General 'CRT' & Secretary of White Supremacy Keep Their Jobs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Psaki says Secretary of Defense Austin, who went on a conservative witch hunt throughout the military instead of focusing on Afghanistan, and The 'Woke' Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, who was too busy mandating CRT training for the military service academies and active duty forces to worry about Afghanistan, get to keep their jobs...

...despite affecting the biggest military f*-up since Viet Nam, the largest military body country in 10 years, and thr 1st military death by the e emy in 18 months....not to mention humiliating the country, causing our allies to walk away, abandoning Anericans to the mercy of ISIS / AL QAEDA / THE TALIBAN, & guaranteeing now that we will start the war all over again after 20 years of everything we did was just wiped clean in 2 - 3 months of Biden administration failure.

.....military leaders have been sacked for a LOT LESS this this MAJOR fk up
..those white supremacists are really a threat---HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
----same with the other major ''''issues'' in the past years---they concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems
Psaki, pffft.

Could it be that the woman Is soulless ?? Look at those blackened eye pupil's as if her soul is missing from behind them. Of course wokeness is going to be defended to the end with this crowd, and Psaki is their chosen spokesperson for the job.

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