General Flynn exposes the WEF role in our election interference.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
You know that meeting on January 5th, 2017 in the Oval Office.....when the first coup d' etat against Trump began. So now we're starting to get a much clearer picture of who was pulling their strings in that meeting..... particularly knowing what we know now after a couple years of sleepy Joe.

I want to know if Hillary Clinton was on speakerphone during that meeting out of curiosity.

Either way the walls are caving in on their game. If they think they can walk over us by locking up a couple Oarth keepers ....they got another thing coming.


No reset in America.
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You know that meeting on January 5th, 2017 in the Oval Office.....when the first coup d' etat against Trump began. So now we're starting to get a much clearer picture of who was pulling their strings in that meeting..... particularly knowing what we know now after a couple years of sleepy Joe.

I want to know if Hillary Clinton was on speakerphone during that meeting out of curiosity.

Either way the walls are caving in on their game. If they think they can walk over us by locking up a couple Oarth keepers ....they got another thing coming.

View attachment 823674
No reset in America.

Thank God we still have a Bunch of Good people who care about our country..
And you idiots keep claiming the QAnon thing is over...
You know that meeting on January 5th, 2017 in the Oval Office.....when the first coup d' etat against Trump began. So now we're starting to get a much clearer picture of who was pulling their strings in that meeting..... particularly knowing what we know now after a couple years of sleepy Joe.

I want to know if Hillary Clinton was on speakerphone during that meeting out of curiosity.

Either way the walls are caving in on their game. If they think they can walk over us by locking up a couple Oarth keepers ....they got another thing coming.

View attachment 823674
No reset in America.

General Flynn is a traitor, like many trumper advisors.
General Flynn is a traitor, like many trumper advisors.

Links to credible sources that provide undisputable evidence showing many of Trump's advisors were found guilty of being a traitor to the nation please.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything. You'd think a moderator would have the sense to make a better case for themselves, even if they are probably just a mod because they bought a mod spot with server donations, hence your gold badge under your name
Links to credible sources that provide undisputable evidence showing many of Trump's advisors were found guilty of being a traitor to the nation please.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything. You'd think a moderator would have the sense to make a better case for themselves, even if they are probably just a mod because they bought a mod spot with server donations, hence your gold badge under your name
I have my opinion and entitle to it as a member, a moderator, a private citizen and a retired Army Officer, that never turned his back on his oath, even after I honorably retired. He already confessed to some of his crimes, pleading guilty twice. If you like him, send him some money or go suck his dk. Makes no difference to me.
I have my opinion and entitle to it as a member, a moderator, a private citizen and a retired Army Officer, that never turned his back on his oath, even after I honorably retired. He already confessed to some of his crimes, pleading guilty twice. If you like him, send him some money or go suck his dk. Makes no difference to me.

So you present opinions as if they were facts? But when called to back up those supposed facts you fall back on "well it's my opinion"? Isn't that convenient.

And some random internet stranger claims to have been a army officer and that supposed to mean something? Even if I did believe you it has nothing to do with anything in this thread and lends no validity to your comments.

And capping it off with a pitiful insult lowers what tiny bit of value you had to begin with.
I have my opinion and entitle to it as a member, a moderator, a private citizen and a retired Army Officer, that never turned his back on his oath, even after I honorably retired. He already confessed to some of his crimes, pleading guilty twice. If you like him, send him some money or go suck his dk. Makes no difference to me.
Damn Boyo, sort of full of yourself aren't ya?
So you present opinions as if they were facts? But when called to back up those supposed facts you fall back on "well it's my opinion"? Isn't that convenient.

And some random internet stranger claims to have been a army officer and that supposed to mean something? Even if I did believe you it has nothing to do with anything in this thread and lends no validity to your comments.

And capping it off with a pitiful insult lowers what tiny bit of value you had to begin with.
Some of my opinions turn out to be facts. Here is an Objectivist point of view. Reality is Real. It is your job to discover it.

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