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General Assembly Votes For Palestinian Right To Self Determination

from the self describe isa respecter who has voluntarily
revealed a lineage tying her to the murderers of hundreds of millions

if one is jewish anywhere in the world, they are free to go to israel and kill and steal with impunity, that is what zionism is!

It is zionism that needs to be destroyed, it is a threat to the lives of all gentile children and gentiles in this world.


for a people free to kill and steal with impunity----jews do
so little of that which is part and parcel of sherri's "culture"
her fellow filth are known for lynchings, genocides ---and
random murders -----for the past 1700 years ----legally
according to the filth of their own laws----laws elaborated to
honor isa ---first established by constantine first
emperor of the first reich and eagerly adopted by the
rapist of mecca. And then adapted by the ass which
sherri loves to lick the most---
adolf abu ali
based on the laws which allows sherri shit to kill and
enslave----sherri shit clones comtted genocide of american
indians right here in the americas-----cortez destroyed
the aztecs in accordance with the piety of
queeen isabella ----for the honor and glory of "isa"

in fact ---also for the honor and glory of "isa" sherri shit
clones ----confiscated american "indian" children forcing
them into concentration camp like training centers so
they too would worship allah/isa and the filth that
sherri so loves and licks. The good news is that most
of the people---even those with sherri's disgusting back-
ground have repudiated the filth she so eagerly licks ---
which is why she clings to a very similar creed of filth---
to wit islamo nazism----the creed just in the past
single century ----enactor---or genocides exceeding
20 million----men women and mostly children ----
murdered by starvation siege to the delight of sherri---
chidlren falling over ----dead in the dust---to the delight
of sherri

for the safety of the world----the shit of sherri must end!!!!!

lies and lies and lies
In case YOU missed it:

"There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.

But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough."

- Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist, editor and CEO of WorldNet Daily

There is no language known as Palestinian.
There is no language known as American.

Is there a point to all this crapola?

"Who Are the Palestinians?", by Yashiko Sagamori, a New York-based Information Technology consultant (25 November 2002)
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If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history”, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of "Palestine":

1. When was it founded and by whom?

Defined by the League of Nations as a state in 1922.
2. What were its borders?

Palestine's international borders are with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, (Transjordan at the time) and Egypt.
3. What was its capital?

4. What were its major cities?

Jaffa, Gaza, Haifa, Acca.
5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

Free market.
6. What was its form of government?

A government is the realization of the right to self determination, not a prerequisite.
7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

I could, but they would be meaningless to you anyway.
8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?

By 1948: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. By 1988 over 100 countries. Recently more than 130 countries and the UN.
9. What was the language of the country of Palestine?

That should be enough for now.
10. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?

11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and try and find the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, British pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date. [/COLOR]

12. Have the Palestinians left any artifacts behind?

13. Do you know of a library where one could find a work of Palestinian literature produced before 1967?

14. And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

If you are lamenting the “low sinking” of “once proud” nation, then please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of?

And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over - or thrown out of - the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat by Israel in the 1967Six Day War?

I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day “Palestinians” to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won´t work here.

The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal through military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it “the Palestinian people” and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the “West Bank” and Gaza, respectively, in the aftermath of the 1967 war?

The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less of a claim to nationhood than the American Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called “Palestinians” have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel. In my book that is not sufficient to consider them a “nation” -- or anything else -- except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled.

In fact, there is only one way to achieve piece in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side, should pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited upon it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and acceptance of Israel´s ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning?
The issue and the ONLY ISSUE that plagues the minds of the tinnies of the world,
that started with CONSTANTINE and was incorporated in the creeds of
ISA - RESPECTERS------the enactors of genocides that took the lives
of hundreds of millions and COUNTING.

The ISA-RESPECTERS all harbor a notion that their existence renders
jews --------obsolete

in fact the Iranian muslims have decided that zoroastrians are absolete
and have been even more successful with that genocide than have the
several isa respecting creeds combined in refernce to the jews

Indian muslims have decided that HINDUISM is obsolete----the
genocide upon hindus did not complete the job either
Judea was part of Palestine and Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. Not that difficult to understand.

