George W Bush built stockpile for pandemic, warned of not keeping it stocked.

But Trump is the one person who will take NO responsibility for failure, and some of it is on him.

I don't mean to sound rude, but your commentary suggests that all failure, whether as a direct result of Trump's actions or not, should be on Trump.

Is that fair?

Blame him for the failures he actually oversaw, not for the ones he had no power to stop.
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Here is the primary difference between Bush, Obama, and Trump:

Bush and Obama had SARS and H1N1. Instead of reacting to those crises by preparing this country for future pandemics, they focused on the present. And when the worst had passed, they were not behooved to prepare for coming pandemics by replenishing our national stockpile.

I would imagine something like that would move anyone to think that something like this shouldn't be repeated in the future. But they weren't. They failed miserably.

Trump is dealing with COVID-19. Granted 3 years went by without him doing anything about it, he had the wherewithal to respond by overhauling our testing system and pressuring our legislators to act. He didn't sit there and shirk his responsibilities. He sent ships, personnel, and resources all over the country to deal with this crisis. He convinced industrial rivals to come together to address the shortages of the supplies we needed. He responded to this situation and is attempting to address the shortfalls in our testing, in our national stockpile. It's not like he's "fiddling" as Nancy put it.

Somehow I think he knew that congress was inept, so he went directly to the American people for help. Neither of the past two presidents did that. Government isn't always our savior, sometimes it's the people.
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And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8 years, and it was depleted on his watch. Your TDS is terminal.
It was deplegend in 2014. Try not to let your ODS overuse your brain.

What has Donnie done in 3 years?
2009 during H1N1, and 2014.
According to your article it was depleted in 2014.

What amazed me was the fact that -- I think it was 2014, when they used so many N95 masks out of the stockpile and they were not replenished," Rove continued. "I think the same thing happened with some of the stockpile of ventilators. This is the kind of thing that once you're committed to it, you hope that the only reasons you change the commitment to it is because there's a change in technology, not a change in finances."

Now what has Donnie done.
Barry used them up and then kicked the can down the road. Deal with it, loser.
So Trump of course replenished them during his three years right?
Your pathetic excuses for Obozo and desperate deflection to Trump are noted. So Trunp had to fix another of Obozo's screwups. Just another day.

Trump had three years to restock. Why didn't he?

I notice no one can answer the question.
You first. Why did Barry use them all up and leave a mess for the next guy instead of replenishing Bush’s stockpile?.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8, Coyote.

No excuses.

But this is about Trump. The only responses seem to be deflection.

Because Obama had ample time to fix this before it got out of hand.

He had two health crises hit during his administration. What did he do? Instead of properly equipping our healthcare professionals and minding the stores (our stockpile) he spent the first 2 years of his term focused solely on passing healthcare reform. None of it included funding for replenishing our strategic reserves in case of a pandemic like this one.

Where is your ire for Obama lacking the foresight to prepare our country for this?

What did he do, Coyote?

First off - that is no excuse.

However, Obama was not solely responsible for the current shortage of masks. In the three years Trump had control - the stockpile was not replenished.

Why did the Trump administration fail to heed warnings that dramatic shortages could occur?

The only thing folks have come up with is "but Obama". Obama's gone. Trump has had three years to fix it.

Trump had 3 years.

Barry caused the problem.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8, Coyote.

No excuses.

But this is about Trump. The only responses seem to be deflection.
No, it's just another bullshit loaded faux clever "question" intended to solicit a desired outcome rather than any honest answer because there is only one answer you'll accept as valid.

I don't have a pre-set answer.

Just a question you refuse to answer.

Why did Trump not replenish stocks during his 3 years in office?
Deflection is all you have. Lame.
If something was known to have been a problem - for example the Trump administration knew from an exercise the Obama administration walked them through, that ventilators, masks etc would be needed in large numbers - what do you do?

Once again, if the Obama administration knew about the need to have sufficient stores of ventilators, masks, gowns, gloves, and etc... why didn't it do anything? You can spend many sunny days discussing hypotheticals. Or you can spend them preparing for the coming storm.

