General Flynn exposes the WEF role in our election interference.

You know that meeting on January 5th, 2017 in the Oval Office.....when the first coup d' etat against Trump began. So now we're starting to get a much clearer picture of who was pulling their strings in that meeting..... particularly knowing what we know now after a couple years of sleepy Joe.

I want to know if Hillary Clinton was on speakerphone during that meeting out of curiosity.

Either way the walls are caving in on their game. If they think they can walk over us by locking up a couple Oarth keepers ....they got another thing coming.

View attachment 823674
No reset in America.

General Flynn? You fucking quote General Flynn!
Some of my opinions turn out to be facts. Here is an Objectivist point of view. Reality is Real. It is your job to discover it.

Again, no proof to back up your claims. You seem to put more value on yourself than you think you have. There are billions of people online and you're just one of them with no credibility. Just because you say something doesn't mean anyone believes it. You have to show me you're worth paying attention to, but you can't

And no, when you make a claim it's your job to back it up. It's not other people's job to find out if what you say is true or not.

All your responses so far as been either just empty claims or nothing more than deflections with not a shred of anything with any value to them,

I'll consider this conversation at an end because you try to win by not making any sense or sticking the topic. You're like the stereotypicwl woman comedians like bill burr make fun of for trying to win arguments by going off topic, talking in circles and taking cheap shots and never recognizing when someone calls you out.
No, General Flynn the target of FBI Director James Comey entrapment scheme. Don't you remember how he bragged about sending two of his goons to his home for interrogation?
They went to investigate the hidden meetings with Russians

And Flynn lied about those meetings

General Flynn is a traitor, like many trumper advisors.

By all means present some evidence for that claim.

You know, like milley selling out to the chinese.
And you idiots keep claiming the QAnon thing is over...
The issue with accusing people of hate is that they actually have to be doing just that. The accusations alone have destroyed people. And we live in an accusing nation today.
On January 22, 2017, Flynn was sworn in as the National Security Advisor. On February 13, 2017, he resigned after information surfaced that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and others about the nature and content of his communications with Kislyak.

Michael Flynn - Wikipedia, Flynn,of his communications with Kislyak.
Michael Flynn sparked controversy by leading a chant to “lock up” Hillary Clinton, but soon he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI., Flynn,of his communications with Kislyak.
The QAnon Kreep?
The crazier he gets, the more he reminds me of the guy from Dr Strangelove

You know that meeting on January 5th, 2017 in the Oval Office.....when the first coup d' etat against Trump began. So now we're starting to get a much clearer picture of who was pulling their strings in that meeting..... particularly knowing what we know now after a couple years of sleepy Joe.

I want to know if Hillary Clinton was on speakerphone during that meeting out of curiosity.

Either way the walls are caving in on their game. If they think they can walk over us by locking up a couple Oarth keepers ....they got another thing coming.

View attachment 823674
No reset in America.

Oath Keepers?

Again, no proof to back up your claims. You seem to put more value on yourself than you think you have. There are billions of people online and you're just one of them with no credibility. Just because you say something doesn't mean anyone believes it. You have to show me you're worth paying attention to, but you can't

And no, when you make a claim it's your job to back it up. It's not other people's job to find out if what you say is true or not.

All your responses so far as been either just empty claims or nothing more than deflections with not a shred of anything with any value to them,

I'll consider this conversation at an end because you try to win by not making any sense or sticking the topic. You're like the stereotypicwl woman comedians like bill burr make fun of for trying to win arguments by going off topic, talking in circles and taking cheap shots and never recognizing when someone calls you out.
Dismiss if you like. No difference to me, as it is my opinion, as I stated. I take it you do not feel entitled to an opinion, so you think nobody else is. Obviously, you are wrong.
Sounds like an assassination threat.

Trump can make the country great again (again) out of a jail cell.
14th Amendment says no. Pretty soon there won’t be enough available electors for Trump to win.

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