George Floyd

The officer that knelt on the neck of GF will unfortunately be held to account at some level. It won't meet the hoped for by Left extreme, but he'll get a bit more than a slap on the wrist. He should, imo. I know that GF wouldn't have died under the circumstances had he not been willingly dosed as such, but regardless of that, there was just no need to stay on his neck. So, there should be some level of brutality/excess charge.

Prude got masked because he was a spitter and out of his gourd. Fuck that dude; they played it by the book.

Sick of all these resisting thugs. Hopefully once Trump gets his next 4, there will be a law made that resisting arrest means all bets are off, and dying as a consequence should be expected. Perhaps even applauded.
I am so disgusted with Americans for buying this BLM shit. DOJ statistics show blacks murder each other in HUGE numbers last year, cops or white hate crimes are a tiny tinsy number...WHY is this even an issue?
I am so disgusted with Americans for buying this BLM shit. DOJ statistics show blacks murder each other in HUGE numbers last year, cops or white hate crimes are a tiny tinsy number...WHY is this even an issue?

and it seems to be backfiring hard on the dems, which is why they are now reduced to "Orange Man Bad fake news!" and vote manipulation.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

In both of those cases, didn't the medical examiners conclude that police actions contributed to the deaths?
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.
The fact that drugs were in his system can determine they were an important factor in his death, but doesn't completely explain it unless a medical examiner decides that to be the case. He was fighting hard and moving without a problem before his neck was held down with the officer's knee. But let's be real. In those 8 minutes, there were enough officers to cuff his hands and legs and he wouldn't be going anywhere.

The officers will be held resposible, but it should be a lesser charge. Call it a "contributing factor."

Btw, "honoring" Floyd on 9/11 was over the top.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Much if not all of your post it true. But, if I was on the jury and the medical information was given in court, their was an alternative. While the knee was on his neck, there was a lot of time for the officers to put on leg restraints and hand cuff him.

There is no getting away from the 8 minute neck press. That alone is going to present a guilty decision, but it should be of a lesser charge. We have to remember there was like four more officers there to help restrain him after four minutes that could have saved his life.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Much if not all of your post it true. But, if I was on the jury and the medical information was given in court, their was an alternative. While the knee was on his neck, there was a lot of time for the officers to put on leg restraints and hand cuff him.

There is no getting away from the 8 minute neck press. That alone is going to present a guilty decision, but it should be of a lesser charge. We have to remember there was like four more officers there to help restrain him after four minutes that could have saved his life.

You have a point about the officers cuffing his hands and feet but I could put up a half dozen videos of one guy being held face down by 4 cops on top of him and he gets up and overpowers the 4. The guy in Kenosha was held down by 4 or 5 cops and he overpowered them and went for a knife in his car. Drugs will do that.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

In both of those cases, didn't the medical examiners conclude that police actions contributed to the deaths?
I hate to split hairs, but Floyd died in police custody and was under duress as a result. Did that kill him? No. Floyd had a heart problem and had like 4 times the amount of Fentanyl in his system that would killed a healthy normal adult. Police interaction was purely incidental. And off topic but ironic as heck, autopsy results show COVID 19 too. I am wondering how this is going to be tallied.
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Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Much if not all of your post it true. But, if I was on the jury and the medical information was given in court, their was an alternative. While the knee was on his neck, there was a lot of time for the officers to put on leg restraints and hand cuff him.

There is no getting away from the 8 minute neck press. That alone is going to present a guilty decision, but it should be of a lesser charge. We have to remember there was like four more officers there to help restrain him after four minutes that could have saved his life.

You have a point about the officers cuffing his hands and feet but I could put up a half dozen videos of one guy being held face down by 4 cops on top of him and he gets up and overpowers the 4. The guy in Kenosha was held down by 4 or 5 cops and he overpowered them and went for a knife in his car. Drugs will do that.
I agree with you. I actually thought of the police giving him a shot of something they use on animals before they move them from one place to another.