Nope. Judea was and is part of the land of Israel. "Palestine" isn't mentioned in the Bible anywhere.

Not that difficult to understand.

Zionist Poster,

I repeat, Judea was a part of Palestine and Jesus was a Palestinian Jew.

Historian Herodotus was speaking about the land of Palestine hundreds of years before Jesus even lived in Palestine as a Palestinian Jew.

Zionists do not rewrite the history of Palestine or Jesus for me, they just commit crimes against humanity like murdering over 1500 Palestinian children since 2000, Zionism just keeps on bringing out all the worst that is in human beings, Occupation, Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, deliberate child and civilian killings, land thefts, abductions, and torture of children, like applying electric shock to genitals of young Palestinian boys to elicit false confessions to crimes never committed.

If one is Jewish anywhere in the world, they are free to go to Israel and kill and steal with Impunity, that is what Zionism is!

It is Zionism that needs to be destroyed, it is a threat to the lives of all Gentile children and Gentiles in this world.

You can repeat it as often as you wish, but that doesn't change the fact that "Palestine" isn't mentioned at all in the New Testament, and certainly not in the Torah.

It's a fictional place.

Zionism is about the nation of Israel in the land of Israel, and Zion, a synonym for Jerusalem; OUR Jerusalem, IS mentioned; time and again.

It is real.

Israel is real.

Move along now; to your own 99.9% of the Middle East. Don't be greedy and try to take what isn't yours.

But that is a different article from what you quoted in that prior post, and it says different things in it.

Who cares if the wife of a scientist in Iran who was murdered by the Mossad said her husband sought Israel's destruction?

Not clear if that is really her words, or words she is pressured into saying by the government, either. Likely, the latter looking at the source.

This is from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Network; Iran's state news service:

"Ahmadinejad: Israel must be wiped off the map" (2005/10/26)

Tehran, Oct 26 - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday called for Israel to be "wiped off the map".

"The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world," the President told a conference in Tehran entitled 'the world without Zionism'.

"The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land," he said.

"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.

Addressing some 4,000 students gathered in an interior ministry conference hall, Ahmadinejad also called for Palestinian unity, resistance and a point where the annihilation of the Zionist regime will come.

"The Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy to live in its heartland," he said.

Regarding the Zionist regime's retreat from the Gaza Strip he said, "we should not settle for a piece of land".

"Anyone who signs a treaty which recognises the entity of Israel means he has signed the surrender of the Muslim world," Ahmadinejad said.

"Any leaders in the Islamic umma who recognise Israel face the wrath of their own people."…
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"Anyone who signs a treaty which recognises the entity of Israel means he has signed the surrender of the Muslim world," Ahmadinejad said.

"Any leaders in the Islamic umma who recognise Israel face the wrath of their own people."…

for those confounded----study the words above----they are ISLAM

Islam is first and foremost ----a creed of
Israeli crapola.

You should be ashamed.

Israeli truthola.

You should get an ejamakashun.

Israeli crapola.

Every "opportunity" the Palestinians have been offered to get "a state" required them to give most of their country to foreign criminals. No other people in the world would accept such offers.

Why should the Palestinians be expected to accept what nobody else would?[/QUOTE

That which the UMMAH (aka world of islamo nazi pigs) would face
is giving up the concept of COMPREHENSIVE CONTROL of the entire
Middle east and the imposition of their FILTH upon all the non muslims
there ----and the legalized right to rape and pillage and enslave.

The UMMAH was facing giving up what went on in Sudan for centuries---
ie------slavery of non muslims. That which persons like sherri and tinnie
support for their fellow islamo nazis WHOLE HEARTEDLY----
There is no language known as American.

Is there a point to all this crapola?

"Who Are the Palestinians?", by Yashiko Sagamori, a New York-based Information Technology consultant (25 November 2002)

If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history”, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of "Palestine":

1. When was it founded and by whom?

Defined by the League of Nations as a state in 1922.

