing an unverified claim made against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[21][22][23] After the show, Payne apologized on Twitter to Senator McCain and his family for what McInerney had said which he himself did not hear or challenge because he was being told at the same time by the control room to "wrap the segment".[22][24] Afterward, Fox News announced that McInerney would never appear on Fox News or Fox Business again.[25]

On November 28, 2020, McInerney pushed claims about election fraud after the 2020 elections.[26] He claimed that "US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany", which was run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);[27][28] the server farm in Frankfurt was at a CIA facility. Both the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied that such an attack occurred.[29] He later called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus, set up military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20". He claimed that the election was being stolen from Trump and treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump.[30][31]

and you know all that from your little house in the woods,,,

thats why youre nothing but a useful idiot,,
“The CIA and the FBI, the Department of Justice and other organizations are dirty,” he said. “And we have Deep Staters there that have their interest, not the nation’s interests.”

Break them up...start all over with new personnel.....

Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA,​

NOT the CIA or FBI​

23 Jun 2021 ~~ By Michael Scheuer
According to RedState who originally broke the news:
RedState has exclusively reported since June 4 that a high-ranking member of the Chinese government we now know to be Dong Jingwei, the country’s top counterintelligence official, defected to the United States. Multiple sources within the US intelligence community who receive briefings on the matter told RedState details about Dong’s defection (as reported here) and that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency have high confidence in the information Dong has provided, including information showing that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is in fact a military bioweapons research lab completely controlled by the People’s Liberation Army and that the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in the Wuhan lab. Information from that defector was used by an expert virologist and a scientist formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in conjunction with previously available public information about the virus’s genome, to independently determine that the virus was engineered.
General McInerney, who served as the number three guy in the Pentagon, has spoken to contacts about this incident and understands why Dong chose to go to the DIA instead of other agencies that normally work with defectors.
Interestingly, one of those Deep State leaders who collaborated with Obama, James Comey, and others now works for one of the top three social media companies, which likely shows whose side that U.S. social media is on. That traitorously sold capability, of course, was used by the CCP and the Democratic Party to steal the 2020 presidential election from Trump.
Dong Jinwei merits the best protection DIA can offer so he can be completely debriefed on all Chinese intelligence operations and agents — and their U.S. business and politician allies — in the United States.


Dong is no fool...he knew the FBI/CIA would turn him over to CCP.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media claim Gen. McInerney is crazy. Okay, fine. Then how do you explain to us why this Chinese intel head defected to the DIA and not the CIA or the FBI? ( If you are saying this is all for show, then you are telling us that the DIA itself is lying ).
This is more evidence of a rift between the DIA and NSA on the one hand and the CIA and FBI on the other.

So let's say this is all legit? Who will tell the American people? The CCP media?


And who will investigate it further and try to bring people to justice, the CCP controlled FBI? The CIA?

This guy don't know jack he's been out of the loop so long he can't remember he has been wrong about his reports since he guessed that the Iraq war would be over in 43 days.

Post military career[edit]​

Beginning in January 2002, McInerney was a military analyst on Fox News until May 2018.

McInerney was a staunch advocate for the Iraq War.[3] In 2002, he incorrectly predicted that a military campaign against Iraq would be "shorter" than the 42 days it took to complete the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and further, "It is going to be absolutely awesome, and that's why this war, if we do it properly, will go very quick, and we'll have less civilian casualties than we did last time."[4]

In 2004, he claimed without evidence that with the aid of a Russian Special Forces team with GRU, Saddam had transported weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to Syria and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for safekeeping.[5] Although McInerney said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely."[6]

In 2006, McInerney advocated for regime change via military action against Iran and North Korea.[7]

McInerney has been a member of the Boards of Directors of military contractors, including Alloy Surfaces Company, Kilgore Flares Co, Nortel Government Solutions Inc. Pan American International Academy (Flight Simulators), Agusta Westland NA, and Crescent Partnerships.[8]

In 2008, it was revealed that McInerney received email communications from the Pentagon with talking points that he should use to defend the Bush administration in his TV appearances and columns.[9][10]

In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of fellow birther Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[11]

On September 6, 2016, McInerney was 1 of 88 retired military leaders who endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[12]

On September 15, 2020, McInerney was 1 of 235 retired military leaders who endorsed President Trump's re-election for president.[13]


McInerney has called President Obama a treasonous leader who is "aiding and abetting the enemy."[14] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[15]

In 2010, McInerney called for strip-searching all Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 28 at airports.[16][17]

In 2015, as a Fox News contributor and a member of the Iran Policy Committee, McInerney was noted for suggesting on Fox News that terrorists could have flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan.[18]

In May 2018, McInerney appeared on Fox Business News and asserted to the show's host Charles Payne, that torture had "worked on" John McCain (when he was a POW in North Vietnam) and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John',"[19][20][21][22] referencing an unverified claim made against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[21][22][23] After the show, Payne apologized on Twitter to Senator McCain and his family for what McInerney had said which he himself did not hear or challenge because he was being told at the same time by the control room to "wrap the segment".[22][24] Afterward, Fox News announced that McInerney would never appear on Fox News or Fox Business again.[25]

On November 28, 2020, McInerney pushed claims about election fraud after the 2020 elections.[26] He claimed that "US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany", which was run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);[27][28] the server farm in Frankfurt was at a CIA facility. Both the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied that such an attack occurred.[29] He later called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus, set up military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20". He claimed that the election was being stolen from Trump and treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump.[30][31]

He's merely a conspiracy theorist at this point in his "career." But credible sites don't discount the possibilty that Dong has defected. But the wuhan link is pure speculation. And the "deep state" bs is just that.
“The CIA and the FBI, the Department of Justice and other organizations are dirty,” he said. “And we have Deep Staters there that have their interest, not the nation’s interests.”