Obama is out of office. This occurred during Trump. Why didn't he spend them preparing for the coming storm?
No, it was depleted under Barry, liar.

And Barry didn’t replenish it. He left the mess for someone else to Clean up.
However, Obama was not solely responsible for the current shortage of masks. In the three years Trump had control - the stockpile was not replenished.

Curious, you're behaving as if Trump is solely responsible for this. Every president for the past 30 years had control and did nothing about the stockpile.
Bush did.

He replenished the stockpile after drawing from it? Are you sure?
However, Obama was not solely responsible for the current shortage of masks. In the three years Trump had control - the stockpile was not replenished.

Curious, you're behaving as if Trump is solely responsible for this. Every president for the past 30 years had control and did nothing about the stockpile.
Bush did.

He replenished the stockpile after drawing from it? Are you sure?
No, he saw the threat and built up the stockpile.
However, Obama was not solely responsible for the current shortage of masks. In the three years Trump had control - the stockpile was not replenished.

Curious, you're behaving as if Trump is solely responsible for this. Every president for the past 30 years had control and did nothing about the stockpile.
Bush did.

He replenished the stockpile after drawing from it? Are you sure?
No, he saw the threat and built up the stockpile.

My mistake. After reading the article again... Obama dropped the ball. Bush had the foresight. Trump had to clean up after an administration that failed to properly maintain the pandemic policies set forward by Bush.
And what did Barry Hussein do? He depleted it during his reign and did nothing to build it back up.

Amid coronavirus, George W. Bush's 2005 pandemic warning resurfaces, may underscore slip-ups by successors

Newly resurfaced footage of then-President George W. Bush urgently warning of the risks posed by pandemics in 2005 -- "If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," Bush said at the National Institutes of Health -- has drawn belated praise from his detractors, and raised new questions as to the state of the federal government's disaster preparedness since his administration.

In particular, a USA Today fact-check recently confirmed that the Obama administration had allowed the N95 mask stockpile to deplete following a series of crises, and apparently ignored calls for experts to renew the stockpile. President Trump repeatedly has blamed his predecessor for the shortage as well, although he also apparently took no efforts to replenish the materials.

Former top Bush adviser Karl Rove told Fox News on Sunday that, while Bush implemented a pandemic plan, it wasn't properly maintained.

"The thing that gets me is, the national stockpile was built, and this was one of the issues... we had to make certain we had enough material in that stockpile, and there are a couple of issues here," Rove said. "One is this equipment -- there's a different durability to each item in the stockpile. If you've got yourself a ventilator, it's got a long life -- now it may be made obsolete by changes in technology, but it's got a relatively long shelf life."


He added: "But, masks do have a shelf life. You can't make a mask and have it have the same impact in 10 years that it might have in two years. So, this means budgetary questions, because you're gonna have to replenish parts of the stockpile periodically.

"What amazed me was the fact that -- I think it was 2014, when they used so many N95 masks out of the stockpile and they were not replenished," Rove continued. "I think the same thing happened with some of the stockpile of ventilators. This is the kind of thing that once you're committed to it, you hope that the only reasons you change the commitment to it is because there's a change in technology, not a change in finances."

This Week

“If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," President George W. Bush warned in 2005.

The strategies the U.S. is implementing now to fight COVID-19 came out of work done by the Bush administration, Tom Bossert says.
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10:30 AM - Apr 5, 2020
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At the same time, Rove also asserted that it was something of an overstatement to say, as ABC News reported, that the former president was "obsessed" with pandemics. But, Rove said, it was true that Bush had read John M. Barry's "The Great Influenza" on the 1918 flu pandemic, and undertook comprehensive action.

"I think the word 'obsessed' is a little bit too much," Rove told Fox News, calling the ABC News piece somewhat "overdrawn" in its language.

"Bush is the one who says, 'OK we've got to have a goal, let's work towards the goal,'" Rove said. "And, Bush prodded to move people along in that way, but 'obsessed' is not a word I'd use for Bush. He's just focused."