I have seen where someone doped up can have incredible strength, but after 4 minutes of being held down, 4 officers should at least try to cuff him again.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

Someday, hopefully, you'll look back at posts like this and realize just how whacked out you got in the name of politics.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

In both of those cases, didn't the medical examiners conclude that police actions contributed to the deaths?
I hate to split hairs, but Floyd died in police custody and was under duress as a result. Did that kill him? No. Floyd had a heart problem and had like 4 times the amount of Fentanyl in his system that would killed a healthy normal adult. Police interaction was purely incidental. And off topic but ironic as heck, autopsy results show COVID 19 too. I am wondering how this is going to be tallied.
And after George Floyd died, he was honored as Mother Theresa never was and started BLM movement.Even on 9/11 some stations continued to honor Floyd instead of the people that perished the day the planes hit the towers. Some of these news stations need to be taken off the air.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

In both of those cases, didn't the medical examiners conclude that police actions contributed to the deaths?
I hate to split hairs, but Floyd died in police custody and was under duress as a result. Did that kill him? No. Floyd had a heart problem and had like 4 times the amount of Fentanyl in his system that would killed a healthy normal adult. Police interaction was purely incidental. And off topic but ironic as heck, autopsy results show COVID 19 too. I am wondering how this is going to be tallied.
And after George Floyd died, he was honored as Mother Theresa never was and started BLM movement.Even on 9/11 some stations continued to honor Floyd instead of the people that perished the day the planes hit the towers. Some of these news stations need to be taken off the air.

George Floyd's death did not start the BLM movement.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Much if not all of your post it true. But, if I was on the jury and the medical information was given in court, their was an alternative. While the knee was on his neck, there was a lot of time for the officers to put on leg restraints and hand cuff him.

There is no getting away from the 8 minute neck press. That alone is going to present a guilty decision, but it should be of a lesser charge. We have to remember there was like four more officers there to help restrain him after four minutes that could have saved his life.

You have a point about the officers cuffing his hands and feet but I could put up a half dozen videos of one guy being held face down by 4 cops on top of him and he gets up and overpowers the 4. The guy in Kenosha was held down by 4 or 5 cops and he overpowered them and went for a knife in his car. Drugs will do that.

I'm pretty sure Jacob Blake was not held down by 4 or 5 cops before he went to the driver's door of his car. He certainly wasn't held down, handcuffed, and still the way Floyd was for large portions of that incident.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.
Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

In both of those cases, didn't the medical examiners conclude that police actions contributed to the deaths?
I hate to split hairs, but Floyd died in police custody and was under duress as a result. Did that kill him? No. Floyd had a heart problem and had like 4 times the amount of Fentanyl in his system that would killed a healthy normal adult. Police interaction was purely incidental. And off topic but ironic as heck, autopsy results show COVID 19 too. I am wondering how this is going to be tallied.

According to the Hennepin county medical examiner, and the Office of the Armed Forces medical examiner agreed, Floyd's death was a homicide because the police restraint played a part. :dunno:

Died from a fentanyl overdose and a pre existing health condition. Cops had nothing to do with it. Another BLM lie. Oh, yes, Daniel Prude. Died 5 days AFTER he was taken into police custody. And the BLM lies go and on.

The trial should be moved to another location where the cops should get a fair trial. Floyd was dying on his feet before he was even handcuffed and he actually couldn't breathe. The autopsy concluded he had a bad heart with one vessel 75% blocked, a fatal dose of fentanyl and recent use of meth. Use of the two drugs can cause a person to become violent and is the reason one man can overpower 4 or 5 cops. In Floyd's case, he was handcuffed but the cops had a hell of a struggle to get him in a car. He kept saying he couldn't breathe and he couldn't because his lungs were filling with fluid.

About the knee on the neck. This tactic is in every police manual around the world and was taught by the Minneapolis PD. It is legal. The reason the knee was kept on the neck so long is easily explained. Any cop can tell you that a person who is merely held face down and has a dose of the aforementioned drugs can easily throw off 4 or 5 cops and overpower them. The knee on the neck is the only method by which one cop can prevent the man from getting up. Whether or not it lasted too long will be determined by a jury. Personally, if I were on that jury I would vote to acquit. Case closed.

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Much if not all of your post it true. But, if I was on the jury and the medical information was given in court, their was an alternative. While the knee was on his neck, there was a lot of time for the officers to put on leg restraints and hand cuff him.

There is no getting away from the 8 minute neck press. That alone is going to present a guilty decision, but it should be of a lesser charge. We have to remember there was like four more officers there to help restrain him after four minutes that could have saved his life.

You have a point about the officers cuffing his hands and feet but I could put up a half dozen videos of one guy being held face down by 4 cops on top of him and he gets up and overpowers the 4. The guy in Kenosha was held down by 4 or 5 cops and he overpowered them and went for a knife in his car. Drugs will do that.

I'm pretty sure Jacob Blake was not held down by 4 or 5 cops before he went to the driver's door of his car. He certainly wasn't held down, handcuffed, and still the way Floyd was for large portions of that incident.
There are numerous videos showing Blake being held down and he pushed himself up, put one cop in a headlock and threw him to the ground. There were 4 or 5 cops on top of him.

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