Break them up...start all over with new personnel.....
You have NO PROOF. This is post is tied to the Conspiracy Story*** of a Deep State. In fact it is lousily tied to McCarthyism.

***Story, since it lacks any evidence to support a theory or even a hypothesis.

Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA,​

NOT the CIA or FBI​

23 Jun 2021 ~~ By Michael Scheuer
According to RedState who originally broke the news:
RedState has exclusively reported since June 4 that a high-ranking member of the Chinese government we now know to be Dong Jingwei, the country’s top counterintelligence official, defected to the United States. Multiple sources within the US intelligence community who receive briefings on the matter told RedState details about Dong’s defection (as reported here) and that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency have high confidence in the information Dong has provided, including information showing that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is in fact a military bioweapons research lab completely controlled by the People’s Liberation Army and that the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in the Wuhan lab. Information from that defector was used by an expert virologist and a scientist formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in conjunction with previously available public information about the virus’s genome, to independently determine that the virus was engineered.
General McInerney, who served as the number three guy in the Pentagon, has spoken to contacts about this incident and understands why Dong chose to go to the DIA instead of other agencies that normally work with defectors.
Interestingly, one of those Deep State leaders who collaborated with Obama, James Comey, and others now works for one of the top three social media companies, which likely shows whose side that U.S. social media is on. That traitorously sold capability, of course, was used by the CCP and the Democratic Party to steal the 2020 presidential election from Trump.
Dong Jinwei merits the best protection DIA can offer so he can be completely debriefed on all Chinese intelligence operations and agents — and their U.S. business and politician allies — in the United States.


Dong is no fool...he knew the FBI/CIA would turn him over to CCP.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media claim Gen. McInerney is crazy. Okay, fine. Then how do you explain to us why this Chinese intel head defected to the DIA and not the CIA or the FBI? ( If you are saying this is all for show, then you are telling us that the DIA itself is lying ).
This is more evidence of a rift between the DIA and NSA on the one hand and the CIA and FBI on the other.

mcinaney? the guy who claimed us forces attacked frankfurt?

that guy reveals something else? GREAT

Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA,​

NOT the CIA or FBI​

23 Jun 2021 ~~ By Michael Scheuer
According to RedState who originally broke the news:
RedState has exclusively reported since June 4 that a high-ranking member of the Chinese government we now know to be Dong Jingwei, the country’s top counterintelligence official, defected to the United States. Multiple sources within the US intelligence community who receive briefings on the matter told RedState details about Dong’s defection (as reported here) and that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency have high confidence in the information Dong has provided, including information showing that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is in fact a military bioweapons research lab completely controlled by the People’s Liberation Army and that the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in the Wuhan lab. Information from that defector was used by an expert virologist and a scientist formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in conjunction with previously available public information about the virus’s genome, to independently determine that the virus was engineered.
General McInerney, who served as the number three guy in the Pentagon, has spoken to contacts about this incident and understands why Dong chose to go to the DIA instead of other agencies that normally work with defectors.
Interestingly, one of those Deep State leaders who collaborated with Obama, James Comey, and others now works for one of the top three social media companies, which likely shows whose side that U.S. social media is on. That traitorously sold capability, of course, was used by the CCP and the Democratic Party to steal the 2020 presidential election from Trump.
Dong Jinwei merits the best protection DIA can offer so he can be completely debriefed on all Chinese intelligence operations and agents — and their U.S. business and politician allies — in the United States.


Dong is no fool...he knew the FBI/CIA would turn him over to CCP.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media claim Gen. McInerney is crazy. Okay, fine. Then how do you explain to us why this Chinese intel head defected to the DIA and not the CIA or the FBI? ( If you are saying this is all for show, then you are telling us that the DIA itself is lying ).
This is more evidence of a rift between the DIA and NSA on the one hand and the CIA and FBI on the other.

So let's say this is all legit? Who will tell the American people? The CCP media?


And who will investigate it further and try to bring people to justice, the CCP controlled FBI? The CIA?


Did Gina Haspel confirm this?

If McInerney is the only source it's probably total horseshit
“The CIA and the FBI, the Department of Justice and other organizations are dirty,” he said. “And we have Deep Staters there that have their interest, not the nation’s interests.”

Break them up...start all over with new personnel.....
There's not any doubt that the cia would turn over defectors to Jina. No one doubts this.
It will be interesting to see if credible sources confirm Dong's defection.


"Former Chinese foreign ministry official Dr. Han Lianchao, who defected after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, claimed in a tweet on Wednesday, that Chinese senior diplomats pressed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to return Dong.
Blinken reportedly refused to hand him over to them amid the frosty summit. following which both sides denounced each other in the press."
It will be interesting to see if credible sources confirm Dong's defection.


"Former Chinese foreign ministry official Dr. Han Lianchao, who defected after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, claimed in a tweet on Wednesday, that Chinese senior diplomats pressed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to return Dong.
Blinken reportedly refused to hand him over to them amid the frosty summit. following which both sides denounced each other in the press."

MGOMGOMG.... Biden sent him back to certain torture and death!!!!!!!!! Major Tom was right!!!!!!!!!! Maga

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