Obama did attempt to replace the equipment but he was faced with a Congress that wanted to cut spending. Each year Obama was forced to accept a Republican compromise that spent less money than Obama. Whether what Obama wanted was enough was debatable but the Republican Congress appropriated less. Then Republicans allowed sequestration to take place for consecutive budget years which cut the money to stockpile supplies.

In the Trump years, Trump attempted to cut the CDC and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response which manages the supplies so much that even Republicans could not stomach it.

And what did Barry Hussein do? He depleted it during his reign and did nothing to build it back up.

Amid coronavirus, George W. Bush's 2005 pandemic warning resurfaces, may underscore slip-ups by successors

Newly resurfaced footage of then-President George W. Bush urgently warning of the risks posed by pandemics in 2005 -- "If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," Bush said at the National Institutes of Health -- has drawn belated praise from his detractors, and raised new questions as to the state of the federal government's disaster preparedness since his administration.

In particular, a USA Today fact-check recently confirmed that the Obama administration had allowed the N95 mask stockpile to deplete following a series of crises, and apparently ignored calls for experts to renew the stockpile. President Trump repeatedly has blamed his predecessor for the shortage as well, although he also apparently took no efforts to replenish the materials.

Former top Bush adviser Karl Rove told Fox News on Sunday that, while Bush implemented a pandemic plan, it wasn't properly maintained.

"The thing that gets me is, the national stockpile was built, and this was one of the issues... we had to make certain we had enough material in that stockpile, and there are a couple of issues here," Rove said. "One is this equipment -- there's a different durability to each item in the stockpile. If you've got yourself a ventilator, it's got a long life -- now it may be made obsolete by changes in technology, but it's got a relatively long shelf life."


He added: "But, masks do have a shelf life. You can't make a mask and have it have the same impact in 10 years that it might have in two years. So, this means budgetary questions, because you're gonna have to replenish parts of the stockpile periodically.

"What amazed me was the fact that -- I think it was 2014, when they used so many N95 masks out of the stockpile and they were not replenished," Rove continued. "I think the same thing happened with some of the stockpile of ventilators. This is the kind of thing that once you're committed to it, you hope that the only reasons you change the commitment to it is because there's a change in technology, not a change in finances."

This Week

“If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," President George W. Bush warned in 2005.

The strategies the U.S. is implementing now to fight COVID-19 came out of work done by the Bush administration, Tom Bossert says.
Embedded video
10:30 AM - Apr 5, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

848 people are talking about this

At the same time, Rove also asserted that it was something of an overstatement to say, as ABC News reported, that the former president was "obsessed" with pandemics. But, Rove said, it was true that Bush had read John M. Barry's "The Great Influenza" on the 1918 flu pandemic, and undertook comprehensive action.

"I think the word 'obsessed' is a little bit too much," Rove told Fox News, calling the ABC News piece somewhat "overdrawn" in its language.

"Bush is the one who says, 'OK we've got to have a goal, let's work towards the goal,'" Rove said. "And, Bush prodded to move people along in that way, but 'obsessed' is not a word I'd use for Bush. He's just focused."

Obama did attempt to replace the equipment but he was faced with a Congress that wanted to cut spending. Each year Obama was forced to accept a Republican compromise that spent less money than Obama. Whether what Obama wanted was enough was debatable but the Republican Congress appropriated less. Then Republicans allowed sequestration to take place for consecutive budget years which cut the money to stockpile supplies.

In the Trump years, Trump attempted to cut the CDC and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response which manages the supplies so much that even Republicans could not stomach it.

Your link says Obama asked for $55 billion over the previous year’s expenditure after his H1N1 pandemic. Not even a 10% increase.

Major fail by your leftist writer.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
And Obama had SEVEN years to build it back up! What did he do besides leave that, ISIS, the economy, an added 9 trillion debt, blaming GW and a $2500 savings promised we never actually got?

....well, to start with, he did t leave it depleted apparently.
Obama used 'em, Obama needs to replenish 'em. Simple as that. The whole pandemic is on Barry's head.