My God. I feel so honored to be in the presence of the ONLY person on earth to ***know** this to be the case. Care to show us? All I could find from then was that they established the Mandate- to be ruled by Great Britain: 1922 Text: League of Nations Palestine Mandate.

Palestine's international borders are with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, (Transjordan at the time) and Egypt.
The Mandate's boundries were, but not a country of "Palestine". Sorry.

Nope: Jerusalem was the administrative center of the Mandate, but wasn't a "capital". In fact, Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the document that established it. This was the choice of the rulers, Great Britain.

Jaffa, Gaza, Haifa, Acca.
Those were some of the Mandate's cities, but nope; not a country of "Palestine". Sorry.

Free market.
The Mandate's economy was- just like its legal rulers, Great Britain.

A government is the realization of the right to self determination, not a prerequisite.
Well, the government in 1922- as per the League of Nations, was the government of Great Britain.

I could, but they would be meaningless to you anyway.
Go ahead. Humor me. In other words, start scrambling to look it up and find some obscure character.

By 1948: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. By 1988 over 100 countries. Recently more than 130 countries and the UN.
Wow. That's really interesting. How could they recognize something that doesn't exist?

9. What was the language of the country of Palestine?
That should be enough for now.
Of course it's "enough for now". You embarrassed yourself enough yesterday. Save some more for today.
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Of course all that bomb stuff is just smokescreen because Iran will not attack Israel whether they get the bomb or not.

I agree that Iran will not use the bomb as a first attack----absolutely not---
but having "THE BOMB" will encourage the sluts and dogs of the ummah
in audacious bomb on stinking islamic ass terrorism ----as having
the bomb had affected young perverted pakistanis schooled in the
Of course all that bomb stuff is just smokescreen because Iran will not attack Israel whether they get the bomb or not.

I agree that Iran will not use the bomb as a first attack----absolutely not---
but having "THE BOMB" will encourage the sluts and dogs of the ummah
in audacious bomb on stinking islamic ass terrorism ----as having
the bomb had affected young perverted pakistanis schooled in the

The reason for Iran getting the bomb is to use it on Israel. They already said that Israel should be wiped off the map. I just hope that they don't do it before I buy an electric car. :D
They will be a sheet of glass long before they get a chance to use nukes on us.

And the Arabs will cheer us on. :)

Gee- I hope it doesn't have to come to that.
They will be a sheet of glass long before they get a chance to use nukes on us.

And the Arabs will cheer us on. :)

Gee- I hope it doesn't have to come to that.

Nobody's going to attack Iran, because they'll have nukes soon anyways, and no one ever attacks a nuclear power. The IDF can't even beat Hamas, and they barely even have any weapons.
They will be a sheet of glass long before they get a chance to use nukes on us.

And the Arabs will cheer us on. :)

Gee- I hope it doesn't have to come to that.

Nobody's going to attack Iran, because they'll have nukes soon anyways, and no one ever attacks a nuclear power. The IDF can't even beat Hamas, and they barely even have any weapons.
LOL! Obviously we would do it before they get nukes- with the support of your government and the Arabs.

And as to Hamas, notice how no missiles are being shot now in the south from Gaza?

Every so often we have to "mow the lawn"- cull their herds and put them in their place.

And then it's quiet again. Like now. :)
They will be a sheet of glass long before they get a chance to use nukes on us.

And the Arabs will cheer us on. :)

Gee- I hope it doesn't have to come to that.

Nobody's going to attack Iran, because they'll have nukes soon anyways, and no one ever attacks a nuclear power. The IDF can't even beat Hamas, and they barely even have any weapons.
LOL! Obviously we would do it before they get nukes- with the support of your government and the Arabs.

And as to Hamas, notice how no missiles are being shot now in the south from Gaza?

Every so often we have to "mow the lawn"- cull their herds and put them in their place.