Umm actually generally the Congress has the funding power, while POTUS has executive power to deploy these resources.

Thats why Bush is making the case here:
“If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," President George W. Bush warned in 2005.
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And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8 years, and it was depleted on his watch. Your TDS is terminal.
It was depleted in 2014. Try not to let your ODS overule your brain.

What has Donnie done in 3 years?

It's more relevant to ask what the Democrats have been doing for three years other than harass Trump?
They are not in charge of this. Trump is. Deflection noted.

Trump did the following:

started a trade war with other countries making it much harder to replenish the SNS. That is all.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
And Obama had SEVEN years to build it back up! What did he do besides leave that, ISIS, the economy, an added 9 trillion debt, blaming GW and a $2500 savings promised we never actually got?

....well, to start with, he did t leave it depleted apparently.
Obama used 'em, Obama needs to replenish 'em. Simple as that. The whole pandemic is on Barry's head.

Umm actually generally the Congress has the funding power, while POTUS has executive power to deploy these resources.

Thats why Bush is making the case here:
“If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare," President George W. Bush warned in 2005.
So you blame Nazi Pelousy for the shortage we have now.

Got it.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8 years, and it was depleted on his watch. Your TDS is terminal.
It was deplegend in 2014. Try not to let your ODS overuse your brain.

What has Donnie done in 3 years?
2009 during H1N1, and 2014.
According to your article it was depleted in 2014.

What amazed me was the fact that -- I think it was 2014, when they used so many N95 masks out of the stockpile and they were not replenished," Rove continued. "I think the same thing happened with some of the stockpile of ventilators. This is the kind of thing that once you're committed to it, you hope that the only reasons you change the commitment to it is because there's a change in technology, not a change in finances."

Now what has Donnie done.
Barry used them up and then kicked the can down the road. Deal with it, loser.
So Trump of course replenished them during his three years right?

Of course not. The blob doesn't do anything that doesn't cause his supporters to salivate.
This discussion is insane and inane. Yes, Bush acknowledged the necessity of a pandemic preparedness, and left a pantry filled to combat it. No matter whether congress adds or subtracts money from a president's requested budget, a budget remains a quantification of priorities. In healthcare, Obama's priority was insurance coverage for health care. Bush's priority was trying to salvage sub-Saharan Africa and building for disasters. Trump's priority has been fixing a dysfunctional medication approval process. It was broken when Obama got it, he did make it worse.

FDA is a hidebound bureaucracy that is dominated by multiple levels of regulation and oversight of as many things as possible. Some regulation is necessary, even we libertarians mostly admit that. The time to approve a new drug increased by more than a year during Obama's presidency, and the cost was raised by half a billion dollars per drug. Those are formidable obstacles to progress in medicine. Even approval of generic drugs had grown lethargic, costly and required every comma be approved at five levels. Or more. When Obama left office, FDA approval process for a generic drug took about the same time as approval of a novel drug at the end of the Clinton Administration, and the costs were nearly equivalent. Trump's first act was to order the FDA to fix as much of that as possible, to get generic drugs on the market quicker, reducing the cost of medicine.

Maybe he should have chosen to replenish the pandemic supplies used during the Obama presidency. Unfortunately, he also had to replenish the supply of ammunition for our Armed Forces, which had shrunk to near zero under Obama. Maybe he should have left soldiers with empty weapons in order to buy masks; that's a legitimate discussion. Blaming him for making a choice at all is not legitimate.

The purchasing of medical supplies is subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Chapter 1 runs more than two thousand pages; there are 37 chapters, and nobody knows the current page count because it changes from day to day. When FEMA wants medical supplies it has to let a contract through a contracting officer. That person does not know ventilators from venetian blinds. She has no understanding of what the contract is for, just what process she must follow to let the contract. A new contract was let last summer for maintenance of ventilators, but the loser lodged a protest. That most often happens when a smaller firm has won the bid, and the bigger firm knows that it can drive the smaller firm into bankruptcy with delays if it has enough time. To resolve the protest, an investigation is launched. Step one is to determine if the contracting officer followed the processes in the FAR to the letter. That can take many months. The finding is always that the CO complied. Then the winning bidder is investigated to determine if it had done anything illegal. Don't ask how long that takes. Then the investigation turns to the firm that lodged the protest. That firm can delay things for half of forever. The only person who is never contacted is the person at FEMA who ordered the equipment and knows what it is to be used for and what the urgency is. That is irrelevant; this is all about doing the thing right, not doing the right thing. Every President since Reagan has had to fight a government culture that is focused on proving diligence, not achieving it.

The nice thing about buying bullets first is that those contracts get spread around to as many congressional districts as possible, so congress always votes in favor of the spending. Buying ventilators isn't done that way, so congress can take its time and hold up any action waiting on something for a congressman's district. That's pork barrel spending, and the negotiation is called log rolling. Pigs and wood make much more sense than congress.

For the first time in our history, Trump may leave office with fewer pages of regulations than when he entered. That would be refreshing. When agencies are tasked with regulating, well, they just keep going. That's not all bad. Eventually it becomes overkill. Always. Otherwise, regulators don't have jobs. Now, that's a recession.
Trump had three years to fill them back up if he thought it was important. That sorry sack of shit does nothing but pass the buck. I can’t wait to awake to news that they found him like they found Elvis.
You're an idiot. Everybody who is not a moron knows that it's impossible for anyone to know about every little thing the Obama administration did to undermine the USA.
And Trump had 3 years to build it up. What did he do besides blame Obama?
Obama had 8, Coyote.

No excuses.

But this is about Trump. The only responses seem to be deflection.
No, it's just another bullshit loaded faux clever "question" intended to solicit a desired outcome rather than any honest answer because there is only one answer you'll accept as valid.

I don't have a pre-set answer.

Just a question you refuse to answer.

Why did Trump not replenish stocks during his 3 years in office?
Simple. Democrats.
  • First it was the Comey investigation
  • Then it was the Manafort investigation
  • Then it was the Flynn investigation
  • Then it was the Gorsuch obstruction
  • Then it was the Kavanaugh Hearings
  • Then it was the Congress blocking appointments
  • Then it was Hillary telling "what really happened"
  • Then it was the 9th Circuit trying to block or undo every directive
  • The it was the Sanctuary City violations
  • Then it was blocking the Border wall construction,
  • Then it was every past relation Trump ever had investigations
  • Then it was the McCain was a great guy after all in death
  • Then it was going after old Trump tax returns
  • Then it was the terrible "children in cages" ploy
  • Then it was the Mueller Russia Russia Russia investigation
  • Then it was crying over Trump pulling out of Syria
  • Then it was the al-Baghdadi investigation
  • Then it was the House Impeachment investigation
  • Then it was the House Impeachment hearings
  • Then it was the Senate trial hearings.
Did I miss any? Most of your Democrats were in office back during the H1N1 event-- -- -- where have they been since? You've blocked Trump from getting his appointments. You've dragged your feet at every step of the way. You've obstructed every possible action. You've scandalized every possible event. You've spied on, leaked, harassed and attacked Trump at every level on every single thing. Now that you've succeeded in tying the man up for 4 years and made sure he was surrounded with Obama sycophants secretly conspiring against him in the background, you want to know what the man has been up to for 3 years after your Kenyan Killer and Democrats left our CDC in shambles as well? Just look in the mirror. Where was Obama upon leaving, did he even tell Trump he needed to get stockpiles back up? Did any of your people ever tell him we were unprepared? Where were all your experts in the medical community warning of another looming viral threat?

NO WHERE. They were all busy drawing Trump memes, puerile Trump parade balloons and snickering about Trump with foreign leaders behind his back.

DEMOCRATS: The Party of Taking False Credit and Placing False Blame.

And the proof? I support Trump on 80% of what he does, critical of him on the other 20. You? Never met an action by the DNC you didn't love and an action by the GOP you didn't attack, which makes your opinions worth ZERO. You're a 2-bit hack. All you want is liberals in power no matter what the cost.
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