And then it's quiet again. Like now. :)
Ya, but all that's doing is giving Iran more time to nuke up, and if they send it to gaza, once it blows up and takes most of israel out, how are you going to know where the bomb came from, there will be nothing left. I say make peace with them now before that happens. Since you can't beat them anyways.
Nobody's going to attack Iran, because they'll have nukes soon anyways, and no one ever attacks a nuclear power. The IDF can't even beat Hamas, and they barely even have any weapons.
LOL! Obviously we would do it before they get nukes- with the support of your government and the Arabs.

And as to Hamas, notice how no missiles are being shot now in the south from Gaza?

Every so often we have to "mow the lawn"- cull their herds and put them in their place.

And then it's quiet again. Like now. :)
Ya, but all that's doing is giving Iran more time to nuke up, and if they send it to gaza, once it blows up and takes most of israel out, how are you going to know where the bomb came from, there will be nothing left. I say make peace with them now before that happens. Since you can't beat them anyways.
They won't finish "nuking up".

Remember what we did to Iraq's nuclear program?

Remember what we did to Syria's nuclear program?

You can't make peace with a country committed to your destruction. So we'll just have to take them out.

When we're ready.
"Who Are the Palestinians?", by Yashiko Sagamori, a New York-based Information Technology consultant (25 November 2002)

If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history”, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of "Palestine":

1. When was it founded and by whom?

Defined by the League of Nations as a state in 1922.

My God. I feel so honored to be in the presence of the ONLY person on earth to ***know** this to be the case. Care to show us? All I could find from then was that they established the Mandate- to be ruled by Great Britain: 1922 Text: League of Nations Palestine Mandate.

The Mandate's boundries were, but not a country of "Palestine". Sorry.

Nope: Jerusalem was the administrative center of the Mandate, but wasn't a "capital". In fact, Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the document that established it. This was the choice of the rulers, Great Britain.

Those were some of the Mandate's cities, but nope; not a country of "Palestine". Sorry.

The Mandate's economy was- just like its legal rulers, Great Britain.

Well, the government in 1922- as per the League of Nations, was the government of Great Britain.

Go ahead. Humor me. In other words, start scrambling to look it up and find some obscure character.

Wow. That's really interesting. How could they recognize something that doesn't exist?

9. What was the language of the country of Palestine?
That should be enough for now.
Of course it's "enough for now". You embarrassed yourself enough yesterday. Save some more for today.

The mandate was not Palestine. Palestine existed inside its international borders before the mandate. Palestine existed inside those same international borders after the mandate. They were separate entities.

The mandate was a monumental flop. Britain left under fire without accomplishing any of its goals. No Jewish homeland was created. No land or sovereignty was transferred to the Zionists. The Balfour declaration became moot.
LOL! Obviously we would do it before they get nukes- with the support of your government and the Arabs.

And as to Hamas, notice how no missiles are being shot now in the south from Gaza?

Every so often we have to "mow the lawn"- cull their herds and put them in their place.

And then it's quiet again. Like now. :)
Ya, but all that's doing is giving Iran more time to nuke up, and if they send it to gaza, once it blows up and takes most of israel out, how are you going to know where the bomb came from, there will be nothing left. I say make peace with them now before that happens. Since you can't beat them anyways.
They won't finish "nuking up".

Remember what we did to Iraq's nuclear program?

Remember what we did to Syria's nuclear program?

You can't make peace with a country committed to your destruction. So we'll just have to take them out.

When we're ready.

War isn't the way out of this, you do know that, don't you?
Ya, but all that's doing is giving Iran more time to nuke up, and if they send it to gaza, once it blows up and takes most of israel out, how are you going to know where the bomb came from, there will be nothing left. I say make peace with them now before that happens. Since you can't beat them anyways.
They won't finish "nuking up".

Remember what we did to Iraq's nuclear program?

Remember what we did to Syria's nuclear program?

You can't make peace with a country committed to your destruction. So we'll just have to take them out.

When we're ready.

War isn't the way out of this, you do know that, don't you?

At present,it is. But just like Egypt and Jordan learned the lesson and made peace with us- and Syria hasn't messed with us in nearly 40 years, others will learn that too.

And then there will be peace.

The question is how much they need to hurt beforehand.

It's up to them.

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